
# testing functions 
test_ENMevaluation <- function(e, alg, parts, tune.args, nparts.occs, nparts.bg, type = "") {
  tune.tbl <- expand.grid(tune.args, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  test_that("ENMevaluation object and slots exist", {
    if(type == "swd") {
      expect_true(raster::nlayers(e@predictions) == 0)  
      expect_true(raster::nlayers(e@predictions) > 0)  
    expect_equal(length(slotNames(e)), 20)
                 c("algorithm", "tune.settings", "partition.method",
                   "partition.settings", "other.settings", "doClamp",
                   "clamp.directions", "results", "results.partitions",
                   "models", "variable.importance", "predictions", "taxon.name",
                   "occs", "occs.testing", "occs.grp", "bg", "bg.grp",
                   "overlap", "rmm"))
  test_that("Data in ENMevaluation object slots have correct form", {
    # algorithm
    expect_true(e@algorithm == alg)
    # partition method 
    expect_true(e@partition.method == parts)
    # these checks relate to tune.args, which may be NULL
    if(!is.null(tune.args)) {
      # tune.settings 
      expect_true(all(as.data.frame(e@tune.settings[,1:ncol(tune.tbl)]) == tune.tbl))
      # nrow of results
      expect_true(nrow(e@results) == nrow(tune.tbl))
      # tune.args column values are concat of tuning parameters columns
      # expect_true(all(apply(e@results[names(tune.args.ls[[m]])], 1, paste, collapse = "_") == as.character(e@results$tune.args)))
      # number of models
      expect_true(length(e@models) == nrow(tune.tbl))
    # number of rows for occs matches occs.grp
    expect_true(nrow(e@occs) == length(e@occs.grp))
    # number of rows for bg matches bg.grp
    expect_true(nrow(e@bg) == length(e@bg.grp))
    # no overlap is calculated for no tuning or BIOCLIM
    if(length(e@overlap) > 0) {
      # both indices exist for overlap
      expect_true(length(e@overlap) == 2)
      # number of rows of overlap D matches tune.args
      expect_true(nrow(e@overlap$D) == nrow(tune.tbl))
      # number of rows of overlap I matches tune.args
      expect_true(nrow(e@overlap$I) == nrow(tune.tbl))  
      # no overlap matrix
      expect_true(length(e@overlap) == 0)
  test_that("Records with missing environmental values were removed", {
    expect_true(sum(is.na(e@occs)) == 0)
    expect_true(sum(is.na(e@bg)) == 0)
  test_that("Number of partitions is correct", {
    expect_true(length(unique(e@occs.grp)) == nparts.occs)
    expect_true(length(unique(e@bg.grp)) == nparts.bg)
  test_that("Results table for partitions has correct form", {
    if(parts == "none") {
      expect_true(nrow(e@results.partitions) == 0)
      expect_true(nrow(e@results.partitions) == nparts.occs * nrow(tune.tbl))
      if(parts != "testing") {
        expect_true(max(e@results.partitions$fold) == nparts.occs)
        expect_true(max(e@results.partitions$fold) == 0)
      # jackknife has NAs for cbi.val
      if(parts == "jackknife" | !requireNamespace("ecospat", quietly = TRUE)) {
        expect_true(sum(is.na(e@results.partitions)) == nrow(e@results.partitions))
        expect_true(sum(is.na(e@results.partitions)) == 0)

test_clamp <- function(e, envs, occs.z, bg.z, categoricals, canExtrapolate = TRUE) {
  p.z <- dplyr::bind_rows(occs.z, bg.z)[,-1:-2]
  none <- envs
  all <- clamp.vars(orig.vals = envs, ref.vals = p.z, categoricals = categoricals)
  left <- clamp.vars(orig.vals = envs, ref.vals = p.z, right = "none", categoricals = categoricals)
  right <- clamp.vars(orig.vals = envs, ref.vals = p.z, left = "none", categoricals = categoricals)
  subboth <- clamp.vars(orig.vals = envs, ref.vals = p.z, left = names(envs)[c(7:8)], 
                        right = names(envs)[c(4:6)], categoricals = categoricals)
  subleft <- clamp.vars(orig.vals = envs, ref.vals = p.z, right = "none", 
                        left = names(envs)[c(4:6)], categoricals = categoricals)
  subright <- clamp.vars(orig.vals = envs, ref.vals = p.z, left = "none", 
                         right = names(envs)[c(4:6)], categoricals = categoricals)
  clamps.envs <- list(none=none, all=all, left=left, right=right, subboth=subboth, subleft=subleft, subright=subright)
  enm <- lookup.enm(e@algorithm)
  m <- e@models[[1]]
  clamp.envs.p <- lapply(clamps.envs, function(x) enm@predict(m, x, list(doClamp = FALSE, pred.type = "cloglog")))
  combs <- expand.grid(x=names(clamp.envs.p), y=names(clamp.envs.p), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>% dplyr::filter(x != y)
  test_that("Clamped rasters are different from each other", {
    for(i in 1:nrow(combs)) {
      if(canExtrapolate == TRUE) {
        expect_false(raster::all.equal(clamp.envs.p[[combs[i,1]]], clamp.envs.p[[combs[i,2]]]) > 0)  
        expect_true(raster::all.equal(clamp.envs.p[[combs[i,1]]], clamp.envs.p[[combs[i,2]]]) > 0)
  clamps.df <- lapply(clamps.envs, function(x) raster::getValues(x))
  clamp.df.p <- lapply(clamps.df, function(x) enm@predict(m, x, list(doClamp = FALSE, pred.type = "cloglog")))
  test_that("Clamped data frames are different from each other", {
    for(i in 1:nrow(combs)) {
      if(canExtrapolate == TRUE) {
        expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(clamp.df.p[[combs[i,1]]], clamp.df.p[[combs[i,2]]])))
        expect_true(isTRUE(all.equal(clamp.df.p[[combs[i,1]]], clamp.df.p[[combs[i,2]]])))

test_ENMnulls <- function(e, ns, no.iter, alg, parts, mod.settings, nparts.occs, nparts.bg, n.sims, type = "") {
  mod.settings.tbl <- expand.grid(mod.settings)
  test_that("ENMnulls object and slots exist", {
  test_that("Data in ENMnulls object slots have correct form", {
    # algorithm
    expect_true(ns@null.algorithm == alg)
    # partition method 
    expect_true(ns@null.partition.method == parts)
    # mod.settings 
    if(ncol(mod.settings.tbl) > 1) {
      expect_true(all(ns@null.mod.settings[,1:ncol(mod.settings.tbl)] == mod.settings.tbl))  
      expect_true(as.character(ns@null.mod.settings[,1]) == mod.settings.tbl)  
    # no. of iterations
    expect_true(ns@null.no.iter == no.iter)
    # number of rows in results table
    expect_true(nrow(ns@null.results) == no.iter)
    # number of rows in results table for partitions
    if(ns@null.partition.method == "none") {
      expect_true(nrow(ns@null.results.partitions) == 0)
      expect_true(nrow(ns@null.results.partitions) == no.iter * nparts.occs)  
    # number of rows in empirical vs null results table
    expect_true(nrow(ns@null.emp.results) == 6)
    # check that not all empirical results are NA
    expect_true(sum(apply(ns@null.emp.results[,2:ncol(ns@null.emp.results)], 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x)))) != 
                  nrow(ns@null.emp.results) * (ncol(ns@null.emp.results)-1))
    # check that tables match
    expect_true(all(ns@emp.occs == e@occs))
    expect_true(all(ns@emp.bg == e@bg))
    expect_true(all(ns@emp.occs.grp == e@occs.grp))
  test_that("Data in ENMnulls object slots are not NA (except CBI, which can be NA due to low data)", {
    expect_true(all(apply(ns@null.results %>% dplyr::select(!starts_with("cbi")), 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x))) == 0))
    if(ns@null.partition.method != "none") expect_true(all(apply(ns@null.results %>% dplyr::select(!starts_with("cbi")), 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x))) == 0))

#' @title Unit tests for ENMevaluation plotting functions
#' @description All parameters are self-explanatory except the following.
#' Anything with the prefix ".z" is a data frame with longitude, latitude, 
#' and the environmental predictor variable values. Argument "plot.sel" controls
#' whether testing happens for the histogram function, the plotting function, or both
#' (some implementations do not work with one or the other). Argument "bg.sel" controls
#' whether tests should be done with ref.data as "bg" or not (non-spatial implementations
#' cannot be plotted with ref.data as )

test_evalplot.stats <- function(e) {
  test_stats <- function(x, stats) {
    if(e@partition.method == "testing") {
      y <- 2
      z <- c("metric", "value")
      y <- 5
      z <- c("metric", "avg", "sd", "lower", "upper")
    test_that("Outputs for evalplot.stats have correct form", {
      expect_true(ncol(x) == ncol(e@tune.settings) + y)
      expect_true(nrow(x) == nrow(e@tune.settings) * length(stats))
      expect_true(all(unique(x$metric) == stats))
      n <- (ncol(e@tune.settings)+1):(ncol(x))
      expect_true(all(names(x)[n] == z))
  if(e@partition.method == "none") {
    stat1 <- "auc.train"
    stat2 <- c("auc.train", "cbi.train")
    stat1 <- "auc.val"
    stat2 <- c("auc.val", "or.10p") 
  # defaults
  evalplot.stats(e, stats = stat1, x.var = "rm", color = "fc", dodge = FALSE, error.bars = FALSE, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_stats(stat1)
  # two stats
  evalplot.stats(e, stats = stat2, x.var = "rm", color = "fc", dodge = FALSE, error.bars = FALSE, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_stats(stat2)
  # dodge
  evalplot.stats(e, stats = stat1, x.var = "rm", color = "fc", dodge = TRUE, error.bars = FALSE, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_stats(stat1)
  # error bars
  evalplot.stats(e, stats = stat1, x.var = "rm", color = "fc", dodge = FALSE, error.bars = TRUE, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_stats(stat1)
  # facet labels
  evalplot.stats(e, stats = stat1, x.var = "rm", color = "fc", dodge = FALSE, error.bars = TRUE, facet.labels = paste0(stat1), metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_stats(stat1)
  evalplot.stats(e, stats = stat2, x.var = "rm", color = "fc", dodge = FALSE, error.bars = TRUE, facet.labels = paste0(stat2), metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_stats(stat2)
  # metric levels
  evalplot.stats(e, stats = stat1, x.var = "rm", color = "fc", dodge = FALSE, error.bars = TRUE, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = stat1, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_stats(stat1)
  evalplot.stats(e, stats = stat2, x.var = "rm", color = "fc", dodge = FALSE, error.bars = TRUE, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = rev(stat2), return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_stats(stat2)

test_evalplot.envSim.hist <- function(e, occs.z, bg.z, occs.grp, bg.grp, bg.sel = 1, occs.testing.z = NULL, categoricals = "biome") {
  all_tests_hist <- function(sim.type) {
    test_hist <- function(i) {
      test_that("Outputs for evalplot.envSim.hist have correct form", {
        expect_true(ncol(i) == 2)
        expect_true(names(i)[1] == "partition")
        expect_true(names(i)[2] == sim.type)
    # with ENMevaluation object
    evalplot.envSim.hist(e = e, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_hist()
    if(bg.sel == 1) {
      evalplot.envSim.hist(e = e, ref.data = "bg", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_hist()
    evalplot.envSim.hist(e = e, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, envs.vars = c("bio1", "bio12"), return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_hist()
    evalplot.envSim.hist(e = e, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, hist.bins = 50, return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_hist()
    # with occs and bg data
    evalplot.envSim.hist(occs.z = occs.z, bg.z = bg.z, occs.grp = occs.grp, bg.grp = bg.grp, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_hist()
    if(bg.sel == 1) {
      evalplot.envSim.hist(occs.z = occs.z, bg.z = bg.z, occs.grp = occs.grp, bg.grp = bg.grp, ref.data = "bg", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_hist() 
    evalplot.envSim.hist(occs.z = occs.z, bg.z = bg.z, occs.grp = occs.grp, bg.grp = bg.grp, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, envs.vars = c("bio1", "bio12"), return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_hist()
    evalplot.envSim.hist(occs.z = occs.z, bg.z = bg.z, occs.grp = occs.grp, bg.grp = bg.grp, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, hist.bins = 50, return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_hist()

test_evalplot.envSim.map <- function(e, envs, occs.z, bg.z, occs.grp, bg.grp, bg.sel = 1, occs.testing.z = NULL, categoricals = "biome", skip_simDiff = TRUE) { 
  all_tests_map <- function(sim.type, skip_simDiff) {
    test_map <- function(i) {
      test_that("Outputs for evalplot.envSim.map have correct form", {
        skip_if(skip_simDiff == TRUE)
        if(inherits(i, "Raster")) {
          if(is.null(occs.testing.z)) {
            expect_true(length(unique(e@occs.grp)) == raster::nlayers(i))
            expect_true(2 == raster::nlayers(i))
          expect_true(ncol(i) == 4)
          expect_true(names(i)[1] == "x")
          expect_true(names(i)[2] == "y")
          expect_true(names(i)[3] == "ras")
          expect_true(names(i)[4] == sim.type)  
    # with ENMevaluation object
    evalplot.envSim.map(e = e, envs = envs, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_map()
    evalplot.envSim.map(e = e, envs = envs, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, return.ras = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_map()
    evalplot.envSim.map(e = e, envs = envs, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, envs.vars = c("bio1","bio12"), return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_map()
    evalplot.envSim.map(e = e, envs = envs, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, envs.vars = c("bio1","bio12"), return.ras = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_map()
    # with buffer
    evalplot.envSim.map(e = e, envs = envs, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, bb.buf = 5, return.tbl = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_map()
    evalplot.envSim.map(e = e, envs = envs, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, bb.buf = 5, return.ras = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_map()
    # with occs and bg data
    evalplot.envSim.map(occs.z = occs.z, occs.grp = occs.grp, envs = envs, ref.data = "occs", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, bb.buf = 5, return.ras = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_map()
    if(bg.sel == 1) {
      evalplot.envSim.map(bg.z = bg.z, bg.grp = bg.grp, envs = envs, ref.data = "bg", sim.type = sim.type, categoricals = categoricals, bb.buf = 5, return.ras = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, occs.testing.z = occs.testing.z) %>% test_map()
  all_tests_map("mess", skip_simDiff = FALSE)
  all_tests_map("most_diff", skip_simDiff)
  all_tests_map("most_sim", skip_simDiff)  

test_evalplot.nulls <- function(ns) {
  test_nulls <- function(x, stats) {
    test_that("Outputs for evalplot.nulls have correct form", {
      expect_true(length(x) == 2)
      expect_true(all(names(x) == c("null.avgs", "empirical.results")))
      expect_true(ncol(x[[1]]) == 2)
      expect_true(ncol(x[[2]]) == 2)
      expect_true(all(names(x[[1]]) == c("metric", "avg")))
      expect_true(all(names(x[[2]]) == c("metric", "avg")))
      expect_true(nrow(x[[1]]) == ns@null.no.iter * length(stats))
      expect_true(all(unique(x[[1]]$metric) == stats))
      expect_true(all(unique(x[[2]]$metric) == stats))
  if(ns@null.partition.method == "none") {
    stat1 <- "auc.train"
    if(requireNamespace("ecospat", quietly = TRUE)) stat2 <- c("auc.train", "cbi.train") else stat2 <- "auc.train"
    stat1 <- "auc.val"
    stat2 <- c("auc.val", "or.10p") 
  for(i in c("histogram", "violin")) {
    # one metric 
    evalplot.nulls(ns, stat1, plot.type = i, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_nulls(stat1)
    # two metrics 
    evalplot.nulls(ns, stat2, plot.type = i, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_nulls(stat2)
    # one metric labels
    evalplot.nulls(ns, stat1, plot.type = i, facet.labels = paste0(stat1, "2"), metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_nulls(stat1)
    # two metrics labels
    evalplot.nulls(ns, stat2, plot.type = i, facet.labels = paste0(stat2, "2"), metric.levels = NULL, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_nulls(stat2)
    # one metric levels
    evalplot.nulls(ns, stat1, plot.type = i, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = stat1, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_nulls(stat1)
    # two metrics levels
    evalplot.nulls(ns, stat2, plot.type = i, facet.labels = NULL, metric.levels = stat2, return.tbl = TRUE) %>% test_nulls(stat2)
bobmuscarella/ENMeval documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 9:50 a.m.