
# to install the testing branch of GSA-Lightning
# library(githubinstall)
# gh_install_packages("GSALighting", ref = "testing")

# to check coverage use package_coverage() in package "covr"


x <- matrix(rnorm(1000*20),ncol=20)
rownames(x) <- paste("g",1:1000,sep="")
dd <- sample(1:1000,size=100)

y <- factor(c(rep(0,10),rep(1,10)))
yy <- factor(c(rep(1,10),rep(2,10)))

#create some random gene sets
for(i in 1:50){

test_that("Unpaired Test: Concordance of Gene set Statistics and p-values with GSA", {
  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "mean",
    resp.type = "Two class unpaired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = TRUE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,2], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,2], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "mean",
    resp.type = "Two class unpaired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = FALSE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,2], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,2], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  # GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'unpaired',
  #   method = 'absmean', restandardize = TRUE)
  # GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'unpaired',
  #   method = 'absmean', restandardize = TRUE)
  # GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "absmean",
  #   resp.type = "Two class unpaired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = TRUE)

  # expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  # expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  # expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  # expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'absmean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'absmean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "absmean",
    resp.type = "Two class unpaired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = FALSE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'maxmean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'maxmean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "maxmean",
    resp.type = "Two class unpaired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = TRUE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,2], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,2], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'maxmean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'unpaired',
    method = 'maxmean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "maxmean",
    resp.type = "Two class unpaired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = FALSE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,2], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,2], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)


# classes for paired-data
y <- yy <- c(1:10, -(1:10))

test_that("Paired-Test: Concordance of Gene set Statistics and p-values with GSA", {
  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "mean",
    resp.type = "Two class paired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = TRUE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "mean",
    resp.type = "Two class paired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = FALSE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)
  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  # GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'paired',
  #   method = 'absmean', restandardize = TRUE)
  # GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'paired',
  #   method = 'absmean', restandardize = TRUE)
  # GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "absmean",
  #   resp.type = "Two class paired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = TRUE)

  # expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  # expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  # expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  # expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'absmean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'absmean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "absmean",
    resp.type = "Two class paired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = FALSE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'maxmean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'maxmean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "maxmean",
    resp.type = "Two class paired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = TRUE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'maxmean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'paired',
    method = 'maxmean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "maxmean",
    resp.type = "Two class paired", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = FALSE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,5], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

y <- factor(c(rep(0,7),rep(1,7),rep(2,6)))
yy <- factor(c(rep(1,7),rep(2,7),rep(3,6)))

test_that("Multi-Test: Concordance of Gene set Statistics and p-values with GSA", {
  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'multi',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'multi',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = TRUE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "mean",
    resp.type = "Multiclass", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = TRUE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  GSALightResult <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, tests = 'multi',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSALightResult2 <- GSALight(x, y, genesets, nperm = 1000, npermBreaks = 19, tests = 'multi',
    method = 'mean', restandardize = FALSE)
  GSAResult <- GSA(x, yy, genesets, genenames, nperms=1000, method = "mean",
    resp.type = "Multiclass", s0 = 0, s0.perc=-1, restand = FALSE)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)

  expect_equivalent(GSALightResult2[,3], GSAResult$GSA.scores)
  expect_gt(cor(GSALightResult2[,1], GSAResult$pvalues.hi), 0.995)
billyhw/GSALightning documentation built on May 12, 2019, 9:22 p.m.