
##' polymult function
##' A function to multiply two polynomials in the form of vectors of coefficients. The first 
##' element of the vector being the constant (order 0) term
##' @param poly1 a vector of coefficients for the first polynomial of length degree plus 1
##' @param poly2 a vector of coefficients for the second polynomial of length degree plus 1
##' @return the coefficients of the product of poly1 and poly2
##' @export

polymult <- function(poly1,poly2){
    l1 <- length(poly1)
    l2 <- length(poly2)
    tms <- outer(poly1,poly2)
    ord <- outer(0:(l1-1),0:(l2-1),"+")
    mxord <- ord[l1,l2]
    poly <- c()
    poly <- sapply(0:mxord,function(i){poly[i] <<- sum(tms[ord==i])})
    mxord <- mxord + 1
        while(poly[mxord]==0 & length(poly)>1){
            poly <- poly[-mxord]
            mxord <- mxord - 1

##' polyadd function
##' A function to add two polynomials in the form of vectors of coefficients. The first 
##' element of the vector being the constant (order 0) term
##' @param poly1 a vector of coefficients for the first polynomial of length degree plus 1
##' @param poly2 a vector of coefficients for the second polynomial of length degree plus 1
##' @return the coefficients of the sum of poly1 and poly2
##' @export

polyadd <- function(poly1,poly2){
    ans <- rep(0,max(length(poly1),length(poly2)))
    ans[1:length(poly1)] <- ans[1:length(poly1)] + poly1
    ans[1:length(poly2)] <- ans[1:length(poly2)] + poly2

##' alpha function
##' A function used in calculating the coefficients of a B-spline curve
##' @param i index i
##' @param j index j 
##' @param knots knot vector 
##' @param knotidx knot index 
##' @return a vector
##' @export

alpha <- function(i,j,knots,knotidx){

##' B function
##' A recursive function used in calculating the coefficients of a B-spline curve
##' @param x locations at which to evaluate the B-spline
##' @param i index i
##' @param j index j
##' @param knots a knot vector
##' @return a vector of polynomial coefficients
##' @export

B <- function(x,i,j,knots){
    knotidx <- 0:(length(knots)-1)
        if(x>= knots[knotidx==i] & x<=knots[knotidx==(i+1)]){
        p1 <- alpha(i,j,knots,knotidx)
        p2 <- -alpha(i+1,j,knots,knotidx)
        p2[1] <- p2[1]+1    

##' midpts function
##' A function to compute the midpoints of a vector
##' @param x a vector
##' @return the midpoints, a vector of length length(x)-1
##' @export

midpts <- function(x){
    diffs <- diff(x)

##' getBbasis function
##' A function returning the piecewise polynomial coefficients for a B-spline basis function i.e. the basis functions.
##' @param x a vector of data 
##' @param knots a vector of knots in ascending order. The first and last knots must be respectively the minimum and maximum of x.
##' @param degree the degree of the spline 
##' @return the knots and the piecewise polynomial coefficients for a B-spline basis function i.e. the basis functions.
##' @export

getBbasis <- function(x,knots,degree){

        stop("Knots must be in ascending order")
    if(knots[1]!=min(x) | rev(knots)[1]!=max(x)){
        stop("First and last knots must be respectively the minimum and maximum of x")

    evalpts <- midpts(knots)
    augknots <- c(rep(knots[1],degree),knots,rep(rev(knots)[1],degree))
    polylist <- list()
    for(i in 0:(length(knots)-2+degree)){
        polys <- c()
        for(j in 1:length(evalpts)){
            b <- B(evalpts[j],i,degree,knots=augknots)
            l <- length(b)
                b <- c(b,rep(0,degree+1-l))
            polys <- rbind(polys,b)         
        rownames(polys) <- NULL
        polylist[[i+1]] <- as.matrix(polys)

##' Bspline.construct function
##' A function to construct a B-spline basis matrix for given data and basis coefficients. Used in evaluating the baseline hazard.
##' @param x a vector, the data
##' @param basis an object created by the getBbasis function
##' @return a basis matrix
##' @export

Bspline.construct <- function(x,basis){
    idx <- as.numeric(cut(x,basis$knots,include.lowest=TRUE))
    xpows <- outer(x,0:(ncol(basis$poly[[1]])-1),"^")
    ans <- t(sapply(1:length(x),function(i){sapply(basis$poly,function(co){sum(co[idx[i],]*xpows[i,])})}))

##' cumulativeBspline.construct function
##' A function to construct the integral of a B-spline curve given data and basis coefficients. Used in evaluating the cumulative baseline hazard.
##' @param x a vector, the data
##' @param basis an object created by the getBbasis function
##' @return an object that allows the integral of a given B-spline curve to be computed
##' @export

cumulativeBspline.construct <- function(x,basis){

    knots <- basis$knots

    coeffs <- basis$poly

    nb <- length(coeffs)
    np <- ncol(coeffs[[1]])

    addfun <- function(pars){
        cof <- Reduce("+",mapply("*",basis$poly,pars,SIMPLIFY=FALSE))

    coeffs <- lapply(coeffs,function(mat){return(t(apply(mat,1,function(x){x/(1:np)})))})
    coeffs <- lapply(coeffs,function(mat){return(cbind(0,mat))})
    powers <- 0:np

    idx <- as.numeric(cut(x,knots,include.lowest=TRUE))
    idxmax <- max(idx,na.rm=TRUE)

    ints <- t(sapply(coeffs,function(mat){c(0,sapply(2:idxmax,function(i){sum(mat[i-1,]*(knots[i]^powers-knots[i-1]^powers))}))}))
    cumints <- t(apply(ints,1,cumsum))

    integ <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(idx)){
        xpow <- x[i]^powers
        kpow <- knots[idx[i]]^powers
        integ <- rbind(integ,cumints[,idx[i]] + sapply(1:length(coeffs),function(j){sum(coeffs[[j]][idx[i],]*(xpow-kpow))}))
bentaylor1/spatsurv documentation built on May 12, 2019, 3:02 p.m.