#' @include all_class.R
#' @include axis.R
#' Create a NeuroSpace Object
#' @description
#' This function constructs a NeuroSpace object, which defines the spatial properties
#' of a neuroimaging volume, including its dimensions, origin, spacing, axes, and
#' coordinate transformation.
#' @param dim An integer vector describing the dimensions of the image grid.
#' @param spacing A numeric vector representing the real-valued voxel dimensions
#' (e.g., in millimeters). If not provided, defaults to a vector of ones with
#' the same length as `dim`.
#' @param origin A numeric vector representing the coordinate origin of the image space.
#' If not provided, defaults to a vector of zeros with the same length as `dim`.
#' @param axes An \code{\linkS4class{AxisSet}} object representing the image axes ordering.
#' If not provided, the default axes are determined based on the NIFTI standard
#' (Left-Posterior-Inferior for 3D, or LEFT_RIGHT and POST_ANT for 2D).
#' @param trans A matrix representing the coordinate transformation associated with
#' the image space. If not provided, a default transformation is constructed based
#' on the spacing and origin.
#' @return An instance of the \code{\linkS4class{NeuroSpace}} class.
#' @details
#' The function performs several checks and computations:
#' \itemize{
#' \item It ensures that `spacing` and `origin` have appropriate lengths and values.
#' \item If `trans` is not provided, it constructs a default transformation matrix.
#' \item It determines the appropriate axis set if not provided.
#' \item It creates a NeuroSpace object with the specified or computed properties.
#' }
#' The resulting NeuroSpace object encapsulates all the spatial information necessary
#' to interpret and manipulate neuroimaging data.
#' @note
#' Users rarely need to create a new \code{NeuroSpace} instance directly, as it will
#' almost always be created automatically using information stored in an image header.
#' If an existing image object is available, its \code{NeuroSpace} instance can be
#' easily extracted with the \code{space} method.
#' @examples
#' # Create a 3D NeuroSpace object
#' bspace_3d <- NeuroSpace(c(64, 64, 64), origin = c(0, 0, 0), spacing = c(2, 2, 2))
#' print(bspace_3d)
#' cat("Origin:", origin(bspace_3d), "\n")
#' cat("Axes:", axes(bspace_3d), "\n")
#' cat("Transformation matrix:\n")
#' print(trans(bspace_3d))
#' # Create a 2D NeuroSpace object
#' bspace_2d <- NeuroSpace(c(128, 128), spacing = c(1.5, 1.5))
#' print(bspace_2d)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{AxisSet-class}} for details on axis specifications.
#' \code{\link{NeuroVol-class}} for volumetric data using NeuroSpace.
#' \code{\link{space}} for extracting NeuroSpace from existing objects.
#' @export
#' @rdname NeuroSpace
NeuroSpace <- function(dim, spacing = NULL, origin = NULL, axes = NULL, trans = NULL) {
if (is.null(spacing)) {
spacing <- rep(1, min(length(dim), 3))
if (is.null(origin)) {
origin <- rep(0, min(length(dim), 3))
if (length(origin) != length(spacing)) {
stop("length of 'origin' must equal length of 'spacing'")
assertthat::assert_that(all(spacing > 0), msg="all dimensions must have sppacing > 0")
assertthat::assert_that(all(dim > 0), msg="all dimensions must be > 0")
if (is.null(trans)) {
D <- min(length(dim), 3)
trans <- diag(c(spacing,1))
trans[1:D,D+1] <- origin
trans <- signif(trans,3)
if (is.null(axes) && length(dim) >= 3) {
axes <- .nearestAnatomy(trans)
} else if (is.null(axes) && length(dim) == 2) {
### need .nearestAnatomy for 2d slice
axes <- AxisSet2D(LEFT_RIGHT, POST_ANT)
new("NeuroSpace", dim=as.integer(dim),
#' show a \code{NeuroSpace}
#' @param object the object
#' @export
setMethod(f="show", signature=signature("NeuroSpace"),
def=function(object) {
cat(" Type :", class(object), "\n")
cat(" Dimension :", object@dim, "\n")
cat(" Spacing :", paste(paste(object@spacing[1:(length(object@spacing)-1)], " X ", collapse=" "),
object@spacing[length(object@spacing)], "\n"))
cat(" Origin :", paste(paste(object@origin[1:(length(object@origin)-1)], " X ", collapse=" "),
object@origin[length(object@origin)], "\n"))
#cat(" Axes :", paste(object@axes@i@axis, object@axes@j@axis, object@axes@k@axis, "\n"))
cat(" Coordinate Transform :", object@trans, "\n")
#' add dimension to \code{\linkS4class{NeuroSpace}}
#' @export
#' @rdname add_dim-methods
setMethod(f="add_dim", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace", n="numeric"),
def=function(x, n) {
NeuroSpace(c(dim(x), n), origin=origin(x), spacing=spacing(x), axes=axes(x), trans=trans(x))
#' @export
#' @rdname drop_dim-methods
setMethod(f="drop_dim", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", dimnum="numeric"),
def=function(x, dimnum) {
D <- dim(x)
stopifnot(length(D) >= 2)
Dind <- seq(1,length(D))[-dimnum]
if (ndim(x) > 3) {
NeuroSpace(D[Dind], origin=origin(x)[Dind], spacing=spacing(x)[Dind],
axes=axes(x), trans=trans(x))
} else {
tx <- x@trans
keep_col <- Dind
keep_row <- which(apply(tx[,Dind], 1, function(x) !all(x==0)))
tx <- rbind(cbind(tx[keep_row,keep_col], origin(x)[keep_row]), c(rep(0, length(Dind)), 1))
NeuroSpace(D[-dimnum], origin=origin(x)[-dimnum], spacing=spacing(x)[-dimnum],
axes=drop_dim(axes(x), dimnum), trans=tx)
#' @export
#' @rdname drop_dim-methods
setMethod(f="drop_dim", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace", dimnum="missing"),
def=function(x) {
D <- dim(x)
stopifnot(length(D) >= 2)
Dind <- 1:(length(D)-1)
### TODO doesn't drop dimension in transformation matrix...
### brain vector's don't have th axis and these are incorrectly dropped
if (ndim(x) > 3) {
NeuroSpace(D[Dind], origin=origin(x)[Dind], spacing=spacing(x)[Dind], axes=axes(x), trans=trans(x))
} else {
tx <- trans(x)
tx <- rbind(cbind(tx[Dind,Dind], origin(x)[Dind]), c(rep(0, length(Dind)),1))
NeuroSpace(D[Dind], origin=origin(x)[Dind], spacing=spacing(x)[Dind], axes=drop_dim(axes(x)), trans=tx)
#' dim
#' @export
#' @param x the object
setMethod(f="dim", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"),
def=function(x) x@dim)
#' @export
#' @rdname ndim-methods
setMethod(f="ndim", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"),
def=function(x) length(x@dim))
#' @export
#' @rdname centroid-methods
setMethod(f="centroid", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"),
def=function(x) {
ind <- 1:prod(dim(x))
#' @export
#' @rdname dim_of-methods
setMethod(f="dim_of", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace", axis="NamedAxis"),
function(x, axis) {
dir <- abs(axis@direction)
dnum <- which_dim(x,axis)
#' @export
#' @rdname which_dim-methods
setMethod(f="which_dim", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace", axis="NamedAxis"),
function(x, axis) {
dir <- abs(axis@direction)
dnum = if(all(abs(x@axes@i@direction) == dir)) {
} else if (all(abs(x@axes@j@direction) == dir)) {
} else if (all(abs(x@axes@k@direction) == dir)) {
} else {
stop(paste("cannot find matching axis of: ", axis))
#' spacing
#' @export
#' @rdname spacing-methods
setMethod(f="spacing", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"), def=function(x) x@spacing)
#' bounds
#' @export
#' @rdname bounds-methods
setMethod(f="bounds", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"),
def=function(x) {
c1 <- grid_to_coord(x, c(1,1,1))
c2 <- grid_to_coord(x, c(dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2], dim(x)[3]))
#' @export
#' @rdname index_to_grid-methods
setMethod(f="index_to_grid", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", idx="numeric"),
def=function(x, idx) {
array.dim <- dim(x)
.indexToGrid(idx, array.dim)
#' @export
#' @rdname index_to_coord-methods
setMethod(f="index_to_coord", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", idx="numeric"),
def=function(x, idx) {
d <- min(3, ndim(x))
grid <- index_to_grid(x, idx) - .5
res <- trans(x) %*% t(cbind(grid[,1:d], rep(1,nrow(grid))))
#' @export
#' @rdname index_to_coord-methods
setMethod(f="index_to_coord", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", idx="integer"),
def=function(x, idx) {
grid <- index_to_grid(x, idx) - .5
res <- trans(x) %*% t(cbind(grid, rep(1,nrow(grid))))
#' @export
#' @rdname index_to_coord-methods
setMethod(f="index_to_coord", signature=signature(x="NeuroVol", idx="integer"),
def=function(x, idx) {
callGeneric(space(x), as.numeric(idx))
#' @export
#' @rdname index_to_coord-methods
setMethod(f="index_to_coord", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", idx="integer"),
def=function(x, idx) {
callGeneric(space(x), as.numeric(idx))
#' @export
#' @rdname coord_to_index-methods
setMethod(f="coord_to_index", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", coords="matrix"),
def=function(x, coords) {
grid = t(inverse_trans(x) %*% t(cbind(coords, rep(1, nrow(coords)))))
grid_to_index(x, grid[,1:3] + .5)
#' @export
#' @rdname coord_to_index-methods
setMethod(f="coord_to_index", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", coords="numeric"),
def=function(x, coords) {
coords <- matrix(coords, nrow=1)
#' @export
#' @rdname coord_to_grid-methods
setMethod(f="coord_to_grid", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", coords="matrix"),
def=function(x, coords) {
grid = t(inverse_trans(x) %*% t(cbind(coords, rep(1, nrow(coords)))))
grid[,1:3] + 1
#' @export
#' @rdname coord_to_grid-methods
setMethod(f="coord_to_grid", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", coords="numeric"),
def=function(x, coords) {
coords <- matrix(coords, nrow=1)
callGeneric(x, coords)
#' @export
#' @rdname grid_to_grid-methods
#' @importFrom purrr map_int
setMethod(f="grid_to_grid", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", vox="matrix"),
def=function(x, vox) {
nd <- ndim(x)
stopifnot(ncol(vox) == nd)
tx <- inverse_trans(x)[1:nd,1:nd]
idx <- which(tx != 0, arr.ind=TRUE)
tx[idx] <- 1 * sign(tx[idx])
ovox <- tx %*% t(vox)
offset <- map_dbl(1:nrow(tx), function(i) {
if (any(tx[i,] < 0)) {
dim(x)[i] + 1
} else {
t(sweep(ovox, 1,offset, "+"))
#' @export
#' @rdname grid_to_grid-methods
setMethod(f="grid_to_grid", signature=signature(x="matrix", vox="matrix"),
def=function(x, vox) {
nd <- ncol(x)-1
stopifnot(ncol(vox) == nd)
tx <- x[1:nd, 1:nd]
ovox <- vox %*% tx[1:nd, 1:nd]
offset <- map_int(1:ncol(tx), function(i) {
if (any(tx[,i] < 0)) {
dim(x)[i] + 1
} else {
sweep(ovox, 2,offset, "+")
#' @export
#' @rdname grid_to_coord-methods
setMethod(f="grid_to_coord", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", coords="matrix"),
def=function(x, coords) {
input <- t(cbind(coords-1, rep(1, nrow(coords))))
ret <- t(trans(x) %*% input)
md <- min(ndim(x), 3)
#' @export
#' @rdname grid_to_coord-methods
setMethod(f="grid_to_coord", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", coords="numeric"),
def=function(x, coords) {
coords <- matrix(coords, ncol=length(coords))
input <- t(cbind(coords-1, rep(1, nrow(coords))))
ret <- t(trans(x) %*% input)
md <- min(ndim(x), 3)
#' @export
#' @rdname grid_to_coord-methods
setMethod(f="grid_to_coord", signature=signature(x="NeuroVol", coords="matrix"),
def=function(x, coords) {
callGeneric(space(x), coords)
#' @export
#' @rdname grid_to_index-methods
setMethod(f="grid_to_index", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", coords="matrix"),
def=function(x, coords) {
dx <- dim(x)
if (ncol(coords) == 2) {
.gridToIndex(dim(x), coords)
#assert_that(ncol(coords) == 2)
} else if (ncol(coords) == 3) {
assert_that(length(dx) >= 3)
.gridToIndex3D(dx[1:3], coords)
} else if (ncol(coords) == 4 ){
.gridToIndex(dim(x), coords)
} else {
stop(paste("grid_to_index: wrong dimensions: ndim = ", length(dim(x)), ", ncol(coords) = ", ncol(coords)))
#' @export
#' @rdname grid_to_index-methods
setMethod(f="grid_to_index", signature=signature(x="NeuroSpace", coords="numeric"),
def=function(x, coords) {
dx <- dim(x)
if (length(dx) == 2) {
assert_that(length(coords) == 2)
assert_that(coords[1] >= 1 && coords[1] <= dx[1] && coords[2] >= 1 && coords[2] <= dx[2])
(coords[2]-1)*dx[1] + coords[1]
} else {
assert_that(length(coords) == 3)
.gridToIndex3D(dim(x), matrix(coords, nrow=1, byrow=TRUE))
#' @export
#' @rdname coord_to_index-methods
setMethod(f="coord_to_index", signature=signature(x="NeuroVol", coords="matrix"),
def=function(x, coords) {
assert_that(ncol(coords) == 3)
callGeneric(space(x), coords)
#' @export
#' @rdname index_to_grid-methods
setMethod(f="index_to_grid", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", idx="index"),
def=function(x, idx) {
callGeneric(space(x), idx)
#' @export
#' @rdname index_to_grid-methods
setMethod(f="index_to_grid", signature=signature(x="NeuroVec", idx="integer"),
def=function(x, idx) {
callGeneric(space(x), as.numeric(idx))
#' @export
#' @rdname index_to_grid-methods
setMethod(f="index_to_grid", signature=signature(x="NeuroVol", idx="index"),
def=function(x, idx) {
callGeneric(space(x), idx)
#' @export
#' @rdname index_to_grid-methods
setMethod(f="index_to_grid", signature=signature(x="NeuroVol", idx="integer"),
def=function(x, idx) {
callGeneric(space(x), as.numeric(idx))
#' @export
#' @rdname grid_to_index-methods
setMethod(f="grid_to_index", signature=signature(x="NeuroVol", coords="matrix"),
def=function(x, coords) {
assert_that(ncol(coords) == 3)
array.dim <- dim(x)
.gridToIndex3D(dim(x), coords)
#' @export
#' @rdname grid_to_index-methods
setMethod(f="grid_to_index", signature=signature(x="NeuroVol", coords="numeric"),
def=function(x, coords) {
assert_that(length(coords) == 3)
array.dim <- dim(x)
.gridToIndex3D(dim(x), matrix(coords, nrow=1, byrow=TRUE))
#' @export
#' @rdname reorient-methods
setMethod(f="reorient", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace", orient="character"),
def=function(x, orient) {
anat <- findAnatomy3D(orient[1], orient[2], orient[3])
pmat_orig <- perm_mat(x)
pmat_new <- perm_mat(anat)
tx <- t(pmat_new) %*% trans(x)[1:ndim(x),]
tx <- rbind(tx,c(rep(0, ndim(x)),1))
#itx <- zapsmall(MASS::ginv(tx))
NeuroSpace(dim(x), spacing=spacing(x), axes=x@axes, trans=tx,
origin=tx[1:(ndim(x)) ,ndim(x)+1])
#' @export
#' @rdname origin-methods
setMethod(f="origin", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"), def=function(x) x@origin)
#' @export
#' @rdname origin-methods
setMethod(f="origin", signature=signature(x = "NeuroVol"), def=function(x) space(x)@origin)
#' @export
#' @rdname axes-methods
setMethod(f="axes", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"), def=function(x) x@axes)
#' @export
#' @rdname trans-methods
setMethod(f="trans", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"),def=function(x) x@trans)
#' @export
#' @rdname inverse_trans-methods
setMethod(f="inverse_trans", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"), def=function(x) x@inverse)
#' @export
#' @rdname space-methods
setMethod(f="space", signature=signature(x = "NeuroSpace"), def=function(x) x)
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