
#' Parent function called by the bot to make decisions on 4th downs.
#' @param situation List
#' @param data List, contains historical data frames
#' @param model Logistic regression model, results of \code{logit}
#' @return List
generate_response <- function(situation, data, model){
  situation <- calculate_features(situation, data)
  # Generate the game state of possible outcomes
  scenarios <- simulate_scenarios(situation, data)
  # Calculate the win probability for each scenario
  probs <- generate_win_probabilities(situation, scenarios, model, data)
  # Calculate breakeven points, make decision on optimal decision
  optimal <- generate_decision(situation, data, probs)
  payload <- list(decision = optimal$decision,
                  probs = optimal$probs,
                  situation = situation)
  class(payload) <- "mod.response"

#' Generate features needed for the win probability model that are
#' not contained in the general game state information passed via API.
#' @param situation List
#' @param data The same list, with new keys and values
#' @return
calculate_features <- function(situation, data){
  situation$kneel_down <- kneel_down(situation$score_diff,
  situation$qtr <- qtr(situation$secs_left)
  situation$qtr_scorediff <- situation$qtr * situation$score_diff
  situation$spread <- situation$spread * (situation$secs_left / 3600)
  cum_pct <- which.min(abs(situation$secs_left - data$final_drives$secs))
  situation$poss_prob <- data$final_drives$cum_pct[cum_pct]

#' Simulate game state after each possible outcome.
#' Possible scenarios are: touchdown, first down, turnover on downs,
#' field goal attempt (success or failure), and punt.
#' @param situation 
#' @param data 
#' @return scenarios
simulate_scenarios <- function(situation, data){
  features <- data$features
  scenarios <- list()
  # If it's 4th and goal, success is a touchdown, otherwise a 1st down.
  if(situation$ytg + situation$yfog >= 100){
    scenarios$touchdown <- change_poss(situation, touchdown, features)
  } else {
    scenarios$first_down <- first_down(situation)
  scenarios$fail <- change_poss(situation, turnover_downs, features)
  scenarios$punt <- change_poss(situation, punt, features, data = data$punts)
  scenarios$fg <- change_poss(situation, field_goal, features)
  scenarios$missed_fg <- change_poss(situation, missed_field_goal,

#' For each of the possible scenarios, estimate the win probability
#' for that game state.
#' @param situation 
#' @param scenarios 
#' @param model 
#' @param data 
#' @return
generate_win_probabilities <- function(situation, scenarios, model, data){
  probs <- vector("list", length = length(scenarios))
  names(probs) <- paste0(names(scenarios), "_wp")
  probs <- lapply(probs, replace_null)
  features <- data$features
  # Pre-play win probability calculation
  # Note there is more information in situation than just model features
  feature_vec <- situation[features]
  feature_vec <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, feature_vec) %>%
    tbl_df %>%
    scale(center = attr(data$scaler, "scaled:center"),
          scale = attr(data$scaler, "scaled:scale")) %>%
    as.data.frame %>%
  probs$pre_play_wp <- predict(model, newdata = feature_vec, type = "response")[1]
  for(i in 1:length(scenarios)){
    feature_vec <- scenarios[[i]][features]
    feature_vec <- do.call(cbind.data.frame, feature_vec) %>%
      tbl_df %>%
      scale(center = attr(data$scaler, "scaled:center"),
            scale = attr(data$scaler, "scaled:scale")) %>%
      as.data.frame %>%
    pred_prob <- predict(model, newdata = feature_vec, type = "response")[1]
    # Change of possessions require 1 - WP
    if(names(scenarios)[i] %in% c("fg", "fail", "punt", "missed_fg", "touchdown")){
      pred_prob <- 1 - pred_prob
    probs[[paste0(names(scenarios)[i], "_wp")]] <- pred_prob
  # Account for situations in which an opponent's field goal can end
  # the game, driving win probability down to 0
  if(situation$secs_left < 40 & (situation$score_diff >= 0 & situation$score_diff <= 2) &
     situation$timo == 0){
    # Estimate probability of successful field goal and
    # set the win probability of failing to convert a 4th down
    # to that win probability.
    if(situation$dome > 0){
      prob_opp_fg <- with(data, dome_rate[fgs == scenarios$fail$yfog])[1]
    } else {
      prob_opp_fg <- with(data, open_rate[fgs == scenarios$fail$yfog])[1]
    probs$fail_wp <- ((1 - prob_opp_fg) * probs$fail_wp)
  # Teams may not get the ball back during the 4th quarter
  if(situation$qtr == 4){
    probs$fail_wp <- probs$fail_wp * situation$poss_prob
    probs$punt_wp <- probs$punt_wp * situation$poss_prob
  # Always have a "success_wp" field, regardless of TD or 1st down
  if("touchdown_wp" %in% names(probs)){
    probs$success_wp <- probs$touchdown_wp
  } else {
    probs$success_wp <- probs$first_down_wp

#' Decide on optimal play based on game states and their associated
#' win probabilities.
#' Note the currently 'best play' is based purely
#' on the outcome with the highest expected win probability. This
#' does not account for uncertainty of these estimates.
#' For example, the win probabilty added by a certain play may be
#' very small (0.0001), but that may be the 'best play.'
#' @param situation 
#' @param data 
#' @param probs 
#' @return
generate_decision <- function(situation, data, probs){
  decision <- list()
  decision$prob_success <- calc_prob_success(situation, data)
  # Expected value of win probability of going for it
  wp_ev_goforit <- expected_win_prob(decision$prob_success,
  probs$wp_ev_goforit <- wp_ev_goforit
  # Expected value of kick factors in probability of FG
  probs$prob_success_fg <- expected_wp_fg(situation, probs, data)$prob_success_fg
  probs$fg_ev_wp <- expected_wp_fg(situation, probs, data)$fg_ev_wp
  # If the offense can end the game with a field goal, set the
  # expected win probability for a field goal attempt to the
  # probability of a successful field goal kick
  if(situation$secs_left < 40 & (situation$score_diff >= -2 & situation$score_diff <= 0) &
     situation$timd == 0){
    probs$fg_wp <- probs$prob_success_fg
    probs$fg_ev_wp <- probs$prob_success_fg
  # If down by more than a field goal in the 4th quarter, need to
  # incorporate the probability that you will get the ball back
  if(situation$qtr == 4 & situation$score_diff < -3){
    probs$fg_ev_wp <- probs$fg_ev_wp * situation$poss_prob
  # Breakeven success probabilities
  decision$breakeven_punt <- breakeven(probs)$breakeven_punt
  decision$breakeven_fg <- breakeven(probs)$breakeven_fg
  # Of the kicking options, pick the one with the highest E(WP)
  decision$kicking_option <- best_kicking_option(probs, wp_ev_goforit)$decision
  decision$wpa_going_for_it <- best_kicking_option(probs, wp_ev_goforit)$win_prob_added
  # Make the final call on kick / punt / go for it
  # If a win is unlikely in any circumstance, favor going for it.
#   if(probs$pre_play_wp < .05){
#     decision$best_play <- "go for it"
#   } else {
  decision$best_play <- decide_best_play(decision)
  # }
  # Only provide historical data outside of two-minute warning
  decision <- get_historical_decision(situation, data, decision)
  return(list(decision = decision,
              probs = probs))

#' Compare current game situation to historically similar situations.
#' Currently uses score difference and field position to provide
#' rough guides to what coaches have done in the past.
#' @param situation 
#' @param data 
#' @param decision 
#' @return
get_historical_decision <- function(situation, data, decision){
  historical_data <- data$decisions
  down_by_td <- situation$score_diff <= -4
  up_by_td <- situation$score_diff >= 4
  yfog_bin <- floor(situation$yfog / 20)
  short_tg <- as.numeric(situation$ytg <= 3)
  med_tg <- as.numeric(situation$ytg >= 4 & situation$ytg <= 7)
  long_tg <- as.numeric(situation$ytg > 7)
  history <- historical_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(down_by_td == down_by_td &
                    up_by_td == up_by_td &
                    yfog_bin == yfog_bin &
                    short == short_tg &
                    med == med_tg &
                    long == long_tg)
  if(nrow(historical_data) == 0){
    decision$historical_goforit_pct <- "None"
    decision$historical_punt_pct <- "None"
    decision$historical_kick_pct <- "None"
    decision$historical_N <- "None"
  } else {
    decision$historical_goforit_pct <- history$proportion_punted[1]
    decision$historical_punt_pct <- history$proportion_kicked[1]
    decision$historical_kick_pct <- history$proportion_went[1]
    decision$historical_N <- history$sample_size[1]

#' Expected value of win probability, factoring in p(success).
#' @param pos_prob 
#' @param pos_win_prob 
#' @param neg_win_prob 
#' @return
expected_win_prob <- function(pos_prob, pos_win_prob, neg_win_prob){
  return((pos_prob * pos_win_prob) + ((1 - pos_prob) * neg_win_prob))

#' Expected WP from kicking, factoring in p(FG made).
#' @param situation 
#' @param probs 
#' @param data 
#' @return
expected_wp_fg <- function(situation, probs, data){
  if("fg_make_prob" %in% names(situation) & is.numeric(situation$fg_make_prob)){
    pos <- situation$fg_make_prob
  } else {
    fgs <- data$fgs
    # Set the probability of success of implausibly long kicks to 0
    if(situation$yfog < 42){
      pos <- 0
    } else {
      # Account for indoor vs. outdoor kicking
      if(situation$dome > 0){
        pos <- with(fgs, dome_rate[fgs == situation$yfog])[1]
      } else {
        pos <- with(fgs, open_rate[fgs == situation$yfog])[1]
  return(list(prob_success_fg = pos,
              fg_ev_wp = expected_win_prob(pos, probs$fg_wp, probs$missed_fg_wp)))

#' Calculates the breakeven point for making the decision.
#' The breakeven is the point at which a coach should be indifferent
#' between two options. We compare the expected win probability
#' of going for it on 4th down to the next best kicking option
#' and determine what the probability of converting the 4th down
#' needs to be in order to make the coach indifferent to going for it
#' or kicking.
#' @param probs 
#' @return
breakeven <- function(probs){
  denom <- probs$success_wp - probs$fail_wp
  breakeven_punt <- (probs$punt_wp - probs$fail_wp) / denom
  breakeven_fg <- (probs$fg_ev_wp - probs$fail_wp) / denom
  # Coerce breakevens to be in the range [0, 1]
  breakeven_punt <- max(min(1, breakeven_punt), 0)
  breakeven_fg <- max(min(1, breakeven_fg), 0)
  return(list(breakeven_punt = breakeven_punt,
              breakeven_fg = breakeven_fg))

#' Use historical first down rates. When inside the opponent's 10,
#' use dwn, ytg, yfog specific rates. Otherwise, use binned yfog where
#' field is broken into 10 segments
#' @param situation 
#' @param data 
#' @return
calc_prob_success <- function(situation, data){
  fd_open <- data$fd_open_field
  fd_inside <- data$fd_inside_10
  if(situation$yfog < 90){
      yfog_bin <- floor(situation$yfog / 10)
      p_success <- with(fd_open, fdr[dwn == situation$dwn &
                                       ytg == situation$ytg &
                                       yfog_bin == yfog_bin])[1]
    error = function(e) {
      # Arbitrary, set the probability of success for very long
      # 4th downs to be 0.1
      p_success <- 0.1
  } else {
    p_success <- with(fd_inside, fdr[dwn == situation$dwn &
                                     ytg == situation$ytg &
                                     yfog_bin == yfog_bin])[1]

#' Use the expected win probabilities to determine best kicking option
#' @param probs 
#' @param wp_ev_goforit 
#' @return
best_kicking_option <- function(probs, wp_ev_goforit){
  # Account for end of game situations where FG WP is higher
  if(probs$fg_ev_wp > probs$punt_wp &
     probs$prob_success_fg > .3){
    decision <- "kick"
    win_prob_added <- wp_ev_goforit - probs$fg_ev_wp
  } else {
    decision <- "punt"
    win_prob_added <- wp_ev_goforit - probs$punt_wp
  return(list(decision = decision,
              win_prob_added = win_prob_added))

decide_best_play <- function(decision){
  if(decision$kicking_option == "punt" & decision$prob_success < decision$breakeven_punt){
  } else if(decision$kicking_option == "kick" & decision$prob_success < decision$breakeven_fg){
  } else {
    return("go for it")

#' Generate a random play with plausible values for debugging purposes.
#' @param data 
#' @return
#' @export
random_play <- function(data){
  features <- data$features
  situation <- vector("list", length = length(features))
  names(situation) <- features
  situation <- lapply(situation, replace_null)
  situation$dwn <- 4
  situation$ytg <- floor(runif(1, 1, 10))
  situation$yfog <- floor(runif(1, 70, (100 - situation$ytg)))
  situation$secs_left <- floor(runif(1, 1, 300))
  situation$score_diff <- floor(runif(1, -10, 10))
  situation$timo <- round(runif(1, 1, 3), digits = 0)
  situation$timd <- round(runif(1, 1, 3), digits = 0)
  situation$spread <- 0
  situation$dome <- round(runif(1, 0, 1), digits = 0)
  situation$offense <- sample(c("PIT", "PHI"), 1)
  situation$home <- sample(c("PIT", "PHI"), 1)
  situation$temp <- round(runif(1, 30, 80), digits = 0)
  situation$humd <- round(runif(1, 0, 100), digits = 0)
  situation$wspd <- round(runif(1, 0, 30), digits = 0)
  situation$precip <- rbinom(1, 1, .5)
  situation$grass <- rbinom(1, 1, .5)

#' Create a plot of the decision state to go for it, attempt a field goal,
#' or punt.
#' @param results Result of \code{generate_decision}.
#' @return
#' @export
plot_decision <- function(results){
  # Calculate polygon dimensions for each potential decision
  punt <- dplyr::data_frame(x = c(0, 0,
                                  results$decision$breakeven_punt, results$decision$breakeven_punt),
                            y = c(0, results$decision$breakeven_fg,
                                  results$decision$breakeven_fg, 0))
  go_for_it <- dplyr::data_frame(x = c(results$decision$breakeven_punt, results$decision$breakeven_punt,
                                       results$decision$prob_success, 1, 1),
                                 y = c(0, results$decision$breakeven_fg, 1, 1, 0))
  fg <- dplyr::data_frame(x = c(0, 0,
                                results$decision$prob_success, results$decision$breakeven_punt),
                          y = c(results$decision$breakeven_fg, 1, 1, results$decision$breakeven_fg))
  outline <- dplyr::data_frame(x = c(0, results$decision$breakeven_punt,
                                     results$decision$breakeven_punt, results$decision$prob_success),
                               y = c(results$decision$breakeven_fg, results$decision$breakeven_fg,
                                     0, results$decision$breakeven_fg, 1))
  poly_labs <- dplyr::data_frame(x = c(mean(punt$x), mean(go_for_it$x), mean(fg$x)),
                                 y = c(mean(punt$y), mean(go_for_it$y), mean(fg$y)),
                                 label = c("PUNT", "GO\nFOR IT", "ATTEMPT\nFIELD\nGOAL"))
  # Format label text for title
  down <- with(results$situation,
               ifelse(dwn == 1, "1st",
                      ifelse(dwn == 2, "2nd",
                             ifelse(dwn == 3, "3rd", "4th"))))
  yfog <- with(results$situation,
               ifelse(yfog < 50, paste("Own", yfog),
                      ifelse(yfog > 50, paste("opponent's", 100 - yfog),
  score_diff <- with(results$situation,
                     ifelse(score_diff > 0, paste("Up by", score_diff),
                            ifelse(score_diff < 0, paste("Down by", -1 * score_diff),
  secs_left <- with(results$situation,
                    secs_left - (abs(qtr - 4) * 15 * 60)) %>%
  secs_left <- paste(lubridate::minute(secs_left), lubridate::second(secs_left) %>%
                       formatC(., width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0"), sep = ":")
  qtr <- with(results$situation,
              ifelse(qtr == 1, "1st",
                     ifelse(qtr == 2, "2nd",
                            ifelse(qtr == 3, "3rd", "4th"))))
  plot_title1 <- paste("What to do on", paste0(down, "-and-", results$situation$ytg), "on", yfog) %>%
  plot_title2 <- paste(score_diff, "with", secs_left, "remaining in the", qtr, "quarter")
  alpha <- .25       # alpha parameter for plot - how transparent should the polygons be?
  p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
    # Setup plot window size
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent, breaks = seq(0, 1, by = .2)) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, breaks = seq(0, 1, by = .2)) +
    ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1)) +
    # Draw polygons for each decision
    ggplot2::geom_polygon(data = punt, ggplot2::aes(x, y),
                 alpha = alpha, fill = "red") +
    ggplot2::geom_polygon(data = go_for_it, ggplot2::aes(x, y),
                 alpha = alpha, fill = "green") +
    ggplot2::geom_polygon(data = fg, ggplot2::aes(x, y),
                 alpha = alpha, fill = "blue") +
    ggplot2::geom_line(data = outline, ggplot2::aes(x, y),
              size = 2, color = "white") +
    # Indicate decision given specific conversion probabilities
    ggplot2::geom_line(data = dplyr::data_frame(x = c(results$decision$prob_success,
                                y = c(-.075, results$probs$prob_success_fg)),
                       ggplot2::aes(x, y), linetype = 2, alpha = alpha) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(data = dplyr::data_frame(x = c(results$decision$prob_success, -0.075),
                                y = c(results$probs$prob_success_fg, results$probs$prob_success_fg)),
                       ggplot2::aes(x, y), linetype = 2, alpha = alpha) +
    ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = results$decision$prob_success,
                                     y = results$probs$prob_success_fg),
               size = 4) +
    ggplot2::geom_text(data = poly_labs,
                       ggplot2::aes(x, y, label = label, color = label), size = 5) +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("blue2", "green4", "red2")) +
    ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = paste0(round(results$decision$prob_success * 100),
                                                   "% chance\nof converting\n4th down"),
                                    x = results$decision$prob_success, y = 0),
              vjust = 2, hjust = .1, size = 3, lineheight = 1) +
    ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = paste0(round(results$probs$prob_success_fg * 100),
                                                   "% chance\nof making\nfield goal"),
                                    x = -.09, y = results$probs$prob_success_fg),
              vjust = .8, hjust = 1, size = 3, lineheight = 1) +
    # Add title label describing situation
    ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = plot_title1), x = 0, y = Inf,
                       vjust = -1, hjust = 0, fontface = "bold") +
    ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = plot_title2), x = 0, y = Inf, vjust = .5, hjust = 0) +
    ggplot2::labs(x = NULL,
         y = NULL) +
    ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
    ggplot2::theme(plot.margin = grid::unit(c(1.5, 0.5, 2.5, 2.5), "lines"),
          axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(color = "grey40"),
          plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0),
          legend.position = "none")
  # Code to override clipping
  gt <- ggplot2::ggplot_gtable(ggplot2::ggplot_build(p))
  gt$layout$clip[gt$layout$name == "panel"] <- "off"
bensoltoff/rnflstats documentation built on May 12, 2019, 2:08 p.m.