
Defines functions housekeeping

# Initial housekeeping in \code{humap} call
# Internal function. Sets up an environment with settings; tests argument values. I cannot think of any scenario in which a user would need to call this function
# user: user-given argument; essentially useful stuff from \code{match.call()}
# defs: default argument values; essentially useful stuff from \code{formals()}
# vargs: list of arguments with valid values, specific to each geom_*

housekeeping <- function(user, defs, vargs) {
    # Sync user-supplied and default arguments
    for (i in names(user))
        if (i %in% names(defs)) defs[[i]] <- user[[i]]

    # Save arguments in h_env
    for (arg in names(defs)[!names(defs) %in% c("mapping", "...")])
        assign(arg, eval(defs[[arg]]), h_env)

    # Check that user supplied valid aes() object
    if (is.null(user[["mapping"]])) {
        if (is.null(h_env$mapping))
            stop("Please, specify a mapping.")
    } else {
        assign("mapping", eval(defs[["mapping"]]), h_env) # to maintain class = "uneval" of mapping object
    if (is.null(h_env$mapping$loc))
        stop("Please, specify a 'loc' aesthetic.")

    # Extract 'loc' and 'side' var from aes(), assign to h_env to prevent breaking other scripts
    h_env$loc <- rlang::as_name(h_env$mapping$loc)
    h_env$side <- h_env$mapping$side %||% NULL
    if (!is.null(h_env$side)) h_env$side <- rlang::as_name(h_env$side)
    h_env$fill <- h_env$mapping$fill
    h_env$fill <- if (is.null(h_env$fill)) NULL else rlang::as_name(h_env$fill)

    if (exists("side", envir = h_env)) {
        if (is.null(h_env$side)) {
            # do nothing
        } else if (h_env$side == h_env$loc) {
            stop("Your loc and side aesthetics are the same; change one of them.",
                 call. = FALSE)
        } else if(is.null(h_env$body_halves)) {
            h_env$body_halves <- "separate"

    # Choose default and prompt user if invalid argument supplied
    for (arg in names(vargs)) # vargs = valid arguments
        # Prompts and sets first of each vargs element as default
        if (!get(arg, h_env) %in% vargs[[arg]]) prompt_inv(arg, vargs[[arg]][1])

    # Check annotation settings
    valid_annotate <- c("freq", "all", NA, NULL)
    h_env$gp <- grid::gpar(col = "black", fontsize = 9)
    if (is.list(h_env$annotate)) {
        h_env$gp <- h_env$annotate[["gp"]] %||% h_env$gp # indexing to avoid partial matching
        h_env$gp_text <- h_env$annotate$gp_text %||% h_env$gp
        h_env$gp_lines <- h_env$annotate$gp_lines %||% h_env$gp
        h_env$annotate <- h_env$annotate$detail %||% "freq" # give default
    h_env$annotate <- h_env$annotate %||% NA
    if (!h_env$annotate %in% valid_annotate)
        stop(sprintf("Make sure your 'annotate' argument is one of the following: %s",
                     paste0(valid_annotate, collapse = ", ")), call. = FALSE)

    # Set necessary defaults, if none given by user
    h_env$body_halves <- h_env$body_halves %||% "join"
    h_env$controls$na_fill <- h_env$controls$na_fill %||% "#000000"
    h_env$controls$outline_colour <- h_env$controls$outline_colour %||% "#343434"
    h_env$controls$mid_include <- h_env$controls$mid_include %||% FALSE
    h_env$controls$round_counts <- h_env$controls$round_counts %||% FALSE

    # Test argument combinations, and make necessary changes
    if (is.null(h_env$side) & h_env$body_halves != "join" & !h_env$map_name %in% c("internal_organs")) {
        # Pool left- and right-sided data if no way to discriminate them
        h_env$body_halves <- "join"
        message("`side` aesthetic missing. Defaults to body_halves = \"join\".")
benskov/humapr documentation built on April 3, 2021, 6:52 a.m.