
## code to prepare `DATASET` dataset goes here
# Function: Organize data downloaded from the web.
# This function is designed to take NOAA weather data organized in .dly format,
# extract snow depth and WESD information, and return a neatly organized
# data frame. Each function call takes an incredible amount of time to run.
# URL - the full URL of the web query.
# elem - the desired climate variable.
getStationData <- function(URL, elem = c("SNWD", "WESD")){
  # % Define the piping command (avoid loading dplyr specifically)
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`

  # Test to see if the given URL contains a file
  #vi.url <- RCurl::url.exists(URL)

  #  warning(paste("File ", URL, " does not exist."))
  #  return(NULL)

  # Read the table from the FTP file. Convert to character vector.
  dly <- try(read.table(URL, sep = "\t"), silent = TRUE)
  if(inherits(dly, "try-error")){
    print(paste("No viable file found at ", URL, sep = ""))
  dly <- as.character(dly$V1)

  # Create a list that can hold all the entries of dly
  tdata <- vector("list", length = length(dly))
  # Create a separate count variable as we will not keep all variables.
  count = 1
  for(i in 1:length(tdata)){
    tentry <- dly[i]

    # Extract the variable name and only proceed if the variable is desired.
    telem <- substring(tentry, 18, 21)

    # Create a data frame for each month of data
    if(is.element(telem, elem)){
      tdf <- data.frame(
        ID = rep(substring(tentry, 1, 11), 31),
        YEAR = rep(substring(tentry, 12, 15), 31),
        MONTH = rep(substring(tentry, 16, 17), 31),
        DAY = 1:31,
        ELEMENT = rep(substring(tentry, 18, 21), 31),
        VALUE = rep("-9999", 31),
        MFLAG = rep(" ", 31),
        QFLAG = rep(" ", 31),
        SFLAG = rep(" ", 31),
        # Avoid creating factor varibles from the character strings
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      # Iteration of k taken from documentation:
      k = 22
      for(j in 1:31){
        tdf$VALUE[j] <- substring(tentry, k, k+4)
        tdf$MFLAG[j] <- substring(tentry, k+5, k+5)
        tdf$QFLAG[j] <- substring(tentry, k+6, k+6)
        tdf$SFLAG[j] <- substring(tentry, k+7, k+7)
        k = k+8
      tdata[[count]] <- tdf
      count = count + 1

  tdata2 <- data.table::rbindlist(tdata)

  if(nrow(tdata2) > 0){
    tdata2 <- tdata2 %>%
      dplyr::mutate(YEAR = as.numeric(as.character(YEAR)),
                    MONTH = as.numeric(as.character(MONTH)),
                    DAY = as.numeric(as.character(DAY)),
                    VALUE = as.numeric(as.character(VALUE))) %>%
      dplyr::filter(VALUE != -9999)

    if(nrow(tdata2) > 0){

# Function: download snow data for a particular state.
# Uses the getStationData function in a loop to organize results by state.
# state - the abbreviated state name as provided in the station meta-data.
# stations - the station meta data run previously.
# mainpath - The main URL to download station data from the web.
# ext - the desired file extension.
getState <- function(state, stations, mainpath, ext = ".dly", ...){
  # Define the pipeline operator:
  # -
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`

  # Subset the stations according to the given state. Blank will give return
  # all stations without a state designation.
  stations.sub <- stations[stations$STATE == state, ]
  st.ID <- stations.sub$ID
  data.list <- vector("list", length(st.ID))
  for(i in 1:length(st.ID)){
    data.list[[i]] <- getStationData(URL = paste(mainpath, st.ID[i], ext, sep = ""), ...)

  tdata2 <- data.table::rbindlist(data.list)

  if(nrow(tdata2) > 0){
    tdata2 <- tdata2 %>%
      dplyr::mutate(YEAR = as.numeric(as.character(YEAR)),
                    MONTH = as.numeric(as.character(MONTH)),
                    DAY = as.numeric(as.character(DAY)),
                    VALUE = as.numeric(as.character(VALUE)))

    if(nrow(tdata2) > 0){

# Function: Clean the data for a given state.
# fileName - name of the .csv file that will be cleaned.
# stations - R data frame with all station meta data
# year1    - the earliest calendar year to consider
# year2    - the most recent calendar year to consider
# remove.outlier - (true/false) should outliers be removed as part of analysis?
# method   - ("Sturm" or "RMCD") the method for converting snow weight from
#             snow depth.
# h        - maximum similarity score for the cluster analysis.
# distAdj  - constant value that scales the dissimilarity score for geographic
#            distance.
# elevAdj  - constant value that scales elevation dissimilarity
# cluster  - (true/false) should nearby stations be clustered together as part
#            of the analysis?
dataPrep <- function(fileName, stations, year1 = 1967, year2 = 2018,
                     remove.outlier = TRUE, method = "Sturm", h = 2,
                     distAdj = 4, elevAdj = 50, cluster = TRUE){

  # Define the pipeline operator:
  # -
  `%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`

  # Step 1 - Data Consolidation
  # Note that SNWD needs conversion from mm to cm.
  # and WESD needs conversion from mm/10 to cm.
  tempDF <- try(read.csv(fileName), TRUE)
  # Return error if data fails to read.
  if(inherits(tempDF, "try-error")){
    print(paste("No viable file found at ", fileName, " returning NULL...",
                sep = ""))

  tempDF <- tempDF %>%
    dplyr::mutate(YEAR = as.numeric(as.character(YEAR)),
                  MONTH = as.numeric(as.character(MONTH)),
                  DAY = as.numeric(as.character(DAY)),
                  VALUE = as.numeric(as.character(VALUE)),
                  # value conversion for SNWD and WESD are different.
                  VALUE = dplyr::if_else(ELEMENT == "SNWD", VALUE*0.1, VALUE*.01),
                  # Define a water year from October to May (move October forward 1 year)
                  wYEAR = dplyr::if_else(MONTH < 9, YEAR, YEAR+1),
                  QFLAG = dplyr::if_else(, " ", as.character(QFLAG)),
                  MFLAG = dplyr::if_else(, " ", as.character(MFLAG)),
                  SFLAG = dplyr::if_else(, " ", as.character(SFLAG))) %>%
    dplyr::filter(wYEAR >= year1, wYEAR <= year2) %>% # Only keep relevant years
    dplyr::filter(MONTH < 6 | MONTH > 9) %>% # only keep relevant months
    dplyr::filter(QFLAG == " ") %>% # remove observations failing NDCD quality check
    dplyr::filter(MFLAG != "P") %>% # Filter missing presumed 0.
    dplyr::select(-QFLAG, -MFLAG, -SFLAG)

  if(nrow(tempDF) < 1){
    print(paste("No viable records in ", fileName, " returning NULL...", sep = ""))

  ### Add station cluster information if requested.  ######################
  stID <- as.character(unique(tempDF$ID))

  # Only cluster if there is more than one station in the set.
  stations.sub <- stations[is.element(stations$ID, stID), ]
  if(cluster & length(stID) > 1){
    tdist <-[, c("LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE")])
    telev <- abs(outer(stations.sub$ELEVATION, stations.sub$ELEVATION, "-"))
    teco <- outer(stations.sub$NA_L3CODE, stations.sub$NA_L3CODE, "!=")
    # Prevent clusters from occuring across eco regions by setting the eco
    # score beyond the cutting value.
    teco <- (h+1)*teco

    # Produce "similarity matrix":
    # - distance of 2 km produces a score of 1
    # - elevation difference of 50m produces a score of 1
    dist.clust <- stats::as.dist((tdist/distAdj) + (telev/elevAdj) + teco)

    # Cluster all stations with the farthest neighbors in a cluster having a
    # score of no more than 2.
    tclust <- stats::hclust(dist.clust, method = "complete") <- stats::cutree(tclust, h = h)

    stations.sub$cuID <-
    stations.sub$cuID <- paste(stations.sub$STATE,, sep = "-")
  }else{ # Return the original ID variables if clustering is not desired.
    stations.sub$cuID <- stations.sub$ID

  # Now summarize the results based on this information. <- stations.sub %>%
    dplyr::filter(ELEVATION > -100) %>% # Remove missing elevation information
    dplyr::group_by(cuID) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(NAME = NAME[1],
                     STATE = STATE[1],
                     LATITUDE = mean(LATITUDE, na.rm = TRUE),
                     LONGITUDE = mean(LONGITUDE, na.rm = TRUE),
                     ELEVATION = mean(ELEVATION, na.rm = TRUE),
                     REGIONIII = unique(NA_L3CODE),
                     REGION_name = unique(NA_L3NAME),
                     climate = unique(climate),
                     numST = dplyr::n())


  tempDF <- dplyr::left_join(tempDF, stations.sub, by = "ID")

  # Define the date using the lubridate package and determine the
  # day of the year (DOY)
  tempDF$DATE <- paste(tempDF$YEAR, tempDF$MONTH, tempDF$DAY, sep = "-")
  tempDF$DATE <- lubridate::as_date(tempDF$DATE)
  tempDF$DOY <- lubridate::yday(tempDF$DATE)
  tempDF$DOYA <- tempDF$DOY
  tempDF$DOYA[tempDF$DOYA > 250] = tempDF$DOYA[tempDF$DOYA > 250] - 366
  # Must avoid 0 value that occurs for leap years.
  tempDF$DOYA[tempDF$DOYA == 0] <- -1

  params <- base::data.frame(climate = c("Alpine", "Maritime", "Prairie", "Tundra",
                                         "Taiga", "Ephemeral"),
                             pmax = c(0.5975,	0.5979,	0.594, 0.363, 0.217,
                                      (0.5975 + 0.5979 + 0.594)/3),
                             po = c(0.2237, 0.2578, 0.2332,	0.2425,	0.217,
                                    (0.2237 + 0.2578 + 0.2332)/3),
                             k1 = c(0.0012, 0.001, 0.0016, 0.0029, 0,
                                    (0.0012 + 0.001 + 0.0016)/3),
                             k2 = c(0.0038,	0.0038, 0.0031, 0.0049, 0,
                                    (0.0038 + 0.0038 + 0.0031)/3))

  tempDF.snwd <- tempDF %>%
    dplyr::filter(ELEMENT == "SNWD") %>%
    dplyr::select(ID, cuID, DATE, wYEAR, DOYA, VALUE, climate) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., params, by = "climate") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(WEIGHT1 = VALUE*((pmax - po)*(1 - exp((-k1*VALUE) - (k2*DOYA))) + po)*0.09806665,
                  WEIGHT2 = dplyr::if_else(VALUE/2.54 < 22,
                                           .9 * .04788 * VALUE / 2.54,
                                           ((2.36*VALUE/2.54) - 31.9)*.04788),
                  SNWD = VALUE) %>%
    dplyr::select(-pmax, -po, -k1, -k2, -VALUE)

  tempDF.wesd <- tempDF %>%
    dplyr::filter(ELEMENT == "WESD") %>%
    dplyr::select(ID, cuID, DATE, wYEAR, DOYA, VALUE, climate) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., params, by = "climate") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(WEIGHT3 = VALUE*0.09806665,
                  WESD = VALUE) %>%
    dplyr::select(-pmax, -po, -k1, -k2, -VALUE, -climate)

  tempDF <- dplyr::full_join(tempDF.snwd, tempDF.wesd, by = c("ID", "cuID", "DATE", "DOYA", "wYEAR"))

  # Now determine a final weight for each observation, giving preference to direct
  # calculations of WESD.
  tempDF$WEIGHT <- tempDF$WEIGHT3
  tempDF$direct <- 1 # Indicator that measurement was calculated directly from WESD
  if(method == "Sturm"){ # By default, use Sturm's method
    tempDF$direct[$WEIGHT)] <- 0
    tempDF$WEIGHT1[$WEIGHT1)] <- -1 # Replace missing with negative
    tempDF$WEIGHT[$WEIGHT)] <- -1 # Replace missing with negative
    tempDF$WEIGHT[tempDF$WEIGHT <= 0 & tempDF$WEIGHT1 > 0] <-
      tempDF$WEIGHT1[tempDF$WEIGHT <= 0 & tempDF$WEIGHT1 > 0]
    tempDF$direct[tempDF$WEIGHT <= 0 & tempDF$WEIGHT1 > 0] <- 0
  }else{ # Use RMCD if specified.
    tempDF$direct[$WEIGHT)] <- 0
    tempDF$WEIGHT2[$WEIGHT2)] <- -1 # Replace missing with negative
    tempDF$WEIGHT[$WEIGHT)] <- -1 # Replace missing with negative
    tempDF$WEIGHT[tempDF$WEIGHT <= 0 & tempDF$WEIGHT2 > 0] <-
      tempDF$WEIGHT2[tempDF$WEIGHT <= 0 & tempDF$WEIGHT2 > 0]
    tempDF$direct[tempDF$WEIGHT <= 0 & tempDF$WEIGHT2 > 0] <- 0

  # Retain only relevant columns. Add back month column.
  tempDF <- tempDF %>%
    dplyr::select(ID, cuID, DATE, wYEAR, WEIGHT, direct) %>%
    dplyr::filter(WEIGHT >= 0) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(MONTH = lubridate::month(DATE))

  # Step 2 - Outlier Detection
    # Collect the initial maximums, these will be used to search
    # for high outliers.
    # First block gives preference to observations directly obtained from WESD
    # when determining the maximum value within clusters.
    tempMax <- tempDF %>%
      dplyr::group_by(cuID, DATE) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(direct), dplyr::desc(WEIGHT)) %>%
      dplyr::slice(1) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::group_by(cuID, wYEAR) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(maxW = max(WEIGHT, na.rm = TRUE),
                       nday = n(),
                       nmonth = length(unique(MONTH)),
                       wmonth = MONTH[which.max(WEIGHT)[1]],
                       ID = ID[which.max(WEIGHT)][1])

    # For each station, determine the median and 10th percentile
    # of the data points.
    tempQuant <- tempMax %>%
      dplyr::group_by(cuID) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(q50 = median(maxW)) %>%

    # Filter all maximums in water years that lack at least 30 records
    # spanning over 5 different months
    # (UNLESS the maximum is strictly above the median).
    tempMax <- dplyr::left_join(tempMax, tempQuant, by = "cuID") %>%
      dplyr::filter((nday >= 30 & nmonth >= 5) | maxW > q50)

    # Determine the bounds for which we will flag "outliers".
    # Because we assume the maximum values are right skewed, we take the log
    # of the data for this calculation.
    tempBounds <- tempMax %>%
      dplyr::group_by(cuID) %>%
      dplyr::summarize(q25 = stats::quantile(log(maxW + 1), 0.25),
                       q75 = stats::quantile(log(maxW + 1), 0.75),
                       maxl = max(log(maxW + 1)),
                       # 0.7871 is the equivalent to 25 psf after transformation
                       IQR2 = dplyr::if_else(3*(q75-q25) + q75 > 0.7871,
                                             3*(q75-q25) + q75, 0.7871)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(CUTOFF = exp(IQR2) - 1) %>%
      dplyr::select(cuID, CUTOFF, IQR2) %>%

    outliers <- dplyr::left_join(tempDF, tempBounds, by = "cuID") %>%
      dplyr::filter(WEIGHT > CUTOFF)

    # If a station has 5 or more observations above the cutoff in a given year
    # remove the outlier flag from these values.
    outSum <- outliers %>%
      dplyr::group_by(cuID, wYEAR) %>%
      dplyr::tally() %>%
      dplyr::filter(n < 5) %>%
      dplyr::ungroup() %>%
      dplyr::select(cuID, wYEAR, n)

    # Only retain "outliers" that have less than 5 values above the cutoff.
    outliers <- dplyr::inner_join(outliers, outSum, by = c("cuID", "wYEAR")) %>%
      dplyr::select(cuID, ID, DATE, WEIGHT, CUTOFF)

    tempDF <- dplyr::anti_join(tempDF, outliers, by = c("cuID", "ID", "DATE"))

  # Step 3 - Distributional estimates.
  # With the outliers removed, redo the collection of maximums.
  # (see earlier code in Step 2)
  # First block gives preference to observations directly obtained from WESD
  # when determining the maximum value within clusters.
  tempMax <- tempDF %>%
    dplyr::group_by(cuID, DATE) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(direct), dplyr::desc(WEIGHT)) %>%
    dplyr::slice(1) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::group_by(cuID, wYEAR) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(maxW = max(WEIGHT),
                     nday = length(unique(DATE)),
                     nmonth = length(unique(MONTH)),
                     wmonth = which.max(WEIGHT)[1])

  tempQuant <- tempMax %>%
    dplyr::group_by(cuID) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(q50 = stats::median(maxW),
                     q10 = stats::quantile(maxW, 0.1),
                     q25 = stats::quantile(maxW, 0.25)) %>%

  # Filter all observations at or below the 10th percentile.
  # Unless the 25th percentile is also 0, then keep them.
  tempMax <- dplyr::left_join(tempMax, tempQuant, by = "cuID") %>%
    dplyr::filter((nday >= 30 & nmonth >= 5) | maxW > q50) # nday >= 30 &

  stScreen <- tempMax %>% dplyr::group_by(cuID) %>% dplyr::tally()

  tempMax <- dplyr::left_join(tempMax, stScreen, by = "cuID") %>%
    dplyr::filter(n > 11) %>%
    dplyr::filter(maxW > q10 | q25 == 0)

  final.load <- tempMax %>%
    dplyr::group_by(cuID) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(medMax = median(maxW),
                     mMax = max(maxW),
                     DLL = mle50(maxW),
                     DLL2 = mle50(maxW, pcnt = 0.99),
                     DLG = mle50(maxW, dbn = "gamma"),
                     DLG2 = mle50(maxW, pcnt = 0.99, dbn = "gamma"),
                     DLI = mle50(maxW, dbn = "gumbel"),
                     DLI2 = mle50(maxW, pcnt = 0.99, dbn = "gumbel"),
                     DLII = mle50(maxW, dbn = "frechet"),
                     DLII2 = mle50(maxW, pcnt = 0.99, dbn = "frechet"),
                     DLIII = mle50(maxW, dbn = "revweibull"),
                     DLIII2 = mle50(maxW, pcnt = 0.99, dbn = "revweibull"),
                     DLW = mle50(maxW, dbn = "weibull"),
                     DLW2 = mle50(maxW, pcnt = 0.99, dbn = "weibull"),
                     DLN = mle50(maxW, dbn = "gamma"),
                     DLN2 = mle50(maxW, pcnt = 0.99, dbn = "gamma"),
                     #tskew = e1071::skewness(maxW),
                     numMax = n())

  # Combine information and return.
  final.load <- dplyr::inner_join(, final.load, by = "cuID") %>%
    dplyr::mutate(REGIONII = gsub(REGIONIII,
                                  pattern = "[[:punct:]][[:digit:]]+$",
                                  replacement = ""),
                  REGIONI = gsub(REGIONII,
                                 pattern = "[[:punct:]][[:digit:]]+$",
                                 replacement = "")) %>%
                  REGIONI, REGIONII, REGIONIII, REGION_name,
                  climate, numST, numMax, medMax, mMax, DLL, DLL2,
                  DLG, DLG2, DLI, DLI2, DLII, DLII2, DLIII, DLIII2,
                  DLW, DLW2, DLN, DLN2)

  if(nrow(outliers) > 1){
    outliers$relevant = 0
    outliers$relevant[is.element(outliers$cuID, final.load$cuID)] <- 1

  return(list(final.load, outliers, tempMax))

mle50 = function(x, pcnt = 0.98, dbn = "lnorm", method = "mle", fplot = FALSE){
  if(!is.element(dbn, c("lnorm", "gamma", "norm", "weibull",
                        "frechet", "gumbel", "revweibull"))){
    stop("Only viable dbn options are lnorm, norm, weibull,
         frechet, gumbel, revweibull, and gamma")
  # Ensure no na values in the vector (there shouldn't be any)
  tempvec = as.vector(na.omit(x))

  # If a station has NEVER had snow, then simply return 0
  if(max(tempvec) == 0){return(0)}

  # Determine the proportion of zero-valued maximums (no snow in a year).
  tempvec.sub <- tempvec[tempvec > 0] <- 1 - (length(tempvec.sub)/length(tempvec))

  # If there are not enough values for the distribution fitting
  # (at least 5) then simply return the maximum max.
  if(length(tempvec.sub) < 5){return(max(tempvec))}

  # If there are enough non-zero maxiums, commence with the
  # distribution fitting process.

  # First, perform appropriate transformations
  # (see "Continuous Univariate Distributions Vol 2",
  #  Johnson, Kotz, and Balakrishnan)
  if(is.element(dbn, c("weibull", "frechet",
                       "gumbel", "revweibull"))){
    dbn2 = "weibull"
    if(dbn == "frechet"){
      tempvec.sub <- 1/tempvec.sub
    if(dbn == "gumbel"){
      tmean <- mean(tempvec.sub)
      tempvec.sub <- 1/exp(tempvec.sub - tmean)
    if(dbn == "revweibull"){
      tmax <- max(tempvec.sub) + 1
      tempvec.sub <- tmax - tempvec.sub
    dbn2 = dbn

  tempdist = try(fitdistrplus::fitdist(tempvec.sub, distr = dbn2,
                                       method = method), TRUE)

  if(inherits(tempdist, "try-error")){
    print(paste("No viable MLE estimators for", dbn, "distribution. Returning NA...",
                sep = ""))

  # 50 year estimate is the 98th percentile of the above fitted distribution
  tpcnt <- (pcnt -

  if(tpcnt <= 0){

  if(is.element(dbn, c("frechet", "gumbel", "revweibull"))){
    tpcnt = 1-tpcnt

  # If a station has no snow more often than the desired percentile,
  # return 0.
  # if not, return the adjusted recurrence value.
  if(dbn2 == "lnorm"){
    recurrencevalue = stats::qlnorm(tpcnt, meanlog = tempdist$estimate[1],
                                    sdlog = tempdist$estimate[2])
  if(dbn2 == "gamma"){
    recurrencevalue = stats::qgamma(tpcnt, shape = tempdist$estimate[1],
                                    rate = tempdist$estimate[2])
  if(dbn2 == "norm"){
    recurrencevalue = stats::qnorm(tpcnt, mean = tempdist$estimate[1],
                                   sd = tempdist$estimate[2])
  if(dbn2 == "weibull"){
    recurrencevalue = stats::qweibull(tpcnt, shape = tempdist$estimate[1],
                                      scale = tempdist$estimate[2])

    # Title idea:
    # -
    title(paste("Distribution:", dbn, sep = " "), outer=TRUE)

  if(dbn == "frechet"){
    recurrencevalue = 1/recurrencevalue
  if(dbn == "gumbel"){
    recurrencevalue = -log(recurrencevalue) + tmean
  if(dbn == "revweibull"){
    recurrencevalue = tmax - recurrencevalue

  # I confirmed these results were equivalent to the qzmlnorm results
  # (for the lognormal distribution only)
  # in the EnvStats package on 10-9-2018.

stations <- utils::read.csv("../Data/stationList.csv")
tST <- as.character(unique(stations$STATE))

# Step 2 - Download Data From the Web. (TAKES FOREVER TO RUN)
for(i in 1:length(tST)){
  print(paste("Starting download for ", tST[i], "..."))
  tempDF <- getState(tST[i], stations,
                     ext = ".dly",  elem = c("SNWD", "WESD"))

  write.csv(tempDF, file = paste("../Data/Raw/", tST[i], "snow.csv",
                                 sep = ""), row.names = FALSE)


# Step 3 - Clean the scraped data and return only the design snow load values.
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Combine the British Columbia Data
bc1 <- read.csv("../Data/Raw/BCsnow.csv") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(MFLAG = dplyr::if_else(, " ", as.character(MFLAG)),
                QFLAG = dplyr::if_else(, " ", as.character(QFLAG)),
                SFLAG = dplyr::if_else(, " ", as.character(SFLAG)))
bc2 <- read.csv("../Data/Raw/BCsnow2.csv") %>%
  dplyr::mutate(MFLAG = dplyr::if_else(, " ", as.character(MFLAG)),
                QFLAG = dplyr::if_else(, " ", as.character(QFLAG)),
                SFLAG = dplyr::if_else(, " ", as.character(SFLAG)))
bc3 <- dplyr::bind_rows(bc1, bc2)

write.csv(bc3, file = "../Data/Raw/BCsnow3.csv", row.names = FALSE)
remove(bc1, bc2, bc3)

# library(doSNOW)
# library(foreach)
# clusters <- parallel::detectCores()
# cl <- makeCluster(7) #register five clusters.
# registerDoSNOW(cl)

tfiles <- list.files("../Data/Raw/", ".csv", full.names = TRUE)

# Exclude the separate pieces of the BC snow data in the clean.
tfiles.sub <- tfiles[!is.element(tfiles, c("../Data/Raw/BCsnow.csv",

# Create lists to store the output results.
DSL <- outliers <- maxes <- vector("list", length(tfiles.sub))
for(i in 1:length(tfiles.sub)){
  # Parallel version
  #foreach(i = 1:length(tfiles.sub)) %dopar% {
  print(paste("Starting clean for ", tfiles.sub[i], "..."))

  tdf <- dataPrep(tfiles.sub[i], stations, year1 = 1967, year2 = 2018,
                  remove.outlier = TRUE, method = "Sturm", h = 2,
                  distAdj = 4, elevAdj = 50, cluster = TRUE)
  # Dist adj makes a distance of 4 km have a dissimilarity score of 1 and
  # and elevation difference of 50 meters the same.

  DSL[[i]] <- tdf[[1]]
  outliers[[i]] <- tdf[[2]]
  maxes[[i]] <- tdf[[3]]


snowLoadFinal <- data.table::rbindlist(DSL)
outlierFinal <- data.table::rbindlist(outliers, fill = TRUE)
maxesFinal <- data.table::rbindlist(maxes, fill = TRUE)

# Run the next line when you need to simply make an update.
# snowLoadFinal <- read.csv("data-raw/finalSnowLoads.csv")

# Add the water basin information
snow_sp <- snowLoadFinal
sp::coordinates(snow_sp) <- c("LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE")

# Read in water basin information
basins <-  rgdal::readOGR(dsn = "data-raw",
                          layer = "naWatershed")
sp::proj4string(snow_sp) <- sp::proj4string(basins)

snowLoadFinal$HUC <- over(snow_sp, basins)$HUC8
snowLoadFinal$HUC <- as.numeric(as.character(snowLoadFinal$HUC))
# Replace missing values with a common "missing" huc with the
# same number of digits.
snowLoadFinal$HUC[$HUC)] <- 99999999

# Final preparation of dataset for distribution.
loadMat <- snowLoadFinal %>%
  dplyr::select(DLL, DLG, DLI, DLII, DLIII)
loadMat <- as.matrix(loadMat)
meds <- round(apply(loadMat, 1, median), 3)

# Add water basin information to the final set.

snowloads <- snowLoadFinal %>%
                climate, HUC, numST, numMax, medMax, mMax) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(LATITUDE = round(LATITUDE, 3),
                LONGITUDE = round(LONGITUDE, 3),
                ELEVATION = as.integer(round(ELEVATION)),
                medMax = round(medMax, 3),
                mMax = round(mMax, 3))
snowloads$snowload <- meds

beanb2/snowload documentation built on Jan. 7, 2020, 9:48 p.m.