check <- function (x, tau = 0.5) {
x * (tau - (x < 0))
#' Fit a quantile regression w/ a lasso penalty
#' @param x design matrix
#' @param y outcome variable
#' @param tau target quantile
#' @param lambda weight for penalization factor
#' @param weights optional observation weights
#' @param intercept whether or not to model the intercept
#' @param coef.cutoff what value for a coefficient is considered 0
#' @param method what underlying regression method to use for fitting
#' @param ... other arguments to pass to method
#' @importFrom SparseM as.matrix.csr
fit_lasso <- function (x, y, tau = 0.5, lambda = NULL, weights = NULL,
intercept = TRUE,
coef.cutoff = 1e-04, method = "sfn",
...) {
if (is.null(dim(x))) {
stop("x needs to be a matrix with more than 1 column")
p <- dim(x)[2]
if (p == 1) {
stop("x needs to be a matrix with more than 1 column")
n <- dim(x)[1]
if (n != length(y)) {
stop("length of y and rows of x do not match")
if (is.null(lambda) == TRUE | (length(lambda) != 1 & length(lambda) !=
dim(x)[2])) {
stop(paste("input of lambda must be of length 1 or",
if (sum(lambda < 0) > 0) {
stop(paste("lambda must be positive and we have a lambda of ",
lambda, sep = ""))
if(method == "two_pass" | method == "agd") {
int = get_intercept(x)
if(int == 0) {
x = cbind(1, x)
model = fitQuantileRegression(
X = x, y = y,tau = tau,
algorithm = check_algorithm(method),
weights = weights, scale = 1,
..., lambda = lambda
} else {
lambda <- lambda * n
if (length(lambda) == 1) {
pen_x <- rbind(diag(rep(lambda, p)), diag(rep(-lambda,
} else {
pen_x <- rbind(diag(lambda), diag(-lambda))
pen_x <- pen_x[rowSums(pen_x == 0) != dim(pen_x)[2],]
aug_n <- dim(pen_x)[1]
aug_x <- rbind(x, pen_x)
if (intercept) {
aug_x <- cbind(c(rep(1, n), rep(0, aug_n)), aug_x)
aug_y <- c(y, rep(0, aug_n))
if(!is.null(weights)) {
orig_weights <- weights
weights <- c(weights, rep(1, aug_n))
if(method == "sfn") {
aug_x <- SparseM::as.matrix.csr(aug_x)
model = fitQuantileRegression(X = aug_x, y = aug_y,tau = tau,
algorithm = check_algorithm(method),
weights = weights, scale = 1,
p_star <- p + intercept
coefs <- coefficients(model)[1:p_star]
return_val <- NULL
return_val$coefficients <- coefs
if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
x_names <- paste("x", 1:p, sep = "")
else {
x_names <- colnames(x)
if (intercept) {
x_names <- c("intercept", x_names)
attributes(return_val$coefficients)$names <- x_names
return_val$coefficients[abs(return_val$coefficients) < coef.cutoff] <- 0
return_val$PenRho <- model$rho
return_val$residuals <- model$residuals[1:n]
if (is.null(weights)) {
return_val$rho <- sum(sapply(return_val$residuals, check,
} else {
return_val$rho <- sum(orig_weights * sapply(return_val$residuals,
check, tau))
return_val$tau <- tau
return_val$n <- n
return_val$intercept <- intercept
#' Randomly assign fold ids
#' @param n number of observations to assign
#' @param nfolds number of folds to assign
#' @details This is used internally for assignment of observations
#' for kfold cross-validation
randomly_assign <- function(n, nfolds) {
group_size <- floor(n/nfolds)
foldid <- rep(NA, n)
obs <- 1:n
for(i in 1:(nfolds - 1)) {
group <- sample(obs, size = group_size, replace = F)
foldid[group] <- i
obs <- setdiff(obs, group)
foldid[obs] <- nfolds
#' Search for optimal lambda via cross-validation
#' @param x design matrix for regression
#' @param y outcome variable for regression
#' @param tau target quantile
#' @param weights optional weights for regression
#' @param method method to be used for penalized quantile regression
#' (usually one of "sfn" or "br")
#' @param intercept Whether to model the intercept or not
#' @param nfolds number of folds to use for crossvalidation
#' @param eps smallest lambda used in search
#' @param nlambda number of lambdas to search over
#' @param foldid optional pre-specified fold identifier (for example,
#' if you want the folds to satisfy underlying data groupings)
#' @param init.lambda initial lambda for search
#' @param ... other parameters to pass on to fitting method
#' @param parallel whether to run cv scoring in parallel or not
#' @param coef.cutoff what cutoff to use for "0" coefficients
#' @param thresh threshhold for what counts as a "sparse enough"
#' solution for the top of the grid
#' @importFrom future.apply future_sapply
#' @importFrom future sequential
#' @importFrom future plan
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @details Searches for a range of lambdas by first expanding the
#' max lambda if necessary, then finding the smallest lambda
#' that sets all coefficients to zero. Then it computes kfold CV scores
#' along a grid of lambdas, returning the scores and the smallest lambda.
lasso_cv_search <- function (x, y, tau = 0.5,
weights = NULL, method = "two_pass",
intercept = TRUE, nfolds = 10,
foldid = NULL, nlambda = 100,
eps = 1e-04, init.lambda = 2,
parallel = T, coef.cutoff = 1e-5,
thresh = 0.01,
...) {
p <- dim(x)[2]
p_range <- 1:p + intercept
n <- dim(x)[1]
# penalty function is lasso penalty
pen_func <- function(x, lambda) lambda * abs(x)
lambda_star <- init.lambda
searching <- TRUE
while (searching) {
init_fit <- fit_lasso(x, y, tau, lambda = lambda_star,
method = method,
weights = weights,
intercept = intercept, ...)
if (mean(abs(init_fit$coefficients[p_range])) <= thresh) {
searching <- FALSE
} else {
lambda_star <- lambda_star * 1.5
lambda_min <- eps * lambda_star
lambda <- exp(seq(log(max(lambda_min)), log(max(lambda_star)),
length.out = nlambda))
models <- list()
fit_models <- TRUE
# bracket search until it finds set of lambdas that don't always zero out
# coefficients
# start in the middle
lam_pos = floor(length(lambda)/2)
max_lambda_pos <- length(lambda)
min_lambda_pos <- 1
while (fit_models & lambda[max_lambda_pos] > 2) {
if (fit_models) {
models[[lam_pos]] <- fit_lasso(x = x, y = y, tau = tau,
lambda = lambda[lam_pos],
weights = weights,
intercept = intercept,
method = method,
if (mean(abs(coefficients(models[[lam_pos]])[p_range])) > thresh) {
if(lam_pos > min_lambda_pos) {
min_lambda_pos = lam_pos
lam_pos = lam_pos + ceiling((max_lambda_pos - lam_pos)/2)
} else {
if(lam_pos == max_lambda_pos) {
end_pos = lam_pos
if(lam_pos < max_lambda_pos) {
max_lambda_pos = lam_pos
lam_pos = lam_pos - floor((lam_pos - min_lambda_pos)/2)
lambda = lambda[1:lam_pos]
if (is.null(foldid)) {
foldid <- randomly_assign(n, nfolds)
# generate all combinations of lambda and folds
lambda_folds <- expand.grid(lambda, 1:nfolds)
colnames(lambda_folds) <- c("lambda", "foldid")
fold_list <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(lambda_folds)) {
fold_list[[i]] <- lambda_folds[i,]
if(parallel) {
} else {
cv_results <-
FUN = function(l, x, y, foldid) {
lambda = l[[1]]
i = l[[2]]
train_x <- x[foldid != i, ]
train_y <- y[foldid != i]
test_x <- x[foldid == i, , drop = FALSE]
test_y <- y[foldid == i]
if (is.null(weights)) {
train_weights <- test_weights <- NULL
} else {
train_weights <- weights[foldid != i]
test_weights <- weights[foldid == i]
model <- fit_lasso(x = train_x, y = train_y, tau = tau,
weights = train_weights,
intercept = intercept,
method = method, lambda = lambda)
model_coef <- model$coefficients
# if test_x matrix doesn't have intercept, add it
if(ncol(test_x) == (length(model_coef) - 1)) {
test_x = cbind(1, test_x)
y_hat <- test_x %*% model_coef
model_fit <- check(test_y - y_hat)
if(is.null(test_weights)) {
} else {
stats::weighted.mean(model_fit, test_weights)
}, x = x, y = y, foldid = foldid)
cv_results <- sapply(split(cv_results, factor(lambda_folds$lambda)), mean)
lambda.min <- lambda[which.min(cv_results)]
return_val <- list()
return_val$models <- models
return_val$cv <- data.frame(lambda = lambda, cve = cv_results)
rownames(return_val$cv) <- NULL
colnames(return_val$cv)[2] <- "cv_score"
return_val$lambda.min <- lambda.min
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