
define_output_3d_viewer <- function(
  outputId, title, surfaces = 'pial', multiple_subject = FALSE,
  message = 'Generate 3D Viewer ',
  height = NULL, width = 12, order = 0, additional_ui = NULL,
  hide_btn = FALSE, ...
  # Generate reactives
  output_call <- paste0(outputId, '_widget')
  output_btn <- paste0(outputId, '_btn')
  output_new <- paste0(outputId, '_new')
  output_fun <- paste0(outputId, '_fun')
  additional_ui <- substitute(additional_ui)
  quo <- rlang::quo({
    ...local_env <- new.env()
    assign(!!outputId, function(){
      clicked <- shiny::isolate(input[[!!output_btn]])
      if( !!hide_btn ){
        btn <- NULL
        btn <- tagList(htmltools::a(
          id = ns(!!output_btn),
          href = '#',
          class = "action-button",
        ' | ')
        client_size <- get_client_size()
        client_height <- client_size$available_size[[2]] - 500
        height <- sprintf('%.0fpx', client_height)
        height <- !!height
            id = ns(!!output_new),
            href = '#',
            class = "action-button",
            ' Open Viewer in a New Window '
          ' | ',
            href = '',
            target = '_blank', ' Keyboard Shortcuts ', shiny::icon('external-link')
          style = 'margin: 0 -10px -10px -10px',
          threeBrain::threejsBrainOutput(ns(!!output_call), height = height)
    }, envir = environment())
      `%?<-%` <- dipsaus::`%?<-%`
      input <- getDefaultReactiveInput()
      output <- getDefaultReactiveOutput()
      session <- getDefaultReactiveDomain()
      .env <- environment()
      .env$local_signal <- 0
      observeEvent(input[[!!output_new]], {
        cat2('Opening a side window...')
          # generate url
          session <- getDefaultReactiveDomain()
          rave_id <- session$userData$rave_id
          if(is.null(rave_id)){ rave_id <- '' }
          token <- session$userData$token
          if(is.null(token)){ token <- '' }
          globalId <- ns(!!output_call)
          query_str <- list(
            type = '3dviewer',
            globalId = htmltools::urlEncodePath(globalId),
            sessionId = htmltools::urlEncodePath(rave_id),
            token = token
          url <- paste(sprintf('%s=%s', names(query_str), as.vector(query_str)), collapse = '&')
          shinyjs::runjs(sprintf('"/?%s");', url))
      render_func <- function( proxy ){
        # Monitor subject change. If changed, then refresh!
        local_signal <- input[[!!output_btn]]
        render_value <- length(local_signal) && (local_signal != 0)
        # if( render_value ){
        #   .env$local_signal = local_signal
        # }
        # get render function
        f <- get0(!!output_fun, envir = ..runtime_env, ifnotfound = function(...){
          dipsaus::cat2('3D Viewer', !!outputId,  'cannot find function', !!output_fun, level = 'INFO')
        # get client size
        client_size <- get_client_size()
          side_width <- min(ceiling((client_size$available_size[[2]] - 300) / 3), 300)
          side_width <- 250
        ...local_env$widget <- NULL
        re <- f(render_value, side_width, ...local_env, proxy)
          ...local_env$widget <- re
      # Because monitor_subject_change needs execenv to be ready
        # Register render function
        proxy <- threeBrain::brain_proxy(!!output_call)
        output[[!!output_call]] <- threeBrain::renderBrain({
          render_func( proxy )
      # Register cross-session function so that other sessions can register the same output widget
      session$userData$cross_session_funcs %?<-% list()
      # ns must be defined, but in get_module(..., local=T) will raise error
      # because we are not in shiny environment
      ns %?<-% function(x){x} 
      session$userData$cross_session_funcs[[ns(!!output_call)]] <- render_func
  # generate output
  df <- rlang::quo({
      definition = customizedUI(!!outputId),
      title = !!title,
      width = !!width,
      order = !!order
    # This seems to be an issue of rlang
    # load_scripts(rlang::quo({!!quo})) will throw error of (Error: `arg` must be a symbol)
  eval(rlang::quo_squash(df), envir = parent.frame())
  # evaluate

# define_output_3d_viewer <- function(
#   outputId, title, surfaces = 'pial', multiple_subject = F,
#   message = 'Generate 3D Viewer ',
#   height = NULL, width = 12, order = 0, additional_ui = NULL,
#   hide_btn = FALSE, ...
# ){
#   # Generate reactives
#   output_call = paste0(outputId, '_widget')
#   output_btn = paste0(outputId, '_btn')
#   output_new = paste0(outputId, '_new')
#   output_fun = paste0(outputId, '_fun')
#   additional_ui = substitute(additional_ui)
#   quo = rlang::quo({
#     ...local_env = new.env()
#     assign(!!outputId, function(){
#       clicked = shiny::isolate(input[[!!output_btn]])
#       if( !!hide_btn ){
#         btn = NULL
#       }else{
#         btn = tagList(htmltools::a(
#           id = ns(!!output_btn),
#           href = '#',
#           class = "action-button",
#           !!message
#         ),
#         ' | ')
#       }
#       if(is.null(!!height)){
#         client_size = get_client_size()
#         client_height = client_size$available_size[[2]] - 200
#         height = sprintf('%.0fpx', client_height)
#       }else{
#         height = !!height
#       }
#       htmltools::tagList(
#         htmltools::div(
#           btn,
#           htmltools::a(
#             id = ns(!!output_new),
#             href = '#',
#             class = "action-button",
#             ' Open Viewer in a New Window '
#           ),
#           ' | ',
#           htmltools::a(
#             href = '',
#             target = '_blank', ' Keyboard Shortcuts ', shiny::icon('external-link')
#           ),
#           eval(!!additional_ui)
#         ),
#         htmltools::div(
#           style = 'margin: 0 -10px -10px -10px',
#           threeBrain::threejsBrainOutput(ns(!!output_call), height = height)
#         )
#       )
#     }, envir = environment())
#     local({
#       `%?<-%` <- dipsaus::`%?<-%`
#       input = getDefaultReactiveInput()
#       output = getDefaultReactiveOutput()
#       session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()
#       .env = environment()
#       .env$local_signal = 0
#       observeEvent(input[[!!output_new]], {
#         cat2('Opening a side window...')
#         if(!is.null(...local_env$widget)){
#           # tryCatch({
#           #   widget = ...local_env$widget
#           #
#           #   rave::send_to_daemon({
#           #     widget
#           #   }, type = 'threeBrain', outputId = ns(!!outputId),
#           #   save = c('widget'))
#           # }, error = function(e){
#           #   showNotification(p('Failed to launch the side viewer. Error message: ', e), type = 'error')
#           # })
#           # generate url
#           session = getDefaultReactiveDomain()
#           rave_id = session$userData$rave_id
#           if(is.null(rave_id)){ rave_id = '' }
#           token = session$userData$token
#           if(is.null(token)){ token = '' }
#           globalId = ns(!!output_call)
#           query_str = list(
#             type = '3dviewer',
#             globalId = htmltools::urlEncodePath(globalId),
#             sessionId = htmltools::urlEncodePath(rave_id),
#             token = token
#           )
#           url = paste(sprintf('%s=%s', names(query_str), as.vector(query_str)), collapse = '&')
#           shinyjs::runjs(sprintf('"/?%s");', url))
#         }
#       })
#       render_func = function(){
#         # threeBrain::renderBrain({
#           # Monitor subject change. If changed, then refresh!
#           if(!monitor_subject_change()){
#             return(NULL)
#           }
#           local_signal = input[[!!output_btn]]
#           # render_value = length(local_signal) && (local_signal > .env$local_signal)
#           render_value = length(local_signal) && (local_signal != 0)
#           if( render_value ){
#             .env$local_signal = local_signal
#           }
#           # get render function
#           f = get0(!!output_fun, envir = ..runtime_env, ifnotfound = function(...){
#             cat2('3D Viewer', !!outputId,  'cannot find function', !!output_fun, level = 'INFO')
#           })
#           # get client size
#           client_size = get_client_size()
#           if(!is.null(client_size)){
#             side_width = min(ceiling((client_size$available_size[[2]] - 300) / 3), 300)
#           }else{
#             side_width = 250
#           }
#           ...local_env$widget = NULL
#           re = f(render_value, side_width, ...local_env)
#           if(is.null(...local_env$widget)){
#             ...local_env$widget = re
#           }
#           re
#           # 
#           # brain = rave::rave_brain2(subject = subject, surfaces = !!surfaces)
#           # 
#           # shiny::validate(
#           #   shiny::need(!is.null(brain), message = 'Cannot find surface/volume files')
#           # )
#           # 
#           # re = brain
#           # 
#           # 
#           # 
#           # # Render function
#           # if( length(local_signal) && local_signal > .env$local_signal ){
#           #   .env$local_signal = local_signal
#           #   f = get0(!!output_fun, envir = ..runtime_env, ifnotfound = function(...){
#           #     rutabaga::cat2('3D Viewer', !!outputId,  'cannot find function', !!output_fun, level = 'INFO')
#           #   })
#           # 
#           #   tryCatch({
#           #     re = f(brain)
#           #   }, error = function(e){
#           #     rave::logger(e, level = 'ERROR')
#           #   })
#           # 
#           # }else{
#           #   ...local_env$widget = re$plot()
#           #   return(re$plot(side_display = FALSE))
#           # }
#           # 
#           # if('htmlwidget' %in% class(re)){
#           #   # User called $view() with additional params, directly call the widget
#           #   ...local_env$widget = re
#           #   re
#           # }else if('R6' %in% class(re)){
#           #   # User just returned brain object
#           #   ...local_env$widget = re$plot()
#           #   re$plot(side_display = FALSE)
#           # }else{
#           #   # User returned nothing
#           #   ...local_env$widget = brain$plot()
#           #   brain$plot(side_display = FALSE)
#           # }
#         # })
#       }
#       # Because monitor_subject_change needs execenv to be ready
#       eval_when_ready(function(...){
#         # Register render function
#         output[[!!output_call]] <- threeBrain::renderBrain({
#           render_func()
#         })
#       })
#       # Register cross-session function so that other sessions can register the same output widget
#       session$userData$cross_session_funcs %?<-% list()
#       # ns must be defined, but in get_module(..., local=T) will raise error
#       # because we are not in shiny environment
#       ns %?<-% function(x){x} 
#       session$userData$cross_session_funcs[[ns(!!output_call)]] = render_func
#     })
#   })
#   # generate output
#   df = rlang::quo({
#     define_output(
#       definition = customizedUI(!!outputId),
#       title = !!title,
#       width = !!width,
#       order = !!order
#     )
#     #
#     # This seems to be an issue of rlang
#     # load_scripts(rlang::quo({!!quo})) will throw error of (Error: `arg` must be a symbol)
#     load_scripts(rlang::quo(!!quo))
#   })
#   eval(rlang::quo_squash(df), envir = parent.frame())
#   # evaluate
#   invisible(quo)
# }
beauchamplab/rave documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 7:20 a.m.