
Initialize a study

You need a mapped BAM with the same genome than the reference here (hg38 for 1KG) for each sample.

Extract the read at each in the GDS

We used here snp-pileup from Facet

First you a vcf file with the SNV you want to keep

Create a VCF file with the SNV you want tokeep

In R library(aicsPaper)

gds <- snpgdsOpen(fileGDS1kg)
snvListVCF(gds, fileOUT, offset = 1)

You should compress and indexing the vcf file You need to install HTSlib

in a terminal

 bgzip fileOUT
 tabix -p vcf fileOUT.gz

You need a ped file with the column:

"" Id of the sample but the sample can be genotyped more than one "sex" "" can be self declare or something else but must be there "superPop" can be self declare or something else but must be there "Sample.Type" Ex Primary Tumor or Blood Derived Normal "Diagnosis" C or N (cancer normal) this is for the sample not the patient "Source" The tissue ex Ovary "Recurrent" "Case.ID" Patient identifiant "Name.ID" This the unique id of the table "batch" Number

You need the extra code in the package Facet to extract the SNV snp-pileup

The output from snp-pileup should be Name.ID.txt (snp-pileup add .gz to the filename)

snp-pileup -g -d5000 -q15 -Q20  -r0 VCFGenerateAbove snvSel0.01.vcf.gz OUTPUT.txt FILEBAM.bam

TODO change the path to something generic

You add the genotype call from the SNP-pileup to the gds 1KG and create a GDS file for each sample. with the covereage information

in R:


PATHGENO <- file.path("data", "snpCancer")
PATHMETA <- file.path("data", "metadata")
PATHGDS <- file.path("data", "genoGDS1000gAF.All.TCGA_OV.WXS")

fileNamePED <- "pedTCGA_OV_WXS_C.rds"
fileNameGDS <- "matGeno1000g.gds"

filePED <- file.path(PATHMETA, fileNamePED)
fileNameGDS <- file.path(PATHGDS, fileNameGDS)

ped <- readRDS(filePED)

studyDF <- data.frame( = "TCGA-OV.WXS.C",
                          study.desc = "Ovarian example",
                          study.platform = "WXS",
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

listSamples <- ped[, "Name.ID"]
                   fileNamePED = filePED,
                   fileNameGDS = fileNameGDS,
                   listSamples = listSamples,
                   studyDesc = studyDF,
                   batch = 1)

The gds per sample at this step + [ ] |--+ Ref.count { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.2M } |--+ Alt.count { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 1.0M } |--+ Total.count { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.6M } |--+ sampleStudy { Str8 1, 29B }

It the coverage it define at each position in the GDS 1KG

We select a subset of SNV pruned SNV

I include a R script with the possibility to run it in parallele on mutliple instance.


or in R


# fileNameGDS with the sample and 1KG genotype
# listSamples list of from the study
# PATHSAMPLEGDS is the path where the gds specific 
# to the sample is created

gds <- snpgdsOpen(fileNameGDS)

for(i in seq_len(length(listSamples))){
    print(system.time(pruned <- pruningSample(gds=gds,
                                        sampleCurrent = listSamples[i],
                                        listSNP = NULL,
                                        slide.max.bp.v = 5e5,
                                        np = 1,
                                        chr = NULL,
                                        minAF.SuperPop = NULL,
                                        keepGDSpruned = TRUE,
                                        PATHSAMPLEGDS = PATHSAMPLEGDS,
                                        keepFile = FALSE)))


The function pruningSample add the of the snp selected in the pruning process to the gds Sample

+    [  ]
|--+ Ref.count   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.2M }
|--+ Alt.count   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 1.0M }
|--+ Total.count   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.6M }
|--+ sampleStudy   { Str8 1, 29B }
|--+   { Str8 237908, 2.2M }

TODO Add genotype only for the snp selected in pruning to gdsSample


# fileNameGDS1KG the file to the gds1KG
# PATHSAMPLEGDS the path where the files gdsSample

gds <- snpgdsOpen(fileNameGDS1KG)
listGDSSample <- dir(PATHSAMPLEGDS, pattern = ".+.gds")

for(gdsSampleFile in listGDSSample){
    print(system.time(add1KG2SampleGDS(gds, file.path(PATHSAMPLEGDS, gdsSampleFile) )))

see GDSSample

+    [  ]
# Ref.count, Alt.count, Total.count are 
# all the snv from 1KG
|--+ Ref.count   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.2M }
|--+ Alt.count   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 1.0M }
|--+ Total.count   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.6M }
# Genotype from pruning
|--+ sampleStudy   { Str8 1, 29B }    
|--+   { Str8 237908, 2.2M }
|--+   { Str8 2470, 19.3K }
|--+   { Str8 237908, 2.2M }
|--+ snp.chromosome   { Int32 237908, 929.3K }
|--+ snp.position   { Int32 237908, 929.3K }
|--+ snp.index   { Int32 237908, 929.3K }
|--+ genotype   { Bit2 237908x2470, 140.1M }
|--+ SamplePos   { Float64 1, 8B }
|--+ lap    { PackedReal8 237908, 232.3K }
\--+ segment   { UInt32 237908, 929.3K } # not sure I keep it

Section annotation study |--+ study.list [ data.frame ] | |--+ { Str8 1, 9B } | |--+ study.desc { Str8 1, 13B } | --+ study.platform { Str8 1, 4B } --+ study.annot [ data.frame ] |--+ { Str8 188, 1.1K } |--+ { Str8 188, 1.1K } |--+ sample.type { Str8 188, 376B } |--+ diagnosis { Str8 188, 376B } |--+ source { Str8 188, 1.7K } --+ { Str8 188, 1.7K } Not yet the good struct for option 1 and 2

option 1 all the hetero from ex varscan

|--+ Ref.count.o   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.2M }
|--+ Alt.count.o   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 1.0M }
|--+ Total.count.o   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.6M }
|--+   { Str8 237908, 2.2M }
|--+ snp.allele.o   { Str8 237908, 2.2M }
|--+ snp.chromosome.o   { Int32 237908, 929.3K }
|--+ snp.position.o   { Int32 237908, 929.3K }
|--+ normal.geno   { Bit2 237908x2470, 140.1M }
|--+ cancer.geno   { Bit2 237908x2470, 140.1M }

option 2 all the hetero in normal from ex varscan we extract the coverage in cancer at the position where the hetero are (no overlap with

|--+ Ref.count.N   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.2M }
|--+ Alt.count.N   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 1.0M }
|--+ Total.count.N   { SparseInt16 24516859x1, 7.6M }
|--+   { Str8 237908, 2.2M }
|--+ snp.chromosome.N   { Int32 237908, 929.3K }
|--+ snp.position.N   { Int32 237908, 929.3K }


File: /mnt/wigclust5/data/unsafe/belleau/process1000G/samples1000gUnrelated/data/genoGDS1KG.2022.04.18/testBlock.gds (69.2M)
+    [  ]
|--+ block.annot   [ data.frame ] *
|  |--+   { Str8 2, 28B }
|  \--+ block.desc   { Str8 2, 108B }
\--+ block   { Int32 9076010x2 LZ4_ra(3.75%), 2.6M }

We create another GDS with the, snp.index the index in GDS of the snp in at least one sample phase information for the of the 1KG in R

fileGDS1KG <- file.path(PATH1KG, PATHGDS, "matGeno1000g.gds")
gds <- openfn.gds(fileGDS1KG)
fileGDSPhase <- file.path(PATH1KG, PATHGDS, "matPhase1000g.gds")
gdsPhase <- openfn.gds(fileGDSPhase)

PATHSAMPLEGDS <- file.path("data", "genoGDS1KG.TCGA-OV.samples")


belleau/aicsPaper documentation built on Aug. 4, 2022, 1:12 a.m.