
Defines functions read_vol

Documented in read_vol

#' Read a Heidelberg Spectralis VOL file
#' Creates a list containing data from a Heidelberg Spectralis VOL file.
#' @param vol_file Path to VOL file.
#' @param read_what Character string indicating what parts of the file to read.
#'     If "all", then all data is read. If "slo", then only the header and SLO
#'     are read. Any other value will only return the header.
#' @param tz Timezone for dates in header.
#' @return a list containing the data from the VOL file
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows mutate n
#' @importFrom purrr map_dfr
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
read_vol <- function(vol_file, read_what = "all", tz = "UTC") {
    # Originally, I built this function on the code from Open_Heyex_Raw.java
    # which was bundled with the heyex plugin for ImageJ. I have since verified
    # the code using the documentation for the Spectralis Special Function:
    # Exporting Raw Data document (revision 4.0-1E, Noveber 2008, Art. No.
    # 97 175-002).

    if(!file.exists(vol_file)) {
        stop("File ", vol_file, " does not exist!")

    vol_con <- file(vol_file, "rb")

    output <- list()

    header <- read_vol_header(vol_con, tz = tz)

    output$header <- header

    if(read_what %in% c("all", "slo")) {
        output$slo_image <- read_vol_slo(vol_con, header)

    if(read_what == "all") {
        # # Offsets
        # file_header_size <- 2048
        # slo_image_size <- header$size_x_slo * header$size_y_slo
        # oct_image_size <- header$size_x * header$size_z * 4
        # bscan_header_offset <- file_header_size + slo_image_size
        # bscan_block_size <- header$bscan_hdr_size + oct_image_size

        bscan_header_all <- list()

        bscan_images <-
                rep(as.double(NA), header$size_x * header$num_bscans * header$size_z),
                dim = c(header$size_x, header$num_bscans, header$size_z)

        # TASK: Update this comment
        # Up to 3 surfaces may be present. However, we won't know until we start
        # to read the b-scan headers below. Later we'll decrement the 3rd
        # dimension if there are only 2 segmentations present.
        seg_array <-
                rep(as.double(NA), header$num_bscans * 3 * header$size_x),
                dim = c(header$size_x, header$num_bscans, 3)

        # Read in the segmentation arrays

        pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                             max = header$num_bscans,
                             style = 1,
                             file = stderr())

        for (bscan_id in c(1:(header$num_bscans))) {
            setTxtProgressBar(pb, bscan_id, title = "Reading B-scans")

            bscan_header_all[[bscan_id]] <- read_bscan_header(vol_con)

            num_seg <- bscan_header_all[[bscan_id]]$num_seg

            if(num_seg > 3) {
                    "WARNING: The header for B-scan ", bscan_id, " reports ",
                    num_seg, " segmentations. To prevent problems in file",
                    " reading, the number of segmentations is set to 3."
                num_seg <- 3

            seg_data <-
                                  n = header$size_x * num_seg) %>%
                matrix(nrow = num_seg,
                       ncol = header$size_x, byrow = FALSE)

            # If less than 3 segmentation surfaces are present, pad out the seg
            # data with NA's to be the correct size
            if(num_seg < 3) {
                seg_data <- c(seg_data, rep(as.numeric(NA),
                                            header$size_x * (3 - num_seg)))

            seg_array[ , bscan_id, ] <- seg_data

            n_bytes <-
                header$bscan_hdr_size - 256 -
                (num_seg * header$size_x * 4)

            # NOTE: Currently I'm not processing the extra data in these bytes,
            #       as they are simply for future file expansion in version
            #       HSF-OCT-101. However, I'm not sure if later versions do use
            #       these bytes.
            temp <- readBin(vol_con, "raw", n = n_bytes)

            bscan_images[, bscan_id, ] <-
                    n = header$size_x * header$size_z,
                    size = 4
                    ) %>%
                matrix(nrow = header$size_z, ncol = header$size_x, byrow=FALSE)

        # The text progress bar doesn't print a newline when complete.

        # Make sure that NA values are properly represented in the seg_array
        bscan_images[bscan_images == max_float] <- NA

        seg_array[seg_array == max_float] <- NA

        # Add 1 to all distance value in seg_array to work with the 1-based
        # R indexing.
        seg_array <- seg_array + 1

        bscan_headers <-
            bscan_header_all %>%
            map_dfr(as_tibble) %>%
            # NOTE: Currently I'm throwing away the "spare" bytes, as these are
            #       not used in HSF-OCT-101. However, I'm not sure if they are
            #       used in later versions of the file format.
            select(-spare) %>%
            # For convenience, compute the coordinates in the SLO pixel space.
            # Adjust pixel values to match R's 1-based indexing system
            mutate(start_x_pixels = start_x / header$scale_x_slo + 1,
                   start_y_pixels = start_y / header$scale_y_slo + 1,
                   end_x_pixels = end_x / header$scale_x_slo + 1,
                   end_y_pixels = end_y / header$scale_y_slo + 1) %>%
            mutate(bscan_id = 1:n())

        output$bscan_headers <- bscan_headers
        output$seg_array <- seg_array
        output$bscan_images <- bscan_images


barefootbiology/heyexr documentation built on July 9, 2022, 3:35 a.m.