
# Funtions from http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2014.07.014

#' culturalTransmission
#' @param timesteps
#' @param warmup
#' @param Ne
#' @param mu
#' @param b
#' @param z
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
culturalTransmission <- function(timesteps = 1000, warmup = 5000, Ne = 500,
    mu = 0.001, b = 0.02, z = 0.1) {

    traitSpace = 1:999999  #sample space of all possible variants
    currentPop = sample(traitSpace, size = Ne, replace = TRUE)  #initialise population of agents

    # start warmup runs ...
    for (t in 1:warmup) {

        # cultural transmission
        if (length(unique(currentPop)) > 1) {
            sampleSpace <- table(currentPop)
            sampleSpace <- sampleSpace^(1 - b)  #frequency bias
            index <- runif(Ne) < z  #retention bias
            copiers <- currentPop[index]
            noncopiers <- currentPop[!index]
            copied <- sample(size = length(copiers), x = as.numeric(names(sampleSpace)),
                replace = TRUE, prob = sampleSpace)
            currentPop <- c(copied, noncopiers)

        # innovation
        index <- which(runif(Ne) < mu)
        if (length(index) > 0) {
            newTraits <- sample(traitSpace, size = length(index), replace = TRUE)
            currentPop[index] = newTraits
    # ... finish warmup runs

    # create matrix for storing output
    resmatrix = matrix(NA, nrow = Ne, ncol = timesteps)
    resmatrix[, 1] = currentPop

    # main simulation
    for (t in 2:timesteps) {

        # transmission
        if (length(unique(resmatrix[, t - 1])) > 1) {
            sampleSpace <- table(resmatrix[, t - 1])
            sampleSpace <- sampleSpace^(1 - b)  #frequency bias
            index <- runif(Ne) < z  #retention bias
            copiers <- resmatrix[index, t - 1]
            noncopiers <- resmatrix[!index, t - 1]
            copied <- sample(size = length(copiers), x = as.numeric(names(sampleSpace)),
                replace = TRUE, prob = sampleSpace)
            resmatrix[, t] <- c(copied, noncopiers)
        } else {
            resmatrix[, t] = resmatrix[, t - 1]

        # innovation
        index <- which(runif(Ne) < mu)
        if (length(index) > 0) {
            newTraits <- sample(traitSpace, size = length(index), replace = TRUE)
            resmatrix[index, t] = newTraits


#' utlity function required in culturalTransmission() function
#' @param x
#' @param variants
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
instances <- function(x, variants) {
    x = c(x, variants)
    res <- table(x) - 1

#'  Function for retrieving sample and integrating time-averaging effect
#' Input parameters:
# samplesizes ... the number of sample objects to retrieve per block
# sampleblocks ... two column data.frame defining the start and end
# timesteps of each block resmatrix ... raw output of the
# culturalTransmission() function
#' @param resmatrix
#' @param samplesizes
#' @param sampleblocks
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
sampler <- function(resmatrix, samplesizes, sampleblocks) {
    allTraits <- unique(as.numeric(resmatrix))
    nsamp <- length(samplesizes)
    bind <- vector("list", length = nsamp)
    for (x in 1:nsamp) {
        bind[[x]] <- sample(x = resmatrix[, sampleblocks[x, 1]:sampleblocks[x,
            2]], size = samplesizes[x], replace = TRUE)

    resraw <- t(sapply(bind, instances, variants = allTraits))

########## Modified Functions from the abc package ##########

# NOTE: Notice that both functions are stripped down version of the
# original code with extremely limited functionalities. They should be
# used with caution, and some of the original codes might have been left
# despite not being used.

# this is the modified version of the abc() function in the abc package
# which allows the evaluation of a distribution, rather than a single
# point target.

# -target is a matrix with each row corresponding to different bootstrap
# iterations -The function randomly draws a vector of values from the
# target distribution -most of the functionalities of abc is disabled and
# only the rejection method is available.

#' abc2
#' @param target
#' @param param
#' @param sumstat
#' @param tol
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
abc2 <- function(target, param, sumstat, tol, ...) {
    transf = "none"
    method = "rejection"
    hcorr <- TRUE
    rejmethod <- TRUE
    logit.bounds = c(0, 0)

    if (is.data.frame(param))
        param <- as.matrix(param)
    if (is.data.frame(sumstat))
        sumstat <- as.matrix(sumstat)
    if (is.vector(sumstat))
        sumstat <- matrix(sumstat, ncol = 1)

    nss <- length(sumstat[1, ])

    cond1 <- !any(as.logical(apply(sumstat, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) -
    if (cond1)
        stop("Zero variance in the summary statistics.")
    ltransf <- length(transf)
    if (is.vector(param)) {
        numparam <- 1
        param <- matrix(param, ncol = 1)
    } else numparam <- dim(param)[2]

    if (rejmethod) {
        transf[1:numparam] <- "none"
    } else {
        if (numparam != ltransf) {
            if (length(transf) == 1) {
                transf <- rep(transf[1], numparam)
                warning("All parameters are \"", transf[1], "\" transformed.",
                  sep = "", call. = F)
            } else stop("Number of parameters is not the same as number of transformations.",
                sep = "", call. = F)
    gwt <- rep(TRUE, length(sumstat[, 1]))  #vector of TRUEs with length equal to the number of simulations
    gwt[attributes(na.omit(sumstat))$na.action] <- FALSE
    subset <- rep(TRUE, length(sumstat[, 1]))
    gwt <- as.logical(gwt * subset)

    paramnames <- colnames(param)
    statnames <- colnames(sumstat)
    scaled.sumstat <- sumstat
    for (j in 1:nss) {
        scaled.sumstat[, j] <- abc:::normalise(sumstat[, j], sumstat[, j][gwt])

    # normalise the observed target
    for (jj in 1:nrow(target)) {
        for (j in 1:nss) {
            target[jj, j] <- abc:::normalise(target[jj, j], sumstat[, j][gwt])  # ****

    sum1 <- 0
    for (j in 1:nss) {
        sum1 <- sum1 + (scaled.sumstat[, j] - target[sample(1:nrow(target),
            size = nrow(sumstat), replace = TRUE), j])^2  # ****  /// This calculates the difference

    dist <- sqrt(sum1)
    dist[!gwt] <- floor(max(dist[gwt]) + 10)
    nacc <- ceiling(length(dist) * tol)
    ds <- sort(dist)[nacc]
    wt1 <- (dist <= ds)
    aux <- cumsum(wt1)
    wt1 <- wt1 & (aux <= nacc)

    ss <- sumstat[wt1, ]
    unadj.values <- param[wt1, ]
    statvar <- as.logical(apply(cbind(sumstat[wt1, ]), 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) -
    cond2 <- !any(statvar)
    if (cond2 && !rejmethod)
        stop("Zero variance in the summary statistics in the selected region. Try: checking summary statistics, choosing larger tolerance, or rejection method.")
    if (rejmethod) {
        if (cond2)
            warning("Zero variance in the summary statistics in the selected region. Check summary statistics, consider larger tolerance.")
        weights <- rep(1, length = sum(wt1))
        adj.values <- NULL
        residuals <- NULL
        lambda <- NULL
    } else {
        if (cond2)
            cat("Warning messages:\nStatistic(s)", statnames[!statvar], "has/have zero variance in the selected region.\nConsider using larger tolerance or the rejection method or discard this/these statistics, which might solve the collinearity problem in 'lsfit'.\n",
                sep = ", ")
    if (numparam == 1) {
        unadj.values <- matrix(unadj.values, ncol = 1)
    abc:::abc.return(transf, logit.bounds, method, call, numparam, nss, paramnames,
        statnames, unadj.values, adj.values, ss, weights, residuals, dist,
        wt1, gwt, lambda, hcorr, aic, bic)
# environment(abc2) <- environment(abc)

#' postpr2
#' # this is the modified version of the postpr() function in the abc package which allows the evaluation of a distribution, rather than a single point target.

# -target is a matrix with each row corresponding to different bootstrap
# iterations -The function randomly draws a vector of values from the
# target distribution -most of the functionalities of abc is disabled and
# only the rejection method is available.
#' @param target
#' @param index
#' @param sumstat
#' @param tol
#' @param corr
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
postpr2 <- function(target, index, sumstat, tol, corr = TRUE, ...) {
    method = "rejection"
    linout <- FALSE
    rejmethod <- TRUE
    if (is.data.frame(sumstat))
        sumstat <- as.matrix(sumstat)
    if (is.vector(sumstat))
        sumstat <- matrix(sumstat, ncol = 1)
    if (length(index) != length(sumstat[, 1]))
        stop("'index' must be the same length as the number of rows in 'sumstat'.",
            call. = F)

    if (is.vector(sumstat))
        sumstat <- matrix(sumstat, ncol = 1)
    index <- factor(index)
    mymodels <- levels(index)
    gwt <- rep(TRUE, length(sumstat[, 1]))
    gwt[attributes(na.omit(sumstat))$na.action] <- FALSE
    subset <- rep(TRUE, length(sumstat[, 1]))
    gwt <- as.logical(gwt * subset)
    sumstat <- as.data.frame(sumstat)
    nss <- length(sumstat[1, ])
    statnames <- paste("S", 1:nss, sep = "")
    cond1 <- as.logical(apply(sumstat, 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) -
    if (!all(cond1))
        stop("Summary statistic(s) have zero variance.", call. = F)
    if (!any(cond1)) {
        warning("Statistic(s) ", statnames[!cond1], " have zero variance. Excluding from estimation....",
            sep = "\t", call. = F, immediate = T)
        sumstat <- sumstat[, cond1]
        nss <- length(sumstat[1, ])
        statnames <- colnames(sumstat)
        target <- target[cond1]
    scaled.sumstat <- sumstat
    for (j in 1:nss) {
        scaled.sumstat[, j] <- abc:::normalise(sumstat[, j], sumstat[, j][gwt])

    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(target), style = 3)

    for (jj in 1:nrow(target)) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, jj)
        for (j in 1:nss) {
            target[jj, j] <- abc:::normalise(target[jj, j], sumstat[, j][gwt])  # ****

    sum1 <- 0
    for (j in 1:nss) {
        sum1 <- sum1 + (scaled.sumstat[, j] - target[sample(1:nrow(target),
            size = nrow(sumstat), replace = TRUE), j])^2  # ****  /// This calculates the difference

    dist <- sqrt(sum1)
    dist[!gwt] <- floor(max(dist[gwt]) + 10)
    abstol <- quantile(dist, tol)
    nacc <- ceiling(length(dist) * tol)
    ds <- sort(dist)[nacc]
    wt1 <- (dist <= ds)
    aux <- cumsum(wt1)
    wt1 <- wt1 & (aux <= nacc)
    ss <- scaled.sumstat[wt1, ]
    values <- index[wt1]
    pred <- table(values)/length(values)
    statvar <- as.logical(apply(scaled.sumstat[wt1, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) length(unique(x)) -
    cond2 <- !any(statvar)
    if (cond2 && !rejmethod)
        stop("Zero variance in the summary statistics in the selected region.\nTry: checking summary statistics, choosing larger tolerance, or rejection method.",
            call. = F)
    if (rejmethod) {
        if (cond2)
            warning("Zero variance in the summary statistics in the selected region. Check summary statistics, consider larger tolerance.",
                call. = F, immediate = T)
        weights <- NULL
        pred.logit <- NULL
    if (rejmethod) {
        postpr.out <- list(values = values, ss = ss, call = call, na.action = gwt,
            method = method, corr = corr, nmodels = table(index), numstat = nss,
            names = list(models = mymodels, statistics.names = statnames))
    class(postpr.out) <- "postpr"
# environment(postpr2) <- environment(postpr)
benmarwick/culturalevochange documentation built on May 12, 2019, 1:02 p.m.