Man pages for aya49/flowGraph
Identifying differential cell populations in flow cytometry data accounting for marker frequency

cell_type_layersDetermines the layer on which a phenotype resides.
extract_markersExtracts markers from cell population phenotypes
fg_add_featureAdds a feature.
fg_add_summaryAdds a feature summary.
fg_clean_phenReformats phenotype
fg_clear_featuresClears all featuresin a flowGraph object.
fg_clear_summaryRemoves all summary statistics.
fg_extract_phenotypesExtracts a set of phenotypes from a flowGraph object.
fg_extract_rawClears all features and feature summaries in a flowGraph...
fg_extract_samplesExtracts a set of samples from a flowGraph object.
fg_feat_cumsumConverts cell counts into cumulated cell counts.
fg_feat_edge_specenrGenerates the SpecEnr edge feature.
fg_feat_mean_classNormalizes all features for class.
fg_feat_node_propGenerates the proportion node feature.
fg_feat_node_specenrGenerates the SpecEnr node feature.
fg_feat_prop_edgeGenerates the proportion edge feature.
fg_get_featureRetrieves a feature matrix.
fg_get_feature_descRetrieves and/or recalculates a feature description table.
fg_get_feature_meansRetrieves feature summaries.
fg_get_graphRetrieves a graph list from a given flowGraph object.
fg_get_markersRetrieves the markers from a given flowGraph object.
fg_get_metaRetrieves sample meta.
fg_get_summaryRetrieves a summary statistic.
fg_get_summary_descRetrieves a feature summary description table.
fg_get_summary_indexRetrieves the index of the requested summary.
fg_get_summary_tablesRetrieves a table containing all node or edge summary...
fg_gsub_idsReplace sample id's.
fg_gsub_markersReplace marker names.
fg_loadLoad a flowGraph object from a specified folder path.
fg_mergeMerges two flowGraph objects together.
fg_merge_samplesMerges the samples from two flowGraph objects.
fg_plotCreates a cell hierarchy plot.
fg_plot_boxCreates a boxplot of the values of one node/edge
fg_plot_pVSdiffCreates a p value vs feature difference plot
fg_plot_qqCreates a QQ plot of a summary statistic.
fg_replace_metaReplaces sample meta.
fg_rm_featureRemoves a feature.
fg_rm_summaryRemoves a feature summary.
fg_saveSaves flowGraph object to a specified path.
fg_save_plotsSaves numerous plots for all summary statistics to a folder.
fg_set_layoutDetermines cell hierarchy layout.
fg_summaryCalculates feature summary statistics.
flowGraphflowGraph object constructor.
flowGraph-class'flowGraph': A class for storing cell count feature values...
flowGraphSubsetflowGraph object constructor.
flowGraphSubset_summary_adjustDefault for flowGraphSubset's summary_adjust
flowGraphSubset_summary_parsDefault for flowGraphSubset's summary_pars
fpurrr_mapWrapper for map
get_childGets child populations of given cell populations
get_epropGets edge proportions of a given edge matrix
get_parenGets parent populations of given cell populations
get_phen_listCreates edge lists.
get_phen_metaGenrates phenotype meta data.
ggdfPrepares a given node and edge graph list for plotting.
loop_ind_fPrepares parallel loop indices.
meandiffNormalizes matrix values by class.
ms_createCalcuate SpecEnr from proportion and expected proportion
ms_psigDetermines which phenotypes are statistically significant
plot_grPlots a cell hierarchy.
set_layout_graphDetermines cell hierarchy layout.
summary_tableSummarizes a numeric matrix.
test_cConverts input into a significance test function
time_outputOutputs elapsed time.
tstrFormats time into string.
aya49/flowGraph documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 6:40 p.m.