
Defines functions explvar compnames prednames respnames delete.intercept model.matrix.mvr model.frame.mvr Yloadings loading.weights Yscores scores.default scores loadings.default loadings naExcludeMvr residuals.mvr fitted.mvr coef.mvr

Documented in coef.mvr compnames delete.intercept explvar fitted.mvr loadings loadings.default loading.weights model.frame.mvr model.matrix.mvr naExcludeMvr prednames residuals.mvr respnames scores scores.default Yloadings Yscores

### extract.R:  Extraction functions

## coef.mvr: Extract the base variable regression coefficients from
## an mvr object.

#' @name coef.mvr
#' @title Extract Information From a Fitted PLSR or PCR Model
#' @description Functions to extract information from \code{mvr} objects: Regression
#' coefficients, fitted values, residuals, the model frame, the model matrix,
#' names of the variables and components, and the \eqn{X} variance explained by
#' the components.
#' @details These functions are mostly used inside other functions.  (Functions
#' \code{coef.mvr}, \code{fitted.mvr} and \code{residuals.mvr} are usually
#' called through their generic functions \code{\link{coef}},
#' \code{\link{fitted}} and \code{\link{residuals}}, respectively.)
#' \code{coef.mvr} is used to extract the regression coefficients of a model,
#' i.e. the \eqn{B} in \eqn{y = XB} (for the \eqn{Q} in \eqn{y = TQ} where
#' \eqn{T} is the scores, see \code{\link{Yloadings}}).  An array of dimension
#' \code{c(nxvar, nyvar, length(ncomp))} or \code{c(nxvar, nyvar,
#' length(comps))} is returned.
#' If \code{comps} is missing (or is \code{NULL}), \code{coef()[,,ncomp[i]]}
#' are the coefficients for models with \code{ncomp[i]} components, for \eqn{i
#' = 1, \ldots, length(ncomp)}.  Also, if \code{intercept = TRUE}, the first
#' dimension is \eqn{nxvar + 1}, with the intercept coefficients as the first
#' row.
#' If \code{comps} is given, however, \code{coef()[,,comps[i]]} are the
#' coefficients for a model with only the component \code{comps[i]}, i.e. the
#' contribution of the component \code{comps[i]} on the regression
#' coefficients.
#' \code{fitted.mvr} and \code{residuals.mvr} return the fitted values and
#' residuals, respectively.  If the model was fitted with \code{na.action =
#' na.exclude} (or after setting the default \code{na.action} to
#' \code{"na.exclude"} with \code{\link{options}}), the fitted values (or
#' residuals) corresponding to excluded observations are returned as \code{NA};
#' otherwise, they are omitted.
#' \code{model.frame.mvr} returns the model frame; i.e. a data frame with all
#' variables neccessary to generate the model matrix.  See
#' \code{\link[stats]{model.frame}} for details.
#' \code{model.matrix.mvr} returns the (possibly coded) matrix used as \eqn{X}
#' in the fitting.  See \code{\link[stats]{model.matrix}} for details.
#' \code{prednames}, \code{respnames} and \code{compnames} extract the names of
#' the \eqn{X} variables, responses and components, respectively.  With
#' \code{intercept = TRUE} in \code{prednames}, the name of the intercept
#' variable (i.e. \code{"(Intercept)"}) is returned as well.  \code{compnames}
#' can also extract component names from score and loading matrices.  If
#' \code{explvar = TRUE} in \code{compnames}, the explained variance for each
#' component (if available) is appended to the component names.  For optimal
#' formatting of the explained variances when not all components are to be
#' used, one should specify the desired components with the argument
#' \code{comps}.
#' \code{explvar} extracts the amount of \eqn{X} variance (in per cent)
#' explained by each component in the model.  It can also handle score and
#' loading matrices returned by \code{\link{scores}} and
#' \code{\link{loadings}}.
#' @aliases coef.mvr fitted.mvr residuals.mvr model.frame.mvr model.matrix.mvr
#' prednames respnames compnames explvar
#' @param object,formula an \code{mvr} object.  The fitted model.
#' @param ncomp,comps vector of positive integers.  The components to include
#' in the coefficients or to extract the names of.  See below.
#' @param intercept logical.  Whether coefficients for the intercept should be
#' included.  Ignored if \code{comps} is specified.  Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param explvar logical.  Whether the explained \eqn{X} variance should be
#' appended to the component names.
#' @param \dots other arguments sent to underlying functions.  Currently only
#' used for \code{model.frame.mvr} and \code{model.matrix.mvr}.
#' @return \code{coef.mvr} returns an array of regression coefficients.
#' \code{fitted.mvr} returns an array with fitted values.
#' \code{residuals.mvr} returns an array with residuals.
#' \code{model.frame.mvr} returns a data frame.
#' \code{model.matrix.mvr} returns the \eqn{X} matrix.
#' \code{prednames}, \code{respnames} and \code{compnames} return a character
#' vector with the corresponding names.
#' \code{explvar} returns a numeric vector with the explained variances, or
#' \code{NULL} if not available.
#' @author Ron Wehrens and Bjørn-Helge Mevik
#' @seealso \code{\link{mvr}}, \code{\link{coef}}, \code{\link{fitted}},
#' \code{\link{residuals}}, \code{\link{model.frame}},
#' \code{\link{model.matrix}}, \code{\link{na.omit}}
#' @keywords regression multivariate
#' @examples
#' data(yarn)
#' mod <- pcr(density ~ NIR, data = yarn[yarn$train,], ncomp = 5)
#' B <- coef(mod, ncomp = 3, intercept = TRUE)
#' ## A manual predict method:
#' stopifnot(drop(B[1,,] + yarn$NIR[!yarn$train,] %*% B[-1,,]) ==
#'           drop(predict(mod, ncomp = 3, newdata = yarn[!yarn$train,])))
#' ## Note the difference in formatting:
#' mod2 <- pcr(density ~ NIR, data = yarn[yarn$train,])
#' compnames(mod2, explvar = TRUE)[1:3]
#' compnames(mod2, comps = 1:3, explvar = TRUE)
#' @export
coef.mvr <- function(object, ncomp = object$ncomp, comps, intercept = FALSE,
    if (missing(comps) || is.null(comps)) {
        ## Cumulative coefficients:
        B <- object$coefficients[,,ncomp, drop=FALSE]
        if (isTRUE(intercept)) {      # Intercept only has meaning for
                                      # cumulative coefficients
            dB <- dim(B)
            dB[1] <- dB[1] + 1
            dnB <- dimnames(B)
            dnB[[1]] <- c("(Intercept)", dnB[[1]])
            BInt <- array(dim = dB, dimnames = dnB)
            BInt[-1,,] <- B
            for (i in seq(along = ncomp))
                BInt[1,,i] <- object$Ymeans - object$Xmeans %*% B[,,i]
            B <- BInt
    } else {
        ## Individual coefficients:
        B <- object$coefficients[,,comps, drop=FALSE]
        g1 <- which(comps > 1)
        ## Indiv. coef. must be calculated since object$coefficients is
        ## cumulative coefs.
        B[,,g1] <- B[,,g1, drop=FALSE] -
            object$coefficients[,,comps[g1] - 1, drop=FALSE]
        dimnames(B)[[3]] <- paste("Comp", comps)

## fitted.mvr: Extract the fitted values.  It is needed because the case
## na.action == "na.exclude" must be treated differently from what is done
## in fitted.default.
#' @rdname coef.mvr
#' @export
fitted.mvr <- function(object, ...) {
    if (inherits(object$na.action, "exclude")) {
        naExcludeMvr(object$na.action, object$fitted.values)
    } else {

## residuals.mvr: Extract the residuals.  It is needed because the case
## na.action == "na.exclude" must be treated differently from what is done
## in residuals.default.
#' @rdname coef.mvr
#' @export
residuals.mvr <- function(object, ...) {
    if (inherits(object$na.action, "exclude")) {
        naExcludeMvr(object$na.action, object$residuals)
    } else {

## naExcludeMvr: Perform the equivalent of naresid.exclude and
## napredict.exclude on three-dimensional arrays where the first dimension
## corresponds to the observations.
## Almost everything here is lifted verbatim from naresid.exclude (R 2.2.0)

#' @title Adjust for Missing Values
#' @description Use missing value information to adjust residuals and predictions.  This is
#' the \sQuote{mvr equivalent} of the \code{naresid.exclude} and
#' \code{napredict.exclude} functions.
#' @details This is a utility function used to allow \code{predict.mvr} and
#' \code{residuals.mvr} to compensate for the removal of \code{NA}s in the
#' fitting process.
#' It is called only when the \code{na.action} is \code{na.exclude}, and pads
#' \code{x} with \code{NA}s in the correct positions to have the same number of
#' rows as the original data frame.
#' @param omit an object produced by an \code{na.action} function, typically
#' the \code{"na.action"} attribute of the result of \code{na.omit} or
#' \code{na.exclude}.
#' @param x a three-dimensional array to be adjusted based upon the missing
#' value information in \code{omit}.
#' @param \dots further arguments.  Currently not used.
#' @return \code{x}, padded with \code{NA}s along the first dimension
#' (\sQuote{rows}).
#' @author Bjørn-Helge Mevik and Ron Wehrens
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.mvr}}, \code{\link{residuals.mvr}},
#' \code{\link{napredict}}, \code{\link{naresid}}
#' @keywords regression multivariate internal
naExcludeMvr <- function(omit, x, ...) {
    if (length(omit) == 0 || !is.numeric(omit))
        stop("invalid argument 'omit'")
    if (length(x) == 0)
    n <- nrow(x)
    keep <- rep.int(NA, n + length(omit))
    keep[-omit] <- 1:n
    x <- x[keep,,, drop = FALSE]        # This is where the real difference is!
    temp <- rownames(x)
    if (length(temp)) {
        temp[omit] <- names(omit)
        rownames(x) <- temp

## loadings is in stats, but doesn't work for prcomp objects, and is not
## generic, so we build our own:
#' @name scores
#' @title Extract Scores and Loadings from PLSR and PCR Models
#' @description These functions extract score and loading matrices from fitted \code{mvr}
#' models.
#' @details All functions extract the indicated matrix from the fitted model, and will
#' work with any object having a suitably named component.
#' The default \code{scores} and \code{loadings} methods also handle
#' \code{prcomp} objects (their scores and loadings components are called
#' \code{x} and \code{rotation}, resp.), and add an attribute \code{"explvar"}
#' with the variance explained by each component, if this is available.  (See
#' \code{\link{explvar}} for details.)
#' @aliases scores scores.default loadings loadings.default loading.weights
#' Yscores Yloadings
#' @param object a fitted model to extract from.
#' @param \dots extra arguments, currently not used.
#' @return A matrix with scores or loadings.
#' @note There is a \code{loadings} function in package \pkg{stats}.  It simply
#' returns any element named \code{"loadings"}.  See
#' \code{\link[stats]{loadings}} for details.  The function can be accessed as
#' \code{stats::loadings(...)}.
#' @author Ron Wehrens and Bjørn-Helge Mevik
#' @seealso \code{\link{mvr}}, \code{\link{coef.mvr}}
#' @keywords regression multivariate
#' @examples
#' data(yarn)
#' plsmod <- plsr(density ~ NIR, 6, data = yarn)
#' scores(plsmod)
#' loadings(plsmod)[,1:4]
#' @export
loadings <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("loadings")
#' @rdname scores
#' @export
loadings.default <- function(object, ...) {
    L <- if (inherits(object, "prcomp")) object$rotation else object$loadings
    if (!(inherits(L, "loadings") || inherits(L, "list")))
        class(L) <- "loadings"
    attr(L, "explvar") <- explvar(object)

## scores: Return the scores (also works for prcomp/princomp objects):
#' @rdname scores
#' @export
scores <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("scores")
#' @rdname scores
#' @export
scores.default <- function(object, ...) {
    S <- if (inherits(object, "prcomp")) object$x else object$scores
    if (!(inherits(S, "scores") || inherits(S, "list")))
        class(S) <- "scores"
    attr(S, "explvar") <- explvar(object)

## Yscores: Return the Yscores
#' @rdname scores
#' @export
Yscores <- function(object) object$Yscores

## loading.weights: Return the loading weights:
#' @rdname scores
#' @export
loading.weights <- function(object) object$loading.weights

## Yloadings: Return the Yloadings
#' @rdname scores
#' @export
Yloadings <- function(object) object$Yloadings

## model.frame.mvr: Extract or generate the model frame from a `mvr' object.
## It is simply a slightly modified `model.frame.lm'.
#' @rdname coef.mvr
#' @export
model.frame.mvr <- function(formula, ...) {
    dots <- list(...)
    nargs <- dots[match(c("data", "na.action", "subset"), names(dots), 0)]
    if (length(nargs) || is.null(formula$model)) {
        fcall <- formula$call
        fcall$method <- "model.frame"
        fcall[[1]] <- as.name("mvr")
        fcall[names(nargs)] <- nargs
        env <- environment(formula$terms)
        if (is.null(env)) env <- parent.frame()
        eval(fcall, env, parent.frame())
    else formula$model

## model.matrix.mvr: Extract the model matrix from an `mvr' object.
## It is a modified version of model.matrix.lm.
#' @rdname coef.mvr
#' @export
model.matrix.mvr <- function(object, ...) {
    if (n_match <- match("x", names(object), 0))
    else {
        data <- model.frame(object, ...)
        mm <- NextMethod("model.matrix", data = data)
	mm <- delete.intercept(mm) # Deletes any intercept coloumn
        ## model.matrix.default prepends the term name to the colnames of
        ## matrices.  If there is only one predictor term, and the
        ## corresponding matrix has colnames, remove the prepended term name:
        mt <- terms(object)
        if (length(attr(mt, "term.labels")) == 1 &&
            !is.null(colnames(data[[attr(mt, "term.labels")]])))
            colnames(mm) <- sub(attr(mt, "term.labels"), "", colnames(mm))

## delete.intercept: utilitiy function that deletes the response coloumn from
## a model matrix, and adjusts the "assign" attribute:

#' @title Delete intercept from model matrix
#' @description A utility function to delete any intercept column from a model matrix, and
#' adjust the \code{"assign"} attribute correspondingly.  It is used by formula
#' handling functions like \code{mvr} and \code{model.matrix.mvr}.
#' @param mm Model matrix.
#' @return A model matrix without intercept column.
#' @author Bjørn-Helge Mevik and Ron Wehrens
#' @seealso \code{\link{mvr}}, \code{\link{model.matrix.mvr}}
#' @keywords internal
delete.intercept <- function(mm) {
    ## Save the attributes prior to removing the intercept coloumn:
    saveattr <- attributes(mm)
    ## Find the intercept coloumn:
    intercept <- which(saveattr$assign == 0)
    ## Return if there was no intercept coloumn:
    if (!length(intercept)) return(mm)
    ## Remove the intercept coloumn:
    mm <- mm[,-intercept, drop=FALSE]
    ## Update the attributes with the new dimensions:
    saveattr$dim <- dim(mm)
    saveattr$dimnames <- dimnames(mm)
    ## Remove the assignment of the intercept from the attributes:
    saveattr$assign <- saveattr$assign[-intercept]
    ## Restore the (modified) attributes:
    attributes(mm) <- saveattr
    ## Return the model matrix:

## The following "extraction" functions are mostly used in plot and summary
## functions.

## The names of the response variables:
#' @rdname coef.mvr
#' @export
respnames <- function(object)

## The names of the prediction variables:
#' @rdname coef.mvr
#' @export
prednames <- function(object, intercept = FALSE) {
    if (isTRUE(intercept))
        c("(Intercept)", rownames(object$loadings))

## The names of the components:
## Note: The components must be selected prior to the format statement
#' @rdname coef.mvr
#' @export
compnames <- function(object, comps, explvar = FALSE, ...) {
    M <- if (is.matrix(object)) object else scores(object)
    labs <- colnames(M)
    if (missing(comps))
        comps <- seq(along = labs)
        labs <- labs[comps]
    if (isTRUE(explvar) && !is.null(evar <- explvar(M)[comps]))
        labs <- paste(labs, " (", format(evar, digits = 2, trim = TRUE),
                      " %)", sep = "")

## The explained X variance:
#' @rdname coef.mvr
#' @export
explvar <- function(object)
           mvr = 100 * object$Xvar / object$Xtotvar,
           princomp =,
           prcomp = 100 * object$sdev^2 / sum(object$sdev^2),
           scores =,
           loadings = attr(object, "explvar")
bhmevik/pls documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 5:56 a.m.