#' @title
#' Assess Model Fit
#' @description
#' Computes the Deviance Information Criteria (DIC) and produces a leverage plot (as in the NICE Technical Support Document 2)
#' for a given model. These can be used to assess and compare the fit of different models (i.e fixed vs random effects, consistency vs
#' inconsistency). \code{nma.fit} also produces a plot comparing the leverage of each data point against their contribution to
#' the total posterior deviance. Points lying outside the purple dotted line are generally identified as contributing to the model's poor fit.
#' Points with high leverage are influencial i.e. they have a stong influence on the estimates.
#' @param nma A \code{BUGSnetRun} object produced by running \code{nma.run()}.
#' @param plot.pD Whether to include pD on the plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param plot.DIC Whether to include DIC on the plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param plot.Dres Whether to include Dres on the plot. Default is TRUE.
#' @param ... Graphical arguments such as main=, ylab=, and xlab= may be passed as in \code{plot()}. These arguments will only effect the
#' leverage plot.
#' @return \code{DIC} - A number indicating the Deviance Information Criteria. The DIC is calculated as the sum of \code{Dres} and \code{pD}.
#' A larger DIC is indicative of a worse model fit.
#' @return \code{leverage} - A vector with one value per study arm indicating the leverage of each data point (study arm). Leverage is defined as \code{pmdev} minus the
#' deviance at the posterior mean of the fitted values.
#' @return \code{w} - A vector with one value per study arm. The magnitude of \code{w} represents the data point's contribution to the posterior mean deviance of the
#' model and is simply the square root of \code{pmdev}. The sign indicates whether the data point is being over (negative sign) or under (positive sign) estimated by
#' the model and is calculated as the sign of the difference of the observed outcome minus the predicted outcome.
#' @return \code{pmdev} - A vector with one value per study arm representing the posterior mean residual deviance for each data point (study arm).
#' @return \code{Dres} - The posterior mean of the residual deviance.
#' @return \code{pD} - The effective number of parameters, calculated as the sum of the leverages.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{nma.run}}
#' @importFrom dplyr ends_with select slice starts_with
#' @importFrom graphics points text
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' data(diabetes.sim)
#' diabetes.slr <- data.prep(
#' arm.data = diabetes.sim,
#' varname.t = "Treatment",
#' varname.s = "Study"
#' )
#' #Random effects, consistency model.
#' #Binomial family, cloglog link. This implies that the scale will be the Hazard Ratio.
#' diabetes.re.c <- nma.model(
#' data = diabetes.slr,
#' outcome = "diabetes",
#' N = "n",
#' reference = "Placebo",
#' family = "binomial",
#' link = "cloglog",
#' effects = "random",
#' type = "consistency",
#' time = "followup"
#' )
#' diabetes.re.c.res <- nma.run(
#' model = diabetes.re.c,
#' n.adapt = 100,
#' n.burnin = 0,
#' n.iter = 100
#' )
#' #Fixed effects, consistency model.
#' #Binomial family, cloglog link. This implies that the scale will be the Hazard Ratio.
#' diabetes.fe.c <- nma.model(
#' data = diabetes.slr,
#' outcome = "diabetes",
#' N = "n",
#' reference = "Placebo",
#' family = "binomial",
#' link = "cloglog",
#' effects = "fixed",
#' type="consistency",
#' time="followup"
#' )
#' diabetes.fe.c.res <- nma.run(
#' model = diabetes.fe.c,
#' n.adapt = 100,
#' n.burnin = 0,
#' n.iter = 100
#' )
#' #Compare fixed vs random effects via leverage plots and DIC
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' nma.fit(diabetes.fe.c.res, main = "Fixed Effects Model")
#' nma.fit(diabetes.re.c.res, main= "Random Effects Model")
#' @export
nma.fit <- function(
if (!inherits(nma, 'BUGSnetRun'))
stop("\'nma\' must be a valid BUGSnetRun object created using the nma.run function.")
jagssamples <- nma$samples
# check what type of data included
contrast <- ("y_c[1,1]" %in%colnames(jagssamples[[1]]))
arm <- ("dev_a[1,1]" %in%colnames(jagssamples[[1]]))
if (!inherits(jagssamples, 'mcmc.list'))
stop('Object jagssamples must be of class mcmc.list')
#stack all chains on top of each other
samples = do.call(rbind, jagssamples) %>% data.frame()
dev_a <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("dev_a"))
dev_c <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("dev_c"))
totresdev <- samples$totresdev %>% mean()
pmdev_a <- colMeans(dev_a)
pmdev_c <- colMeans(dev_c)
if(arm) {
if (nma$family == "binomial") {
rhat <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("rhat"))
r <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("r."))
n <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("n"))
rtilde <- rhat %>%
colMeans() %>%
matrix(nrow=1, ncol=ncol(rhat)) %>%
data.frame() %>%
slice(rep(1:n(), each = nrow(rhat)))
pmdev_fitted <- 2*(r*log(r/rtilde)+(n-r)*log((n-r)/(n-rtilde)))[1,]
if(TRUE %in% c(nma$model$data$r==0)) warning("Leverage cannot be calculated for zero cells.")
} else if (nma$family == "poisson"){
rhat <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("theta"))
r <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("r."))
n <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("n"))
thetatilde <- rhat %>%
colMeans() %>%
matrix(nrow=1, ncol=ncol(rhat)) %>%
data.frame() %>%
slice(rep(1:n(), each = nrow(rhat)))
pmdev_fitted <- 2*((thetatilde-r) + r*log(r/thetatilde))[1,]
if(TRUE %in% c(nma$model$data$r==0)) warning("Leverage cannot be calculated for zero cells.")
} else if (nma$family == "normal"){
rhat <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("theta_a"))
r <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("y."))
prec <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("prec"))
ytilde <- rhat %>%
colMeans() %>%
matrix(nrow=1, ncol=ncol(rhat)) %>%
data.frame() %>%
slice(rep(1:n(), each = nrow(rhat)))
pmdev_fitted <- ((r-ytilde)*(r-ytilde)*prec)[1,]
# calculate leverage for arms
leverage_a = pmdev_a-pmdev_fitted
colnames(leverage_a) <- colnames(pmdev_a)
sign = sign(colMeans(r)-colMeans(rhat))
w_a = sign*sqrt(as.numeric(pmdev_a))
} else {
leverage_a <- 0
w_a <- NULL
if (contrast) {
theta <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("theta_c"))
y <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("y_c"))
Omega <- samples %>% select(., starts_with("Omega"))
ytilde <- colMeans(theta) # dim should be sum(na)
pmdev_fitted_c <- contrast_pmdev_fitted(y, ytilde, Omega, nma)
r <- y %>% select(., !ends_with(".1.")) # get rid of zeros
rhat <- theta %>% select(., !ends_with(".1.")) # get rid of zeros
# calculate leverage
leverage_c <- pmdev_c-pmdev_fitted_c
w_c <- sqrt(as.numeric(pmdev_c))
} else {
leverage_c <- 0
w_c <- NULL
# Calculate effective parameters and DIC
pD = sum(leverage_a, leverage_c)
DIC = pD + totresdev
eq <- function(x,c){c-x^2}
x=seq(-3, 3, 0.001)
c1=eq(x, c=rep(1, 6001))
if(arm) {
plot(w_a, leverage_a, xlab=expression('w'[ik]), ylab=expression('leverage'[ik]),
ylim=c(0, max(c1+3, na.rm=TRUE)*1.15), xlim=c(-3,3), ...)
if(contrast) {
points(w_c, leverage_c) # add contrast points after plotting arm points
# return both arm and contrast leverages, w, pmdev
leverage <- c(as.numeric(leverage_a[1,]), leverage_c)
w <- c(w_a, w_c)
pmdev <- c(pmdev_a, pmdev_c)
} else {
# only return arm leverage, w, pmdev
leverage <- leverage_a[1,]
w <- w_a
pmdev <- pmdev_a
} else {
plot(w_c, leverage_c, xlab=expression('w'[ik]), ylab=expression('leverage'[ik]),
ylim=c(0, max(c1+3, na.rm=TRUE)*1.15), xlim=c(-3,3), ...)
# only return contrast leverage, w, pmdev
leverage <- leverage_c
w <- w_c
pmdev <- pmdev_c
points(x, ifelse(c1 < 0, NA, c1), lty=1, col="firebrick3", type="l")
points(x, ifelse(c1 < -1, NA, c1)+1, lty=2, col="chartreuse4", type="l")
points(x, ifelse(c1 < -2, NA, c1)+2, lty=3, col="mediumpurple3", type="l")
points(x, ifelse(c1 < -3, NA, c1)+3, lty=4, col="deepskyblue3", type="l")
if (plot.pD ==TRUE){text(2, 4.3, paste("pD=", round(pD, 2)), cex = 0.8)}
if (plot.Dres == TRUE){text(2, 3.9, paste("Dres=", round(totresdev,2)), cex = 0.8)}
if (plot.DIC==TRUE){text(2, 3.5, paste("DIC=", round(DIC,2)), cex = 0.8)}
# leverage <- c(as.numeric(leverage_a[1,]), leverage_c)
# w <- c(w_a, w_c)
# pmdev <- c(pmdev_a, pmdev_c)
Dres = totresdev,
pD = pD,
#' @title
#' Consistency vs Inconsistency plot
#' @description
#' Plots the posterior mean deviance of a consistency model vs an inconsistency model. This plot can help identify loops
#' where inconsistency is present. Ideally, both models will contribute approximately 1 to the posterior mean deviance.
#' @param consistency.model.fit Results of \code{nma.fit()} of an consistency model.
#' @param inconsistency.model.fit Results of \code{nma.fit()} of an inconsistency model.
#' @param ... Graphical arguments such as main=, ylab=, and xlab= may be passed in \code{plot()}.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{nma.run}}
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @examples
#' data(diabetes.sim)
#' diabetes.slr <- data.prep(
#' arm.data = diabetes.sim,
#' varname.t = "Treatment",
#' varname.s = "Study"
#' )
#' #Random effects, consistency model.
#' #Binomial family, cloglog link. This implies that the scale will be the Hazard Ratio.
#' diabetes.re.c <- nma.model(
#' data = diabetes.slr,
#' outcome = "diabetes",
#' N = "n",
#' reference = "Placebo",
#' family = "binomial",
#' link = "cloglog",
#' effects = "random",
#' type = "consistency",
#' time = "followup"
#' )
#' diabetes.re.c.res <- nma.run(
#' model = diabetes.re.c,
#' n.adapt = 100,
#' n.burnin = 0,
#' n.iter = 100
#' )
#' #Random effects, inconsistency model.
#' #Binomial family, cloglog link. This implies that the scale will be the Hazard Ratio.
#' diabetes.re.i <- nma.model(
#' data = diabetes.slr,
#' outcome = "diabetes",
#' N = "n",
#' reference = "Placebo",
#' family = "binomial",
#' link = "cloglog",
#' effects = "random",
#' type = "inconsistency",
#' time = "followup"
#' )
#' diabetes.re.i.res <- nma.run(
#' model = diabetes.re.i,
#' n.adapt = 100,
#' n.burnin = 0,
#' n.iter = 100
#' )
#' # Assess model fit for a both an inconsistency model and consistency model using nma.fit()
#' assess.consistency <- nma.fit(diabetes.re.c.res)
#' assess.inconsistency <- nma.fit(diabetes.re.i.res)
#' #Plot the results against each other to assess inconsistency
#' nma.compare(assess.consistency, assess.inconsistency)
#' @export
nma.compare <- function(
upp <- max(0, max(x,y)*1.04)
ptsline <- seq(0,upp, length.out=2000)
plot(x, y,
xlim=c(0, upp),
ylim=c(0, upp),
ylab="Inconsistency model", xlab="Consistency model", pch=16, ...)
points(ptsline, ptsline, type = "l", lty=2)
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