
Defines functions alval_badges

Documented in alval_badges

#' @title Add Continuous Integration Badges
#' @description Add continuous integration services to the R package. Additionally provide
#'  badges to your GitHub page to place in the readme.
#' @param pkg_path The path to your package
#' @param gh_username Your GitHub username
#' @param interactive TRUE by default opens web browse to the continuous
#'   integration site to activate. FALSE will not open browser.
#' @param travis TRUE by default adds .travis.yml to the top level directory and
#'   opens travis for configuration
#' @param coverage TRUE by default adds coverage reports to a package that is in
#'   Travis CI
#' @param appveyor TRUE by default adds a basic appveyor.yml to the top level of
#'   a package and opens AppVeyor CI.
#' @param cran TRUE by default adds cran badge for cran version or not on cran
#'   if not on cran
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom usethis use_travis use_coverage use_appveyor
#' @importFrom badgecreatr badge_travis badge_codecov badge_cran
#' @return Tibble with badges based on user inputs. If not input FALSE will be
#'   returned.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' badges = alval_ci(pkg_path = '/Users/alval/Box/Research/aliviateR',
#'                   gh_username = 'avalcarcel9',
#'                   coverage = FALSE)
#' badges$travis_badge
#' badges$coverage_badge
#' badges$appveyor_badge}

alval_badges <- function(pkg_path = NULL,
                         gh_username = NULL,
                         interactive = TRUE,
                         travis = TRUE,
                         coverage = TRUE,
                         appveyor = TRUE,
                         cran = TRUE){

  # Check package directory is specified and exists
    return('You need to provide a path to the package')
  } else if(dir.exists(pkg_path)==FALSE){
    return('The path you provided is not valid.')

  # Check gh_username is specified
    return('You must enter a GitHub username for gh_username')

  # If interactive is TRUE open the interactive travis and appveyor windows on your browser
  # If interaactive is FALSE do not open the interactive session
  if(interactive == TRUE){
    interactive = interactive()
  }else if(interactive == FALSE){
    interactive = FALSE

  # Get package name from description file
  desc = desc::description$new(pkg_path)
  out = as.list(desc$get(desc$fields()))
  pack =  out$Package
  pack = gsub("[.]", "-", pack)
  repo = paste0(gh_username, "/", pack)

  # Set defaults for badges so that we only return ones the user wanted
  travis_badge = FALSE
  coverage_badge = FALSE
  appveyor_badge = FALSE
  cran_badge = FALSE

  # Set up TRAVIS CI
  if(travis == TRUE){
      # Create travis.yml if doesn't exist
      usethis::use_travis(browse = interactive)
    # Return travis badge
    travis_badge = badgecreatr::badge_travis(ghaccount = gh_username,
                                             ghrepo = repo,
                                             branch = "master")
  # Set up coverage and badge
  if(coverage == TRUE){
    # Set up code coverage
      # Create codecov.yml if doesn't exist
      usethis::use_coverage(type = c("codecov", "coveralls"))

    # Return coverage badge
    coverage_badge = badgecreatr::badge_codecov(ghaccount = gh_username,
                                                ghrepo = pack,
                                                branch = "master")

  # Set up appveyor and badge
  if(appveyor == TRUE){
      # Create yml
      usethis::use_appveyor(browse = interactive)
    # Return appveyor badge
    appveyor_badge = paste0(
      "[![AppVeyor Build Status](",
      repo, "?branch=master&svg=true)](",
      "https://ci.appveyor.com/project/", repo, ")")

  # Return CRAN badge
  if(cran == TRUE){
    cran_badge = badgecreatr::badge_cran(pack)

  message('Please add any non FALSE badges to your README.')
  return(tibble::tibble(travis_badge, coverage_badge, appveyor_badge, cran_badge))
avalcarcel9/aliviateR documentation built on July 10, 2020, 12:32 p.m.