
#' Copy booklet scan selection to desired directory
#' Functions allows to copy the scans of a subset of variables,
#' sort by variable codes, into a desired directory. This might be useful, if,
#' for example, all scans where variable \code{"D122a"} was scored with 1 (correct)
#' should be collected in a common folder.
#'@param vars character string of variables whose scans should be copied. If missing, all available variables will be used.
#'@param dat wide format data which contain these variables. Names in \code{vars} must match column names of \code{dat}.
#'@param id column number or column name of the person identifier variable in the wide format data.
#'@param sourceDir The directory which contains the scans.
#'@param targetDir The target directory for the copied scans.
#'@param codebook either a character string with the folder of the corresponding excel file,
#'or an already imported data.frame of the IQB codebook.
#'@param startRow Optional: If codebook is provided as character string referring to an excel file,
#'\code{startRow} indicates the first line in the file which should be read in.
#'@param sheet character string containing the name of the excel sheet containing the codebook.
#'Only necessary if \code{codebook} was provided as character string.
#'@param varColumn character string of the variable identifier column name in the codebook.
#'@param bookletColumnPrefix Character string of the booklet identifier prefix in the codebook. The codebook
#'usually contains several booklet columns which should begin with a common identifier.
#'@param exclude Character string of codes which should be ignored for selection. If all codes should
#'be used, type \code{exclude = ""} or \code{exclude = NULL}.
#'@param separators Two character strings must be given: First string separates booklet identifier and page identifier in the
#'filenames of the scans. Second string separates page identifier from person identifier in the
#'filenames of the scans.
#'@param suffix Suffix of the filenames of the scans. If the scan files have multiple suffixes, you
#'can use \code{suffix = ".TIF|.tif"}, fo example.
#'@return No return, the files will be written on disk.
#'@author Sebastian Weirich
#' \dontrun{
#'# source directory
#'path <- "s:/Vera3-Scans/Deutsch/V3_Pilot_2015/Depot_100"
#'# target directory
#'target <- "N:/archiv/test"
#'# codebook folder
#'codebook <- "p:/R/Material/V3-2016_Codebook_Zoowaerter.xlsx"
#'# variable list
#'vars <- readxl::read_excel("p:/R/Material/KA3_Variablennamen_Zoowaerter.xlsx",
#'                   sheet = "Tabelle1")
#'vars <- substr(unique(unlist(vars)),1,7)
#'# load data and reshape to the wide format
#'load("r:/VERA3/Deutsch/V3_DEU_2016/1_Pilotierung_2015/13_Auswertung und Itemselektion/02_Itemebene.rda")
#'dat <- reshape2::dcast(datAggL, ID~item, value.var = "value")
#'# select and copy scans
#'cop  <- copyScanSelection(vars=vars, dat=dat, id="ID", sourceDir=path,
#'                          targetDir=target, codebook=codebook, startRow = 1)
### foo <- copyScanSelection(codebook, vars=unlist(variablen), dat=dat, id=1, sourceDir = "s:/Vera3-Scans/Deutsch/V3_Pilot_2015/Depot_100", targetDir = "N:/archiv/test")
### prefixPattern = "TH[:digit:]{2}-[:digit:]{2}_[:digit:]{10}"
copyScanSelection <- function ( vars, dat, id, sourceDir, targetDir, codebook, startRow = 4, sheet = "Codebook", varColumn = "Variable", bookletColumnPrefix = "TH", exclude = c("mbd", "mnr", "mci", "mnr", "mir", "mbi", "9", "97", "98", "99", "7","8"), separators = c("-", "_"), suffix = ".TIF") {
    if(length(id) != 1 ) {stop("Argument 'id' must be of length 1.\n",sep="")}
    if(class(vars) != "character") {stop("Argument 'vars' must be of class 'character'.\n",sep="")}
    if(length(vars) != length(unique(vars))) {stop("'vars' is not unique.\n")}
    dat  <- eatTools::makeDataFrame(dat)
    if (!all(vars %in% colnames(dat))) {
        weg <- setdiff(vars, colnames(dat))
        message(paste0("Following ",length(weg), " variable(s) which are missing in data will be ignored: '", paste(weg, collapse= "', '"),"'."))
        vars<- intersect(vars, colnames(dat))
        if (length(vars) == 0) {stop("No common variables in 'vars' and data.")}
    allV <- list(ID = id, variablen=vars )
    allN <- lapply(allV, FUN=function(ii) {eatTools::existsBackgroundVariables(dat = dat, variable=ii)})
    if (is.character(codebook)) {
        codebook <- eatTools::makeDataFrame ( readxl::read_excel(codebook, sheet = "Codebook", skip = startRow-1, col_types = "text"), name="codebook")
    }  else  {
        codebook <- eatTools::makeDataFrame ( codebook, name="codebook")
    ind  <- grep(paste0("^", bookletColumnPrefix), colnames(codebook))          ### check ob bookletColumnPrefix in Codebook gefunden wird
    if ( length(ind) == 0 ) {
        stop(paste0("Cannot found bookletColumnPrefix '",bookletColumnPrefix, "' in column names of codebook."))
    liste<- do.call("rbind", lapply (allN[["variablen"]], FUN = function (va) {
            codes <- setdiff(unique(dat[,va]), unique(eatTools::crop(exclude)))
            if ( length(codes) == 0) {
                 message(paste0("Variable '",va,"': no valid codes remain. All codes of '",va,"' ('",paste(unique(dat[,va]), collapse="', '"),"') are a subset of codes captured in 'exclude'."))
            sepCod<- do.call("rbind", lapply(codes, FUN = function ( co ) {
                id <- dat[which(dat[,va] == co),allN[["ID"]] ]                  ### alle IDs raussuchen, die diesen code haben
                rw <- grep(va, codebook[,varColumn])                            ### in welchen testheften (Zeilen) kommt die variable "va" vor?
                if(length(rw) == 0) {stop(paste0("Cannot find variable '",va,"' in the codebook.\n"))}
                if ( length(setdiff(unique(codebook[rw,"Variable"]), "")) > 1) {
                   message(paste0("Item '",va,"' seems to be aggregated from '",paste(setdiff(unique(codebook[rw,"Variable"]), ""), collapse= "', '"),"'. \nScan selection is skipped as aggregated scores do not match variable raw scores."))
                th <- codebook[rw[1], grep(paste0("^", bookletColumnPrefix), colnames(codebook), value=TRUE)]
                if(all(is.na(th))) {
                   message(paste0("Variable '",va,"': codebook does not contain any valid information about booklet occurrences. All '",bookletColumnPrefix,"'-columns seem to be empty. Skip '",va,"'."))
                th <- th[which(!is.na(th))]
                str<- paste0(names(th), separators[1], unlist(th), separators[2])
                str<- expand.grid(str, id)
                str<- paste0(str[,1], str[,2])
                str<- paste0(str, suffix)
                dfr<- data.frame ( variable = va, code = co, scans = str, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            return(sepCod)}))                                                   ### jetzt aus 'liste' alle scans loeschen, die es gar nicht gibt
    scans<- list.files(path = sourceDir, pattern = paste0(suffix, "$"), recursive = TRUE)
    if ( length(scans)==0) {stop(paste0("Cannot found any scan files in source directory '",sourceDir,"'.\nPlease check if the chosen suffix ('",suffix,"') is correct."))}
    scan2<- data.frame ( eatTools::halveString(string = scans, pattern="/", first=FALSE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  ### hotfix: wenn der separator in der codebookliste vom separator im Variablennamen sich unterscheidet ... deshalb separators vereinheitlichen
    liste[,"scans_einheitl"] <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(liste[,3], "\\.|_|-"), FUN = function (stri) {paste(stri, collapse="_")}))
    scan2[,"scans_einheitl"] <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(scan2[,2], "\\.|_|-"), FUN = function (stri) {paste(stri, collapse="_")}))
    if (length(intersect(tolower(liste[,"scans_einheitl"]), tolower(scan2[,"scans_einheitl"]))) == 0) {warning("keine Scans im Verzeichnis gefunden.")}
    weg  <- setdiff(tolower(liste[,"scans_einheitl"]), tolower(scan2[,"scans_einheitl"]))
    if ( length(weg)>0) { liste <- liste[-eatTools::whereAre(weg, tolower(liste[,"scans_einheitl"]), verbose = FALSE),]}
    b    <- match(tolower(liste[,"scans_einheitl"]),tolower(scan2[,"scans_einheitl"]))
    liste[,"quelle"] <- file.path(sourceDir, scans[b])
    if ( dir.exists(targetDir) == FALSE ) {dir.create(targetDir, recursive=TRUE)}
    foo  <- lapply(unique(liste[,"variable"]), FUN = function(y) {
            dir.create(file.path(targetDir, y))                                 ### Verzeichnis fuer jede einzelne Variable erzeugen, und darunter: Unterverzeichnis fuer jeden einzelnen Code jeder einzelnen Variable erzeugen
            lapply(unique(liste[which(liste[,"variable"] == y),"code"]), FUN = function(co) { dir.create(file.path(targetDir, y, co))}) })
    foo2 <- file.copy(from = liste[,"quelle"], to = file.path(targetDir, liste[,"variable"], liste[,"code"], liste[,"scans"]))
beckerbenj/eatAnalysis documentation built on July 7, 2023, 5:51 p.m.