
Defines functions combine_standard wrap_out

Documented in combine_standard wrap_out

#' Wrap output results
#' This function wraps the output results of the performance matrix into a list
#' of SparseNeuroVec objects for each column in the performance matrix.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param perf_mat A performance matrix containing classifier results.
#' @param dataset A dataset object containing the dataset information.
#' @param ids An optional vector of voxel IDs.
#' @return A named list of SparseNeuroVec objects representing the wrapped output results.
wrap_out <- function(perf_mat, dataset, ids=NULL) {
  out <- lapply(1:ncol(perf_mat), function(i)  wrap_output(dataset, perf_mat[,i], ids))
  names(out) <- colnames(perf_mat)

#' Combine standard classifier results
#' This function combines the standard classifier results from a good results data frame
#' by binding the performance rows together and optionally computes the observed probabilities.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param model_spec A list containing the model specification.
#' @param good_results A data frame containing the successful classifier results.
#' @param bad_results A data frame containing the unsuccessful classifier results.
#' @return A list containing the combined performance matrix, observed probabilities, and other information from the dataset.
combine_standard <- function(model_spec, good_results, bad_results) {
  result <- NULL
  ## retaining matrix of probabilities could be memory intensive if there are many categories and many trials
  ind <- unlist(good_results$id)
  perf_mat <- good_results %>% dplyr::select(performance) %>% (function(x) do.call(rbind, x[[1]]))
  has_results <- any(unlist(purrr::map(good_results$result, function(x) !is.null(x))))
  ret <- wrap_out(perf_mat, model_spec$dataset, ind)
  if (has_results) {
    pobserved <- good_results %>% dplyr::select(result) %>% pull(result) %>% purrr::map( ~ prob_observed(.)) %>% bind_cols()
    pobserved <- SparseNeuroVec(as.matrix(pobserved), space(model_spec$dataset$mask), mask=as.logical(model_spec$dataset$mask))
    ret$pobserved <- pobserved
  } else {
    ret$pobserved <- NULL


#' Combine RSA standard classifier results
#' This function combines the RSA standard classifier results from a good results data frame
#' by binding the performance rows together.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param model_spec A list containing the model specification.
#' @param good_results A data frame containing the successful classifier results.
#' @param bad_results A data frame containing the unsuccessful classifier results.
#' @return A list containing the combined performance matrix along with other information from the dataset.
combine_rsa_standard <- function(model_spec, good_results, bad_results) {
  ind <- unlist(good_results$id)
  perf_mat <- good_results %>% dplyr::select(performance) %>% (function(x) do.call(rbind, x[[1]]))
  ret <- wrap_out(perf_mat, model_spec$dataset, ind)

#' Combine Vector RSA standard classifier results
#' This function combines the Vector RSA standard classifier results from a good results data frame
#' by binding the performance rows together.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param model_spec A list containing the model specification.
#' @param good_results A data frame containing the successful classifier results.
#' @param bad_results A data frame containing the unsuccessful classifier results.
#' @return A list containing the combined performance matrix along with other information from the dataset.
combine_vector_rsa_standard <- function(model_spec, good_results, bad_results) {
  ind <- unlist(good_results$id)
  perf_mat <- good_results %>% dplyr::select(performance) %>% (function(x) do.call(rbind, x[[1]]))
  score_mat <- data.frame(sim=rowMeans(perf_mat))
  #ret <- wrap_out(perf_mat, model_spec$dataset, ind)
  ret <- wrap_out(score_mat, model_spec$dataset, ind)

#' Combine randomized classifier results
#' This function combines the randomized classifier results from a good results data frame
#' and normalizes the performance matrix by the number of instances for each voxel index.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param model_spec A list containing the model specification.
#' @param good_results A data frame containing the successful classifier results.
#' @param bad_results A data frame containing the unsuccessful classifier results.
#' @return A list containing the combined and normalized performance matrix along with other information from the dataset.
combine_randomized <- function(model_spec, good_results, bad_results) {
  all_ind <- sort(unlist(good_results$indices))
  ind_count <- table(all_ind)
  ind_set <- unique(all_ind)
  ncols <- length(good_results$performance[[1]])
  perf_mat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=rep(ind_set, ncols), j=rep(1:ncols, each=length(ind_set)), 
                                   x=rep(0, length(ind_set)*ncols), 
                                   dims=c(length(model_spec$dataset$mask), ncols))
  for (i in 1:nrow(good_results)) {
    ind <- good_results$indices[[i]]
    m <- kronecker(matrix(good_results$performance[[i]], 1, ncols), rep(1,length(ind)))
    perf_mat[ind,] <- perf_mat[ind,] + m

  perf_mat[ind_set,] <- sweep(perf_mat[ind_set,,drop=FALSE], 1, as.integer(ind_count), FUN="/")
  colnames(perf_mat) <- names(good_results$performance[[1]])
  wrap_out(perf_mat, model_spec$dataset)

#' Pool classifier results
#' This function pools classifier results collected over a set of overlapping indices.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param ... A variable list of data frames containing classifier results to be pooled.
#' @return A list of merged classifier results.
#' @noRd
pool_results <- function(...) {
  reslist <- list(...)
  check <- sapply(reslist, function(res) inherits(res, "data.frame")) 
  assertthat::assert_that(all(check), msg="pool_results: all arguments must be of type 'data.frame'")
  good_results <- do.call(rbind, reslist)
  ## the sorted vector of all voxel indices
  all_ind <- sort(unlist(good_results$indices))
  ## how many instances of each voxel?
  ind_count <- table(all_ind)
  ind_set <- unique(all_ind)
  ## map every result to the set of indices in that set
  indmap <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:nrow(good_results), function(i) {
    ind <- good_results$indices[[i]]
    cbind(i, ind)
  respsets <- split(indmap[,1], indmap[,2])
  merged_results <- purrr::map(respsets, do_merge_results, good_results=good_results)

#' Merge searchlight results
#' This function merges searchlight results, combining the first result with the rest of the results.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param r1 A list of indices representing the searchlight results to be merged.
#' @param good_results A data frame containing the valid searchlight results.
#' @return A combined searchlight result object.
do_merge_results <- function(r1, good_results) {
  if (length(r1) > 1) {
    first <- r1[1]
    rest <- r1[2:length(r1)]
    z1 <- good_results$result[[first]]
    z2 <- good_results$result[rest]
    ff <- purrr::partial(merge_results, x=z1)
    do.call(ff, z2)
  } else {

#' Combine randomized searchlight results by pooling
#' This function combines randomized searchlight results by pooling the good results.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param model_spec An object specifying the model used in the searchlight analysis.
#' @param good_results A data frame containing the valid searchlight results.
#' @param bad_results A data frame containing the invalid searchlight results.
#' @return An object containing the combined searchlight results.
pool_randomized <- function(model_spec, good_results, bad_results) {
  if (nrow(good_results) == 0) {
    stop("searchlight: no searchlight samples produced valid results")
  merged_results <- pool_results(good_results)
  pobserved <- merged_results %>% purrr::map( ~ prob_observed(.)) %>% bind_cols()
  ind_set <- sort(unique(unlist(good_results$indices)))

  all_ids <- which(model_spec$dataset$mask > 0)
  ## if we did not get a result for all voxel ids returned results...
  mask <- if (length(ind_set) != length(all_ids)) {
    mask <- model_spec$dataset$mask
    keep <- all_ids %in% ind_set
    mask[all_ids[!keep]] <- 0
  } else {
  pobserved <- SparseNeuroVec(as.matrix(pobserved), neuroim2::space(mask), mask=as.logical(mask))
  #perf_list <- furrr::future_map(merged_results, function(res) compute_performance(model_spec, res))
  perf_list <- purrr::map(merged_results, function(res) compute_performance(model_spec, res))
  ncols <- length(perf_list[[1]])
  pmat <- do.call(rbind, perf_list)
  perf_mat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i=rep(ind_set, ncols), j=rep(1:ncols, each=length(ind_set)), 
                                   x=as.vector(pmat), dims=c(length(model_spec$dataset$mask), ncols))
  colnames(perf_mat) <- names(perf_list[[1]])
  ret <- wrap_out(perf_mat, model_spec$dataset, ids=NULL) 
  ret$pobserved <- pobserved

#' Perform randomized searchlight analysis
#' This function performs randomized searchlight analysis using a specified model, radius, and number of iterations.
#' It can be customized with different MVPA functions, combiners, and permutation options.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param model_spec An object specifying the model to be used in the searchlight analysis.
#' @param radius The radius of the searchlight sphere.
#' @param niter The number of iterations for randomized searchlight.
#' @param mvpa_fun The MVPA function to be used in the searchlight analysis (default is \code{mvpa_iterate}).
#' @param combiner The function to be used to combine results (default is \code{pool_randomized}).
#' @param permute Whether to permute the labels (default is FALSE).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the MVPA function.
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.error flog.info
#' @importFrom dplyr filter bind_rows
#' @importFrom furrr future_map
do_randomized <- function(model_spec, radius, niter, 
                          ...) {
  ret <- purrr::map(seq(1,niter), function(i) {
    futile.logger::flog.info("searchlight iteration: %s", i)
    slight <- get_searchlight(model_spec$dataset, "randomized", radius)
    cind <- purrr::map_int(slight, ~ .@parent_index)
    mvpa_fun(model_spec, slight, cind, permute=permute, ...)
  nmodels <- sum(unlist(sapply(ret, nrow)))
  futile.logger::flog.info("number of models fit: %s", nmodels)
  results <- dplyr::bind_rows(ret)
  good_results <- results %>% dplyr::filter(error == FALSE)
  bad_results <- results %>% dplyr::filter(error == TRUE)
  if (nrow(bad_results) > 0) {
  if (nrow(good_results) == 0) {
    futile.logger::flog.error("no valid results for randomized searchlight, exiting.")
  ## could simply merge all searchlights to produce global classification measure  
  combiner(model_spec, good_results)

#' Perform standard searchlight analysis
#' This function performs standard searchlight analysis using a specified model and radius.
#' It can be customized with different MVPA functions, combiners, and permutation options.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param model_spec An object specifying the model to be used in the searchlight analysis.
#' @param radius The radius of the searchlight sphere.
#' @param mvpa_fun The MVPA function to be used in the searchlight analysis (default is \code{mvpa_iterate}).
#' @param combiner The function to be used to combine results (default is \code{combine_standard}).
#' @param permute Whether to permute the labels (default is FALSE).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the MVPA function.
do_standard <- function(model_spec, radius, mvpa_fun=mvpa_iterate, combiner=combine_standard, permute=FALSE, ...) {
  flog.info("creating standard searchlight")
  slight <- get_searchlight(model_spec$dataset, "standard", radius)

  cind <- which(model_spec$dataset$mask > 0)
  flog.info("running standard searchlight iterator")
  ret <- mvpa_fun(model_spec, slight, cind, permute=permute, ...)
  good_results <- ret %>% dplyr::filter(!error)
  bad_results <- ret %>% dplyr::filter(error == TRUE)
  if (nrow(bad_results) > 0) {
  if (nrow(good_results) == 0) {
    ## TODO print out some debug information
    flog.error("no valid results for standard searchlight, exiting.")
  combiner(model_spec, good_results, bad_results)

#' Run searchlight analysis on a specified MVPA model
#' This function runs a searchlight analysis using a specified MVPA model, radius, and method.
#' It can be customized with a combiner function and permutation options.
#' @param model_spec An object of type \code{mvpa_model} specifying the MVPA model to be used.
#' @param radius The radius of the searchlight sphere (default is 8, allowable range: 1-100).
#' @param method The method used for the searchlight analysis ("randomized" or "standard").
#' @param niter The number of iterations for randomized searchlight (default is 4).
#' @param combiner A function that combines results into an appropriate output, or one of the following strings: "pool" or "average".
#' @param permute Whether to permute the labels (default is FALSE).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the function.
#' @import itertools foreach doParallel parallel
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.info flog.error flog.debug
#' @references 
#' Bjornsdotter, M., Rylander, K., & Wessberg, J. (2011). A Monte Carlo method for locally multivariate brain mapping. Neuroimage, 56(2), 508-516.
#' Kriegeskorte, N., Goebel, R., & Bandettini, P. (2006). Information-based functional brain mapping. Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(10), 3863-3868.
#' @export
#' @rdname run_searchlight
#' @examples 
#' dataset <- gen_sample_dataset(c(4,4,4), 100, blocks=3)
#' cval <- blocked_cross_validation(dataset$design$block_var)
#' model <- load_model("sda_notune")
#' mspec <- mvpa_model(model, dataset$dataset, design=dataset$design, model_type="classification", crossval=cval)
#' res <- run_searchlight(mspec, radius=8, method="standard")
#' # A custom "combiner" can be used to post-process the output of the searchlight classifier for special cases.
#' # In the example below, the supplied "combining function" extracts the predicted probability of the correct class 
#' # for every voxel and every trial and then stores them in a data.frame.
#' \dontrun{ 
#' custom_combiner <- function(mspec, good, bad) { 
#'    good %>% pmap(function(result, id, ...) { 
#'      data.frame(trial=1:length(result$observed), id=id, prob=prob_observed(result)) 
#'    }) %>% bind_rows()
#' }
#' res2 <- run_searchlight(mspec, radius=8, method="standard", combiner=custom_combiner)
#' }
run_searchlight.mvpa_model <- function(model_spec, radius=8, 
                                       method=c("randomized", "standard"),  
                                       permute=FALSE, ...) {
  if (radius < 1 || radius > 100) {
    stop(paste("radius", radius, "outside allowable range (1-100)"))
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == "randomized") {
    assert_that(niter >= 1)
  flog.info("model is: %s", model_spec$model$label)
  res <- if (method == "standard") {
    flog.info("running standard searchlight with %s radius ", radius)
    if (is.function(combiner)) {
      do_standard(model_spec, radius, combiner=combiner, permute=permute,...)    
    } else {
      if (combiner == "pool") {
        do_standard(model_spec, radius, combiner=combine_standard, compute_performance=TRUE, permute=permute,...)  
      } else if (combiner == "average") {
        do_standard(model_spec, radius, combiner=combine_standard, compute_performance=TRUE, return_predictions=FALSE, 
  } else if (method == "randomized") {
    flog.info("running randomized searchlight with %s radius and %s iterations", radius, niter)
    if (combiner == "pool") {
      do_randomized(model_spec, radius, niter, combiner=pool_randomized, 
    } else if (combiner == "average") {
      do_randomized(model_spec, radius, niter, combiner=combine_randomized, 
    } else if (is.function(combiner)) {
      ## combiner could be anything, assume defaults. Extra args will be passed to mvpa_iterate.
      do_randomized(model_spec, radius, niter, combiner=combiner, 
    } else {
      stop(paste("'combiner' must be either 'average', 'pool', or a user-supplied custom 'function'"))

#' Run searchlight analysis on a specified RSA model
#' This function runs a searchlight analysis using a specified RSA model, radius, and method.
#' It can be customized with permutation options, distance computation methods, and regression methods.
#' @param model_spec An object of type \code{rsa_model} specifying the RSA model to be used.
#' @param radius The radius of the searchlight sphere (default is 8, allowable range: 1-100).
#' @param method The method used for the searchlight analysis ("randomized" or "standard").
#' @param niter The number of iterations for randomized searchlight (default is 4).
#' @param permute Whether to permute the labels (default is FALSE).
#' @param distmethod The method used to compute distances between searchlight samples ("spearman" or "pearson").
#' @param regtype The method used to fit response and predictor distance matrices ("pearson", "spearman", "lm", or "rfit").
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the function.
#' @import itertools foreach doParallel parallel
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.info flog.error flog.debug
#' @export
#' @rdname run_searchlight
run_searchlight.rsa_model <- function(model_spec, radius=8, method=c("randomized", "standard"),  niter=4, 
                                      distmethod=c("spearman", "pearson"), 
                                      regtype=c("pearson", "spearman", "lm", "rfit"),
                                      ...) {
  regtype <- match.arg(regtype)
  distmethod <- match.arg(distmethod)
  if (radius < 1 || radius > 100) {
    stop(paste("radius", radius, "outside allowable range (1-100)"))
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == "randomized") {
    assert_that(niter >= 1)
  res <- if (method == "standard") {
    flog.info("running standard RSA searchlight with %s radius ", radius)
    do_standard(model_spec, radius, mvpa_fun=rsa_iterate, combiner=combine_rsa_standard, permute=permute, regtype, distmethod)    
  } else if (method == "randomized") {
    flog.info("running randomized RSA searchlight with %s radius and %s iterations", radius, niter)
    do_randomized(model_spec, radius, niter, mvpa_fun=rsa_iterate, combiner=combine_randomized, permute=permute, regtype,distmethod)

#' Run searchlight analysis on a specified MANOVA model
#' This function runs a searchlight analysis using a specified MANOVA model, radius, and method.
#' It can be customized with permutation options.
#' @param model_spec An object of type \code{manova_model} specifying the MANOVA model to be used.
#' @param radius The radius of the searchlight sphere (default is 8, allowable range: 1-100).
#' @param method The method used for the searchlight analysis ("randomized" or "standard").
#' @param niter The number of iterations for randomized searchlight (default is 4).
#' @param permute Whether to permute the labels (default is FALSE).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the function.
#' @import itertools foreach doParallel parallel
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.info flog.error flog.debug
#' @import ffmanova
#' @export
#' @rdname run_searchlight
run_searchlight.manova_model <- function(model_spec, radius=8, 
                                         method=c("randomized", "standard"),  niter=4, 
                                         permute=FALSE,...) {
  if (radius < 1 || radius > 100) {
    stop(paste("radius", radius, "outside allowable range (1-100)"))
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == "randomized") {
    assert_that(niter >= 1)
  res <- if (method == "standard") {
    flog.info("running standard Manova searchlight with %s radius ", radius)
    do_standard(model_spec, radius, mvpa_fun=manova_iterate, combiner=combine_standard, permute=permute)    
  } else if (method == "randomized") {
    flog.info("running randomized Manova searchlight with %s radius and %s iterations", radius, niter)
    do_randomized(model_spec, radius, niter, mvpa_fun=manova_iterate, combiner=combine_randomized, permute=permute)

#' Run searchlight analysis on a specified vector RSA model
#' This function runs a searchlight analysis using a specified vector RSA model, radius, and method.
#' It can be customized with permutation options, distance computation methods, and regression methods.
#' @param model_spec An object of type \code{vector_rsa_model} specifying the vector RSA model to be used.
#' @param radius The radius of the searchlight sphere (default is 8, allowable range: 1-100).
#' @param method The method used for the searchlight analysis ("randomized" or "standard").
#' @param niter The number of iterations for randomized searchlight (default is 4).
#' @param permute Whether to permute the labels (default is FALSE).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the function.
#' @importFrom futile.logger flog.info flog.error flog.debug
#' @export
#' @rdname run_searchlight
run_searchlight.vector_rsa <- function(model_spec, radius=8, method=c("randomized", "standard"), niter=4, 
                                       permute=FALSE, ...) {
  if (radius < 1 || radius > 100) {
    stop(paste("Radius", radius, "is outside the allowable range (1-100)"))
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == "randomized") {
    assert_that(niter >= 1, msg="Number of iterations for randomized method must be at least 1")
  if (method == "standard") {
    flog.info("Running standard vector RSA searchlight with radius %s", radius)
    results <- do_standard(model_spec, radius, mvpa_fun=vector_rsa_iterate, combiner=combine_vector_rsa_standard, permute=permute, ...)
  } else {
    flog.info("Running randomized vector RSA searchlight with radius %s and %s iterations", radius, niter)
    results <- do_randomized(model_spec, radius, niter=niter, mvpa_fun=vector_rsa_iterate, combiner=combine_randomized, permute=permute,...)
bbuchsbaum/rMVPA documentation built on April 23, 2024, 7:35 a.m.