#' Plot \code{slendr} geographic features on a map
#' Plots objects of the three \code{slendr} spatial classes (\code{slendr_map},
#' \code{slendr_region}, and \code{slendr_pop}).
#' @param ... Objects of classes \code{slendr_map}, \code{slendr_region}, or
#' \code{slendr_pop}
#' @param time Plot a concrete time point
#' @param gene_flow Indicate geneflow events with an arrow
#' @param labels Should the (starting) polygons of each populations be labeled with
#' a respective population label (default \code{FALSE})?
#' @param graticules Plot graticules in the original Coordinate Reference System
#' (such as longitude-latitude), or in the internal CRS (such as meters)?
#' @param intersect Intersect the population boundaries against landscape and
#' other geographic boundaries (default \code{TRUE})?
#' @param show_map Show the underlying world map
#' @param title Title of the plot
#' @param interpolated_maps Interpolated spatial boundaries for all populations
#' in all time points (this is only used for plotting using the \code{explore}
#' shiny app)
#' @return A ggplot2 object with the visualized slendr map
#' @importFrom ggplot2 coord_sf geom_sf guides guide_legend theme_bw geom_sf_label
#' @export
plot_map <- function(..., time = NULL, gene_flow = FALSE,
labels = FALSE,
graticules = "original",
intersect = TRUE, show_map = TRUE,
title = NULL, interpolated_maps = NULL) {
if (!graticules %in% c("internal", "original"))
stop("Graticules can be either 'original' or 'internal'", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(show_map)) show_map <- FALSE
args <- list(...)
if (!all(sapply(args, inherits, "slendr")))
stop("Only objects of the class 'slendr' can be visualized using plot.slendr", call. = FALSE)
classes <- grep("slendr_", unique(unlist(sapply(args, class))), value = TRUE)
if (length(classes) > 1 & "slendr_model" %in% classes)
stop("If a 'slendr_model' object is to be plotted, it must be a single argument", call. = FALSE)
if (length(classes) > 1 & "slendr_map" %in% classes)
stop("If a 'slendr_map' object is to be plotted, it must be a single argument", call. = FALSE)
if (length(intersect(c("slendr_region", "slendr_pop"), classes)) > 1)
stop("'slendr_region' and 'slendr_pops' object cannot be plotted at once", call. = FALSE)
if (gene_flow & (is.null(time) | !inherits(args[[1]], "slendr_model")))
warning("All gene-flow event will be visualized at once. If you wish to visualize\n",
"gene flows at a particular point in time, use the `time` argument.", call. = FALSE)
# a single model object was provided
if (length(args) == 1 & inherits(args[[1]], "slendr_model")) {
model <- args[[1]]
pops <- model$populations
map <- model$world
regions <- list()
direction <- time_direction(model)
} else if (all(classes == "slendr_map")) {
map <- args[[1]]
regions <- pops <- list()
} else if (all(classes == "slendr_ts")) {
map <- args[[1]]
regions <- pops <- list()
} else {
# extract the map component underlying each population object
# and make sure they are all the same with no conflicts
maps <- unique(lapply(args, function(i) attr(i, "map")))
if (length(maps) != 1) {
stop("Objects do not share the same map component", call. = FALSE)
map <- maps[[1]]
regions <- lapply(args, function(i) if (!is.null(i$region)) i) %>% Filter(Negate(is.null), .)
pops <- lapply(args, function(i) if (!is.null(i$pop)) i) %>% Filter(Negate(is.null), .)
if (!all(sapply(pops, has_map)))
stop("Cannot plot spatial maps for non-spatial models", call. = FALSE)
direction <- setdiff(unique(sapply(pops, time_direction)), "unknown")
if (!length(direction)) direction <- "forward"
if (graticules == "original" & has_crs(map)) {
graticule_crs <- "EPSG:4326"
xlab <- "longitude"
ylab <- "latitude"
} else {
graticule_crs <- sf::st_crs(map)
xlab <- ylab <- NULL
if (has_crs(map)) {
bbox <- sf::st_bbox(map)
p_coord <- coord_sf(crs = sf::st_crs(map), datum = graticule_crs, expand = 0,
xlim = c(bbox["xmin"], bbox["xmax"]),
ylim = c(bbox["ymin"], bbox["ymax"]))
} else {
p_coord <- coord_sf(
xlim = attr(map, "xrange"),
ylim = attr(map, "yrange"),
expand = 0
p <- ggplot()
if (!is.null(map) && nrow(map) && show_map)
p <- p + geom_sf(data = map, aes(frame = NULL), fill = "lightgray", color = NA)
if (length(pops)) {
pop_names <- order_pops(pops, direction)
if (any(duplicated(pop_names)))
stop("Duplicated population names within a single model are not allowed", call. = FALSE)
# if the user specified a time point, "interpolate" all maps at that
# time and return just those that match that time point (unless this
# was already pre-computed)
if (!is.null(time)) {
if (is.null(interpolated_maps))
interpolated_maps <- fill_maps(pops, time)
# get all time points defined by the user
all_times <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(pops, `[[`, "time"))))
# get split and removal times of all specified populations
split_times <- sapply(pops, function(p) { attr(p, "history")[[1]]$time })
removal_times <- sapply(pops, attr, "remove")
# get only those populations already/still present at the
# specified time...
if (direction == "forward") {
previous_time <- max(all_times[all_times <= time])
present_pops <- interpolated_maps[split_times <= time & (removal_times == -1 | removal_times >= time)]
} else {
previous_time <- min(all_times[all_times >= time])
present_pops <- interpolated_maps[split_times >= time & (removal_times == -1 | removal_times <= time)]
# ... and extract their spatial maps
pop_maps <- lapply(present_pops, function(pop) {
snapshot <- pop[pop$time == previous_time, ]
attributes(snapshot) <- attributes(pop)
} else {
pop_maps <- pops
if (intersect) {
intersected_maps <- pop_maps %>% Filter(has_map, .) %>% lapply(intersect_features)
if (length(intersected_maps) != length(pop_maps))
warning("Non-spatial populations in your model won't be visualized", call. = FALSE)
pop_maps <- intersected_maps
pop_maps <- do.call(rbind, pop_maps)
pop_maps$pop <- factor(pop_maps$pop, levels = pop_names)
if (length(unique(pop_maps$time)) > 1) {
# build a base map with geographic features
p <- p +
geom_sf(data = pop_maps, aes(fill = pop, alpha = time), color = NA) +
geom_sf(data = pop_maps, fill = NA, color = "black", size = 0.1)
} else {
p <- p +
geom_sf(data = pop_maps, aes(fill = pop), color = NA, alpha = 0.4) +
geom_sf(data = pop_maps, fill = NA, color = "black", size = 0.1)
p <- p + scale_fill_discrete(drop = FALSE, name = "") +
guides(alpha = guide_legend("time"))
# add geneflow arrows, if requested
if (gene_flow) {
migr_df <- get_geneflows(model, time)
if (nrow(migr_df))
p <- p +
geom_point(data = migr_df, aes(x = from_x, y = from_y, color = from), size = 7) +
geom_point(data = migr_df, aes(x = to_x, y = to_y, color = to), size = 7) +
data = migr_df,
aes(x = from_x, y = from_y, xend = to_x, yend = to_y),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(2, "mm"), type = "closed"),
lineend = "round", linewidth = 0.5, arrow.fill = "black"
) +
scale_color_discrete(drop = FALSE) +
guides(color = "none")
if (labels) {
p <- p +
geom_label_repel(data = dplyr::group_by(pop_maps, pop, time) %>% dplyr::arrange(time) %>% dplyr::slice(1),
aes(label = pop, color = pop, geometry = geometry), stat = "sf_coordinates")
if (length(regions)) {
region_maps <- do.call(rbind, regions)
p <- p +
geom_sf(data = region_maps, aes(fill = region), linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_sf_label(data = region_maps, aes(label = region, color = region)) +
guides(color = "none", fill = "none")
if (!is.null(title)) p <- p + ggtitle(title)
p + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab) +
theme_bw() +
# Traverse the tree topology encoded by population splits in an in-order recursive fashion,
# return encountered populations sorted in this way
sort_inorder <- function(splits, root) {
# get all populations splitting from the current root (not necessarily the
# real root of the whole population phylogeny, but a root of a current "subtree" in
# a recursive sense)
children <- splits[splits$parent == root, ]$pop
# terminating condition for the recursion
if (!length(children))
# collect in-order sorted leaves below children of the current root
result <- c()
for (pop in children) {
result <- c(result, sort_inorder(splits, pop))
# if multiple daughter populations split from the current population, interleave their
# splits left and right from that population
if (length(result) > 1) {
left_pops <- result[seq(1, length(result), 2)]
right_pops <- result[seq(2, length(result), 2)]
sorted <- c(left_pops, root, right_pops)
} else {
sorted <- c(result, root) # otherwise put the sole splitting daughter population to the left
# return recursively as a list (it will eventually be flattened on the top level in
# the sort_splits function)
sort_splits <- function(model) {
# extract names of all ancestral populations from the split table
splits <- model$splits
ancestors <- subset(splits, parent == "__pop_is_ancestor")$pop
# iterate over all ancestors (i.e., roots of individual phylogenies if the whole model
# is not rooted under a single ancestral population) and flatten the nested lists
# (if this is done with recursive = TRUE, the sorted order of populations will be retained
# which is what we want!)
lineage_splits <- lapply(ancestors, function(x) unlist(sort_inorder(splits, x), recursive = TRUE))
# concatenate all sublineages into a single vector of population names
do.call(c, lineage_splits)
#' Plot demographic history encoded in a slendr model
#' @param model Compiled \code{slendr_model} model object
#' @param sizes Should population size changes be visualized?
#' @param proportions Should gene flow proportions be visualized (\code{FALSE}
#' by default to prevent cluttering and overplotting)
#' @param gene_flow Should gene-flow arrows be visualized (default \code{TRUE}).
#' @param log Should the y-axis be plotted on a log scale? Useful for models
#' over very long time-scales.
#' @param order Order of the populations along the x-axis, given as a character
#' vector of population names. If \code{NULL} (the default), the default plotting
#' algorithm will be used, ordering populations from the most ancestral to the
#' most recent using an in-order tree traversal.
#' @param file Output file for a figure saved via \code{ggsave}
#' @param samples Sampling schedule to be visualized over the model
#' @param ... Optional argument which will be passed to \code{ggsave}
#' @return A ggplot2 object with the visualized slendr model
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{check_dependencies(python = TRUE, quit = TRUE) # dependencies must be present
#' }
#' init_env()
#' # load an example model with an already simulated tree sequence
#' path <- system.file("extdata/models/introgression", package = "slendr")
#' model <- read_model(path)
#' plot_model(model, sizes = FALSE, log = TRUE)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot expand_limits theme_classic element_line unit
#' geom_polygon geom_label scale_y_continuous scale_color_discrete scale_fill_discrete
#' labs geom_segment arrow
#' @export
plot_model <- function(model, sizes = TRUE, proportions = FALSE, gene_flow = TRUE, log = FALSE,
order = NULL, file = NULL, samples = NULL, ...) {
populations <- model$populations
log10_ydelta <- 0.001
# layout populations along the x-axis according to an in-order population tree traversal
if (is.null(order))
pop_names <- sort_splits(model)
else {
pop_names <- order
if (length(setdiff(vapply(populations, function(pop) pop$pop[1], FUN.VALUE = character(1)),
stop("If order is given manually, all population names must be specified", call. = FALSE)
split_times <- vapply(pop_names, function(x) attr(populations[[x]], "history")[[1]]$time,
pop_factors <- order_pops(model$populations, model$direction)
# extract times at which each population will be removed from the simulation
if (model$direction == "backward")
default_end <- log10_ydelta
default_end <- get_oldest_time(model$populations, model$direction) + model$orig_length
end_times <- purrr::map_int(populations, function(pop) {
remove <- attr(pop, "remove")
if (remove == -1)
else if (remove > 0)
stop("Unknown end time", call. = FALSE)
end_times <- end_times[pop_names]
# extract the size of each population at the end of its existence
if (sizes) {
final_sizes <- purrr::map_int(populations, function(pop) {
history <- rev(attr(pop, "history"))
purrr::map(history, ~ .$N) %>%
purrr::keep(~ !is.null(.x)) %>%
.[[1]] %>%
final_sizes <- final_sizes[pop_names]
} else {
default_N <- 10000
final_sizes <- rep(default_N, length(populations))
# compute center of each "population column" along the bottom of the x-axis
centers <- dplyr::tibble(
pop = factor(pop_names, levels = pop_factors),
N = final_sizes,
time = split_times,
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(xmax = cumsum(N + stats::median(N)),
xmin = xmax - N,
center = xmin + N / 2) %>%
dplyr::select(pop, center, time) %>%
dplyr::mutate(center = center - center[1] / 2)
# iterate over each population's demographic history and compose the
# coordinates of polygons in each epoch
size_changes <- lapply(populations, function(pop) {
# pop <- populations[[i]]
name <- pop$pop[1]
center <- centers[centers$pop == name, ]$center
# collect all historical events from the present to the past
history <- attr(pop, "history") %>%
purrr::keep(~ .$event %in% c("split", "resize")) %>%
rev() %>%
c(list(dplyr::tibble(pop = name, time = end_times[name], N = .[[1]]$N, event = "remove")), .)
purrr::map(seq_len(length(history))[-length(history)], function(j) {
current_event <- history[[j]]
next_event <- history[[j + 1]]
# time of the current event
if (current_event$event == "remove")
ys <- rep(current_event$time, 2)
else if (current_event$event == "resize")
ys <- rep(current_event$tresize, 2)
stop("Invalid 'current event'. This is a slendr bug! (1)", call. = FALSE)
# time of the next event
if (next_event$event == "split")
ys <- c(ys, rep(next_event$time, 2))
else if (next_event$event == "resize" && next_event$how == "step")
ys <- c(ys, rep(next_event$tresize, 2))
else if (next_event$event == "resize" && next_event$how == "exponential")
ys <- c(ys, next_event$tend, rep(next_event$tresize, 2), next_event$tend)
stop("Invalid 'next event'. This is a slendr bug! (2)", call. = FALSE)
if (!sizes) {
current_event$prev_N <- current_event$N <- default_N
next_event$prev_N <- next_event$N <- default_N
# population sizes
if (current_event$event == "resize")
xs <- c(center - current_event$prev_N / 2, center + current_event$prev_N / 2)
xs <- c(center - current_event$N / 2, center + current_event$N / 2)
if (next_event$event == "split" || next_event$how == "step")
xs <- c(xs, center + next_event$N / 2, center - next_event$N / 2)
else if (next_event$event == "split" || next_event$how == "exponential")
xs <- c(xs,
center + next_event$N / 2, center + next_event$prev_N / 2,
center - next_event$prev_N / 2, center - next_event$N / 2)
stop("Invalid 'next event'. This is a slendr bug! (4)", call. = FALSE)
pop = factor(name, levels = pop_factors),
x = xs,
y = ifelse(ys == 0, log10_ydelta, ys)
# generate a table of population split times and population sizes to be used
# for plotting horizontal split lines
splits <- list()
for (pop in populations) {
pop_name <- pop$pop[1]
parent <- attr(pop, "parent")
event <- attr(pop, "history")[[1]]
if (inherits(parent, "slendr_pop")) {
parent_name <- parent$pop[1]
from_x <- centers[centers$pop == parent_name, ]$center
to_x <- centers[centers$pop == pop_name, ]$center
time_y <- event$time
splits[[length(splits) + 1]] <- dplyr::tibble(
pop = factor(pop_name, levels = pop_factors),
from = factor(parent_name, levels = pop_factors),
x = from_x,
xend = to_x,
y = time_y,
yend = time_y
splits <- do.call(rbind, splits)
# generate a table of gene flow events to be used for plotting gene flow
# arrows
if (!is.null(model$geneflow) && gene_flow) {
gene_flow <- model$geneflow %>%
x = purrr::map_dbl(from, ~ centers[centers$pop == .x, ]$center),
xend = purrr::map_dbl(to, ~ centers[centers$pop == .x, ]$center),
y = tstart_orig,
yend = tend_orig
} else
gene_flow <- NULL
ylabel <- "time"
if (model$time_units != "") ylabel <- sprintf("%s (%s)", ylabel, model$time_units)
if (log) ylabel <- paste(ylabel, "(log scale)")
# setup a figure outline
p <- ggplot() +
scale_color_discrete(drop = FALSE) +
scale_fill_discrete(drop = FALSE) +
labs(y = ylabel) +
expand_limits(x = 0) +
theme_classic() +
legend.position = "none",
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.line.x = element_blank(),
axis.line.y = element_line(arrow = grid::arrow(
length = unit(0.25, "cm"),
ends = "first"
# add horizontal split lines
if (!is.null(splits)) {
p <- p + geom_segment(
data = splits,
aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend, color = pop),
linewidth = 1
# add each each epoch resize segment
for (lineage in size_changes) {
for (event in lineage)
p <- p + geom_polygon(data = event, aes(x, y, fill = pop))
# labels with population names
# except for outgroups and populations with two or more daughter populations, all
# population labels will be plotted at the bottom of the figure
# (not currently done because of issues with overplotting with sampling labels)
# end_labels <- model$splits[
# model$splits$parent != "__pop_is_ancestor" &
# vapply(model$splits$pop, function(x) sum(x == model$splits$parent), integer(1)) < 2
# , ]$pop
# centers[centers$pop %in% end_labels, ]$time[end_labels] <- end_times[end_labels] + log10_ydelta
p <- p + geom_label(data = centers, size = 3,
aes(label = pop, x = center, y = time, fill = pop), fontface = "bold")
# add gene flow arrows and proportion labels
if (!is.null(gene_flow)) {
p <- p + geom_segment(data = gene_flow,
aes(x = x, xend = xend, y = y, yend = yend + log10_ydelta),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.2, "cm")))
p <- p + geom_point(data = gene_flow, aes(x = x, y = y))
if (proportions) {
p <- p + geom_label(data = gene_flow,
aes(label = sprintf("%s%%", 100 * rate),
x = xend - (xend - x) / 2,
y = y + (yend + log10_ydelta - y) / 2), size = 3)
if (model$direction == "forward") {
if (log)
trans <- scales::compose_trans(scales::log10_trans(), scales::reverse_trans())
trans <- scales::reverse_trans()
} else if (log)
trans <- scales::log10_trans()
trans <- scales::identity_trans()
# make sure that the y-axis of a model is truncated exactly at the start and end time
# (it seems that the first rectangle that is drawn is plotted even "earlier" than a
# model start but this takes care of things for now -- if more plotting issues pop up,
# they can be fixed later)
oldest_time <- get_oldest_time(model$populations, model$direction)
if (model$direction == "forward") {
ylim_low <- get_oldest_time(model$populations, model$direction)
ylim_high <- oldest_time + model$orig_length
ylim <- c(ylim_high, ylim_low)
} else {
ylim_high <- get_oldest_time(model$populations, model$direction)
ylim_low <- oldest_time - model$orig_length
ylim <- c(ylim_low, ylim_high)
ylim[ylim == 0] <- log10_ydelta
p <- p + scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim, trans = trans)
# if specified, overlay sampling points over the model
if (!is.null(samples)) {
sampling_points <- dplyr::select(centers, pop, center) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(samples, by = "pop") %>%
dplyr::mutate(time = ifelse(time == 0, log10_ydelta, time))
p <- p + geom_label(data = sampling_points, aes(label = n, x = center, y = time),
fontface = "bold", alpha = 0.5)
if (!is.null(file))
ggplot2::ggsave(file, plot = p, ...)
#' Animate the simulated population dynamics
#' @param model Compiled \code{slendr_model} model object
#' @param file Path to the table of saved individual locations
#' @param steps How many frames should the animation have?
#' @param gif Path to an output GIF file (animation object returned
#' by default)
#' @param width,height Dimensions of the animation in pixels
#' @return If `gif = NULL`, return gganimate animation object. Otherwise a GIF
#' file is saved and no value is returned.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point aes theme element_blank ggtitle
#' @export
animate_model <- function(model, file, steps, gif = NULL, width = 800, height = 560) {
if (!requireNamespace("magick", quietly = TRUE))
message("For rendering animated GIFs, please install the R package ",
"magick by calling `install.packages(\"magick\")`")
if (!file.exists(file))
stop("Could not find file with locations at", file, call. = FALSE)
if (!inherits(model$world, "slendr_map"))
stop("Cannot animate non-spatial models", call. = FALSE)
locs <- readr::read_tsv(file, col_types = "iicidd", progress = FALSE) %>%
time = convert_slim_time(gen, model),
pop = factor(pop)
locs <- dplyr::filter(locs, time %in% sort(unique(
time[seq(1, length(time), length.out = steps)],
# convert pixel-based coordinates to the internal CRS
locs <- reproject(
coords = locs,
from = "raster", to = "world",
model = model,
add = TRUE
p <- plot_map(model$world) +
geom_point(data = locs, aes(newx, newy, color = pop), alpha = 0.5, size = 0.5) +
theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
legend.title = element_blank())
if (length(unique(locs$pop)) == 1)
p <- p + theme(legend.position = "none")
if (model$direction == "backward") {
transition <- gganimate::transition_states(
transition_length = 1,
state_length = 0
} else {
transition <- gganimate::transition_states(
transition_length = 1,
state_length = 0
gganim <- p + transition + ggtitle("time: {abs(as.integer(closest_state))}")
anim <- gganimate::animate(
nframes = length(unique(locs$time)),
width = width,
height = height
if (is.null(gif))
gganimate::anim_save(gif, anim)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.