
#' makeRandomData
#' Simulate a random data generating distribution. See Details to see how it's done.
#' Draw random data generating distribution. The code simulates as follows: \cr
#' Simulate W \itemize{
#' \item Choose \code{D}, a random number of covariates from Uniform(1,maxD)
#' \item Randomly choose \code{d1}, the distribution for first covariate, from \code{distW.uncor}
#' \item Call \code{paste0(d1,".Parm")} (which is assumed to exist in the global environment) to get parameters for \code{d1}
#' \item Call \code{d1} with parameters chosen in previous step to generate first covariate
#' \item Randomly choose \code{d2}, the distribution for second covariate, from \code{c(distW.uncor, distW.cor)} (now including correlated distributions).
#' \item Call \code{paste0(d2,".Parm")} to get parameters for \code{d2}
#' \item Call \code{d2} with parameters chosen in previous step and first covariate (to possibly induce correlation with previous covariate) to generate second covariate.
#' \item Continue until \code{maxD} is reached.
#' }
#' Simulating A \itemize{
#' \item Draw \code{MG1}, a random number of main terms for propensity score, from Uniform(1,maxD)
#' \item For \code{i} = 1,...,\code{MG1}, draw \code{f} a random function from \code{funcG0.uni}
#' \item Call \code{paste0(f,"Parm")} (assumed to exist) to generate parameters for \code{f}
#' \item Call \code{f} with \code{x = W[,i]} to generate \code{i}-th main term.
#' \item If \code{D > 1}, draw \code{MG2}, a random number of bivariate interactions for propensity, from Uniform(1,\code{MG1-1})
#' \item For \code{i} = 1,...,\code{MG2}, draw \code{f} a random function from \code{funcG0.biv}
#' \item Call \code{paste0(f,"Parm")} (assumed to exist) to generate parameters for \code{f}
#' \item Draw \code{j} and \code{k}, two random columns of \code{W}
#' \item Call \code{f} with \code{x1 = W[,j], x2 = W[,k]} to generate \code{i}-th bivariate interaction term.
#' \item If \code{D > 2}, draw \code{MG3}, a random number of trivariate interactions for propensity, from Uniform(1,\code{MG2-1})
#' \item For \code{i} = 1,...,\code{MG3}, draw \code{f} a random function from \code{funcG0.tri}
#' \item Call \code{paste0(f,"Parm")} (assumed to exist) to generate parameters for \code{f}
#' \item Draw \code{j},\code{k},\code{l}, three random columns of \code{W}
#' \item Call \code{f} with \code{x1 = W[,j], x2 = W[,k], x3 = W[,l]} to generate \code{i}-th trivariate interaction term.
#' \item Sum together all main, bivariate, and trivariate terms to get the logit propensity score.
#' \item Divide the logit propensity score by 1.01 until the minimum propensity score is bigger than \code{minG0}.
#' \item Draw A from Bernoulli distribution with conditional probability equal to the adjusted propensity score.
#' }
#' Simulating Y \itemize{
#' \item Draw \code{MQ1}, a random number of main terms for outcome regression score, from Uniform(2,maxD)
#' \item For \code{i} = 1,...,\code{MQ1}, draw \code{f} a random function from \code{funcQ0.uni}
#' \item Call \code{paste0(f,"Parm")} (assumed to exist) to generate parameters for \code{f}
#' \item Call \code{f} with \code{x = AW[,i]} to generate \code{i}-th main term, where AW is matrix with first column A, other columns W.
#' \item If \code{D > 1}, draw \code{MQ2}, a random number of bivariate interactions for outcome regression, from Uniform(1,\code{MQ1-1})
#' \item For \code{i} = 1,...,\code{MQ2}, draw \code{f} a random function from \code{funcQ0.biv}
#' \item Call \code{paste0(f,"Parm")} (assumed to exist) to generate parameters for \code{f}
#' \item Draw \code{j} and \code{k}, two random columns of \code{W}
#' \item Call \code{f} with \code{x1 = W[,j], x2 = W[,k]} to generate \code{i}-th bivariate interaction term.
#' \item If \code{D > 2}, draw \code{MQ3}, a random number of trivariate interactions for propensity, from Uniform(1,\code{MQ2-1})
#' \item For \code{i} = 1,...,\code{MQ3}, draw \code{f} a random function from \code{funcQ0.tri}
#' \item Call \code{paste0(f,"Parm")} (assumed to exist) to generate parameters for \code{f}
#' \item Draw \code{j},\code{k},\code{l}, three random columns of \code{W}
#' \item Call \code{f} with \code{x1 = W[,j], x2 = W[,k], x3 = W[,l]} to generate \code{i}-th trivariate interaction term.
#' \item Sum together all main, bivariate, and trivariate terms to get the conditional mean outcome, \code{Q0}.
#' \item Draw \code{errf}, arandom function from \code{errY} from which to draw errors
#' \item Call \code{paste0(errf,"Parm"} (assumed to exist) to generate random parameters for error distribution.
#' \item Call \code{errf} with randomly chosen parameters to draw \code{e}, an error for the outcome.
#' \item Let \code{Y = Q0 + e}.
#' }
#' @param n A \code{numeric} sample size
#' @param maxD A \code{numeric} indicating maximum number of covariates
#' @param distW.uncor A \code{vector} of \code{characters} that are functions in the global environment that
#' generate covariates. These functions should have an associated parameter function with \code{"Parm"} added
#' to the end of their name. See the format of the functions provided to understand their structure.
#' @param distW.cor Same as above, but generates a correlated covariate
#' @param funcG0.uni A \code{vector} of \code{characters} that are functions in the global environment that
#' are used to generate main terms for logit of the propensity score.
#' @param funcG0.biv Ditto above, but for bivariate functions.
#' @param funcG0.tri Ditto above, but for trivariate functions.
#' @param funcQ0.uni Ditto \code{funcG0.uni}, but for the outcome regression
#' @param funcQ0.biv Ditto
#' @param funcQ0.tri Ditto
#' @param errY A \code{vector} of \code{characters} that are functions in the global environment that
#' are used to generate error terms for the outcome regression.
#' @param minG0 The minimum value for the propensity score (default 0.01).
#' @param pos (1-2*pos)100\% of pscores fall withing minG0 and 1- minG0, default is .005
#' @param skewage default is c(-1,1). random add a skewing constant to the logit(pscores)
#' @return An object of class \code{"makeRandomData"} with the following entries
#' \item{W}{A matrix of covariates}
#' \item{A}{A vector of binary treatments}
#' \item{Y}{A vector of continuously valued outcome}
#' \item{distW}{A list containing relevant information needed to reproduce data sets}
#' \item{fnG0}{A list of lists containing relevant information needed to reproduce data sets}
#' \item{fnQ0}{A list of lists containing relevant information needed to reproduce data sets}
#' \item{distErrY}{A list containing relevant information needed to reproduce data sets}
#' \item{divideLogitG0}{A numeric of the scaling factor for the propensity}
#' @export
makeRandomDataT <- function(n,
                           maxD = 2,
                           D = NULL, 
                           minObsA = 30,
                           func.distW = c("uniformW","normalW","bernoulliW","binomialW","gammaW",
                                          "normalWCor","bernoulliWCor","uniformWCor", "gammaPointMassW",
                           funcG0.uni = c("linUni","polyUni","sinUni","jumpUni","pLogisUni",
                           funcG0.biv = c("linBiv","polyBiv","sinBiv","jumpBiv",
                           funcG0.tri = c("linTri", "polyTri", "sinTri", "jumpTri",
                           funcG0.quad = c("linQuad", "polyQuad", "sinQuad", "jumpQuad",
                           funcQ0.uni = c("linUni","polyUni","sinUni","jumpUni","pLogisUni",
                           funcQ0.biv = c("linBiv","polyBiv","sinBiv","jumpBiv",
                           funcQ0.tri = c("linTri", "polyTri", "sinTri", "jumpTri",
                           funcQ0.quad = c("linQuad", "polyQuad", "sinQuad", "jumpQuad",
                           errY = c("normalErr","uniformErr","gammaErr","normalErrAW","uniformErrAW"),
                           minG0 = 1e-3,
                           minR2 = 0.01, maxR2 = 0.99, pos = .005, skewing = c(-1,1),
                           ...) {
  # draw random number of covariates
    D <- sample(1:maxD, 1)
  # Simulate W
  # initialize empties
  N = 1e5
  W <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = D)
  distW <- vector(mode = "list", length = D)
  for(d in 1:D){
    # randomly sample distribution
      # sample distribution
      thisD <- sample(func.distW, 1)
      # generate parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisD,"Parm"), args = list(W = NULL))
      # generate covariate
      W[,d] <- do.call(thisD, args = c(list(n=N, W = NULL), thisParm))
      # sample distribution
      thisD <- sample(func.distW, 1)
      # generate parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisD,"Parm"), args = list(W = data.frame(W[,1:(d-1),drop=FALSE])))
      # generate covariate
      W[,d] <- do.call(thisD, args = c(list(n=N, W = data.frame(W[,1:(d-1),drop=FALSE])), thisParm))
    # save distributions
    distW[[d]]$fn <- thisD; distW[[d]]$parm <- thisParm

  # Simulate propensity
  # draw random number of main terms
  Mg1 <- sample(1:D, 1)

  # draw random number of two-way interaction terms
  Mg2 <- sample(0:D, 1)
  # but Mg2 cannot be greater than the total number of combos
  Mg2 <- ifelse(D > 1, min(Mg2, gamma(D+1)/gamma(3)/gamma(D-1)), 0)

  # draw random number of three-way interaction terms
  Mg3 <- sample(0:D, 1)
  Mg3 <- ifelse(D > 2, min(Mg3, gamma(D+1)/gamma(4)/gamma(D-2)), 0)

  # draw random number of four-way interaction terms
  Mg4 <- sample(0:D, 1)
  Mg4 <- ifelse(D > 3, min(Mg4, gamma(D+1)/gamma(5)/gamma(D-3)), 0)

  # univariate
  if(Mg1 > 0){
    uniG0 = lapply(1:Mg1, FUN  = function(m) {
      # draw random function
      thisF <- sample(funcG0.uni, 1)
      # draw random column of W
      wCol <- sample(1:ncol(W), 1)
      # get parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisF,"Parm"), args = list(x = W[,wCol]))
      # call function with parameters
      # save output in list
      return(list(fn = thisF, parm = thisParm, whichColsW = wCol))
    M1 = vapply(1:Mg1, FUN = function(m) {
      thisF = uniG0[[m]]$fn
      wCols = uniG0[[m]]$whichColsW
      thisParm = uniG0[[m]]$parm
      do.call(thisF, args = c(list(x = W[,wCols[1]]),thisParm))
    }, FUN.VALUE = rep(1,N))
  } else {
    uniG0 <- NULL
    M1 = NULL

  # two-way interactions
  if(Mg2 > 0 &  D > 1){
    # all two-way column combinations
    comb <- as.matrix(combn(D,2))
    # randomly sample Mg2 two-way interactions without replacement
    combCols <- sample(1:ncol(comb),Mg2,replace = TRUE)
    bivG0 = lapply(1:Mg2, FUN  = function(m) {
      # draw random function
      thisF <- sample(funcG0.biv, 1)
      # draw random column of W
      theseCols <- comb[,combCols[m]]
      # get parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisF,"Parm"), args = list(x1 = W[,theseCols[1]], x2 = W[,theseCols[2]]))
      # call function with parameters
      # save output in list
      return(list(fn = thisF, parm = thisParm, whichColsW = theseCols))
    M2 = vapply(1:Mg2, FUN = function(m) {
      thisF = bivG0[[m]]$fn
      theseCols = bivG0[[m]]$whichColsW
      thisParm = bivG0[[m]]$parm
      do.call(thisF, args = c(list(x1 = W[,theseCols[1]], x2 = W[,theseCols[2]]),thisParm))
    }, FUN.VALUE = rep(1,N))
  } else {
    bivG0 <- NULL
    M2 = NULL

  if(Mg3 > 0 & D > 2){
    # all three way choices of columns
    comb <- as.matrix(combn(D, 3))
    # randomly sample Mg3 three-way interactions without replacement
    combCols <- sample(1:ncol(comb),Mg3,replace = TRUE)
    triG0 = lapply(1:Mg3, FUN  = function(m) {
      # draw random function
      thisF <- sample(funcG0.tri, 1)
      # draw random column of W
      theseCols <- comb[,combCols[m]]
      # get parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisF,"Parm"), args = list(x1 = W[,theseCols[1]],
                                                            x2 = W[,theseCols[2]],
                                                            x3 = W[,theseCols[3]]))
      # call function with parameters
      # save output in list
      return(list(fn = thisF, parm = thisParm, whichColsW = theseCols))
    M3 = vapply(1:Mg3, FUN = function(m) {
      thisF = triG0[[m]]$fn
      theseCols = triG0[[m]]$whichColsW
      thisParm = triG0[[m]]$parm
      do.call(thisF, args = c(list(x1 = W[,theseCols[1]],
                                   x2 = W[,theseCols[2]],
                                   x3 = W[,theseCols[3]]),thisParm))
    }, FUN.VALUE = rep(1,N))
  } else {
    triG0 <- NULL
    M3 = NULL

  # quadravariate
  if(Mg4 > 0 & D > 3){
    # empty list
    quadG0 <- vector(mode="list",length=Mg4)
    # all four way choices of columns
    comb <- as.matrix(combn(D, 4))
    # randomly sample Mg3 four-way interactions without replacement
    combCols <- sample(1:ncol(comb), Mg4, replace = TRUE)
    quadG0 = lapply(1:Mg4, FUN  = function(m) {
      # draw random function
      thisF <- sample(funcG0.quad, 1)
      # draw random column of W
      theseCols <- comb[,combCols[m]]
      # get parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisF,"Parm"), args = list(x1 = W[,theseCols[1]],
                                                            x2 = W[,theseCols[2]],
                                                            x3 = W[,theseCols[3]],
                                                            x4 = W[,theseCols[4]]))
      # call function with parameters
      # save output in list
      return(list(fn = thisF, parm = thisParm, whichColsW = theseCols))
    M4 = vapply(1:Mg4, FUN = function(m) {
      thisF = quadG0[[m]]$fn
      theseCols = quadG0[[m]]$whichColsW
      thisParm = quadG0[[m]]$parm
      do.call(thisF, args = c(list(x1 = W[,theseCols[1]],
                                   x2 = W[,theseCols[2]],
                                   x3 = W[,theseCols[3]],
                                   x4 = W[,theseCols[4]]),thisParm))
    }, FUN.VALUE = rep(1,N))
  } else {
    quadG0 <- NULL
    M4 = NULL

  M = list(M1, M2, M3, M4)
  notnull = !unlist(lapply(M, is.null))
  M = do.call(cbind, M[notnull])

  # center the distribution--skewing to be controlled next
  M_c = apply(M, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(col) col - mean(col))

  # skew randomly according to skewing argument
  logitg0 = rowSums(as.matrix(M_c))
  skewage = runif(1, skewing[1],skewing[2])

  # (1 - 2pos)*100% of all data is within positivity range so not truncating everything
  tol = TRUE
  its = 0

  while (tol & its < 20) {
    tol = mean(plogis(.8^its*logitg0 + .8^its*skewage) < minG0) > pos |
      mean(plogis(.8^its*logitg0 + .8^its*skewage) > (1 - minG0)) >
    its = its + 1

  logitg0 = .8^its*logitg0 + .8^its*skewage

  # truncate for positivity violations
  logitg0[plogis(logitg0) < minG0] <- qlogis(minG0)
  logitg0[plogis(logitg0) > 1 - minG0] <- qlogis(1 - minG0)

  # chosen rows at random from W:
  Wrows = sample(1:N,n)
  W = as.matrix(W[Wrows,])

  # choose corresponding logitg0
  logitg0 = logitg0[Wrows]

  # simulate A
  A <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(logitg0))

  # matrix with A and W
  AW <- cbind(A, W)

  # Simulate Y
  # draw random number of main terms between 0 and D + 1, where we set
  # no minimum, which allows there to be cases of just pure noise
  MQ1 <- sample(0:(D+1), 1)

  # draw random number of two-way interaction terms
  MQ2 <- sample(0:(D+1), 1)

  # but Mg2 cannot be greater than the total number of combos
  MQ2 <- ifelse(D > 0, min(MQ2, gamma(D+2)/gamma(3)/gamma(D)), 0)

  # draw random number of three-way interaction terms
  MQ3 <- sample(0:(D+1), 1)
  MQ3 <- ifelse(D > 1, min(MQ3, gamma(D+2)/gamma(4)/gamma(D-1)), 0)

  # draw random number of four-way interaction terms
  MQ4 <- sample(0:(D+1), 1)
  MQ4 <- ifelse(D > 2, min(MQ4, gamma(D+2)/gamma(5)/gamma(D-2)), 0)

  # MQ1 <- round(runif(1, -0.5, D + 1.5))
  # # draw random number of interaction terms
  # MQ2 <- round(runif(1, -0.5, D + 1.5))
  # MQ3 <- round(runif(1, -0.5, D + 1.5))
  # MQ4 <- round(runif(1, -0.5, D + 1.5))

  # empty
  Q0 <- rep(0, n)

  # main terms
  # empty
  if(MQ1 > 0){
    uniQ0 <- vector(mode="list", length = MQ1)
    for(m in 1:MQ1){
      # randomly draw function
      thisF <- sample(funcQ0.uni, 1)
      # randomly draw column of AW
      awCol <- sample(1:ncol(AW), 1)
      # get parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisF,"Parm"), args = list(x = AW[,awCol]))
      # call function with parameters
      fOut <- do.call(thisF, args = c(list(x = AW[,awCol]), thisParm))
      # save results
      uniQ0[[m]] <- list(fn = thisF, parm = thisParm, whichColsAW = awCol)
      # add
      Q0 <- Q0 + fOut
    uniQ0 <- NULL
  # two-way interactions
  if(MQ2 > 0){
    bivQ0 <- vector(mode="list",length=MQ2)
    # all combinations of columns
    comb <- as.matrix(combn(D+1,2))
    # randomly sample columns
    combCols <- sample(1:ncol(comb),MQ2, replace = TRUE)
    for(m in 1:MQ2){
      # what columns to use for this interaction
      theseCols <- comb[,combCols[m]]
      # randomly sample function
      thisF <- sample(funcQ0.biv,1)
      # get parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisF,"Parm"), args = list(x1 = AW[,theseCols[1]], x2 = AW[,theseCols[2]]))
      # call function with parameters
      fOut <- do.call(thisF, args = c(list(x1 = AW[,theseCols[1]], x2 = AW[,theseCols[2]]),thisParm))
      # save output
      bivQ0[[m]] <- list(fn = thisF, parm = thisParm, whichColsAW = theseCols)
      # add
      Q0 <- Q0 + fOut
    bivQ0 <- NULL

  # three-way interactions
  if(MQ3 > 0 & D > 1){
    # empty
    triQ0 <- vector(mode="list",length=MQ3)
    # all three-way column combinations
    comb <- as.matrix(combn(D+1,3))
    # randomly sample three choices of combinations without replacement
    combCols <- sample(1:ncol(comb),MQ3, replace = TRUE)
    for(m in 1:MQ3){
      # columns to use for this interaction
      theseCols <- comb[,combCols[m]]
      # randomly sample function
      thisF <- sample(funcQ0.tri,1)
      # get parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisF,"Parm"), args = list(x1 = AW[,theseCols[1]], x2 = AW[,theseCols[2]], x3=AW[,theseCols[3]]))
      # call function with parameters
      fOut <- do.call(thisF, args = c(list(x1 = AW[,theseCols[1]], x2 = AW[,theseCols[2]], x3=AW[,theseCols[3]]),thisParm))
      # save output
      triQ0[[m]] <- list(fn = thisF, parm = thisParm, whichColsAW = theseCols)
      # add
      Q0 <- Q0 + fOut
    triQ0 <- NULL
  # four-way interactions
  if(MQ4 > 0 & D > 2){
    # empty
    quadQ0 <- vector(mode="list",length=MQ4)
    # all four-way column combinations
    comb <- as.matrix(combn(D+1, 4))
    # randomly sample four choices of combinations without replacement
    combCols <- sample(1:ncol(comb), MQ4, replace = TRUE)
    for(m in 1:MQ4){
      # columns to use for this interaction
      theseCols <- comb[,combCols[m]]
      # randomly sample function
      thisF <- sample(funcQ0.quad,1)
      # get parameters
      thisParm <- do.call(paste0(thisF,"Parm"),
                          args = list(x1 = AW[,theseCols[1]],
                                      x2 = AW[,theseCols[2]],
      # call function with parameters
      fOut <- do.call(thisF, args = c(list(x1 = AW[,theseCols[1]],
                                           x2 = AW[,theseCols[2]],
      # save output
      quadQ0[[m]] <- list(fn = thisF, parm = thisParm, whichColsAW = theseCols)
      # add
      Q0 <- Q0 + fOut
    quadQ0 <- NULL

  # Drawing an error function
  # empty results
  errYList <- vector(mode = "list")
  # randomly draw error function
  errFn <- sample(errY, 1)
  # get parameters of error function
  errParm <- do.call(paste0(errFn, "Parm"), args = list(AW = AW))
  # evaluate error function
  errOut <- do.call(errFn, args = c(list(AW=AW, n=n), errParm))
  # save output
  errYList$fn <- errFn; errYList$parm <- errParm

  # make sure R2 is falling in proper range
  ct <- 0
  currR2 <- Inf
  while(currR2 < minR2 | currR2 > maxR2){
    ct <- ct + 1
    if(currR2 > maxR2){
      mult <- 1.1^ct
    }else if(currR2 < minR2){
      mult <- 1/1.1^ct
    # compute Y
    Y <- Q0 + errOut
    out <- list(W = W, A = data.frame(A=A), Y = data.frame(Y=Y), distW = distW,
                minG0 = minG0, minR2 = minR2, maxR2 = maxR2,
                fnG0 = list(uni = uniG0, biv = bivG0, tri = triG0, quad = quadG0),
                fnQ0 = list(uni = uniQ0, biv = bivQ0, tri = triQ0, quad = quadQ0), distErrY = errYList,
                Q0 = Q0, g0 = plogis(logitg0), errMult = mult, funcG0.uni = funcG0.uni,
                funcG0.biv = funcG0.biv, funcG0.tri = funcG0.tri, funcG0.quad = funcG0.quad,
                funcQ0.uni = funcQ0.uni, funcQ0.biv = funcQ0.biv, funcQ0.tri = funcQ0.tri,
                funcQ0.quad = funcQ0.quad, its = its, skewage = skewage)
    class(out) <- "makeRandomData"

    # get summary
    bigObs <- remakeRandomData(n = 1e5, object = out)
    currR2 <- 1 - mean((bigObs$Y - bigObs$Q0)^2)/var(bigObs$Y)
    # cat("Current R2 = ", currR2)

benkeser/haltmle.sim documentation built on May 12, 2019, noon