
Defines functions initEmpReq initEmpPool

Documented in initEmpPool initEmpReq

#' Initialize Employee Pool
#' Initializes the list of the pool of employees and their corresponding
#'   maximum man hours which can be assigned to any activity.
#' @param empPool a \code{data.frame} with 87 columns
#'   Each row represents a real employee. The columns are:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{ID}{character string representing the employee's unique identifier}
#'     \item{name}{character string representing the employee's name}
#'     \item{designation}{character string representing the employee's
#'       designation}
#'     \item{personnelClass}{character string representing the
#'       \code{\link{Employee-class}} sub-class to be applied}
#'     \item{field}{logical value \cr
#'       Is the employee always in the field?}
#'     \item{equipment}{character string representing the equipment types which
#'       the employee was authorized to operate.
#'       Each equipment type must be separated by a space.}
#'     \item{costCenter}{character string representing the preferred cost center
#'       wherein the employee shall be assigned.
#'       Multiple cost centers must be separated by spaces.}
#'     \item{status}{character string representing the employment status of the
#'       employee
#'       Accepted values are \code{"reg"} (regular), \code{"pro"}
#'       (probationary), \code{'sea'} (seasonal), and \code{'age'} (agency).}
#'     \item{cBegin}{character string representing the date of employment of
#'       personnel
#'       The accepted format is ISO 8601 which expresses a day as
#'       \code{"yyyy-mm-dd"}.}
#'     \item{cEnd}{character string representing the date of termination
#'       employment of the seasonal employee
#'       The accepted format is ISO 8601 which expresses a day as
#'       \code{"yyyy-mm-dd"}.}
#'     \item{inHouse}{logical value \cr
#'       Is the employee's accommodation given by the company?}
#'     \item{restday}{character string representing the day of the week wherein
#'       the employee is not required to report to work}
#'     \item{isRF}{logical value \cr
#'       Is the employee rank and file?}
#'     \item{d.rd_1}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on January}
#'     \item{d.rd_2}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on February}
#'     \item{d.rd_3}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on March}
#'     \item{d.rd_4}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on April}
#'     \item{d.rd_5}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on May}
#'     \item{d.rd_6}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on June}
#'     \item{d.rd_7}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on July}
#'     \item{d.rd_8}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on August}
#'     \item{d.rd_9}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on September}
#'     \item{d.rd_10}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on October}
#'     \item{d.rd_11}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on November}
#'     \item{d.rd_12}{integer value defining how many rest days the employee can
#'       report to work on December}
#'     \item{d.ho_1}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on January}
#'     \item{d.ho_2}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on February}
#'     \item{d.ho_3}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on March}
#'     \item{d.ho_4}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on April}
#'     \item{d.ho_5}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on May}
#'     \item{d.ho_6}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on June}
#'     \item{d.ho_7}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on July}
#'     \item{d.ho_8}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on August}
#'     \item{d.ho_9}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on September}
#'     \item{d.ho_10}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on October}
#'     \item{d.ho_11}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on November}
#'     \item{d.ho_12}{integer value defining how many holidays the employee can
#'       report to work on December}
#'     \item{d.rh_1}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on January}
#'     \item{d.rh_2}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on February}
#'     \item{d.rh_3}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on March}
#'     \item{d.rh_4}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on April}
#'     \item{d.rh_5}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on May}
#'     \item{d.rh_6}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on June}
#'     \item{d.rh_7}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on July}
#'     \item{d.rh_8}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on August}
#'     \item{d.rh_9}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on September}
#'     \item{d.rh_10}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on October}
#'     \item{d.rh_11}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on November}
#'     \item{d.rh_12}{integer value defining how many rest days on holidays the
#'       employee can report to work on December}
#'     \item{dcc_1}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on January}
#'     \item{dcc_2}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on February}
#'     \item{dcc_3}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on March}
#'     \item{dcc_4}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on April}
#'     \item{dcc_5}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on May}
#'     \item{dcc_6}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on June}
#'     \item{dcc_7}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on July}
#'     \item{dcc_8}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on August}
#'     \item{dcc_9}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on September}
#'     \item{dcc_10}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on October}
#'     \item{dcc_11}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on November}
#'     \item{dcc_12}{character string representing the cost center wherein the
#'       idle hours of the employee will be charged on December}
#'     \item{dependents_1}{number of dependents in January}
#'     \item{dependents_2}{number of dependents in February}
#'     \item{dependents_3}{number of dependents in March}
#'     \item{dependents_4}{number of dependents in April}
#'     \item{dependents_5}{number of dependents in May}
#'     \item{dependents_6}{number of dependents in June}
#'     \item{dependents_7}{number of dependents in July}
#'     \item{dependents_8}{number of dependents in August}
#'     \item{dependents_9}{number of dependents in September}
#'     \item{dependents_10}{number of dependents in October}
#'     \item{dependents_11}{number of dependents in November}
#'     \item{dependents_12}{number of dependents in December}
#'     \item{VL}{numeric value representing the number of vacation leave
#'       credits}
#'     \item{SL}{numeric value representing the number of sick leave
#'       credits}
#'     \item{a_1}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on January}
#'     \item{a_2}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on February}
#'     \item{a_3}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on March}
#'     \item{a_4}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on April}
#'     \item{a_5}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on May}
#'     \item{a_6}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on June}
#'     \item{a_7}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on July}
#'     \item{a_8}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on August}
#'     \item{a_9}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on September}
#'     \item{a_10}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on October}
#'     \item{a_11}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on November}
#'     \item{a_12}{numeric value representing the attendance rate of
#'       employee on December}
#'   }
#' @param hol a \code{data.frame} similar to \code{\link{holidays}}
#' @param year integer value representing the year to be budgeted
#' @param forecast logical value \cr
#'   Compute cost for forecast?
#' @return list of of 2:
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item a list of real employees\cr
#'       Each element of the list is an \code{\link{Employee-class}} object.
#'     \item sanitized empPool
#'   }
#' @export initEmpPool
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
initEmpPool <- function(empPool, hol = NA, year = NA, forecast = FALSE) {

  a_1 <-
    a_2 <-
    a_3 <-
    a_4 <-
    a_5 <-
    a_6 <-
    a_7 <-
    a_8 <-
    a_9 <-
    a_10 <-
    a_11 <-
    a_12 <-
    d.ho_1 <-
    d.ho_2 <-
    d.ho_3 <-
    d.ho_4 <-
    d.ho_5 <-
    d.ho_6 <-
    d.ho_7 <-
    d.ho_8 <-
    d.ho_9 <-
    d.ho_10 <-
    d.ho_11 <-
    d.ho_12 <-
    d.rd_1 <-
    d.rd_2 <-
    d.rd_3 <-
    d.rd_4 <-
    d.rd_5 <-
    d.rd_6 <-
    d.rd_7 <-
    d.rd_8 <-
    d.rd_9 <-
    d.rd_10 <-
    d.rd_11 <-
    d.rd_12 <-
    d.rh_1 <-
    d.rh_2 <-
    d.rh_3 <-
    d.rh_4 <-
    d.rh_5 <-
    d.rh_6 <-
    d.rh_7 <-
    d.rh_8 <-
    d.rh_9 <-
    d.rh_10 <-
    d.rh_11 <-
    d.rh_12 <- NULL
  dcc <- paste0("dcc_", 1:12)

  # Error if any ID is duplicated
  if (anyDuplicated(empPool$ID) > 0) {
    tempData <- empPool$ID[which(duplicated(empPool$ID))]

    for (i in tempData)
      cat(paste("Duplicated pool: ", i, "\n",sep = ""))

    stop(paste("Duplicated ID in pool!"))

  # Remove white spaces (including leading and trailing spaces)
  cols <- c("name", "personnelClass", "equipment", "costCenter", dcc)
  empPool[, cols] <- lapply(empPool[, cols], FUN = rmWS)

  cols <- c("inHouse", "isRF", "field")
  empPool[, cols] <- lapply(empPool[, cols], FUN = as.logical)

  # Remove space for status
  empPool$status <- rmS(empPool$status)

  # Remove leading zeroes for purely numeric characters
  cols <- c("costCenter", dcc)
  empPool[, cols] <- lapply(X = empPool[, cols], FUN = rmLead0)

  # Convert to lower case
  cols <- c("personnelClass", "status")
  empPool[, cols] <- lapply(empPool[, cols], FUN = tolower)

  # Remove space
  empPool$personnelClass <- gsub(pattern = " ",
                                 replacement = "",
                                 x = empPool$personnelClass)

  # Change to upper case
  cols <- c("name", "equipment", "costCenter", dcc)
  empPool[, cols] <- lapply(empPool[, cols], FUN = toupper)

  # Get only the first 3 characters for employee status
  empPool$status <- substr(x = empPool$status, start = 1L, stop = 3L)

  # Check all personnelClass if valid
  if (any(!empPool$personnelClass %in% validEmpClass)) {
    tempIndex <- which(!empPool$personnelClass %in% validEmpClass)

    for (i in tempIndex)
      cat(paste("Invalid personnelClass in: ", empPool$ID[i], ".\n", sep = ""))

    stop("Invalid personnelClass detected!")

  # Check for acceptable attendance
  empPool <- dplyr::mutate(empPool,
                           attendance = paste(a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, a_5, a_6,
                                              a_7, a_8, a_9, a_10, a_11, a_12))
  attendance <- strsplit(empPool$attendance, split = " ") %>%
    sapply(function(x) {as.numeric(x)}, simplify = FALSE)
  for (i in 1:nrow(empPool)) {
    if (any(is.na(attendance[[i]]))) {
      stop(paste0("Empty or non-numeric attendance in ",
                  empPool$ID[i]), ".")
    if (any(attendance[[i]] > 1)) {
      stop(paste0("Value higher than 1 in ",
                  empPool$ID[i]), ".")
    if (any(attendance[[i]] < 0)) {
      stop(paste0("Value lower than 0 in ",
                  empPool$ID[i]), ".")

  d.rdCol <- paste0("d.rd_", 1:12)
  d.hoCol <- paste0("d.ho_", 1:12)
  d.rhCol <- paste0("d.rh_", 1:12)
  dependentsCol <- paste0("dependents_", 1:12)
  empPool[, c(d.rdCol, d.hoCol, d.rhCol, dependentsCol)] <-
    lapply(empPool[, c(d.rdCol, d.hoCol, d.rhCol, dependentsCol)],
           FUN = as.integer)

  # Pre-allocate employee list
  manPool <- rep(list(NA), times = length(empPool[, 1]))

  if (is.na(year)) {
    year <- as.integer(format(Sys.Date() + 365, "%Y"))
    message(sprintf("Using %d as year.", year))

  if (any(is.na(hol))) {
    hol <- mansched::holidays
    message("Using built-in holidays.")
  hol <- getHol(hol = hol, year = year)

  for (i in 1:length(empPool[,1])) {
    field <- empPool$field[i]
    if (is.na(field))
      field <- TRUE
    attendance <- as.numeric(c(
      empPool$a_1[i], empPool$a_2[i], empPool$a_3[i], empPool$a_4[i],
      empPool$a_5[i], empPool$a_6[i], empPool$a_7[i], empPool$a_8[i],
      empPool$a_9[i], empPool$a_10[i], empPool$a_11[i], empPool$a_12[i]
    d.rd <- c(
      empPool$d.rd_1[i], empPool$d.rd_2[i], empPool$d.rd_3[i],
      empPool$d.rd_4[i], empPool$d.rd_5[i], empPool$d.rd_6[i],
      empPool$d.rd_7[i], empPool$d.rd_8[i], empPool$d.rd_9[i],
      empPool$d.rd_10[i], empPool$d.rd_11[i], empPool$d.rd_12[i]
    d.ho <- c(
      empPool$d.ho_1[i], empPool$d.ho_2[i], empPool$d.ho_3[i],
      empPool$d.ho_4[i], empPool$d.ho_5[i], empPool$d.ho_6[i],
      empPool$d.ho_7[i], empPool$d.ho_8[i], empPool$d.ho_9[i],
      empPool$d.ho_10[i], empPool$d.ho_11[i], empPool$d.ho_12[i]
    d.rh <- c(
      empPool$d.rh_1[i], empPool$d.rh_2[i], empPool$d.rh_3[i],
      empPool$d.rh_4[i], empPool$d.rh_5[i], empPool$d.rh_6[i],
      empPool$d.rh_7[i], empPool$d.rh_8[i], empPool$d.rh_9[i],
      empPool$d.rh_10[i], empPool$d.rh_11[i], empPool$d.rh_12[i]
    dcc <- c(
      empPool$dcc_1[i], empPool$dcc_2[i], empPool$dcc_3[i], empPool$dcc_4[i],
      empPool$dcc_5[i], empPool$dcc_6[i], empPool$dcc_7[i], empPool$dcc_8[i],
      empPool$dcc_9[i], empPool$dcc_10[i], empPool$dcc_11[i], empPool$dcc_12[i]
    dependents <- c(
      empPool$dependents_1[i], empPool$dependents_2[i],
      empPool$dependents_3[i], empPool$dependents_4[i],
      empPool$dependents_5[i], empPool$dependents_6[i],
      empPool$dependents_7[i], empPool$dependents_8[i],
      empPool$dependents_9[i], empPool$dependents_10[i],
      empPool$dependents_11[i], empPool$dependents_12[i]
    tempEmp <- createEmp(empPool$personnelClass[i])
    tempEmp <- initREmployee(theObject = tempEmp,
                             ID = empPool$ID[i],
                             name = empPool$name[i],
                             designation = empPool$designation[i],
                             attendance = attendance,
                             costCenter = empPool$costCenter[i],
                             status = empPool$status[i],
                             cBegin = empPool$cBegin[i],
                             cEnd = empPool$cEnd[i],
                             inHouse = empPool$inHouse[i],
                             restday = empPool$restday[i],
                             hol = hol,
                             RF = empPool$isRF[i],
                             equipment = empPool$equipment[i],
                             d.rd = d.rd,
                             d.ho = d.ho,
                             d.rh = d.rh,
                             dcc = dcc,
                             forecast = forecast,
                             field = field,
                             dependents = dependents,
                             VL = empPool$VL[i],
                             SL = empPool$SL[i])
    manPool[[i]] <- tempEmp

  return(list(manPool, empPool))

#' Initialize Employee Requirement
#' Initializes the list of the employee requirements and their corresponding man
#'   hours.
#' @param empReq a \code{\link{data.frame}} with 7 columns
#'   Each row represents an employee requirement for an activity. The columns
#'   are:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{activity}{character string representing the assigned activity
#'       Activities listed in this \code{data.frame} must be present in
#'       \code{workSched}.}
#'     \item{personnelClass}{character string representing the
#'       \code{\link{Employee-class}} sub-class to be applied}
#'     \item{quantity}{integer value representing the number of required
#'       personnel for the employee requirement}
#'     \item{spareFactor}{numeric value of at least 1
#'       This is used as man hours multiplier for deploying a spare personnel.
#'       For an activity involving continuous operation, a spare personnel is
#'       usually deployed to prevent accidents caused by fatigue. The
#'       \code{spareFactor} is also used to compensate for the absenteeism of
#'       employees.}
#'     \item{equipment}{character string representing the equipment type to be
#'       used
#'       This only applies to \code{\link{Operator-class}} personnel.}
#'     \item{OT}{integer value defining the number of working hours scheduled
#'       for more than 8 hours per shift
#'       This only applies to \code{\link{NonStaff-class}} personnel.}
#'     \item{costCenter}{character string representing the  cost center
#'       wherein all personnel costs of this employee requirement will be
#'       charged}
#'   }
#' @param sched a \code{\link{data.frame}} with 13 columns
#'   Each row represents one activity. The 1st column is vector of character
#'   strings representing the name of activity. The 2nd column up to the 13th
#'   column are all integer vectors representing the number of days an activity
#'   is scheduled for every month. The column names from the 2nd column up to
#'   the 13th column are month names. For office activities or for continuous
#'   activities, their corresponding row may be left blank.
#' @param hol a \code{data.frame} similar to \code{\link{holidays}}
#' @param year integer value representing the year to be budgeted
#' @return a list of 2:
#'   \enumerate{
#'     \item a list of theoretical employees\cr
#'       Each element of the list is an \code{\link{Employee-class}} object.
#'       Theoretical employees do not have rest days.
#'     \item sanitized empReq
#'   }
#' @export initEmpReq
initEmpReq <- function(empReq, sched, hol = NA, year = NA) {

  # Error if scheduled any scheduled activity is duplicated
  if (anyDuplicated(sched$activity) > 0) {

    tempData <- sched$activity[which(duplicated(sched$activity))]

    for (i in tempData)
      cat(paste("Duplicated sched: ", i, "\n",sep = ""))

    stop(paste("Duplicated activity in schedule!"))

  # Error if assigned activity is not scheduled
  if (!all(unique(empReq$activity) %in% sched$activity)) {

    tempData  <- unique(empReq$activity)
    tempIndex <- which(!tempData %in% sched$activity)

    for (i in tempIndex)
      cat(paste("No schedule: ", tempData[i], "\n", sep = ""))

    stop("Activities without schedules detected!")

  # Warning if scheduled activity has no personnel assigned
  if (!all(sched$activity %in% unique(empReq$activity))) {
    tempData <- sched$activity[!sched$activity %in% unique(empReq$activity)]

    for (i in tempData)
      cat(paste("No personnel assigned: ", i, "\n", sep = ""))

    warning("Schedules without employees detected!")

  # Error if personnel assignment is duplicated
  if (anyDuplicated(empReq) > 0) {
    tempIndex <- which(duplicated(empReq))

    cat(paste("Duplicate row:",
              sep = " "))

    stop("Check duplicate!")

  empReq$costCenter <- cleanCC(empReq$costCenter)

  # Trim and remove white spaces
  empReq$personnelClass <- rmWS(empReq$personnelClass)

  # Clean equipment
  empReq$equipment <- toupper(rmS(empReq$equipment))

  # Change to lower case
  empReq$personnelClass <- tolower(empReq$personnelClass)

  # Remove space
  empReq$personnelClass <- gsub(pattern = " ",
                                replacement = "",
                                x = empReq$personnelClass)

  # Check accepted employee class
  if (any(!empReq$personnelClass %in% validEmpClass)) {
    tempIndex <- which(!empReq$personnelClass %in% validEmpClass)
    stop(paste("Invalid employee class in rows:", tempIndex))

  # Initialize premium probabilities
  hol <- getHol(hol = hol, year = year)
  calDays <- getCalDays(cBegin = paste(year,"-01-01", sep = ""),
                        hol = hol,
                        restday = "Sunday")
  mdtProb <- getMDTProb(hol = hol)

  # Pre-allocate list of Employee-class objects
  manReq <- rep(list(NA), times = length(empReq[,1]))

  for (i in 1:length(empReq[,1])) {

    schedIndex <- which(sched$activity == empReq$activity[i])
    tempEmp <- createEmp(empReq$personnelClass[i])

    if (all(is.na(sched[schedIndex,c(2:13)]))) {
      workSched <- NA
    } else {
      workSched <- as.integer(sched[schedIndex,c(2:13)])
      workSched[is.na(workSched)] <- 0L

    if (is.na(empReq$spareFactor[i]))
      empReq$spareFactor[i] <- 1

    if (is.na(empReq$OT[i]))
      empReq$OT[i] <- 0

    tempEmp <- initTEmployee(
      theObject = tempEmp,
      ID = paste(empReq$activity[i], empReq$personnelClass[i], sep = "-"),
      costCenter = empReq$costCenter[i],
      equipment = empReq$equipment[i],
      OT = empReq$OT[i],
      calDays = calDays,
      mdtProb = mdtProb,
      spareFactor = empReq$spareFactor[i] * empReq$quantity[i],
      monthSched = workSched

    manReq[[i]] <- tempEmp

  empReq$equipment[is.na(empReq$equipment)] <- ""
  empReq$merged <- paste(empReq$personnelClass,
                         sep = "-")

  toMerge <- unique(empReq$merged)
  mergedReq <- lapply(toMerge, FUN = function(x) {

    tempIndex <- which(empReq$merged == x)
    tempEmp <- mergeEmp(manReq[tempIndex])
    empTab <- c(tempEmp@ID,

    return(list(empTab, tempEmp))

  empReqMerged <- t(sapply(mergedReq, FUN = function(x) {x[[1]]}))
  colnames(empReqMerged) <- c("ID", "costCenter", "personnelClass")
  empReqMerged <- as.data.frame(empReqMerged, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  manReqMerged <- lapply(mergedReq, FUN = function(x) {x[[2]]})

  return(list(manReqMerged, empReqMerged))
basilrabi/mansched documentation built on May 18, 2023, 1:29 p.m.