
Defines functions vennCounts transpose_dgRMatrix sparseMatrixDensity plapply getNamedDirectoryListing namedLevels getSlurmCpus NA2FALSE NA2VALUE vectorSeqOverlap getParMfrow is.error getDisplay setDisplay strpart deseqRes2Tibble symmsetdiff load.hca.matrix rldpkg str2 str1 namedNames writeListOfDFs ll2a mixVectorsOnLogical tableCorners minStringDistance headtail uniqCombs

Documented in deseqRes2Tibble getDisplay getNamedDirectoryListing getParMfrow getSlurmCpus headtail is.error ll2a load.hca.matrix minStringDistance mixVectorsOnLogical NA2FALSE NA2VALUE namedLevels namedNames plapply rldpkg setDisplay sparseMatrixDensity str1 str2 strpart symmsetdiff tableCorners transpose_dgRMatrix uniqCombs vectorSeqOverlap vennCounts writeListOfDFs

#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom Matrix readMM

#' Get all unique combinations of elements in a list
#' @param nms elements to get combinations
#' @return list of pairs of elements
#' @importFrom gtools combinations
#' @export uniqCombs
uniqCombs <- function(nms) {
  nms <- unique(nms)

  combs <- combinations(n = length(nms), r = 2, v = nms, repeats.allowed =F)
  ret <- split(t(combs), rep(1:nrow(combs), each=ncol(combs)))


#' Head and tail of a table combined
#' @param x the table object
#' @param n a single integer
#' @return a table made of the n first elemets of x and n last elements of x
headtail <- function(x, n=6) {
  rbind(head(x,n), tail(x,n))

#' @title Find minimum string distance strings in a vector
#' @description Find the minimum string distance between strings in a vector,
#' this is useful for things like finding the number of allowable barcode
#' mismatches
#' @importFrom stringdist stringdistmatrix
#' @export minStringDistance
minStringDistance <- function(strings) {
  ds <- stringdist::stringdistmatrix(strings,strings);

#' @title get NW, NE, SW and SE corners of a dataframe or matrix
#' @description return a new dataframe or matrix with the elements at the
#' four corners of the one provided
#' @param vals the dataframe or matrix of interest
#' @param n how many rows/cols to return from each end
#' @return the new matrix
#' @export tableCorners
tableCorners <- function(vals, n = 4) {
  if (is.null(vals)) error("vals is NULL");
  if (n < 1) error("Invalid value for n");

  d <- dim(vals)
  rows <- c(1:n,(d[1]-n):(d[1]))
  cols <- c(1:n,(d[2]-n):(d[2]))
  vals[rows, cols]

#' Generates a new vector from two vectors by combining them according to a third
#' @description generates a vector from two vectors depending of the logical value of
#' a third vector
#' @param logical vector to use to combine the vTrue and vFalse vectors
#' @param vTrue values to return if the logical is true
#' @param vFalse values to return if the logical is false
#' @return a new vector with some values from vTrue and some for vFalse
#' @export mixVectorsOnLogical
mixVectorsOnLogical <- function(logical,vTrue,vFalse) {
  mapply(function(v, vt, vf) {ifelse(v, vt, vf)}, logical, vTrue, vFalse);

#' Convert list of lists of numbers to array
#' @description Converts lists of lists of numbers to a numeric array fast
#' this has been optimised against other possible implementations and
#' been found to the the fastest
#' @param inputList a list of lists of numbers
#' @return an array where the top-level lists are rows and low-level lists are columns
#' @examples
#' mylist <- list()
#' mylist_ <- list()
#' for(i in 1:10) {
#'   for(j in 1:100) {
#'     mylist[[j]] <- i*j
#'   }
#'   mylist_[[i]] <- mylist
#' }
#' str(mylist_)
#' r3 <- ll2a.3(mylist_)
#' @export ll2a
ll2a <- function(inputList){
  f <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(sapply(inputList, function(x) (unlist(x)),simplify = F),stringsAsFactors = F,as.is=T))
  rownames(f) <- NULL
  colnames(f) <- NULL


#' Write a list of data.frames as individual csv files
#' @description Write a list of data.frames as individual csv files
#' @param x named list of data.frames
#' @param output.dir the directory to save the files in
#' @export writeListOfDFs
writeListOfDFs <- function(x, output.dir) {
  # TODO: Add checks: list is named; elements are data.frames; output.dir exists

  mapply(function(x,name) {
    write.table(x, paste0(output.dir,'/',name,'.csv'))
  }, deres, names(deres));


#' Get a vector of the names of an object named by the names themselves
#' @description Get a named vector of the names of an object. This is useful
#' with lapply when passing names of objects as it ensures that the output list
#' is also named
#' @param g an objects on which we can call names()
#' @export namedNames
namedNames <- function(g) {
  n <- names(g)
  names(n) <- n;

#' Get the top level structure of an object
#' @param x the object to examine
#' @export str1
str1 <- function(x) {str(x,1)}

#' Get the two top levels of structure of an object
#' @param x the object to examine
#' @export str2
str2 <- function(x) {str(x,2)}

#' Reload a package from the library
#' @param pkg the package to reload
#' @export rldpkg
rldpkg <- function(pkg) {

#' Load a sparse matrix from an HDF5 file ensuring that the
#' second dimension is sorted
#' @param path location of the HDF files
#' @return a Matrix sparse matrix
#' @export load.hca.matrix
load.hca.matrix <- function(path) {

    cat('Loading HDF5 file...');
    genes <- h5read(path, 'GRCh38/genes')
    gene.names <- h5read(path, 'GRCh38/gene_names')
    barcodes <- h5read(path, 'GRCh38/barcodes')
    indptr <- h5read(path, 'GRCh38/indptr')
    shape <- h5read(path, 'GRCh38/shape')
    indices <- h5read(path, 'GRCh38/indices')
    data <- h5read(path, 'GRCh38/data')

    cat('Sorting elements...');
    ord1 <- unlist(lapply(1:(length(indptr)-1), function(i) {
        rowStart <- indptr[i] + 1;
        ## indptr[i+1] is the start of the next one in 0 indexed
        rowEnd <- indptr[i+1];
        rowIndices <- indices[c(rowStart:rowEnd)]
        rowElementOrder <- order(rowIndices) + rowStart - 1;

    cat('Generating matrix...')
    res <- new('dgCMatrix',


#' Get the symmetrical set difference between two sets (XOR)
#' @param a first set
#' @param b sencond set
#' @return elements in one of the two sets but not in the intersection
#' @export symmsetdiff
symmsetdiff <- function(a,b) {c(setdiff(a,b),setdiff(b,a))}

#' Convert DESeq2 results table into a tibble
#' @import tibble
#' @return results table in tibble format
#' @export deseqRes2Tibble
deseqRes2Tibble <- function(res) {
    if(class(res) != 'DESeqResults') stop('res is not DESeq2 results');
    res <- as.data.frame(res)
    res$gene <- rownames(res)

#' Get the specified substring of string delimited by a character
#' @param x the strings to breakdown now (can be vector)
#' @param split the character to breakdown by
#' @param integer specifying which substing to get
#' @return extracted substrings
#' @export strpart
strpart <- function(x, split, n, fixed=FALSE) {

#' Set the display parameter for X11 plotting
#' @param display.number the display number to set
#' @param host the host to set, defaults to localhost
#' return NUll
#' @export setDisplay
setDisplay <- function(display.number = NULL, host='localhost') {
    if(is.null(display.number)) stop('display number not specified');

#' Get the display paramters for X11 plotting
#' @return DISPLAY variable value
#' @export getDisplay
getDisplay <- function() {

#' Return TRUE if the parameter is an error object
#' @param x the object to test
#' @export is.error
is.error <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, c("try-error", "error"))

#' get number of rows and cols to use when printing a n.items number of items
#' @param n.items number of items
#' @param square force number of columns and rows to be equal
#' @export getParMfrow
getParMfrow <- function(n.items, square = FALSE) {
  n <- ceiling(sqrt(n.items))
  if (square)  {
  } else {
    m <- ceiling(n.items/n)

#' Get the number of commong elements among the top n elements
#' of two character vectors where n varies between a specified range
#' @param itemsA character vector A
#' @param itemsB character vector B
#' @param start start of overlap sequence
#' @param seq_end end of overlap sequence,
#' if NULL up to the size of the smallest of the two lists (default: NULL)
#' @return dataframe with two columns
#' @export vectorSeqOverlap
vectorSeqOverlap <- function(itemsA, itemsB, start=1, seq_end=NULL) {
    ## Process params
    if( class(itemsA) != 'character') {
        stop('itemsA is not a character vector');
    if ( class(itemsB) != 'character') {
        stop('itemsB is not a character vector');
    if(!is.numeric(start)) {
        stop('start is not a number')
    if(is.null(seq_end)) seq_end <- min(length(itemsA), length(itemsB))
    if(start > seq_end) {stop('start is larger than end')}
    ## Get sequence to calculater overlap
    s <- seq(start,seq_end)
    names(s) <-s
    ## Calculate the overlap at different levels down the list
    overlap <- unlist(lapply(s, function(n) {
    ## return

#' Convert NA values in x to the value specified by val
#' @export NA2VALUE
NA2VALUE <- function(x, val) {
  x[is.na(x)] <- c(val); x

#' Convert NA values in x to FALSE
#' @export NA2FALSE
NA2FALSE <- function(x) {

#' Get the number of processors allocated to the current job by
#' the Slurm scheduler from the environment. Return 1 otherwise
#' @export getSlurmCpus
getSlurmCpus <- function() {

#' Get a vector with the levels of a factor named with their
#' own name. Useful for lapply loops over factor levels
#' @param f a factor
#' @return named character vector of factor levels
#' @export namedLevels
namedLevels <- function(f) {
  if(!is.factor(f)) {
    stop('f is not a factor')
  r <- levels(f)
  names(r) <- r

#' Like list.files but return the full path and the vector entries
#' are named only after the basename
#' @param path location to list
#' @export getNamedDirectoryListing
getNamedDirectoryListing <- function(path) {
  x <- list.files(path)
  z <- paste0(path,'/',x)
  names(z) <- x

#' Parallel apply using the packages parallel, BiocParallel or regular lapply
#' @description From the pagoda package with some minor improvements originally called papply
#' @param ... parameters to the apply functions, do not include BPPARAM or mc.cores
#' @param n.cores numbere of cores to use, will automatically detect the number of physical cores if possible
#' @param mc.preschedule parameter for mclapply
#' @export plapply
plapply <- function(...,n.cores=detectCores(logical=FALSE), mc.preschedule=FALSE) {
  if(n.cores>1) {
    if(requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)) {

    if(requireNamespace("BiocParallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
      # It should never happen because parallel is specified in Imports
      return(BiocParallel::bplapply(... , BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = n.cores)))

  # fall back on lapply

#' Get the percent of entries that are filled in a sparse matrix
#' @param mat matrix of class dgCMatrix or dgRMatrix
#' @return percent of entries that are non-zero
#' @export sparseMatrixDensity
sparseMatrixDensity <- function(mat) {
  if(!class(mat) %in% c("dgCMatrix","dgRMatrix")) stop('mat needs to be of class dgCMatrix or dgRMatrix')
  dim0 <- dim(mat)
  sum(mat@x > 0) / (dim0[1] * dim0[2])

#' Transpose a dgRMatrix and simultaneously convert it to dgCMatrix
#' @param inmat input matrix in dgRMatrix format
#' @return A dgCMatrix that is the transposed dgRMatrix
#' @export transpose_dgRMatrix
transpose_dgRMatrix <- function(inmat) {
    if(class(inmat) != 'dgRMatrix')
        stop('inmat is not of class dgRMatrix')
    out <- new('dgCMatrix',

#' Given two vectors return the number of elements
#' only in a, in their intersection and only in b
#' @param a first vector
#' @param b second vector
#' @return a vector with (element count only in a, element count in intersection, element count only in b)
#' @export vennCounts
vennCounts <- function(a,b) {
    i <- length(intersect(a,b))
    c(length(a) - i, i, length(b))
barkasn/nbHelpers documentation built on Oct. 10, 2020, 9:46 p.m.