BiocStyle::markdown() suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(knitr) library(RAIDS) }) set.seed(121444)
Package: r Rpackage("RAIDS")
Authors: r packageDescription("RAIDS")[["Author"]]
Version: r packageDescription("RAIDS")$Version
Compiled date: r Sys.Date()
License: r packageDescription("RAIDS")[["License"]]
The r Githubpkg("KrasnitzLab/RAIDS")
package and the underlying
r Githubpkg("KrasnitzLab/RAIDS")
code are distributed under
the license. You are free to use and
redistribute this software.
If you use the RAIDS package for a publication, we would ask you to cite the following:
Pascal Belleau, Astrid DeschĂȘnes, David A. Tuveson, Alexander Krasnitz. Accurate and robust inference of genetic ancestry from cancer-derived molecular data across genomic platforms. bioRxiv 2022.02.01.478737; doi:
Multiple methods have been implemented to infer ancestry from germline DNA sequence [@Price2006; @Pritchard2000; @Alexander2009]. However, genotyping of DNA from matched normal specimens is not part of standard clinical practice and is not performed routinely outside academic clinical centers. In sum, matched germline DNA sequence is often missing for cancer-derived molecular data. In such cases, having the possibility to infer ancestry from tumor-derived data would be beneficial.
The RAIDS package implements an inference procedure that has been specifically developed to accurately infer genetic ancestry from cancer-derived sequencing. The covered cancer-derived sequencing are, more specifically, tumor exomes, targeted gene panels and RNA sequences.
The RAIDS package includes a data synthesis method that enables the selection of the best parameters for a specific cancer profile and also permits a statistically assessment of inference accuracy for an individual cancer-derived molecular profile.
To install the latest version accessible on the
RAIDS Github Website,
the r CRANpkg("devtools")
package is required.
## Load required package library(devtools) ## Install the latest version of RAIDS devtools::install_github('KrasnitzLab/RAIDS')
This is an overview of genetic ancestry inference from cancer-derived molecular data:
The main steps are:
In the following sections, those main steps are described in details.
Beware that a pre-processed 1KG GDS file is available at this address:
The size of the file is 15GB. This section can be skipped if you choose to use this file.
This section explains in further details how to generate the 1000 Genomes (1KG) GDS file that is needed to run the ancestry inference tool. Beware that it is unnecessary to re-run those steps as the 1KG GDS file is publicly available.
More specifically, the formatting of the 1KG information includes all those sub-steps:
Beware that those sub-steps are time, as well as, space consuming.
In the following sections, those sub-steps are described in details.
First, the pedigree file with the description of the 1KG samples needs to be downloaded from the 1KG ftp site:
The genotyping files for the 1KG samples also needs to be downloaded. Beware that there is one file per chromosome:
As the genotyping files are split by chromosome, all files corresponding to this pattern must be downloaded:
All files are related to GRCh38 genome.
To facilitate the manipulation of the genotyping data, the large 1KG genotyping files are split into smaller files (one per sample).
As there is one genotyping file per chromosome, the process must be executed for each of chromosome
The splitting is done through a bash script:
## This in not a R script ## This script is in bash ## The script has to be run separately for each chromosome ## Create one directory for the specific chromosome ## ## Two variables need to be assigned ## The variable PATHGENO is the path where the split 1KG genotyping ## files will be located ## The variable chrCur is the current chromosome (ex: "chr1"), a sub-directory ## with the name of the chromosome will be created. The variable must ## include the prefix "chr". ## ## Ex: PATHGENO=./genotypingPerSample ## Ex: chrCur=chr1 ## mkdir ${PATHGENO}/${chrCur} cd ${PATHGENO}/${chrCur} ## The variable FILECUR is the associated 1KG genotyping VCF file for the ## specific chromosome ## The variable FILECUR must also contain the relative or complete path to ## the VCF file ## Ex: FILECUR=../../1KG_files/ALL.chr1.shapeit2_integrated_v1a.GRCh38.20181129.phased.vcf.gz ## There is 2548 samples in one phase VCF file ## The information associated to each sample is extracted and a VCF file ## specific to each sample for the current chromosome is generated ## for i in `seq 1 2548` do j=$(( $i + 9 )) SAMPLE=$(zcat $FILECUR||head -n 1000 |grep "#CHROM"|cut -d$'\t' -f$j) zcat $FILECUR|grep -v "##"|cut -d$'\t' -f$j |bzip2 -c > ${SAMPLE}.${CHR}.vcf.bz2 done
The genotyping information for all chromosomes is merged so that there is only one genotyping file per sample.
The groupChr1KGSNV() function is used to combine the genotyping information from multiple files.
## Load required package library(RAIDS) ## The path where the genotyping files are located PATHGENOCHR <- file.path("data", "pathgenochr") ## The path where the merged genotyping files will be created PATHOUT <- file.path("data", "pathgenoOUT") ## Combining the genotyping information for all chromosome in one file per ## sample groupChr1KGSNV(PATHGENOCHR, PATHOUT)
The function prepPed1KG() is used to create the pedigree file in RDS format:
## Load required package library(RAIDS) ## The path to the pedigree file from 1KG ## In this example, the file is in the current directory filePED1KGOri <- "20130606_g1k.ped" ## Extract needed information from the pedigree file from 1KG into a data.frame ## Only the samples with genotyping information (sample file present ## in PATHGENO parameter) are retained to create the final data.frame ped <- prepPed1KG(pedFile=filePED1KGOri, PATHGENO=file.path("data", "sampleGeno")) ## Save the pedigree information data.frame as a RDS file ## In this example, the file is saved here ./data/metadata/ped1KG.rds filePED1KG <- file.path("data", "metadata","ped1KG.rds") saveRDS(ped, filePED1KG)
Some intermediate file containing the SNP information from 1KG need to be generated so the information can ultimately be imported in a GDS file using Bioconductor gdsfmt.
The bulk intermediate SNP file contains the SNP position as well as the frequency in each super population.
## This is not done in R ## The python script is in the 'scriptsPy' directory for i in `ls PATHVCF/*shapeit2_integrated_v1a.GRCh38.20181129.phased.vcf.gz` do chr=$(echo $FILECUR|perl -n -e '/ALL\.(chr[^\.]+)/;print $1') python PATH2SCRIPT/ ${FILECUR} matFreq.${chr} done for i in `seq 1 22` do cat matFreq.chr${i}.txt >matFreqSNV.txt bzip2 matFreqSNV.txt done
The bulk SNP info file is called matFreqSNV.txt.bz2.
The bulk SNP file is filtered to only retain the SNPs with frequency higher then a specific cut-off (here >=0.01) for at least one super population.
The filter SNP file is saved in RDS format (fileLSNP parameter). A second file containing the index of the retained SNPs is also created (fileLSNP parameter)
The function generateMapSnvSel() is used to filter the SNP file and generated the needed RDS files:
## Load required package library(RAIDS) ## The path to the bulk SNP info file fileSNV.v <- file.path(PATHGENO, "matFreqSNV.txt.bz2") ## The paths and names of the two output files ## One file contains the index of retained SNPs ("listSNP.rds") ## One file contains the filter SNP information ("mapSNVSel.rds") fileLSNP.v <- file.path(PATHSEL, "listSNP.rds") fileFREQ.v <- file.path(PATHSEL, "mapSNVSel.rds") ## Filter the bulk SNP file (fileSNV parameter) ## Create a RDS with filter SNPs (fileFREQ parameter) ## Also creates a RDS with the indexes of the retained SNPs (fileFREQ parameter) generateMapSnvSel(cutOff=0.01, fileSNV=fileSNV.v, fileLSNP=fileLSNP.v, fileFREQ=fileFREQ.v)
The CoreArray Genomic Data Structure (GDS) data files are files suited for large-scale datasets, especially for data which are much larger than the available random-access memory.
The function generateGDS1KG() is used to generate the GDS file that will contain the information related to 1KG:
## TODO: what is PATHMETA and PATHSEL ## The path and file names of the required files ## First, the RDS file containing the pedigree information ## Second, the RDS file with the indexes of the retained SNPs ## Third, the RDS file with the filtered SNP information filePED1KG <- file.path(PATHMETA,"ped1KG.rds") fileLSNP.v <- file.path(PATHSEL, "listSNP.rds") fileFREQ.v <- file.path(PATHSEL, "mapSNVSel.rds") ## The name of the GDS file that will be created fileNameGDS <- "matGeno1000g.gds" fileGDS <- file.path(PATHGDS, fileNameGDS) ## Generate GDS file containing the 1KG information generateGDS1KG(PATHGENO=file.path("data", "sampleGeno"), fileNamePED=filePED1KG, fileSNPSel=fileFREQ.v, fileListSNP=fileLSNP.v, fileNameGDS=fileGDS)
As only unrelated patients can be used in the following analyses, the genetically related patients in 1KG must be identified.
The function identifyRelative() identifies patients that are genetically related in the 1KG files. It generates a RDS file with the unrelated patient information (filePart parameter) as well as a RDS file with the kinship coefficient between the patients (fileIBD parameter).
## Load required package library(gdsfmt) ## TODO: what is PATHMETA ## The name of the GDS file that contains the 1KG information fileNameGDS <- "matGeno1000g.gds" fileGDS <- file.path(PATHGDS, fileNameGDS) ## Files that will be created by the identifyRelative() function ## The first RDS file will contain the kinship information between patients ## The second RDS file will contain the list of unrelated patients fileIBD <- file.path(PATHMETA,"ibd.All.0.05.rds") filePart <- file.path(PATHMETA,"part.All.0.05.rds") ## Open the 1KG GDS file gds <- snpgdsOpen(fileGDS) ## Identify the genetically related patients in 1KG identifyRelative(gds=fileGDS, maf=0.05, thresh = 2^(-11/2), fileIBD=fileIBD, filePart=filePart) ## Close the 1KG GDS file closefn.gds(gds)
Only the unrelated patients from 1KG are used in the following ancestry inference and kept in the GDS 1KG file. The function identifyRelative() identifies the unrelated patients and saves the information about those patients in an intermediate external file.
The function addRef2GDS1KG() is adding the information about the unrelated patients to the GDS 1KG file using the intermediate external file.
## Add the information about the unrelated 1KG patients to the 1KG GDS file addRef2GDS1KG(fileGDS=gds, filePart=filePart)
We generate a GDS with the phase information.
The function generatePhase1KG2GDS() is adding the phase information into the newly created 1KG GDS phase file.
## Load required package library(gdsfmt) ## The name of the 1KG GDS file that already exists fileGDS1KG <- file.path(PATHGDS, "matGeno1000g.gds") ## The name of the 1KG GDS phase file that will be created fileGDSPhase <- file.path(PATHGDS, "matPhase1000g.gds") ## Open the 1KG GDS file gds <- openfn.gds(fileGDS1KG) ## Create the 1KG GDS phase file gdsPhase <- createfn.gds(fileGDSPhase) ## Add the phase information to the 1KG GDS phase file generatePhase1KG2GDS(gds, gdsPhase, PATHGENO, fileLSNP.v) ## Close both files closefn.gds(gdsPhase) closefn.gds(gds)
To run the ancestry inference on samples from an external study, the sample information must be formatted in a specific format.
Those steps shows how to prepare the sample information needed as input for the ancestry inference.
Those steps are:
Beware that a mapped BAM file is needed for each sample. The reference genome used for the mapping must correspond to the one used to generate the 1KG GDS file. In this case, the 1KG GDS file is based on genome hg38.
We used here snp-pileup from Facet
First you a vcf file with the SNV you want to keep
The snvListVCF() function is used to generate a VCF file that contains the information of all retained SNPs from 1KG GDS fil:
## Load required package library(RAIDS) ## Open the 1KG GDS file gds <- snpgdsOpen(fileGDS1kg) ## The VCF file that will be created fileOUT <- "SNPretained.VCF" ## Generate the VCF with the retained SNP position snvListVCF(gds=gds, fileOUT=fileOUT, offset=1, freqCutoff=NULL) ## Close the 1KG GDS file closefn.gds(gds)
You should compress and indexing the newly created VCF file. Do do so, you need to install HTSlib [@Bonfield2021].
In a terminal:
## This in not a R script ## This script is in bash ## Compress the new VCF file (fileOUT parameter) bgzip fileOUT ## Index the new VCF file ## HTSlib software is needed tabix -p vcf fileOUT.gz
You need a ped file with the column:
"" Id of the sample but the sample can be genotyped more than one
"" can be self declare or something else but must be there
"superPop" can be self declare or something else but must be there
"Sample.Type" Ex Primary Tumor or Blood Derived Normal
"Diagnosis" C or N (cancer normal) this is for the sample not the patient
"Source" The tissue ex Ovary
"Case.ID" Patient identifiant
"Name.ID" This the unique id of the table
"batch" Number
You need the extra code in the package Facet to extract the SNV snp-pileup [@Shen2016].
The output from snp-pileup should be Name.ID.txt (snp-pileup add .gz to the filename)
snp-pileup -g -d5000 -q15 -Q20 -r0 VCFGenerateAbove snvSel0.01.vcf.gz OUTPUT.txt FILEBAM.bam
TODO change the path to something generic
in R:
library(RAIDS) PATHGENO <- file.path("data", "snpCancer") PATHMETA <- file.path("data", "metadata") PATHGDS <- file.path("data", "genoGDS1000gAF.All.TCGA_OV.WXS") fileNamePED <- "pedTCGA_OV_WXS_C.rds" fileNameGDS <- "matGeno1000g.gds" filePED <- file.path(PATHMETA, fileNamePED) fileNameGDS <- file.path(PATHGDS, fileNameGDS) ped <- readRDS(filePED) studyDF <- data.frame( = "TCGA-OV.WXS.C", study.desc = "Ovarian example", study.platform = "WXS", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) listSamples <- ped[, "Name.ID"] appendStudy2GDS1KG(PATHGENO = PATHGENO, fileNamePED = filePED, fileNameGDS = fileNameGDS, listSamples = listSamples, studyDesc = studyDF, batch = 1)
We select a subset of SNV pruned SNV We create a GDS for each sample with only the SNP in the pruning. It use more disk space but the analysis for the samples can be run simulatanusly with multiple process (if we we all samples in one file only one process can write in the GDS).
or in R for a s
library(RAIDS) # fileNameGDS with the sample and 1KG genotype # listSamples list of from the study # PATHSAMPLEGDS is the path where the gds specific # to the sample is created studyCur <- "" gds <- snpgdsOpen(fileNameGDS) sampleGDS <- index.gdsn(gds, "") <- read.gdsn(sampleGDS) study.offset <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "study.offset")) <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "study.annot/")) listSamples <-[which( == studyCur) + study.offset] for(i in seq_len(length(listSamples))){ print(system.time(pruned <- pruningSample(gds=gds, method="corr", sampleCurrent = listSamples[i], listSNP = NULL, slide.max.bp.v = 5e5, ld.threshold.v=sqrt(0.1), np = 1, verbose.v=FALSE, chr = NULL, minAF.SuperPop = NULL, keepGDSpruned = TRUE, PATHSAMPLEGDS = PATHSAMPLEGDS, keepFile = FALSE))) } Sys.time() closefn.gds(gds)
Pre-processed files, such as the 1KG GDS file, are available at this address:
Beware that some of those files are voluminous.
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