Man pages for biobakery/melonnpan
Model-based Genomically Informed High-dimensional Predictor of Microbial Community Metabolite Profiles

ArcSinArc Sine Square Root Transformation for Proportional Data
CV.ENETFit a regularized linear model
generateLambdaPlotPlot CV Error As A Function of Lambda
melonnpan.predictModel-based Genomically Informed High-dimensional Predictor...
melonnpan.summarizeSummarize MelonnPan results
melonnpan.test.dataNormalized gene family abundances in the NLIBD dataset...
melonnpan.trainModel-based Genomically Informed High-dimensional Predictor...
melonnpan.trained.modelWeights from a pre-trained MelonnPan model in the PRISM... gene family abundances in the PRISM dataset...
melonnpan.visualizeVisualization of Significant Results.
readTableRead data using a wrapper of data.table
rntransformRank-based inverse normal tranformation
SqSinBack Transformation of Predicted Values from A Statistical...
biobakery/melonnpan documentation built on March 26, 2024, 11:42 p.m.