Man pages for biomics-pasteur-fr/RNADiff
R Tools for RNA-Seq Projects at Institut Pasteur (Biomics Platform)

averageMatrixAverage a transformed-counts matrix before ploting a heatmap
barplotNulBar plot of number of null counts per sample
barplotTCBar plot of total number of counts per sample
BCVPlotBCV plot (for edgeR object)
boxplotCountsBox-plots representing counts distribution per sample
checkContrastsCheck the contrasts built manually
checkInfoGlengthCheck the info and glength files
clusterPlotDendrogram of sample clustering
compareListsComparing two lists of features
convertUnderscoresConvert underscores for reporting in LaTeX
densityPlotDensity plot of all samples
diagLogFCPlot the distribution of the log2 Fold Changes
diagLogNormalityDispCheck the log-normality of the features dispersion estimates
diagSizeFactorsCheck the right value of sizeFactors
downExtract down-regulated features from a table of results
exportComplete.DESeq2Export complete data and results from DESeq2
exportComplete.edgeRExport complete data and results from edgeR
geneLengthEffectGenerate some plots to investigate the gene length effect
heatmapDEHeatmap of DE features
histoRawpHistogram of raw p-values
loadCountDataLoad count files
loadTargetFileLoad file containing sample info
majSequencesProportion of reads associated with the three most expressed...
MAplotDEMA-plot of DE features
MDSPlotMDS plot of samples (for edgeR objects)
nbDiffSeuilNumber of DE features according to the FDR threshold
nDiffTotalNumber of down, up and total per comparison
normCounts.edgeRNormalized counts for edgeR
normGeneLengthRemove ribosomal RNA features in all samples
pairwiseScatterPlotsScatter plots for pairwise comparaisons of log counts
pairwiseSEREPairwise SERE statistics
PCAPlotPCA of samples (for DESeq2 object)
plotDispEstimatesScatter plots representing dispersion estimates vs mean...
plotEvolutionPlots of the expression of some interesting features
removeNulRemove features with null counts in all samples
RNADiffAnalysis-packageR Tools for RNA-Seq Projects within the Biomics Platform
tabIndepFilteringTable of features discarded by the independent filtering
upExtract up-regulated features from a table of results
vennDiagramDEVenn diagram
volcanoPlotDEvolcano-plot of DE features
biomics-pasteur-fr/RNADiff documentation built on Aug. 27, 2020, 12:44 a.m.