#' Image to Image Co-Registration based on Mutual Information
#' Shifts an image to match a reference image. Matching is based on maximum
#' mutual information.
#' @param img SpatRaster. Image to shift to match reference image. \code{img} and \code{ref} must have equal numbers of bands.
#' @param ref SpatRaster. Reference image. \code{img} and \code{ref} must have equal numbers of bands.
#' @param shift Numeric or matrix. If numeric, then shift is the maximal absolute radius (in pixels of \code{img} resolution) which \code{img} is shifted (\code{seq(-shift, shift, by=shiftInc)}).
#' If shift is a matrix it must have two columns (x shift and y shift), then only these shift values will be tested.
#' @param shiftInc Numeric. Shift increment (in pixels, but not restricted to integer). Ignored if \code{shift} is a matrix.
#' @param nSamples Integer. Number of samples to calculate mutual information.
#' @param nBins Integer. Number of bins to calculate joint histogram.
#' @param reportStats Logical. If \code{FALSE} it will return only the shifted images. Otherwise it will return the shifted image in a list containing stats such as mutual information per shift and joint histograms.
#' @param verbose Logical. Print status messages. Overrides global RStoolbox.verbose option.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link[terra]{writeRaster}}.
#' @param slave DEPRECATED! Argument was renamed. Please use \code{img} from now on.
#' @param master DEPRECATED! Argument was renamed. Please use \code{ref} from now on.
#' @details
#' Currently only a simple linear x - y shift is considered and tested. No higher order shifts (e.g. rotation, non-linear transformation) are performed. This means that your imagery
#' should already be properly geometrically corrected.
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_information}{Mutual information} is a similarity metric originating from information theory.
#' Roughly speaking, the higher the mutual information of two data-sets, the higher is their shared information content, i.e. their similarity.
#' When two images are exactly co-registered their mutual information is maximal. By trying different image shifts, we aim to find the best overlap which maximises the mutual information.
#' @return
#' \code{reportStats=FALSE} returns a SpatRaster (x-y shifted image).
#' \code{reportStats=TRUE} returns a list containing a data.frame with mutual information per shift ($MI), the shift of maximum MI ($bestShift),
#' the joint histograms per shift in a list ($jointHist) and the shifted image ($coregImg).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(terra)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(reshape2)
#' reference <- rlogo
#' ## Shift reference 2 pixels to the right and 3 up
#' missreg <- shift(reference, 2, 3)
#'## Compare shift
#'p <- ggR(reference, sat = 1, alpha = .5)
#'p + ggR(missreg, sat = 1, hue = .5, alpha = 0.5, ggLayer=TRUE)
#'## Coregister images (and report statistics)
#'coreg <- coregisterImages(missreg, ref = reference,
#' nSamples = 500, reportStats = TRUE)
#'## Plot mutual information per shift
#'ggplot(coreg$MI) + geom_raster(aes(x,y,fill=mi))
#'## Plot joint histograms per shift (x/y shift in facet labels)
#'df <- melt(coreg$jointHist)
#'df$L1 <- factor(df$L1, levels = names(coreg$jointHist))
#'df[df$value == 0, "value"] <- NA ## don't display p = 0
#'ggplot(df) + geom_raster(aes(x = Var2, y = Var1,fill=value)) + facet_wrap(~L1) +
#' scale_fill_gradientn(name = "p", colours = heat.colors(10), na.value = NA)
#'## Compare correction
#'ggR(reference, sat = 1, alpha = .5) +
#' ggR(coreg$coregImg, sat = 1, hue = .5, alpha = 0.5, ggLayer=TRUE)
coregisterImages <- function(img, ref, shift = 3, shiftInc = 1, nSamples = 100,
reportStats = FALSE, verbose, nBins = 100,
master = deprecated(), slave = deprecated(),
...) {
deprecate_warn("0.3.0", "coregisterImages(slave)", "coregisterImages(img)")
deprecate_warn("0.3.0", "coregisterImages(master)", "coregisterImages(ref)")
img <- .toTerra(img)
ref <- .toTerra(ref)
## TODO: allow user selected pseudo control points
## TODO: add computation of MI to docu
#if(!swin%%2 | !mwin%%2) stop("swin and mwin must be odd numbers")
if(!missing("verbose")) .initVerbose(verbose)
if(!crs(img) == crs(ref)) stop("Projection must be the same for ref and img")
nSamples <- min(nSamples, ncell(img))
if(inherits(shift, "matrix") && ncol(shift) == 2) {
shifts <- shift * res(img)
} else {
shift <- seq(0, shift, shiftInc)
shift <- c(-rev(shift), shift[-1]) ## always include zero shift
shifts <- expand.grid(shift * res(img)[1], shift * res(img)[2])
names(shifts) <- c("x", "y")
ran <- apply(shifts, 2, range)
minex <- ext(shift(img, ran[1,1], ran[1,2]))
maxex <- ext(shift(img, ran[2,1], ran[2,2]))
XYimgs <- data.matrix(
terra::spatSample(ref, size = nSamples, ext = .getExtentOverlap(minex, maxex) * .9, xy = TRUE)
mmin <- min(values(ref))
mmax <- max(values(ref))
smin <- min(values(img))
smax <- max(values(img))
xy <- XYimgs[,c(1,2)]
me <- XYimgs[,-c(1,2)]
mbreax <- seq(mmin, mmax, by = (mmax - mmin)/nBins)
sbreax <- seq(smin, smax, by = (smax - smin)/nBins)
me <- cut(me, breaks = mbreax, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
nsl <- ncol(img)
nml <- ncol(ref)
if(nsl != nml) stop("Currently img and ref must have the same number of layers")
shiftPts <- function(o, x, y) {
o[,"x"] <- o[,"x"] + x
o[,"y"] <- o[,"y"] + y
spts <- .parXapply(X = 1:nrow(shifts), XFUN = "lapply", FUN = function(i){
xt <- shiftPts(xy, x = -shifts[i,1], y = -shifts[i,2])
cellFromXY(img, xt)
}, envir=environment())
ucells <- sort(unique(unlist(spts)))
lut <- as.matrix(img[ucells])
rownames(lut) <- ucells
spts <- lapply(spts, as.character)
## Shift and calculate mutual information
sh <- .parXapply(X = 1:nrow(shifts), XFUN = "lapply", FUN = function(i){
se <- lut[spts[[i]], ]
se <- cut(as.numeric(se), breaks = sbreax, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)
pab <- table(me,se)
pab <- pab/sum(pab)
pa <- colSums(pab)
pb <- rowSums(pab)
pabx <- pab[pab>0] ## we can do this because lim(0 * log(0)) = 0.
pb <- pb[pb>0]
pa <- pa[pa>0]
hab <- sum(-pabx * log(pabx))
ha <- sum(-pa * log(pa))
hb <- sum(-pb * log(pb))
mi <- ha + hb -hab
list(mi = mi, joint = pab)
}, envir = environment() )
## Aggregate stats
mi <- vapply(sh,"[[", i = 1, numeric(1))
jh <- lapply(sh, function(x) matrix(as.vector(x$joint), nrow=nrow(x$joint), ncol=ncol(x$joint)))
names(jh) <- paste(shifts[,"x"], shifts[,"y"], sep = "/")
## Find best shift and shift if doShift
moveIt <- shifts[which.max(mi),]
.vMessage("Identified shift in map units (x/y): ", paste(moveIt, collapse="/"))
moved <- shift(img, as.numeric(moveIt[1]), as.numeric(moveIt[2]), ...)
if(reportStats) {
return(list(MI = data.frame(shifts, mi=mi), jointHist = jh, bestShift = moveIt, coregImg = moved))
} else {
# if(method == "areaCor"){
# mwin = 11, swin = 3, regbands = 3,
# if(length(regbands) == 1) regbands <- rep(regbands,2)
# mstr <- master[[regbands[1]]]
# slv <- slave[[regbands[2]]]
# XYslaves <- sampleRegular(slv, size = n, xy = TRUE, cells =T)
# nbrs <- matrix(c(rep(1,0.5*swin^2), 0, rep(1,0.5*swin^2)), ncol = swin, nrow = swin)
# sVals <- lapply(XYslaves[,"cell"], function(x) {
# slv[adjacent(slv, x, directions = nbrs, pairs = FALSE, include = TRUE)]
# })
# nbrs[] <- 1
# #nbrs <- matrix(c(rep(1,0.5*mwin^2), 0, rep(1,0.5*mwin^2)), ncol = mwin, nrow = mwin)
# XYmaster <- lapply(1:nrow(XYslaves), function(i) {
# d <- XYslaves[i, c("x", "y")]
# r <- res(mstr)[1]
# e <- extent(c(d - r * mwin/2, d + r*mwin/2)[c(1,3,2,4)])
# masterc <- crop(mstr, e)
# # masterf <- focal(masterc, w=nbrs, fun = function(x) {sum((x - sVals[[i]])^2)})
# # masterf <- focal(masterc, w=nbrs, fun = function(x) {cor(x,sVals[[i]])})
# masterf <- focal(masterc, w=nbrs, fun=function(x){sum(x*sVals[[i]])/sum(abs(x))})
# mcell <- which.max(masterf)
# cbind(xyFromCell(masterf, mcell), cor = masterf[mcell])
# })
# minCor <- 0.9
# XYmaster <- do.call("rbind", XYmaster)
# da <- data.frame(s=XYslaves[,c("x","y")], m=XYmaster)
# da <- da[da[,"m.cor"] > minCor,]
# ggplot()+geom_segment(data = da, aes(x = s.x, xend = m.x, y=s.y, yend=m.y), arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.4,"cm")))
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