
Defines functions humap_vp update_mapping mirror_coord prompt_inv lr_conc rm_lr line_coords `%||%`

# Use default, if no other value specified
`%||%` <- function(a, b) if(!is.null(a)) a else b
    # heavily inspired by the utility function used in the Tidyverse

line_coords <- function(df, cols)
    c(apply(df[, cols], 1, c))

# Remove "left_" and "right_" from vector of localizers
rm_lr <- function(x)
    substring(x, regexpr("_", x) + 1)

lr_conc <- function(x)
    c(paste0("left_", x), paste0("right_", x))

# Prompt on invalid argument
prompt_inv <- function(arg, val){
    message("Invalid `", arg, "` argument. Defaults to \"", val, "\".")
    assign(arg, val, h_env)

def_dist <- function (x, p = h_env$controls$label_pad)
    distribute_coords(x, p)

inverse_coords <- function (x, cols = "x0", ref = NULL) {
    # i = index vector of those to convert
    if (is.null(ref)) ref <- mean(range(x$x0))
    i <- x$x0 > ref
    if (sum(i) == 0) return(x)
    # temp_c <- coords[to_invert, ]
    for (col in cols)
        # temp_c[, col] <- max(temp_c[, cols]) - temp_c[, col] + min(temp_c[, cols])
        x[i, col] <- max(x[i, cols]) - x[i, col] + min(x[i, cols])
    # coords[to_invert, ] <- temp_c

mirror_coord <- function(x, mid, side, side_ref)
    ifelse(x < mid & side == side_ref, x + 2 * (mid - x), x)

update_mapping <- function(m) { # m is an aes() object
    m$x <- as.symbol("mapped_loc")
    m$group <- 1
    m$loc <- m$side <- NULL
    if (!is.null(m$fill)) {
        m$y <- m$fill
    } else {
        m$fill <- as.symbol("..count..")

# Function to make viewport able to handle the humap
humap_vp <- function(x_range, y_range, li_margin, long_label, half) {
    # label margin, defined by width of widest label
    la_margin <- grid::stringWidth(long_label)

    # 3-element vector grid units
    widths <- grid::unit.c(la_margin, grid::unit(diff(x_range) + li_margin$main, "null"), la_margin)

    # Defines the layout of the main viewport
    main_layout <- grid::grid.layout(1, 3, widths = widths, heights = diff(y_range),
                                     respect = TRUE)

    # Main map setting appropriate margins
    main <- grid::viewport(width = 0.9, height = 0.9, gp = h_env$gp, layout = main_layout)

    # Map viewport, placed in second column of main viewport
    map <- grid::viewport(xscale = x_range + li_margin$map, yscale = y_range,
                          layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 2)

    # Combine the two viewports into a stack
    grid::vpStack(main, map)
benskov/humapr documentation built on April 3, 2021, 6:52 a.m.