
fitKinrespBetaReplicate <- function(
	### Fitting the beta-model with estimating the log of beta0, so that exp
	### will be positive.
	x                  ##<< numeric vector of time
	,y                 ##<< numeric vector of repiration
	, weights = NULL   ##<< may scale by the uncertainty of the respiration
	# see \code{\link{gnls}}
	##details<< \describe{\item{Functions related to fitting the beta-form of
	##the model.}{
	## \describe{
	## \item{\code{\link{modelKinrespBeta}} }{
	## Model form with simple coefficients beta0..beta2.  }
	## \item{\code{\link{calcKinrespCoef}} }{
	## Calulate Microbial kinetic parameters from given beta coefficients.  }
	## \item{\code{\link{coefKinrespBeta.default}} }{
	## Transform coefficients of Beta-form model from transformed scale to
	## original scale.  }
	## }

	## \code{\link{twKinresp}}
	## , \code{\link{kinrespGrowthphaseReplicate}}
	## , \code{\link{kinrespGrowthphaseExperiment}}
	tmp.start <- coef(lm(log(y-0.99*min(y)) ~ x))
	# fit the log-Transformed beta01 and beta21
	tmp.fit <- try(gnls( y ~ exp(beta0l) + beta1 * exp( exp(beta2l) * x)
			, params = beta0l+beta1+beta2l~1
			, start = list(
			  beta0l = log(min(y)),beta1 = exp(tmp.start[1])
			  ,beta2l = log(tmp.start[2]))
			, weights = weights
			, data = data.frame(x = x, y = y)
	if (inherits(tmp.fit,"try-error")) {
		# fit with fixed activity ratio of 1
		tmp.m <- .fitExpModelConstr(x,y,weights)
		#tmp.coef <- coefKinrespBeta(coef(tmp.m))
		## tmp.cf <- confint(tmp.m); confintKinrespBeta(tmp.cf)
		tmp.start <- .coefKinrespBetaLogStart(coef(tmp.m))
		if (is.infinite(tmp.start[1])) tmp.start[1] <- -1e8
		tmp.fit <- try(gnls( y ~ exp(beta0l) + beta1 * exp( exp(beta2l) * x)
				, params = beta0l+beta1+beta2l~1
				, start = tmp.start
				, weights = weights
				, data = data.frame(x = x, y = y)
		if (inherits(tmp.fit,"try-error")) tmp.fit <- tmp.m

modelKinrespBeta <- function(
	### Calculate respiration for time x based on coefficients beta_i.
	x		##<< time
	,betai	##<< named numeric vector (beta0,beta1,beta2)
	## \code{\link{fitKinrespBetaReplicate}}
	betai["beta0"] + betai["beta1"]*exp(betai["beta2"]*x)
	### \code{beta0 + beta1*exp(beta2*x)}

.fitExpModel <- function(
	### fit y ~ beta0 + beta1 * exp( beta2 * x)
	,weights = NULL  ##<< see \code{\link{gnls}}
	# fitExpModel
	tmp.start <- coef(lm(log(y-0.99*min(y)) ~ x))
	# coefficients at original scale, might be negative
	tmp.fit <- gnls( y ~ beta0 + beta1 * exp( beta2 * x)
		, params = beta0+beta1+beta2~1
		, start = list(
		  beta0 = min(y),beta1 = exp(tmp.start[1]),beta2 = tmp.start[2])
		, weights = weights
		, data = data.frame(x = x, y = y)
	### result of \code{\link{gnls}}

.fitExpModelConstr <- function(
	### Invokes fitExpModel to apply the beta_0..beta_2 form to the x,y, data.
	,weights = NULL
	, r0 = NULL
	# fitExpModelConstr
	## if beta0 is estimated <0 then fit beta1..2 form (beta0 = 0) to the xy data
	## y ~ beta1 * exp( beta2 * x)
	if (is.null(r0) ) {
		tmp.fit <- .fitExpModel(x,y,weights)
		if (coef(tmp.fit)["beta0"] < 0) r0 = 0
	if (!is.null(r0) ) {
		# hard-set beta0 to zero then
		tmp.start <- coef(lm(log(y) ~ x))
		tmp.fit <- gnls( y ~ beta1 * exp( beta2 * x)
			, params = beta1+beta2~1
			, start = list(beta1 = exp(tmp.start[1]),beta2 = tmp.start[2])
			, weights = weights
			, data = data.frame(x = x, y = y)

.coefKinrespBetaLogStart <- function(
	### Transform beta to log scale.
	tmp.coef	## beta coefficients at original scale
	# coefKinrespBetaLogStart
	## Replaces the first coefficient ("beta0") by its logarithm and renames
	## to "beta0l".
	## Replaces the third coefficient ("beta2") by its logarithm and renames
	## to "beta2l".
  # coefficients at the right scale including beta0
	tmp.coef <- coefKinrespBeta(tmp.coef)
	structure( c(log(tmp.coef[1]), tmp.coef[2], log(tmp.coef[3]))
	           , names = c("beta0l","beta1","beta2l") )

#coef.kinRespRepBetaPos <- function(tmp.m){ #coef is used by confint and others
setMethodS3("coefKinrespBeta","default", function(
	### Transform coefficients from Beta-Model from log-Scale to original scale.
	tmp.coef	## beta coefficients at transformed scale, e.g. \code{coef(model1)}
  ##alias<< coefKinrespBeta
	## Coefficients beta0 and beta2 are not fitted directly, but their log is
	## fitted.
	## This ensures that their back-transformation is log-normally distributed
	## and bounded strictly positive.

	## If tmp.coef does not include parameter beta0, it is included with default
	## zero.

	## \code{\link{fitKinrespBetaReplicate}}
	if (names(tmp.coef)[1] == "beta1" ) {
		tmp.coef <- c( beta0 = 0, tmp.coef )
	if (names(tmp.coef)[1] == "beta0l") {
		tmp.coef <- structure(
		  c(exp(tmp.coef[1]), tmp.coef[2:3]), names = c("beta0", names(tmp.coef)[2:3]) )
	if ("beta2l" %in% names(tmp.coef)) {
		tmp.names <- names(tmp.coef)
		tmp.names[match( "beta2l", names(tmp.coef))] <- "beta2"
		names(tmp.coef) <- tmp.names
		tmp.coef["beta2"] <- exp(tmp.coef["beta2"])
	### Named vector beta0,beta1,beta2 at original scale.

setMethodS3("coefKinrespBeta","kinrespList", function(
		### Check microbial coefficients and translate to original microbial scale
		### for all replicates.
		tmp.coef	##<< result of \code{\link{kinrespGrowthphaseExperiment}}
		, rds.e = NULL ##<< constrained dataset, which may omit some replicates
		, ...
		# coefKinresp.kinrespList
		## \code{\link{coefKinresp.default}}
		## ,\code{\link{twKinresp}}

		#resRepI <- tmp.coef$resRep[[1]]
		bo <- if (is.null(rds.e)) TRUE else{
				serUnique <- unique(getSERId(rds.e))
				names(tmp.coef$resRep) %in% serUnique
		tmp <- lapply( tmp.coef$resRep[bo], function(resRepI){
		    experiment = resRepI$dataset$experiment[1]
		    , replicate = resRepI$dataset$replicate[1])
		    , coefKinrespBeta.default(coef(resRepI$fit)) ))})
		### named numer matrix (columns experiment, replicate, mumax, x0, and r0)
		### with rows corresponding replicates

setMethodS3("coefList","kinrespList", function(
		### Extract the coefficients for each replicate
		tmp.coef	##<< result of \code{\link{kinrespGrowthphaseExperiment}}
		, rds.e = NULL ##<< constrained dataset, which may omit some replicates
		, ...
		# coefKinresp.kinrespList
		##alias<< coefList
		## \code{\link{coefKinresp.default}}
		## ,\code{\link{twKinresp}}

		bo <- if (is.null(rds.e)) TRUE else{
				serUnique <- unique(getSERId(rds.e))
				names(tmp.coef$resRep) %in% serUnique
		#resRepI <- tmp.coef$resRep[[1]]
		tmp <- lapply( tmp.coef$resRep[bo], function(resRepI){
		    experiment = resRepI$dataset$experiment[1]
		    , replicate = resRepI$dataset$replicate[1])
		    , (coef(resRepI$fit)) ))})
		### named numer matrix (columns experiment, replicate, mumax, x0, and r0)
		### with rows corresponding replicates

.confintKinrespBeta <- function(
	### Transform confidence interval from log-Scale to original scale.
	if (rownames(tmp.cf)[1] == "beta0l") {
		tmp.cf[1,] <- exp(tmp.cf[1,])
	if ("beta2l" %in% rownames(tmp.cf)) {
		tmp.rownames <- rownames(tmp.cf)
		tmp.rownames[match( "beta2l", rownames(tmp.cf))] <- "beta2"
		rownames(tmp.cf) <- tmp.rownames
		tmp.cf["beta2",] <- exp(tmp.cf["beta2",])
	if (rownames(tmp.cf)[1] == "beta1" ) {
		tmp.cf <- rbind( c( 0,0), tmp.cf )
	rownames(tmp.cf) <- paste("beta",0:2,sep = "")

.tmp.f <- function(rder.e){
	x <- rder.e$time
	y <- rder.e$resp

#-------------- calculating growth parameters from beta fit -----------
calcKinrespCoef <- function(
	### Calculating microbial parameters from beta fit.
	tmp.coef		##<< named numeric vector "beta0" \dots "beta2"
	, lambda = 0.9	##<< Ratio of growth associated (coupled) specific
	# respiration to total specific respiration. Usually 0.9.
	, YCO2 = 1.5		##<< Ratio of assimilated carbon per respired carbon.
	# Usually 1.5.
	, cf95 = NA		##<< Confidence intervals of the transformed beta coefficients.
	# If they are given as numeric matrix with one name row per coefficient,
	# then also cf of the growth parameters are calculated.
	## \code{\link{fitKinrespBetaReplicate}}

	# if the fit was done with beta0 contrained to 0, we need to add it to tmp.coef
	# and account for log-fit
	tmp.coef <- coefKinrespBeta(tmp.coef)

	mumax <- tmp.coef["beta2"]
	r0 <- tmp.coef["beta1"]*(1 - lambda) /
	  (tmp.coef["beta0"] + tmp.coef["beta1"]*(1 - lambda))
	Q <- mumax / (lambda*YCO2)
	x0 <- tmp.coef["beta1"]/(r0*Q)
	#x0t <- YCO2*(tmp.coef["beta0"]+tmp.coef["beta1"]*(1-lambda))/
	if ((x0 < 0) | (r0 > 1) ) {
		res <- structure(c(NA, NA, NA), names = c("mumax","r0","x0"))
		res <- structure(c(mumax, r0, x0), names = c("mumax","r0","x0"))
	if (!any(is.na(cf95))) {
		#convert to original scale involving x0
		tmp <- cf95 <- .confintKinrespBeta(cf95)
		rownames(tmp) <- c("mumax","r0","x0")
		tmp["mumax",] <- cf95["beta2",]
		tmp["r0",1] <- cf95["beta1",1]*(1 - lambda) /
		  (cf95["beta0",2] + cf95["beta1",1]*(1 - lambda))
		tmp["r0",2] <- cf95["beta1",2]*(1 - lambda) /
		  (cf95["beta0",1] + cf95["beta1",2]*(1 - lambda))
		tmp["x0",1] <- YCO2*(cf95["beta0",1] + cf95["beta1",1]*(1 - lambda)) /
		  ((1/lambda - 1)*cf95["beta2",2])
		tmp["x0",2] <- YCO2*(cf95["beta0",2] + cf95["beta1",2]*(1 - lambda)) /
		  ((1/lambda - 1)*cf95["beta2",1])
		attr(res,"cf95") <- tmp

fitKinrespBetaSuite <- function(
	### Fitting the beta-model to all experiments with fixed effects.
	rds.e			##<< dataset with columns experiment, replicate, resp and time,
	# containing only unlimited growth phase
	# (see \code{\link{getUnlimitedGrowthData.kinrespList}}).
	, repFits		##<< Initial coefficients beta0l,beta1, and beta2l for
	# each replicate
	, weights = NULL	##<< Variance function. see details
	if (length(unique(rds.e$suite)) != 1)
		stop("fitKinrespBetaSuite: found other than 1 unique suite identifier "
		     , "in argument rds.e")

	rds.eg <- groupedData( resp ~ time | experiment/replicate, data = cbind(
	  rds.e, exprep = (rds.e$experiment:rds.e$replicate)[drop = TRUE] ))
	iFinite <- which(!apply( repFits[,c("beta0","beta2")], 1, function(row){
	  any(row <= 0) }))
	if (length(iFinite) < nrow(repFits)) {
		repFits <- repFits[iFinite,]
		ser <- getSERId(rds.eg)
		rds.eg <- rds.eg[ser %in% names(iFinite),]
	tmp.exp <- (repFits$experiment)[drop = TRUE]
	startRep <- c(
	  log(repFits[,"beta0"]), repFits[,"beta1"], log(repFits[,"beta2"]))
	# fixed effects for all coefficients by experiment
	tmp.fit <- try(gnls( resp ~ exp(beta0l) + beta1 * exp( exp(beta2l) * time)
			, params = list(beta0l+beta1+beta2l~exprep)
			, start = startRep
			, weights = weights
			, data = rds.eg
bgctw/twKinresp documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:42 p.m.