
Defines functions compute_similarity similarity.density similarity.fixation_group similarity.scanpath to_angle Ops.eye_density eye_density.fixation_group print.eye_density as.data.frame.eye_density get_density.eye_density gen_density sample_density.density template_similarity scanpath_similarity fixation_similarity run_similarity_analysis

Documented in as.data.frame.eye_density eye_density.fixation_group fixation_similarity gen_density run_similarity_analysis sample_density.density similarity.scanpath template_similarity

#' Run similarity analysis for fixation data
#' This function compares the similarity between each fixation group in a \code{source_tab}
#' with a matching fixation group in \code{ref_tab} using the specified similarity metric.
#' Optionally, permutation tests can be performed for assessing the significance of similarity values.
#' @param ref_tab A data frame containing the reference fixation groups.
#' @param source_tab A data frame containing the source fixation groups to be compared with the reference fixation groups.
#' @param match_on A column name in both \code{ref_tab} and \code{source_tab} used for matching the fixation groups.
#' @param permutations The number of permutations to perform for assessing the significance of similarity values (default: 0, no permutation tests).
#' @param permute_on An optional column name for limiting the matching indices in permutation tests (default: NULL).
#' @param method The similarity metric to use for comparing fixation groups (e.g., "sinkhorn", "overlap").
#' @param refvar A column name in \code{ref_tab} containing the reference fixation groups.
#' @param sourcevar A column name in \code{source_tab} containing the source fixation groups.
#' @param window An optional numeric vector specifying the temporal window for computing similarity (default: NULL).
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed to the similarity function.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
run_similarity_analysis <- function(ref_tab, source_tab, match_on, permutations, permute_on=NULL, method,
                                    refvar, sourcevar, window=NULL, ...) {
  args <- list(...)

  # Match indices between source and reference tables
  matchind <- match(source_tab[[match_on]], ref_tab[[match_on]])

  # Add the matched indices to the source table
  source_tab <- source_tab %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(matchind=matchind)

  # Remove rows with no matching template map
  if (any(is.na(matchind))) {
    warning("did not find matching template map for all source maps. Removing non-matching elements.")
    source_tab <- source_tab %>% filter(!is.na(matchind))
    matchind <- matchind[!is.na(matchind)]

  # If permutation tests are performed, split match indices by permute_on
  if (!is.null(permute_on)) {
    assertthat::assert_that(permute_on %in% names(source_tab) && assertthat::assert_that(permute_on %in% names(ref_tab)))
    match_split <- split(matchind, source_tab[[permute_on]])

  # Define a helper function to calculate similarity between d1 and d2 using the specified method and window
  do_sim <- function(d1,d2,method, window=NULL) {
    if (!is.null(window)) {
      p <- purrr::partial(similarity, d1, d2, method=method, window=window)
      sim <- unlist(do.call(p, args))
    } else {
      p <- purrr::partial(similarity, d1, d2, method=method)
      sim <- unlist(do.call(p, args))

  # Calculate similarities and permutation tests (if specified) for each row in the source table
  ret <- source_tab %>% furrr::future_pmap(function(...) {
    . <- list(...)
    d1 <- ref_tab[[refvar]][[.$matchind]]  # Reference data
    d2 <- .[[sourcevar]]                  # Source data

    # Calculate similarity between d1 and d2 using the specified method and window
    sim <- do_sim(d1,d2,method, window)

    # Perform permutation tests if the number of permutations is greater than 0
    if (permutations > 0) {

      # Limit matching indices to the permute variable if specified
      mind <- if (!is.null(permute_on)) {
      } else {

      # Randomly sample a subset of matching indices if the number of permutations is less than the length of mind
      if (permutations < length(mind)) {
        mind <- sample(mind, permutations)

      # Remove the current element from the list of matching indices
      elnum <- match(.$matchind, mind)
      if (!is.na(elnum)) {
        mind <- mind[-elnum]

      # Calculate permuted similarities for each remaining index in mind
      psim <- do.call(rbind, lapply(mind, function(i) {
        d1p <- ref_tab[[refvar]][[i]]
        do_sim(d1p, d2, method, window)

      # Calculate the mean permuted similarity and the difference between the observed and permuted similarities
      if (ncol(psim) > 1) {
        psim <- colMeans(psim)
        cnames <- c(names(sim), paste0("perm_", names(sim)), paste0(names(sim), "_diff"))
        c(unlist(sim), psim, unlist(sim)-psim) %>% rlang::set_names(cnames) %>% bind_rows()
      } else {
        # Create a tibble with the observed similarity, mean permuted similarity, and their difference
        tibble(eye_sim=sim, perm_sim=mean(psim), eye_sim_diff=sim - mean(psim))
    } else {
      # If no permutation tests, return a tibble with the observed similarity
      if (length(sim) == 1) {
      } else {
        sim %>% bind_rows()
  }) %>% bind_rows()  # Combine the results of each row in the source table into a single tibble

  # Bind the calculated similarity values to the source table and return the result
  source_tab %>% bind_cols(ret)

#' Fixation Similarity
#' Compute the similarity between each fixation group in a \code{source_tab} and a matching fixation group in \code{ref_tab}.
#' @param ref_tab The reference table containing the fixation groups to compare.
#' @param source_tab The source table containing the fixation groups to compare.
#' @param match_on The column name in both tables used to match fixation groups.
#' @param permutations The number of permutations to perform for permutation tests (default is 0, no permutations).
#' @param permute_on The column name on which to permute for permutation tests (default is NULL).
#' @param method The similarity metric to use; options are "sinkhorn" and "overlap" (default is "sinkhorn").
#' @param refvar The name of the column containing fixation groups in the reference table (default is "fixgroup").
#' @param sourcevar The name of the column containing fixation groups in the source table (default is "fixgroup").
#' @param window The temporal window over which to compute similarity (default is NULL).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to the similarity metric function.
#' @return A table containing the computed similarities between fixation groups.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage of the fixation_similarity function
#' ref_table <- # reference table data
#' source_table <- # source table data
#' match_column <- # column name to match fixation groups
#' similarity_results <- fixation_similarity(ref_table, source_table, match_column)
#' @export
fixation_similarity <- function(ref_tab, source_tab, match_on, permutations=0, permute_on=NULL,
                                method=c("sinkhorn", "overlap"),
                                refvar="fixgroup", sourcevar="fixgroup", window=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(window) ) {
    assertthat::assert_that(window[2] > window[1])
  message("fixation_similarity: similarity metric is ", method)

  method <- match.arg(method)
  run_similarity_analysis(ref_tab,source_tab, match_on, permutations, permute_on, method, refvar, sourcevar, window, ...)


#' @inheritParams template_similarity
#' @export
scanpath_similarity <- function(ref_tab, source_tab, match_on, permutations=0, permute_on=NULL,
                                refvar="scanpath", sourcevar="scanpath", window=NULL, ...) {

  if (!is.null(window) ) {
    assertthat::assert_that(window[2] > window[1])

  message("scan_similarity: similarity metric is ", method)
  run_similarity_analysis(ref_tab,source_tab, match_on, permutations, permute_on,
                          method, refvar, sourcevar, window, ...)


#' template_similarity
#' Compute similarity between each density map in a \code{source_tab} with a matching ("template") density map in \code{ref_tab}.
#' @param ref_tab A data frame or tibble containing reference density maps.
#' @param source_tab A data frame or tibble containing source density maps.
#' @param match_on A character string representing the variable used to match density maps between \code{ref_tab} and \code{source_tab}.
#' @param permute_on A character string representing the variable used to stratify permutations (default is NULL).
#' @param refvar A character string representing the name of the variable containing density maps in the reference table (default is "density").
#' @param sourcevar A character string representing the name of the variable containing density maps in the source table (default is "density").
#' @param method A character string specifying the similarity method to use. Possible values are "spearman", "pearson", "fisherz", "cosine", "l1", "jaccard", and "dcov" (default is "spearman").
#' @param permutations A numeric value specifying the number of permutations for the baseline map (default is 10).
#' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to the `similarity` function.
#' @details The \code{run_similarity_analysis} function is the core of the similarity calculations in this function. It checks for matching indices between reference and source tables, filters out non-matching elements, and splits matching indices based on the \code{permute_on} variable if specified. The similarity is then calculated between matched density maps using the specified method and, if applicable, permutations for the baseline map. The output includes the source table along with additional columns for the similarity scores and permutation results.
#' @return A data frame or tibble containing the source table and additional columns with the similarity scores and permutation results.
#' @export
template_similarity <- function(ref_tab, source_tab, match_on, permute_on = NULL, refvar="density", sourcevar="density",
                                method=c("spearman", "pearson", "fisherz", "cosine", "l1", "jaccard", "dcov"),
                                permutations=10, ...) {

  method <- match.arg(method)
  message("template_similarity: similarity metric is ", method)
  run_similarity_analysis(ref_tab,source_tab, match_on, permutations, permute_on, method, refvar, sourcevar,...)

#' Sample a smooth fixation density map with a set of discrete fixations.
#' This function samples a smooth fixation density map represented by the object \code{x} with a set of discrete fixations provided in \code{fix}.
#' @param x An object of class "density" representing the smooth fixation density map.
#' @param fix A data frame or tibble containing discrete fixations with columns "x", "y", and "onset".
#' @param times A vector of numeric values representing the time points at which the density map should be sampled (default is NULL).
#' @details The function first checks if the \code{times} parameter is NULL. If so, it directly samples the density map using the coordinates of the fixations in the \code{fix} argument. If the \code{times} parameter is provided, the function first calls the \code{sample_fixations} function to generate a new fixation sequence with the specified time points, and then samples the density map using the coordinates of the new fixation sequence. The result is a data frame containing the sampled density values and the corresponding time points.
#' @return A data frame with columns "z" and "time", where "z" contains the sampled density values and "time" contains the corresponding time points.
#' @export
sample_density.density <- function(x, fix, times=NULL) {
  if (is.null(times)) {
    cds <- as.matrix(cbind(fix$x, fix$y))
    ix <- sapply(cds[,1], function(p) which.min(abs(x$x - p)))
    iy <- sapply(cds[,2], function(p) which.min(abs(x$y - p)))
    data.frame(z=x$z[cbind(ix,iy)], time=fix$onset)
  } else {
    fg <- sample_fixations(fix, times)
    cds <- as.matrix(cbind(fg$x, fg$y))
    res <- lapply(1:nrow(cds), function(i) {
      i1 <- which.min(abs(x$x - cds[i,1]))
      i2 <- which.min(abs(x$y - cds[i,2]))
      if (length(i1) > 0) {
      } else {

    data.frame(z=unlist(res), time=times)

#' This function creates a density object from the provided x, y, and z matrices. The density object is a list containing the x, y, and z values with a class attribute set to "density" and "list".
#' @param x A numeric vector representing the x-axis values of the density map.
#' @param y A numeric vector representing the y-axis values of the density map.
#' @param z A matrix representing the density values at each (x, y) coordinate.
#' @details The function first checks if the dimensions of the z matrix are equal to the length of the x and y vectors. If not, it throws an error. Then, it creates a list containing the x, y, and z values and sets the class attribute of the list to "density" and "list".
#' @return A density object which is a list containing the x, y, and z values with a class attribute set to "density" and "list".
#' @export
gen_density <- function(x,y,z) {
  if (!all(dim(z) == c(length(x), length(y)))) {
    stop("length of x and y must equal nrow(z) and ncol(z)")

  out <- list(

  class(out) <- c("density", "list")

#' @export
get_density.eye_density <- function(x, ...) {

#' Convert an eye_density object to a data.frame.
#' This function converts an eye_density object into a data.frame with x, y, and z values.
#' @param x An eye_density object to be converted into a data.frame.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the method (currently not used).
#' @details The function extracts the x and y values from the eye_density object, then creates a data.frame with all possible combinations of x and y using purrr::cross_df(). It then adds a new column 'z' to the data.frame with the density values from the eye_density object.
#' @return A data.frame with columns x, y, and z representing the x-axis, y-axis, and density values, respectively.
#' @export
#' @importFrom purrr cross_df
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
as.data.frame.eye_density <- function(x, ...) {
  z <- x$z
  kde_df <- x %>%
    .[c("x", "y")] %>%
    purrr::cross_df() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(z = as.vector(z))


#' @export
print.eye_density <- function(x,...) {
  cat("fixation density map", "\n")
  cat("xlim: ", range(x$x), "\n")
  cat("ylim: ", range(x$y), "\n")
  cat("z range: ", range(x$z), "\n")

#' Compute a density map for a fixation group.
#' This function computes a density map for a given fixation group using kernel density estimation.
#' @param x A fixation_group object.
#' @param sigma The standard deviation of the kernel. Default is 50.
#' @param xbounds The x-axis bounds. Default is the range of x values in the fixation group.
#' @param ybounds The y-axis bounds. Default is the range of y values in the fixation group.
#' @param outdim The output dimensions of the density map. Default is the difference between the xbounds and ybounds.
#' @param normalize Whether to normalize the output map. Default is TRUE.
#' @param duration_weighted Whether to weight the fixations by their duration. Default is FALSE.
#' @param window The temporal window over which to compute the density map. Default is NULL.
#' @param origin The origin of the coordinate system. Default is c(0,0).
#' @details The function computes a density map for a given fixation group using the kde2d function from the MASS package. The density map is computed based on the x and y coordinates of the fixations, with optional weighting by their duration. The resulting density map can be normalized if desired.
#' @return An object of class c("eye_density", "density", "list") containing the computed density map and other relevant information.
#' @export
#' @importFrom MASS kde2d
#' @family eye_density
eye_density.fixation_group <- function(x, sigma=50, xbounds=c(min(x$x), max(x$x)), ybounds=c(min(x$y), max(x$y)),
                                       outdim=c(xbounds[2] - xbounds[1], ybounds[2] - ybounds[1]),
                                       normalize=TRUE, duration_weighted=FALSE, window=NULL,  origin=c(0,0)) {

  if (!is.null(window)) {
    assertthat::assert_that(window[2] > window[1])
    assert_that("onset" %in% colnames(x))
    x <- filter(x, onset >= window[1] & onset < window[2])
    assertthat::assert_that(nrow(x) > 0)

  wts <- if (duration_weighted) {
  } else {
    rep(1, nrow(x))

  out <- if (duration_weighted || !is.null(window)) {
    xrep <- rep_fixations(x, 50)
    xrep <- x
    kde2d(xrep$x, xrep$y, h=sigma, n=outdim, lims=c(xbounds, ybounds))
  } else {
    kde2d(x$x, x$y, n=outdim, h=sigma, lims=c(xbounds, ybounds))

  if (normalize) {
    out$z <- out$z/sum(out$z)

  out$z <- zapsmall(out$z)

  out$fixgroup <- x

  class(out) <- c("eye_density", "density", "list")

  #ret <- blurpoints(cbind(x$x, x$y), sigma=sigma, xbounds=xbounds, ybounds=ybounds, resolution=resolution, weights=wts, normalize=normalize)

Ops.eye_density <- function(e1,e2) {
    op = .Generic[[1]]
           `-` = {
             delta <- e1$z - e2$z
             #delta <- (delta - min(delta))/(max(delta) - min(delta))
             structure(list(x=e1$x, y=e2$y, z=delta, fixgorup=rbind(e1$fixgroup, e2$fixgroup)),
                       class=c("eye_density_delta", "eye_density", "density", "list"))

           `+` = {
             add = (e1$z + e2$z)/2
             structure(list(x=e1$x, y=e2$y, z=add, fixgorup=rbind(e1$fixgroup, e2$fixgroup)),
                       class=c("eye_density_add", "eye_density", "density", "list"))

           `/` = {
             div = log(e1$z/e2$z)
             structure(list(x=e1$x, y=e2$y, z=div, fixgorup=rbind(e1$fixgroup, e2$fixgroup)),
                       class=c("eye_density_div", "eye_density", "density", "list"))

           stop("undefined operation")

#' @noRd
to_angle <- function(x, y) {
  r <- sqrt(x^2 + y^2)

#' @noRd
sigmoid <- function (x, a = 1, b = 0)  {
  if (length(x) == 0)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(x), is.numeric(a), is.numeric(b))
  a <- a[1]
  b <- b[1]
  1/(1 + exp(-a * (x - b)))

#' Compute Similarity Between Scanpaths
#' This function computes the similarity between two scanpaths using a specified method.
#' @param x A data frame containing the first scanpath.
#' @param y A data frame containing the second scanpath.
#' @param method A character string specifying the method to compute the similarity (default is "multimatch").
#' @param window A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the time window to restrict the fixations in the input scanpaths (default is NULL, which considers all fixations).
#' @param screensize A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the dimensions of the screen (e.g., c(1000, 1000)). Required for the "multimatch" method.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the similarity computation method.
#' @return A numeric value representing the similarity between the two input scanpaths.
#' @examples
#' # Example usage of the similarity.scanpath function
#' scanpath1 <- # first scanpath data
#' scanpath2 <- # second scanpath data
#' similarity_value <- similarity.scanpath(scanpath1, scanpath2, method = "multimatch", screensize = c(1000, 1000))
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @export
#' @family similarity
similarity.scanpath <- function(x, y, method=c("multimatch"),
                                      screensize=NULL,...) {

  if (!inherits(y, "scanpath")) {
    stop("`y` must be of type `scanpath`")

  if (!is.null(window)) {
    #print(paste("window", window))
    x <- filter(x, onset >= window[1] & onset < window[2])
    y <- filter(y, onset >= window[1] & onset < window[2])

  if (nrow(x) == 0) {
    warning("no observations in 'x'")

  if (nrow(y) == 0) {
    warning("no observations in 'y'")

  if (is.null(screensize)) {
    stop("method `multi_match` requires a `screensize` argument (e.g. c(1000,1000)")



#' @export
#' @family similarity
similarity.fixation_group <- function(x, y, method=c("sinkhorn", "overlap"),
                                xdenom=1000, ydenom=1000, tdenom=3000,
                                tweight=.8,  lambda=.1, dthresh=40,
                                time_samples=NULL, screensize=NULL,...) {
  method <- match.arg(method)

  if (!inherits(y, "fixation_group")) {
    stop("`y` must be of type `fixation_group`")

  if (!is.null(window)) {
      #print(paste("window", window))
      x <- filter(x, onset >= window[1] & onset < window[2])
      y <- filter(y, onset >= window[1] & onset < window[2])

  if (nrow(x) == 0) {
    warning("no observations in 'x'")

  if (nrow(y) == 0) {
    warning("no observations in 'y'")

  if (method == "sinkhorn") {
    xy1 <- cbind(x$x/xdenom, x$y/ydenom)
    xy2 <- cbind(y$x/xdenom, y$y/ydenom)

    xyt1 <- cbind(x$x/xdenom, x$y/ydenom, x$onset/tdenom * tweight)
    xyt2 <- cbind(y$x/xdenom, y$y/ydenom, y$onset/tdenom * tweight)

    d <- proxy::dist(xyt1, xyt2)

    #stw1 <- sigmoid(x$onset, a=a, b=b)
    #stw2 <- sigmoid(y$onset, a=a, b=b)
    xdur <- x$duration/sum(x$duration)
    ydur <- y$duration/sum(y$duration)

    d0 <- T4transport::sinkhornD(d,wx=xdur, wy=ydur, lambda=lambda)$distance
  } else if (method == "overlap") {
    if (is.null(time_samples)) {
      stop("method `overlap` requires a vector of `time_samples`")
    fixation_overlap(x, y, dthresh=dthresh, time_samples=time_samples)


#' @importFrom proxy simil
#' @export
similarity.density <- function(x, y, method=c("pearson", "spearman", "fisherz", "cosine",
                                              "l1", "jaccard", "dcov"), ...) {

  if (inherits(y, "density")) {
    y <- y$z

  compute_similarity(x$z, as.vector(y), method)


compute_similarity <- function(x,y, method=c("pearson", "spearman", "fisherz", "cosine", "l1", "jaccard", "dcov")) {
  if (method=="pearson" || method == "spearman") {
    cor(as.vector(x), as.vector(y), method=method)
  } else if (method == "fisherz") {
    atanh(cor(as.vector(x), as.vector(y)))
  } else if (method == "cosine") {
    proxy::simil(as.vector(x), as.vector(y), method="cosine", by_rows=FALSE)[,]
  } else if (method == "l1") {
    z <- as.vector(x)
    y <- as.vector(y)
    x1 <- z/sum(z)
    x2 <- y/sum(y)
    1-(proxy::dist(x1, x2, method="Manhattan", by_rows=FALSE)[,])
  } else if (method == "jaccard") {
    proxy::simil(as.vector(x), as.vector(y), method="eJaccard", by_rows=FALSE)[,]
  } else if (method=="dcov") {
    z <- as.vector(x)
    y <- as.vector(y)
    x1 <- z/sum(z)
    x2 <- y/sum(y)


kde2d_weighted <- function (x, y, h, n = 25, lims = c(range(x), range(y)), w)
  nx <- length(x)
  if (length(y) != nx)
    stop("data vectors must be the same length")
  if (length(w) != nx & length(w) != 1)
    stop("weight vectors must be 1 or length of data")
  n <- rep(n, length.out = 2L)
  gx <- seq(lims[1], lims[2], length = n[1])
  gy <- seq(lims[3], lims[4], length = n[2])
  h <- if (missing(h))
    c(bandwidth.nrd(x), bandwidth.nrd(y))
  else rep(h, length.out = 2L)
  if (any(h <= 0))
    stop("bandwidths must be strictly positive")
  if (missing(w))
    w <- numeric(nx) + 1
  h <- h/4
  ax <- outer(gx, x, "-")/h[1]
  ay <- outer(gy, y, "-")/h[2]
  z <- (matrix(rep(w, n), nrow = n, ncol = nx, byrow = TRUE) *
          matrix(dnorm(ax), n, nx)) %*% t(matrix(dnorm(ay), n,
                                                 nx))/(sum(w) * h[1] * h[2])
  return(list(x = gx, y = gy, z = z))
bbuchsbaum/eyesim documentation built on May 9, 2023, 3:29 a.m.