
Defines functions nr.as.hclust.dendrogram

# Non-recursive function to ensure the height of all dendrogram
# branches is not lower than the heights of its children.
dendfixh <- function (node) 
    if (is.leaf( node )) {
        return (node);
    position <- 0;
    stack <- NULL;
    while (TRUE) {
        # Descend into all non-leaf child nodes.
	while (position < length(node)) {
	    position <- position + 1;
	    child <- node[[position]];
	    if (!is.leaf(child)) {
		stack <- list (position=position, node=node, stack=stack);
		node <- child;
		position <- 0;

        # All children of current node have been processed.
        # Adjust height of current node iff needed.
	h <- max(vapply(node, function(o) attr(o, "height"), 1))
	if (attr(node, "height") < h) {
	    attr(node, "height") <- h

        # Terminate if current node was the root node.
	if (length (stack) == 0) {
	    return (node);

        # Come up one level in the tree.
	position <- stack$position;
	# Update parent's reference to this node.
	if (!identical (stack$node[[position]], node)) {
            # Update reference iff this node (or a child) was updated.  This
            # reduces memory churn in the usual case when no correction is necessary.
	    stack$node[[position]] <- node;
	node <- stack$node;
	stack <- stack$stack;

# Non-recursive function for str(dendrogram)
nr.str.dendrogram <-
function (object, max.level = NA, digits.d = 3L, give.attr = FALSE,
          wid = getOption("width"), nest.lev = 0L, indent.str = "",
          last.str = getOption("str.dendrogram.last"), stem = "--", ...)
## TO DO: when object is part of a larger structure which is str()ed
##    with default max.level= NA, it should not be str()ed to all levels,
##   but only to e.g. level 2
## Implement via smarter default for 'max.level' (?)

    pasteLis <- function(lis, dropNam, sep = " = ") {
	## drop uninteresting "attributes" here
	lis <- lis[!(names(lis) %in% dropNam)]
	fl <- sapply(lis, format, digits = digits.d)
	paste(paste(names(fl), fl, sep = sep), collapse = ", ")

    todo <- NULL;  # Nodes to process after this one
    repeat {
        ## when  indent.str  ends in a blank, i.e. "last" (see below)
	istr <- sub(" $", last.str, indent.str)
	cat(istr, stem, sep = "")

	at <- attributes(object)
	memb <- at[["members"]]
	hgt <- at[["height"]]
	if(!is.leaf(object)) {
	    le <- length(object)
	    if(give.attr) {
		if(nzchar(at <- pasteLis(at, c("class", "height", "members"))))
		    at <- paste(",", at)
	    cat("[dendrogram w/ ", le, " branches and ", memb, " members at h = ",
		format(hgt, digits = digits.d), if(give.attr) at,
                "]", if(!is.na(max.level) && nest.lev == max.level)" ..", "\n",
                sep = "")
	    if (is.na(max.level) || nest.lev < max.level) {
                # Push children onto todo list in reverse order.
                # Assumes at least one child.
                nest.lev <- nest.lev + 1L;
		todo <- list(object=object[[le]], nest.lev = nest.lev, indent.str = paste(indent.str, "  "), todo=todo);
                indent.str <- paste (indent.str, " |");
                while ((le <- le - 1L) > 0L) {
		    todo <- list(object=object[[le]], nest.lev = nest.lev, indent.str = indent.str, todo=todo);
	} else { ## leaf
                if(is.character(at$label)) paste("", at$label,"", sep = '"') else
                format(object, digits = digits.d),"")
	    any.at <- hgt != 0
	    if(any.at) cat("(h=",format(hgt, digits = digits.d))
	    if(memb != 1) #MM: when can this happen?
		cat(if(any.at)", " else {any.at <- TRUE; "("}, "memb= ", memb, sep = "")
	    at <- pasteLis(at, c("class", "height", "members", "leaf", "label"))
	    if(any.at || nzchar(at)) cat(if(!any.at)"(", at, ")")
        # Advance to next node, if any.
        if (is.null(todo)) {
        } else {
	    object <- todo$object;
	    nest.lev <- todo$nest.lev;
	    indent.str <- todo$indent.str;
	    todo <- todo$todo;

# Non-recursively count the number of leaves in a dendrogram.
nleaves <- function (node) {
    if (is.leaf(node)) { return (1L) }
    todo <- NULL # Non-leaf nodes to traverse after this one.
    count <- 0L
    repeat {
        # For each child: count iff a leaf, add to todo list otherwise.
	while (length(node)) {
	    child <- node[[1L]];
            node <- node[-1L];
	    if (is.leaf(child)) {
                count <- count + 1L
            } else {
		todo <- list(node=child, todo=todo)
        # Advance to next node, terminating when no nodes left to count.
	if (is.null(todo)) {
	} else {
	    node <- todo$node
	    todo <- todo$todo
    return (count)

## Reversing the above (as much as possible)
## is only possible for dendrograms with *binary* splits
nr.as.hclust.dendrogram <- function(x, ...)
    stopifnot(is.list(x), length(x) == 2L)
    n <- nleaves(x)
    stopifnot(n == attr(x, "members"))

    # Ord and labels for each leaf node (in preorder).
    ord <- integer(n)
    labsu <- character(n)

    # Height and (parent,index) for each internal node (in preorder).
    n.h <- n - 1L
    height <- numeric(n.h)
    myIdx <- matrix(NA_integer_, 2L, n.h)

    # Record merges initially in preorder traversal
    # We will resort into merge order at end.
    merge <- matrix(NA_integer_, 2L, n.h)

    # Starting at root, traverse dendrogram recording
    # information above about leaves and nodes encountered
    position <- 0L  # position within current node
    stack <- NULL   # parents of current node plus saved state
    leafCount <- 0L # number of leaves seen
    nodeCount <- 0L # number of nodes seen
    repeat {
        # Pre-order traversal of the current node.
        # Will descend into non-leaf children pushing parents onto stack.
	while (length(x)) {
            # Record height and index list on first visit to each internal node.
	    if (position == 0L) {
		nodeCount <- nodeCount + 1L
                myNodeIndex <- nodeCount
                if (nodeCount != 1L) {
                    myIdx[,nodeCount] <- c(stack$position, stack$myNodeIndex)
		height[nodeCount] <- attr(x, "height")
	    position <- position + 1L
	    child <- x[[1L]]
            x <- x[-1L]
	    if (is.leaf(child)) {
                # Record information about leaf nodes.
                leafCount <- leafCount + 1L
                labsu[leafCount] <- attr(child,'label')
                ord[leafCount] <- as.integer(child)
                merge[position,myNodeIndex] <- - ord[leafCount]
            } else {
                stopifnot (length(child)==2L)
                # Descend into non-leaf nodes, saving state on stack.
		stack <- list (node=x, position=position, myNodeIndex=myNodeIndex, stack=stack)
		x <- child
		position <- 0L
        # All children of current node have been traversed.

        # Terminate if current node was the root node.
	if (is.null(stack)) {

        # Otherwise, pop parent node and state.
	position <- stack$position   # Restore position in parent node.
	x <- stack$node
        myNodeIndex <- stack$myNodeIndex
	stack <- stack$stack

    iOrd <- sort.list(ord)
    if(!identical(ord[iOrd], seq_len(n)))
	    "dendrogram entries must be 1,2,..,%d (in any order), to be coercible to \"hclust\"",
	    n), domain=NA)

    ## ties: break ties "compatibly" with above preorder traversal -- relies on stable sort here:
    ii <- sort.list(height, decreasing=TRUE)[n.h:1L]
    stopifnot (ii[n.h]==1L)

    # Record internal merges
    k <- seq_len(n.h-1L)
    merge[t(myIdx[,ii[k]])] <- + k

    if (getOption("as.hclust.dendr", FALSE)) {
        for(k in seq_len(n.h)) {
            cat(sprintf("ii[k=%2d]=%2d ", k, ii[k]))
	    cat("-> s=merge[[,ii[k]]]=")

    structure(list(merge = t(merge[,ii]),  # Resort into merge order
		   height = height[ii], # Resort into merge order
		   order = ord,
		   labels = labsu[iOrd],
		   call = match.call(),
		   method = NA_character_,
		   dist.method = NA_character_),
	      class = "hclust")
bmbroom/NGCHMR documentation built on April 18, 2022, 6:52 p.m.