
Defines functions check_by_n_param plot_configurations parallel_coord

Documented in parallel_coord plot_configurations

#' Parallel Coordinates Plot
#' Parallel coordinates plot of a set of selected configurations. Each line in
#' the plot represents a configuration. By default, the final elite
#' configurations are shown. To visualize configurations of other iterations
#' these must be provided setting the argument `iterations`, configurations of
#' different iterations are shown in different colors. Setting the `only_elites`
#' argument to `FALSE` displays all configurations in the selected
#' iterations, specific configurations can be selected providing their ids in
#' the `id_configuration` argument.
#' The parameters to be included in the plot can be selected with the `param_names`
#' argument. Additionally, the maximum number of parameters to be displayed in one
#' plot. A list of plots is returned by this function if several plots are required
#' to display the selected data.
#' To export the plot to a file, it is possible to do it so manually using the
#' functionality provided by `plotly`
#' (<https://plotly-r.com/exporting-static-images>). If a filename is provided,
#' orca server will be used to export the plots and thus, it requires the
#' library to be installed (<https://github.com/plotly/orca>).
#' @template arg_irace_results
#' @template arg_id_configurations
#' @template arg_param_names
#' @param iterations
#' Numeric vector, iteration number that should be included in the plot
#' (example: `iterations = c(1,4,5)`)
#' @param only_elite
#' logical (default `TRUE`), only print elite configurations (argument ignored when 
#' `id_configurations` is provided)
#' @param by_n_param
#' Numeric (optional), maximum number of parameters to be displayed.
#' @param color_by_instances
#' Logical (default TRUE), choose how to color the lines. TRUE shows the number 
#' of instances evaluated by the configuration in the colores. FALSE to show
#' the iteration number where the configuration was sampled.
#' @template arg_filename
#' @template orca_required
#' @return parallel coordinates plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iraceResults <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata",
#'                                          "irace-acotsp.Rdata", mustWork = TRUE))
#' parallel_coord(iraceResults)
#' \donttest{ 
#' parallel_coord(iraceResults, by_n_param = 5)
#' parallel_coord(iraceResults, only_elite = FALSE)
#' parallel_coord(iraceResults, id_configurations = c(20, 30, 40, 50, 100))
#' parallel_coord(iraceResults, param_names = c("algorithm", "alpha", "rho", "q0", "rasrank"))
#' parallel_coord(iraceResults, iterations = c(1, 4, 6))
#' }
parallel_coord <- function(irace_results, id_configurations = NULL, param_names = NULL,
                           iterations = NULL, only_elite = TRUE, by_n_param = NULL, 
                           color_by_instances = TRUE, filename = NULL)
  configuration <- iteration <- .ID. <- .ITERATION. <- NULL # Silence CRAN warnings
  # Check iterations
  if (is.null(iterations)) {
    iterations <- length(irace_results$allElites)
  } else if (any(iterations %not_in% seq_along(irace_results$allElites))) {
    cli_abort("The iterations entered are outside the possible range")

  config_iter <- irace_results$state$experiment_log[, c("iteration", "configuration")]
  # Check configurations
  if (is.null(id_configurations)) {
    id_configurations <- if (only_elite)
                           irace_results$allElites[iterations] else
                                                                 config_iter[iteration %in% iterations, configuration]
  } else {
    # FIXME: This overrides the above setting of iterations!
    iterations <- seq_along(irace_results$allElites)

  id_configurations <- as.character(unique(unlist(id_configurations)))
  if (length(id_configurations) == 0L) {
    cli_abort("Must provide at least one configuration")
  if (any(id_configurations %not_in% irace_results$allConfigurations[[".ID."]])) {
    stop("Unknown configuration IDs: ", paste0(setdiff(id_configurations, irace_results$allConfigurations[, ".ID."]), collapse=", "))

  # Select data
  # FIXME: Use dplyr for all these operations.
  data <- irace_results$allConfigurations[irace_results$allConfigurations[[".ID."]] %in% id_configurations, , drop=FALSE]
  config_iter <- unique(config_iter)
  setnames(config_iter, c("iteration", "configuration"), c(".ITERATION.", ".ID."))
  config_iter <- config_iter[(config_iter[[".ID."]] %in% id_configurations)
    & (config_iter[[".ITERATION."]] %in% iterations), ]
  experiments <- irace_results$experiments[,as.character(id_configurations),drop=FALSE]
  # FIXME: It says fitness but this is not really fitness. There should be an option to color according to mean fitness value
  fitness <- colSums(!is.na(experiments))
  # Merge iteration and configuration data
  data <- merge(config_iter, data, by=".ID.")
  # Merge fitness measure
  set(data, j = ".FITNESS.", value = fitness[as.character(data[[".ID."]])])

  # iteration-based plot focused on sampling (first iteration is selected)
  data <- as.data.frame(data %>% group_by(.ID.) %>% slice(which.min(.ITERATION.)))

  # The function get_dimensions creates a list of settings for each vertical axis
  # in the parallel coordinates plot
  get_dimensions <- function(pname) {
    values <- cdata[,pname]
    if (pname == ".ITERATION.") {
        label = "Iteration",
        range = range(values),
        values = values,
        visible = FALSE))
    } else if (pname == ".ID.") {
      # FIXME: We should do this preprocessing before here.
      # FIXME: We may have too many IDs. We probably cannot see more than 10-15.
      values <- as.character(values)
      ticktext <- values
      tickvals <- seq_along(ticktext)
        label = "ID",
        range = c(1L, length(ticktext)),
        tickvals = tickvals,
        ticktext = ticktext,
        values = match(values, ticktext)))
    } else if (pname == ".FITNESS.") {
    domain <- parameters$domains[[pname]]
    ptype <- parameters$types[[pname]]
    if (ptype %in% c("c", "o")) {
          values <- as.character(values)
      ticktext <- as.character(domain)
      if (anyNA(values)) {
        ticktext <- c(ticktext, "<NA>")
        # FIXME: Use collapse or data.table or dplyr
        values[is.na(values)] <- "<NA>"
      range <- c(1L, length(ticktext))
      tickvals <- seq_along(ticktext)
      values <- match(values, ticktext)
    } else { # if the column is of type numeric
      # FIXME: This needs to handle log-transformed parameters.
      lower <- domain[[1L]]
      if (!is.numeric(lower))
        lower <- min(values, na.rm = TRUE)
      upper <- domain[[2L]]
      if (!is.numeric(upper))
        upper <- max(values, na.rm = TRUE)
      nticks <- if (ptype == "i") min(5L, 1L + upper - lower) else 5L
      tickvals <- labeling::extended(lower, upper, nticks)
      lower <- min(tickvals)
      upper <- max(tickvals)
      ticktext <- tickvals
      if (anyNA(values)) {
        upper <- upper + (tickvals[2L] - tickvals[1L])
        # FIXME: Use collapse or data.table or dplyr
        values[is.na(values)] <- upper
        ticktext <- c(tickvals, "<NA>")
        tickvals <- c(tickvals, upper)
      range <- c(lower, upper)
    list(label = pname,
      range = range,
      tickvals = tickvals,
      ticktext = ticktext,
      values = values)

  parameters <- irace_results$scenario$parameters
  param_names <- subset_param_names(param_names, parameters$names, parameters$isFixed)
  # Verify that param_names contains more than one parameter
  if (length(param_names) < 2L)
    stop("Data must have at least two parameters")
  by_n_param <- check_by_n_param(by_n_param, length(param_names))
  # Create plots
  plot_list <- list()
  i <- 1L
  while (length(param_names) > 0L) {
    start_i <- 1L
    end_i <- min(by_n_param, length(param_names))
    params <- param_names[start_i:end_i]
    param_names <- param_names[-(start_i:end_i)]
    if (length(param_names) == 1L) {
      params <- c(params, param_names)
      param_names <- c()

    cdata <- data[,c(".ID.", params, ".FITNESS.", ".ITERATION."), drop=FALSE]
    # plotly cannot plot a single configuration due to bug https://github.com/plotly/plotly.R/issues/2385 so duplicate it
    if (nrow(cdata) == 1L)
      cdata <- rbind(cdata, cdata)
    # FIXME: If we pass the data to the plot we do not need to pass it to the
    # dimensions. It is enough to pass the column name: https://plotly.com/r/parallel-coordinates-plot/
    # We should fix the values directly in cdata, then build the list with values = str2lang(paste0("~I(", name, ")"))
    dimensions <- lapply(colnames(cdata), get_dimensions)
    cminmax <- if (color_by_instances) range(data[[".FITNESS."]]) else c(1L, length(irace_results$allElites))
    if (cminmax[1L] >= cminmax[2L])
      cminmax[2L] <- cminmax[2L] + 1
    # plot creation
    p <- plotly::plot_ly(cdata, type = "parcoords",
        line = list(
          color = if (color_by_instances) ~I(.FITNESS.) else ~I(.ITERATION.),
          colorscale = "Viridis",
          colorbar = list(title = list(text= if (color_by_instances) "Instances" else "Iteration")),
          showscale = TRUE,
          reversescale = TRUE,
          cmin = cminmax[1L],
          cmax = cminmax[2L]),
        dimensions = dimensions,
        labelangle = -25)
    plot_list[[i]] <- p
    i <- i + 1L
  # Save plot file
  orca_save_plot(plot_list, filename)
  if (length(plot_list) == 1L)

#' Plot parameter configurations using parallel coordinates
#' Parallel coordinates plot of a set of provided configurations. Each line in
#' the plot represents a configuration.  The parameters to be included in the
#' plot can be selected with the param_names argument. Additionally, the
#' maximum number of parameters to be displayed in one plot. A list of plots is
#' returned by this function in several plots are required to display the
#' selected data.
#' To export the plot to a file, it is possible to do it so manually using the
#' functionality provided by `plotly`
#' (<https://plotly-r.com/exporting-static-images>). If a filename is provided,
#' orca server will be used to export the plots and thus, it requires the
#' library to be installed (<https://github.com/plotly/orca>).
#' @param configurations
#' Data frame, configurations in `irace` format 
#' (example: `configurations = iraceResults$allConfigurations`)
#' @template arg_parameters
#' @template arg_param_names
#' @param by_n_param
#' Numeric (optional), maximum number of parameters to be displayed
#' @template arg_filename
#' @template orca_required
#' @return parallel coordinates plot
#' @examples
#' iraceResults <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata",
#'                                          "irace-acotsp.Rdata", mustWork = TRUE))
#' parameters <- iraceResults$scenario$parameters
#' plot_configurations(iraceResults$allConfigurations[iraceResults$iterationElites,], 
#'                 parameters = parameters)
#' plot_configurations(iraceResults$allConfigurations[iraceResults$iterationElites,], 
#'                 parameters = parameters,
#'                 param_names = c("algorithm", "alpha", "rho", "q0", "rasrank"))
#' plot_configurations(iraceResults$allConfigurations[iraceResults$iterationElites,], 
#'                 parameters = parameters, by_n_param = 5)
#' @export
#' @md
plot_configurations <- function(configurations, parameters, param_names = parameters$names,
                                by_n_param = NULL, filename = NULL)
  # The function get_dimensions creates a list of settings for each vertical axis
  # in the parallelcoordinates plot
  get_dimensions <- function(pname) {
    values <- cdata[,pname]
    if (pname == ".ID.") return(NULL) # FIXME: Handle this!
    domain <- parameters$domains[[pname]]
    ptype <- parameters$types[pname]
    if (ptype %in% c("c", "o")) {
      values <- as.character(values)
      ticktext <- as.character(domain)
      if (anyNA(values)) {
        ticktext <- c(ticktext, "<NA>")
        # FIXME: Use collapse or data.table or dplyr
        values[is.na(values)] <- "<NA>"
      range <- c(1L, length(ticktext))
      tickvals <- seq_along(ticktext)
      values <- match(values, ticktext)
    } else { # if the column is of type numeric
      # FIXME: This needs to handle log-transformed parameters.
      lower <- domain[[1L]]
      if (!is.numeric(lower))
        lower <- min(values, na.rm = TRUE)
      upper <- domain[[2L]]
      if (!is.numeric(upper))
        upper <- max(values, na.rm = TRUE)
      nticks <- if (ptype == "i") min(5L, 1L + upper - lower) else 5L
      tickvals <- labeling::extended(lower, upper, nticks)
      lower <- min(tickvals)
      upper <- max(tickvals)
      ticktext <- tickvals
      if (anyNA(values)) {
        upper <- upper + (tickvals[2L] - tickvals[1L])
        # FIXME: Use collapse or data.table or dplyr
        values[is.na(values)] <- upper
        ticktext <- c(tickvals, "<NA>")
        tickvals <- c(tickvals, upper)
      range <- c(lower, upper)
    list(label = pname,
      range = range,
      tickvals = tickvals,
      ticktext = ticktext,
      values = values)

  param_names <- subset_param_names(param_names, parameters$names, parameters$isFixed)
  # Verify that param_names contains more than one parameter.
  # FIXME: Why? We want to plot even with 1 parameter.
  if (length(param_names) < 2L)
    stop("Data must have at least two parameters")
  # FIXME: Handle .ID.
  configurations <- configurations[, param_names, drop=FALSE]
  by_n_param <- check_by_n_param(by_n_param, length(param_names))
  # Create plots
  plot_list <- list()
  i <- 1L
  while (length(param_names) > 0L) {
    start_i <- 1L
    end_i <- min(by_n_param, length(param_names))
    params <- param_names[start_i:end_i]
    param_names <- param_names[-(start_i:end_i)]
    if (length(param_names) == 1L) {
      params <- c(params, param_names)
      param_names <- c()
    cdata <- configurations[,params, drop=FALSE]
    dimensions <- lapply(colnames(cdata), get_dimensions)
    # plot creation
    p <- plotly::plot_ly(cdata) %>%
      plotly::add_trace(type = "parcoords",
        line = list(
          color = "#60D0E1"
        dimensions = dimensions,
        labelangle = -25
      ) %>% plotly::layout(margin = list(r=40))
    plot_list[[i]] <- p
    i <- i + 1L
  # Save plot file
  orca_save_plot(plot_list, filename)
  if (length(plot_list) == 1L)

check_by_n_param <- function(by_n_param, length_param_names)
  if (is.null(by_n_param)) return(length_param_names)
  if (!is.numeric(by_n_param)){
    stop("Argument by_n_param must be numeric")
  } else if (by_n_param < 2) {
    stop("Number of parameters and argument by_n_param must > 1")
  min(length_param_names, by_n_param)
auto-optimization/iraceplot documentation built on Nov. 29, 2024, 9:36 a.m.