Defines functions TGMM

Documented in TGMM

#' @export

TGMM = function(Xn, K, shape="shared", initial="kmeans", iter.max=500, stop=1e-3, trueY=NULL, print=FALSE){
  #Xn, array type, the tensor data for clustering, dimension of last mode is sample size
  #K is number of clusters
  #trueY is the true label

  dimen = dim(Xn)[-length(dim(Xn))]   #vector of dimensions
  M = length(dimen)
  p = prod(dimen)
  n = dim(Xn)[M+1]   #sample size

  ## center data ##
  Xbar = rowMeans(Xn,dims=M)  #sample mean
  Xnl = asplit(Xn,M+1)  #a list of tensor observations
  X = lapply(Xnl,function(X,d){X-d},Xbar)  #centered tensor data, a list of length n
  Xm = sapply(X,as.vector)  #vectorized centered tensor observations

  ## initialize cluster labels ##
    id_init = sample(K, n, replace=TRUE)
  else if(initial=="true"){
    id_init = trueY
  else if(initial=="kmeans"){
    init_kmeans = stats::kmeans(t(Xm), centers=K, nstart=20)
    id_init = init_kmeans$cluster

    ## initialize cluster mean, covariance, B and pi for EM ##
    pi.est = rep(0,K)
    mu.est_old = matrix(0,p,K)
    Xm_mu = matrix(0,p,n)
    B_old = list()
    for(k in 1:K){
      isk = which(id_init==k)
      pi.est[k] = sum(id_init==k)/n
      mu.est_old[,k] = rowMeans(Xm[,isk])
      Xm_mu[,isk] = Xm[,isk] - mu.est_old[,k]  #every data substract it's cluster mean
    Mu_temp = array(mu.est_old,c(dimen,K))
    Mu.est_old = asplit(Mu_temp,M+1)  #a list of length K, each element is a tensor cluster mean

    X_subclus = array(Xm_mu,c(dimen,n))

    SIG_temp = TRES::kroncov(rTensor::as.tensor(X_subclus))
    SIG.est = SIG_temp$S
    SIG.est[[1]] = SIG.est[[1]]*SIG_temp$lambda
    SIGinv.est = lapply(SIG.est,MASS::ginv)
    SIGinvhalf = list()
    for (m in 1:M) {
      SIGinvhalf[[m]] = pracma::sqrtm(SIG.est[[m]])$Binv

    for(k in 2:K){
      Mu_dif = Mu.est_old[[k]]-Mu.est_old[[1]]
      B_old[[k-1]] = rTensor::ttl(rTensor::as.tensor(Mu_dif), SIGinv.est, ms=c(1:M))@data

    ## Env-EM ##
    eta.est = matrix(0,n,K)
    rp = matrix(1,n,K)  #the ratio of prabability Xi belong to k and 1

    for(iter in 1:iter.max){
      t0 = Sys.time()

      ## E-step: calculate B_k and eta.est ##
      for(i in 1:n){
        for(k in 2:K){
          X_temp = X[[i]] - (Mu.est_old[[k]]+Mu.est_old[[1]])/2
          logrp = log(pi.est[k]/pi.est[1]) +
          rp[i,k] = exp(logrp)
        eta.est[i,1] = 1/sum(rp[i,])
        for(k in 2:K){
          eta.est[i,k] = eta.est[i,1]*rp[i,k]
      #eta.est[which(is.na(eta.est))] = 1

      ## M-step ##
      pi.est = colMeans(eta.est)
      mutil_temp = Xm %*% eta.est
      mutil = t(t(mutil_temp)/colSums(eta.est))   # vectorized \tilde{\mu} in notes
      Mutil_temp = array(mutil,c(dimen,K))
      Mutil = asplit(Mutil_temp,M+1)  # \tilde{\mu} in notes, a list of length K

      SIG_old = SIG.est
      SIG_new = list()
      cov.max = 1
      for(cov.iter in 1:cov.max){
        #SIG_err = rep(0,M)
        for (m in 1:M) {
          dim_m = (1:M)[-m]
          mutil_p = tensr::collapse_mode(Mutil_temp,m=1:M)
          Xm_mu = matrix(0,p,n*K)
          for(k in 1:K){
            Xm_mu[,((k-1)*n+1):(k*n)] = t(t(Xm-mutil_p[,k])*sqrt(eta.est[,k]))
          X_Mu = array(Xm_mu,c(dimen,n*K))

          SIGinvhalf_m = SIGinvhalf
          SIGinvhalf_m[[m]] = NULL

          SIGhalf = rTensor::ttl(rTensor::as.tensor(X_Mu), SIGinvhalf_m, ms=dim_m)
          SIG_new[[m]] = TRES::ttt(SIGhalf, SIGhalf, c(dim_m,M+1))@data / (n*p/dimen[m])
          SIGinvhalf[[m]] = pracma::sqrtm(SIG_new[[m]])$Binv
          #SIG_err[m] = tensr::fnorm(SIG_new[[m]]-SIG_old[[m]])/tensr::fnorm(SIG_old[[m]])
        #SIG_err = norm(as.matrix(SIG_err),type="F")
        # if(SIG_err<1e-6){
        #   break
        # }
        # else{
        #   SIG_old = SIG_new
        # }

      SIG.est = SIG_new
      SIGinv.est = lapply(SIG.est,MASS::ginv)

      Mu.est_new = B_new = list()
      for(k in 1:K) {
        Mu.est_new[[k]] = Mutil[[k]]
          Mu_dif = Mu.est_new[[k]] - Mu.est_new[[1]]
          B_new[[k-1]] = rTensor::ttl(rTensor::as.tensor(Mu_dif), SIGinv.est, ms=c(1:M))@data

      Mu_err = tensr::fnorm(abind::abind(Mu.est_new)-abind::abind(Mu.est_old))/
      #B_err = tensr::fnorm(abind(B_new)-abind(B_old))/tensr::fnorm(abind(B_old))
      id_env = apply(eta.est, 1, which.max)

      t_iter = difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units="secs")
          cat(paste0("iter",iter),Mu_err,"\n",sep=" ")
        } else {
          id_err = cluster_err(K,trueY,id_env)$cluster_err
          cat(paste0("iter",iter),Mu_err,id_err,"\n",sep=" ")

      } else {
        Mu.est_old = Mu.est_new
        B_old = B_new

    Mu.est = list()
    for (k in 1:K) {
      Mu.est[[k]] = Mu.est_new[[k]] + Xbar

    #estimate cluster lables
    #id_env = apply(eta.est, 1, which.max)
    return(list(id=id_env, pi=pi.est, eta=eta.est,
                Mu.est=Mu.est, SIG.est=SIG.est))

    ## initialize cluster mean, covariance, B and pi for EM ##
    SIG.est = array(list(),K)
    SIGinv.est = array(list(),K)
    for (k in 1:K) {
      SIG.est[[k]] = array(list(),M)
      SIGinv.est[[k]] = array(list(),M)
    pi.est = rep(0,K)
    mu.est_old = matrix(0,p,K)
    Xm_mu = matrix(0,p,n)
    B_old = list()
    for(k in 1:K){
      isk = which(id_init==k)
      pi.est[k] = sum(id_init==k)/n
      mu.est_old[,k] = rowMeans(Xm[,isk])
      Xm_mu[,isk] = Xm[,isk] - mu.est_old[,k]  #every data substract it's cluster mean
      X_subclus = array(Xm_mu[,isk],c(dimen,length(isk)))
      SIG_temp = TRES::kroncov(rTensor::as.tensor(X_subclus))
      SIG.est[[k]] = SIG_temp$S
      SIG.est[[k]][[1]] = SIG.est[[k]][[1]]*SIG_temp$lambda
      SIGinv.est[[k]] = lapply(SIG.est[[k]],MASS::ginv)
    Mu_temp = array(mu.est_old,c(dimen,K))
    Mu.est_old = asplit(Mu_temp,M+1)  #a list of length K, each element is a tensor cluster mean

    ## Env-EM ##
    eta.est = matrix(0,n,K)
    rp = matrix(1,n,K)  #the ratio of prabability Xi belong to k and 1

    for(iter in 1:iter.max){
      t0 = Sys.time()

      ## E-step: calculate B_k and eta.est ##
      for(i in 1:n){
        dist_mu = rTensor::as.tensor(X[[i]]-Mu.est_old[[1]])
        X_temp = rTensor::ttl(dist_mu, SIGinv.est[[1]], ms=c(1:M))
        neglogf1 = p*sum(log(sapply(SIG.est[[1]],det))/dimen)/2 + rTensor::innerProd(dist_mu,X_temp)/2
        for(k in 2:K){
          # X_temp = X[[i]] - (Mu.est_old[[k]]+Mu.est_old[[1]])/2
          # logrp = log(pi.est[k]/pi.est[1]) +
          #   rTensor::innerProd(rTensor::as.tensor(B_old[[k-1]]),
          #                      rTensor::as.tensor(X_temp))
          dist_mu = rTensor::as.tensor(X[[i]]-Mu.est_old[[k]])
          X_temp = rTensor::ttl(dist_mu, SIGinv.est[[k]], ms=c(1:M))
          neglogfk = p*sum(log(sapply(SIG.est[[k]],det))/dimen)/2 + rTensor::innerProd(dist_mu,X_temp)/2
          logrp = neglogf1 - neglogfk
          rp[i,k] = exp(logrp)
        eta.est[i,1] = 1/sum(rp[i,])
        for(k in 2:K){
          eta.est[i,k] = eta.est[i,1]*rp[i,k]
      #eta.est[which(is.na(eta.est))] = 1

      ## M-step ##
      pi.est = colMeans(eta.est)
      mutil_temp = Xm %*% eta.est
      mutil = t(t(mutil_temp)/colSums(eta.est))   # vectorized \tilde{\mu} in notes
      Mutil_temp = array(mutil,c(dimen,K))
      Mutil = asplit(Mutil_temp,M+1)  # \tilde{\mu} in notes, a list of length K

      SIG_old = SIG.est
      SIG_new = array(list(),K)
      for (k in 1:K) {
        SIG_new[[k]] = array(list(),M)
      cov.max = 1
      for(cov.iter in 1:cov.max){
        #SIG_err = rep(0,M)
        for (m in 1:M) {
          dim_m = (1:M)[-m]
          mutil_p = tensr::collapse_mode(Mutil_temp,m=1:M)
          Xm_mu = matrix(0,p,n*K)
          for(k in 1:K){
            Xm_mu = t(t(Xm-mutil_p[,k])*sqrt(eta.est[,k]))
            X_Mu = rTensor::as.tensor(array(Xm_mu,c(dimen,n)))
            SIGinvk_m = SIGinv.est[[k]]
            SIGinvk_m[[m]] = NULL
            SIGhalf = rTensor::ttl(X_Mu, SIGinvk_m, ms=dim_m)
            SIG_new[[k]][[m]] = TRES::ttt(X_Mu, SIGhalf, c(dim_m,M+1))@data / (sum(eta.est[,k])*p/dimen[m])



      SIG.est = SIG_new
      for (k in 1:K) {
        SIGinv.est[[k]] = lapply(SIG.est[[k]],MASS::ginv)

      Mu.est_new = list()
      for(k in 1:K) {
        Mu.est_new[[k]] = Mutil[[k]]

      Mu_err = tensr::fnorm(abind::abind(Mu.est_new)-abind::abind(Mu.est_old))/
      id_env = apply(eta.est, 1, which.max)

      t_iter = difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units="secs")
          cat(paste0("iter",iter),Mu_err,"\n",sep=" ")
        } else {
          id_err = cluster_err(K,trueY,id_env)$cluster_err
          cat(paste0("iter",iter),Mu_err,id_err,"\n",sep=" ")

      } else {
        Mu.est_old = Mu.est_new

    Mu.est = list()
    for (k in 1:K) {
      Mu.est[[k]] = Mu.est_new[[k]] + Xbar

    #estimate cluster lables
    #id_env = apply(eta.est, 1, which.max)
    return(list(id=id_env, pi=pi.est, eta=eta.est,
                Mu.est=Mu.est, SIG.est=SIG.est))

azuryee/TEMM documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 7:55 p.m.