# source("R/hline_header.R")
#' pass tibble_one to flextable
#' @param object a tibble_one object
#' @param font_size the size of font in the table.
#' @param use_groups T/F, should rows be grouped?
#' @param indent_groups T/F, should entries within groups be indented? (this has no effect if `use_groups` is `FALSE`)
#' @param footnote_notation character value indicating footnote symbols to use in tables. Eligible values are `symbol`, `number`, and `alphabet`.
#' @param include_1st_header T/F, should bottom header be included?
#' @param include_2nd_header T/F, should middle header be included?
#' @param include_3rd_header T/F, should top header be included?
#' @param ... arguments passed to flextable function
#' @export
# object = tb1
# use_groups = TRUE
# indent_groups = TRUE
# font_size = 11
# footnote_notation = 'symbol'
# include_1st_header = TRUE
# include_2nd_header = TRUE
# include_3rd_header = TRUE
to_word <- function(
font_size = 11,
use_groups = TRUE,
indent_groups = TRUE,
footnote_notation = 'symbol',
include_1st_header = TRUE,
include_2nd_header = TRUE,
include_3rd_header = TRUE,
by <- attr(object, 'byvar')
strat_data <- attr(object, 'strat')
table_type <- attr(object, 'type')
table_abbrs <- attr(object, 'abbrs')
table_notes <- attr(object, 'notes')
include.pval <- attr(object, 'pvals')
include.missinf <- attr(object, 'missinf')
expand_binary_catgs <- attr(object, 'allcats')
table_value_description <- attr(object, 'descr')
if (all(object[['group']] == 'None')) {
use_groups = FALSE
object %<>% arrange(variable)
# Construct table headers
ft1_decor <- parse_kable_headers(
table_type = table_type,
strat_data = strat_data,
include.pval = include.pval
# Determine the number of headers in the table
# (this is needed to create footnotes later on)
num_headers <- list(
) %>%
.f = function(.include, .decor){
.include && !is.null(.decor)
) %>%
# data for table one
# factors are converted to characters so that values
# can easily be added or recoded in specific columns.
ft1_data <- mutate_if(object, is.factor, as.character)
footnote_markers <- parse_flex_footers(footnote_notation)
# Initialize a vector to hold footnote labels
# what is a footnote label? It is the character value
# in a given table row where I want to add a footnote symbol
# i.e., if I want to add a footnote label to 'Age, years',
# then footnote_label = 'Age, years'
footnote_labels <- vector(
mode = 'character',
length = length(table_notes)
# for each footnote label...
for(i in seq_along(footnote_labels) ){
# find rows in the table where this variable is used
indx <- names(table_notes)[i] %>%
grep(x = ft1_data$variable, fixed = TRUE)
# set the first occurrence of the variable to be the
# label where we will eventually place a footnote symbol
footnote_labels[i] <- ft1_data[['labels']][min(indx)]
# Name repair is performed for double decker tables
# (names have _._ symbol to indicate strat_._by levels)
repair_index <- grepl(pattern = "_._", x = names(ft1_data), fixed = TRUE)
names_need_repairing <- any(repair_index)
# Take out the _._ symbol from column names as needed
names_to_repair <- names(ft1_data)[repair_index]
repaired_names <- names_to_repair %>%
strsplit(split = "_._") %>%
names_to_repair %<>% set_names(repaired_names)
# format column names to have n=yy on the bottom
n_obs <- ft1_data %>%
filter(labels == 'No. of observations') %>%
select(-c(group, variable, labels)) %>%
tidyr::gather() %>%
value = case_when(
value != "" ~ paste0(key, '\n', '(N = ',value,')'),
TRUE ~ value
) %>%
select(value, key) %>%
tibble::deframe() %>%
{if(use_groups) c('group', .) else {.}}
# filter out nobs row and select/rename columns
# to implement the name repair work done above
ft1_data %<>%
filter(labels != 'No. of observations') %>%
rename(Characteristic = labels) %>%
select_at(.vars = c("Characteristic", set_names(n_obs, NULL)))
# collect labels for table columns
# this only matters when table is double decker
header_labels <- names(n_obs) %>%
if("P-value" %in% names(header_labels)){
header_labels["P-value"] <- "P-value"
if('group' %in% names(header_labels)){
header_labels <- header_labels[-which(names(header_labels)=='group')]
for(i in 1:length(names_to_repair)){
names(n_obs) <- gsub(
pattern = names_to_repair[i],
replacement = repaired_names[i],
x = names(n_obs),
fixed = TRUE
header_labels <- gsub(
pattern = names_to_repair[i],
replacement = repaired_names[i],
x = header_labels,
fixed = TRUE
# Filter original data to match table one data
object %<>%
filter(labels != 'No. of observations')
# convert table one data into the flextable
# data class for grouped data, then get rid of the
# artificial group row that flextable adds in
# for the "None" group.
ft1_data %<>%
as_grouped_data(groups = 'group') %>%
.[is.na(.[['group']]) | .[['group']] != 'None', ]
# initialize the flextable object and set
# group rows to write just the label of the group
ft1_object <- as_flextable(ft1_data) %>%
i = ~ !is.na(group),
j = 1,
value = as_paragraph(
# initialize a vector to identify all rows that
# need to be indented in the table
first_indent <- vector(
mode = 'integer',
length = 0
# current_group will iterate over all variable groups
# it starts with "None" assuming that will be the first
# level of the group variable.
current_group = "None"
# identify which rows in the table correspond to
# the start of a new variable group.
group.row.id <- ft1_data %>%
select(group) %>%
mutate(id = 1:nrow(.)) %>%
filter(group!="None") %>%
group_by(group) %>%
top_n(-1, id) %>%
for(i in seq_along(ft1_data[['group']])){
# Assume this row doesn't start a new group
first_val = FALSE
# Unless the ith row of ft1_data disagrees...
first_val = TRUE
# if it does, update the current group
current_group = ft1_data[['group']][i]
# If the current group isn't None and we
# haven't found a new group, indent this row.
if(current_group != 'None' & !first_val){
first_indent %<>% c(i)
} else {
# If we aren't grouping variables into bundled rows,
# this step becomes a whole lot simpler.
first_indent <- NULL
ft1_object <- flextable(ft1_data)
# The second indentation is focused on factors
# each level of the factor should be indented.
fct_levels <- object %>%
select(variable, labels) %>%
group_by(variable) %>%
slice(-1) %>%
second_indent = which(ft1_data$Characteristic %in% fct_levels)
# indents are translated into one and two bump groups
# A row might be indented because it sits within a
# group or because it is a factor level. Hence,
# variables with at least one bump are the union
one_bump <- union(first_indent, second_indent)
# variables in the two bump group are those that
# sit in the intersection of first/second indent.
# however, if first indent is NULL (i.e., indent_groups = FALSE),
# then the two bump group is just the second_indent rows.
two_bump <- if(is.null(first_indent)){
} else {
intersect(first_indent, second_indent)
# Add headers as specified by the user
ft1_object %<>% add_ft_header(ft1_data, ft1_decor$header)
ft1_object %<>% add_ft_header(ft1_data, ft1_decor$midder)
ft1_object %<>% add_ft_header(ft1_data, ft1_decor$topper)
# Set padding for bump one and bump two
# if groups aren't indented, pad_one is the default pad
# i.e., pad one doesn't add any padding at all.
pad_one <- if(use_groups && indent_groups) 15 else 5
pad_two <- pad_one + 15
header_labels <- c(Characteristic = 'Characteristic', header_labels)
# Return flextable object with a few formatting changes
# to make a relatively clean looking table one
ft1_object %>%
set_header_labels(values = header_labels) %>%
theme_box() %>%
i = one_bump,
j = 1,
padding.left = pad_one
) %>%
i = two_bump,
j = 1,
padding.left = pad_two
) %>%
num_headers = num_headers,
table_value_description = table_value_description,
footnote_markers = footnote_markers,
footnote_labels = footnote_labels,
table_notes = table_notes,
table_abbrs = table_abbrs
) %>%
fontsize(size = font_size, part = 'all') %>%
align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>%
align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all')
# if(apply_format_steps){
# even <- seq_len(nrow(ft1))%%2 == 0
# odd <- !even
# out %>%
# theme_box() %>%
# border_remove() %>%
# # Border line for header
# hline_top(part = "header", border = officer::fp_border(width = 3)) %>%
# hline_bottom(part="header", border = officer::fp_border(width = 3)) %>%
# hline_bottom(part="body", border = officer::fp_border(width = 3)) %>%
# hline_header(border = officer::fp_border( width = 1.5), bottom=F) %>%
# # Set background colors for rows
# bg(i = odd, bg = "#EFEFEF", part = "body") %>%
# bg(i = even, bg = "transparent", part = "body") %>%
# {if(!is.null(group.row.id)) bg(x=., i = group.row.id, bg = "#CFCFCF", part = "body") else .} %>%
# hline(i=setdiff(group.row.id-1, c(0)), j = 1, part="body", border = officer::fp_border(width = 1.5)) %>%
# %>%
# footnote(
# i = 1 + num_head,
# j = 1,
# value = as_paragraph(
# table_desc
# ),
# ref_symbols = c("*"),
# part = "header"
# ) %>%
# merge_v(part = 'header') %>%
# #fontsize(size=font_size, part = 'all') %>%
# {if(!is.null(group.row.id)){
# bold(., i=group.row.id, j = 1, part="body")
# } else {
# .
# }} %>%
# merge_v(part = 'header')
# ref_symbols <- letters
# if(!is.null(table_note)){
# notes <- table_data %>%
# select(label, note) %>%
# unnest() %>%
# filter(!is.na(note))
# for(k in 1:nrow(notes)){
# note_label = notes$label[k]
# note_fill = notes$note[k]
# note_indx <- which(out$body$dataset$Characteristic==note_label)
# out %<>%
# footnote(
# i = note_indx,
# j = 1,
# value = as_paragraph(
# as_chunk(note_fill)
# ),
# part = 'body',
# ref_symbols = ref_symbols[k]
# )
# }
# }
# if(!is.null(table_abbr)){
# out %<>%
# footnote(
# i=1, j=1, ref_symbols = "",
# value = as_paragraph(table_abbr)
# )
# }
# }
# out %>%
# fontsize(size = font_size, part = 'all')
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