
Defines functions compute.Q.stat.longterm

Documented in compute.Q.stat.longterm

#' @title Compute long-term monthly and annual (calendar or water year) summary statistics.
#' @description Computes long-term summary statistics on \code{flow$Q} variable
#'    between \code{start.year} and \code{end.year} inclusive for calendar or water years.
#'    It (optionally) saves the results in *.csv and *.pdf files.
#' @template station.name
#' @template flow.data
#' @template HYDAT
#' @template start.year
#' @template end.year
#' @template water.year
#' @param write.table Should a file be created with the computed statistics?
#'    The file name will be  \code{file.path(report.dir,paste(station.name,'-longterm-summary-stat.csv'))}.
#' @param write.transposed.table Should a file be created with the transposed of the statistics report?
#'    The file name will be  \code{file.path(report.dir,paste(station.name,'-longterm-summary-stat-trans.csv'))}.
#' @template report.dir
#' @template csv.nddigits
#' @template na.rm
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#'   \item{Q.stat.longterm}{Data frame with the long-term statistics of \code{flow.data$Q} by month
#'         and overall between \code{start.year} and \code{end.year}}
#'   \item{Q.stat.longterm.trans}{Data frame with the long-term statistics of \code{flow.data$Q} transposed.}
#'   \item{file.stat.csv}{Object with file name of *.csv file with long term summary statistics.}
#'    \item{file.stat.trans.csv}{Object with file name of *.csv file with transposed long-term summary statistics.}
#'    \item{na.rm}{Missing value flags.}
#'    \item{Version}{Version of this function.}
#'    \item{Date}{Date function was run.}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' stat.longterm <- compute.Q.stat.longterm(
#'                          station.name  ='ABCDE',
#'                          flow.data          =flow,
#'                          start.year    =1960,
#'                          end.year      =2015)
#' }
#'@import ggplot2
#'@import scales
#'@import utils


# Copyright 2017 Province of British Columbia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

compute.Q.stat.longterm <- function(
                          start.year=NULL, #not required
                          end.year=NULL, #not required
                          water.year= FALSE, #not required
                          write.table=TRUE,         # write out calendar year statistics
                          write.transposed.table=TRUE,   # write out statistics in transposed format
                          csv.nddigits=3,               # decimal digit for csv files.
#  Input - see the man-roxygen directory for details.

#  Output: List with elements as desribed above
#  Some basic error checking on the input parameters
   Version <- packageVersion("BCWaterDischargeAnalysis")

   if( !is.null(HYDAT) & !is.null(flow.data))  {stop("Must select either flow.data or HYDAT parameters, not both.")}
   if( is.null(HYDAT) & is.null(station.name))  {stop("station.name required with flow.data parameter.")}
   if( is.null(HYDAT) & !is.character(station.name))  {stop("station.name must be a character string.")}
   if( is.null(HYDAT) & length(station.name)>1)        {stop("station.name cannot have length > 1")}
   if( is.null(flow.data) & is.null(HYDAT)){stop("Flow or HYDAT parameters must be set")}
   if( is.null(HYDAT) & !is.data.frame(flow.data))         {stop("Flow is not a data frame.")}
   if( is.null(HYDAT) &! all(c("Date","Q") %in% names(flow))){stop("Flow dataframe doesn't contain the variables Date and Q.")}
   if( is.null(HYDAT) & ! inherits(flow.data$Date[1], "Date")){stop("Date column in Flow data frame is not a date.")}
   if( is.null(HYDAT) & !is.numeric(flow.data$Q))          {stop("Q column in flow.data dataframe is not numeric.")}
   if( is.null(HYDAT) & any(flow.data$Q <0, na.rm=TRUE))   {stop('flow.data cannot have negative values - check your data')}
   if( !(is.numeric(start.year) | is.null(start.year)))   {stop("start.year must be numeric.")}
   if( !(is.numeric(end.year) | is.null(end.year)))   {stop("end.year must be numeric.")}
   if( !is.logical(water.year))  {stop("water.year must be logical (TRUE/FALSE")}
   if( !is.logical(write.table))  {stop("write.table must be logical (TRUE/FALSE")}
   if( !is.logical(write.transposed.table)){stop("write.transposed.table must be logical (TRUE/FALSE")}
   if( !dir.exists(as.character(report.dir)))      {stop("directory for saved files does not exist")}

   if(!is.numeric(csv.nddigits)){ stop("csv.nddigits must be numeric")}
   csv.nddigits <- round(csv.nddigits)[1]

   if( !is.list(na.rm))              {stop("na.rm is not a list") }
   if( !is.logical(unlist(na.rm))){   stop("na.rm is list of logical (TRUE/FALSE) values only.")}
   my.na.rm <- list(na.rm.global=FALSE)
   if( !all(names(na.rm) %in% names(my.na.rm))){stop("Illegal element in na.rm")}
   my.na.rm[names(na.rm)]<- na.rm
   na.rm <- my.na.rm  # set the na.rm for the rest of the function.

   if (!is.null(HYDAT)) {
     if (!HYDAT %in% tidyhydat::allstations$STATION_NUMBER) {stop("HYDAT station does not exist.")}
     if (is.null(station.name)) {station.name <- HYDAT}
     flow.data <- tidyhydat::DLY_FLOWS(STATION_NUMBER = HYDAT)
     flow.data <- dplyr::select(flow.data,Date,Q=Value)

#  create the year (annual ) and month variables
   flow.data$Year  <- lubridate::year(flow.data$Date)
   flow.data$MonthNum  <- lubridate::month(flow.data$Date)
   flow.data$Month <- month.abb[flow.data$MonthNum]
   flow.data$WaterYear <- as.numeric(ifelse(flow.data$MonthNum>=10,flow.data$Year+1,flow.data$Year))

# Filter for start and end years, and if water year
   if (water.year) {
     if (!is.numeric(start.year)) {start.year <- min(flow.data$WaterYear)}
     if (!is.numeric(end.year)) {end.year <- max(flow.data$WaterYear)}
     if(! (start.year <= end.year))    {stop("start.year must be less than end.year")}

     flow.data <- dplyr::filter(flow.data, WaterYear >= start.year & WaterYear<=end.year)
   else {
     if (!is.numeric(start.year)) {start.year <- min(flow.data$Year)}
     if (!is.numeric(end.year)) {end.year <- max(flow.data$Year)}
     if(! (start.year <= end.year))    {stop("start.year must be less than end.year")}

     flow.data <- dplyr::filter(flow.data, Year >= start.year & Year<=end.year)

   #  Compute calendar year long-term stats
   Q.month.longterm <-   dplyr::summarize(dplyr::group_by(flow.data,Month),
                                          Mean = mean(Q,na.rm=TRUE),
                                          Median = median(Q,na.rm=TRUE),
                                          Maximum = max(Q,na.rm=TRUE),
                                          Minimum = min(Q,na.rm=TRUE))
   Q.all.longterm <-   dplyr::summarize(flow.data,
                                        Mean = mean(Q,na.rm=TRUE),
                                        Median = median(Q,na.rm=TRUE),
                                        Maximum = max(Q,na.rm=TRUE),
                                        Minimum = min(Q,na.rm=TRUE))
   Q.all.longterm <- dplyr::mutate(Q.all.longterm,Month="Long-term")

   Q.longterm <- rbind(Q.month.longterm, Q.all.longterm)
   if (water.year) {Q.longterm$Month <- factor(Q.longterm$Month, levels=c("Oct","Nov","Dec","Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Long-term"))}
   else {           Q.longterm$Month <- factor(Q.longterm$Month, levels=c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec","Long-term"))}
   Q.longterm <- with(Q.longterm, Q.longterm[order(Month),])

#  Write out summary tables for calendar years
   #  Write out the summary table for comparison to excel spreadsheet
   file.stat.csv <- NA
      file.stat.csv <-file.path(report.dir, paste(station.name,"-longterm-summary-stat.csv", sep=""))
      temp <- Q.longterm
      temp[,2:ncol(temp)] <- round(temp[,2:ncol(temp)], csv.nddigits)  # round the output
      utils::write.csv(temp, file=file.stat.csv, row.names=FALSE)

   #  Write out thesummary table in transposed format
   Q.longterm.trans <- tidyr::gather(Q.longterm,Statistic,Value,-Month)
   Q.longterm.trans.temp <- dplyr::mutate(Q.longterm.trans,Value=round(Value,csv.nddigits)) # for writing to csv
   Q.longterm.trans <- tidyr::spread(Q.longterm.trans,Month,Value)
   file.stat.trans.csv <- NA
     file.stat.trans.csv <-file.path(report.dir,paste(station.name,"-longterm-summary-stat-trans.csv", sep=""))
     Q.longterm.trans.temp <- tidyr::spread(Q.longterm.trans.temp,Month,Value)
     utils::write.csv(Q.longterm.trans.temp, file=file.stat.trans.csv, row.names=FALSE)

   return(list("station name"= station.name,
               "year type"=ifelse(!water.year,"Calendar Year (Jan-Dec)","Water Year (Oct-Sep)"),
               "year range"=paste0(start.year," - ",end.year),
} # end of function
bcgov/BCWaterDischargeAnalysis documentation built on Dec. 21, 2020, 2:20 p.m.