
Defines functions PlotModel2D SaveMovie PlotModel Arrow3d2

Documented in Arrow3d2 PlotModel PlotModel2D SaveMovie

Arrow3d2 <- function(base, tip, rad=1, col="red",offset=TRUE) {
	if(!offset) {
	new.pos<-cbind(seq(from=base[1], to=tip[1], length.out=length.out), seq(from=base[2], to=tip[2], length.out=length.out), seq(from=base[3], to=tip[3], length.out=length.out))
                   #	lines3d(x=new.pos[1:8,1], y=new.pos[1:8,2], z=new.pos[1:8,3], col=col, lwd=rad*20)

		shade3d(addNormals(subdivision3d(cylinder3d(rbind(new.pos[8,], new.pos[6,]), radius=c(0.00001, rad), sides=8, twist=1, closed=-2), depth=2)), col=col)
	shade3d(addNormals(subdivision3d(cylinder3d(rbind(new.pos[7,], new.pos[1,]), radius=rep(rad/4,2), sides=8, twist=1, closed=-2), depth=2)), col=col)

#suggestion from Zach Marion: allow placement on a landscape map, so you can see rivers and such as boundaries
PlotModel<-function(migrationIndividual, parameterVector=NULL, taxonNames=NULL, time.axis=FALSE, time.axis.col="black", apply.base=FALSE, base.color='black', new.window=TRUE, base.bounds=2) {
    if (new.window) {
    rgl.material(shininess = 100)
    if (is.null(parameterVector)) {
        parameterVector.names <- MsIndividualParameters(migrationIndividual)
        parameterVector <- sequence(length(parameterVector.names))
        names(parameterVector) <- parameterVector.names
    n0multiplierParameters <- parameterVector[grep("n0multiplier",
    migrationParameters <- parameterVector[grep("migration",
    collapseParameters <- parameterVector[grep("collapse", names(parameterVector))]
    try(n0multiplierParameters <- n0multiplierParameters/max(n0multiplierParameters), silent=TRUE)
    if(length(migrationParameters) > 0){
         try(migrationParameters <- migrationParameters/max(migrationParameters), silent=TRUE)
    try(collapseParameters <- collapseParameters/min(collapseParameters), silent=TRUE)
    num.steps <- 10
    base.radius <- 0.3
    collapseMatrix <- migrationIndividual$collapseMatrix
    complete <- migrationIndividual$complete
    n0multiplierMap <- migrationIndividual$n0multiplierMap
    nPop <- sum(!is.na(collapseMatrix[, 1]))
    current.terminal.pos <- cbind(x = 1, y = 0)
    if (is.null(taxonNames)) {
        taxonNames <- sequence(nPop)
    for (i in sequence(nPop - 1)) {
        current.terminal.pos <- rbind(current.terminal.pos, cbind(x = cos(2 *
            pi * i/nPop), y = sin(2 * pi * i/nPop)))
    text3d(x = current.terminal.pos[, 1], y = current.terminal.pos[,
        2], z = rep(1 - 0.2, nPop), texts = taxonNames, col = "black")
    if (time.axis) {
        Arrow3d2(base = c(2, 2, 1 + dim(collapseMatrix)[2]),
            tip = c(2, 2, 1), rad = 0.1, col = time.axis.col,
            offset = FALSE)
        text3d(x = 2, y = 2, z = 0.8, texts = "Present day",
            col = time.axis.col, cex = 0.8)
    if (apply.base) {
        plane.coords <- utils::combn(apply(expand.grid(x = c(-1, 1)*base.bounds,
            y = c(-1, 1)*base.bounds, z = c((1 + dim(collapseMatrix)[2]),
                (1.25 + dim(collapseMatrix)[2]))), 1, paste,
            collapse = "_"), 4)
        for (plane.element in sequence(dim(plane.coords)[2])) {
            corners <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(plane.coords[,
                plane.element], "_"))), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
            quads3d(x = corners, col = base.color)
    for (regime in sequence(dim(collapseMatrix)[2])) {
        next.terminal.pos <- current.terminal.pos * NA
        for (i in sequence(dim(collapseMatrix)[1])) {
            if (!is.na(collapseMatrix[i, regime])) {
                if (collapseMatrix[i, regime] == 0) {
                  next.terminal.pos[i, ] <- current.terminal.pos[i,
                if (collapseMatrix[i, regime] >= 1) {
                  next.terminal.pos[i, ] <- colMeans(current.terminal.pos[which(collapseMatrix[,
                    regime] >= 1), ])
                center <- cbind(rbind(current.terminal.pos[i,
                  ], current.terminal.pos[i, ]), z = c(regime,
                  regime + 1.2))
                center <- cbind(seq(from = center[1, 1], to = center[2,
                  1], length.out = num.steps), seq(from = center[1,
                  2], to = center[2, 2], length.out = num.steps),
                  seq(from = center[1, 3], to = center[2, 3],
                    length.out = num.steps))
                  radius = base.radius * n0multiplierParameters[n0multiplierMap[i,
                    regime]], sides = 8, twist = 1, closed = -2),
                  depth = 2)), col = c("gray", rev(brewer.pal(8,
                  "Set1")))[n0multiplierMap[i, regime]]), silent=TRUE)
        if (max(collapseMatrix[, regime], na.rm = TRUE) >= 1) {
            collapsing.individuals <- which(collapseMatrix[,
                regime] >= 1)
            if (length(collapsing.individuals) > 2) {
                for (collapsing.individuals.index in sequence(length(collapsing.individuals))) {
                  center <- cbind(rbind(current.terminal.pos[collapsing.individuals[collapsing.individuals.index],
                    ], next.terminal.pos[collapsing.individuals[collapsing.individuals.index],
                    ]), z = c(regime + 1, regime + 1))
                  for (length.out in 2:6) {
                    try(shade3d(addNormals(subdivision3d(cylinder3d(cbind(seq(from = center[1,
                      1], to = center[2, 1], length.out = length.out),
                      seq(from = center[1, 2], to = center[2,
                        2], length.out = length.out), seq(from = center[1,
                        3], to = center[2, 3], length.out = length.out)),
                      radius = base.radius/3, sides = 8, twist = 1,
                      closed = -2), depth = 2)), col = "gray"), silent=TRUE)
            else {
                center <- cbind(rbind(current.terminal.pos[which(collapseMatrix[,
                  regime] >= 1), ], current.terminal.pos[which(collapseMatrix[,
                  regime] >= 1), ]), z = c(regime + 1, regime +
                for (length.out in 2:6) {
                  try(shade3d(addNormals(subdivision3d(cylinder3d(cbind(seq(from = center[1,
                    1], to = center[2, 1], length.out = length.out),
                    seq(from = center[1, 2], to = center[2, 2],
                      length.out = length.out), seq(from = center[1,
                      3], to = center[2, 3], length.out = length.out)),
                    radius = base.radius/3, sides = 8, twist = 1,
                    closed = -2), depth = 2)), col = "gray"), silent=TRUE) #rarely, for some length.out (5, in the case we found) this throws an error, but otherwise is ok. This variation over length.out is just to deal with RGL creating a chain of sausages rather than the cylinder requested, and so is a hack; the try just makes us robust to another rgl issue.
        rgl.viewpoint(userMatrix = matrix(c(-0.112414613366127,
            0.471968173980713, -0.874419331550598, 0, 0.993038892745972,
            0.0222157146781683, -0.11567322909832, 0, -0.035168319940567,
            -0.881335437297821, -0.471180021762848, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 1), ncol = 4))
        local.migrationMatrix <- migrationIndividual$migrationArray[,
            , regime]
        if (max(local.migrationMatrix, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
            for (from.index in sequence(dim(local.migrationMatrix)[1])) {
                for (to.index in sequence(dim(local.migrationMatrix)[2])) {
                  if (from.index != to.index) {
                    if (!is.na(local.migrationMatrix[from.index,
                      to.index])) {
                      if (local.migrationMatrix[from.index, to.index] >
                        0) {
                        offset = 1/3
                        if (from.index > to.index) {
                          offset = 2/3
                        Arrow3d2(base = c(current.terminal.pos[from.index,
                          ], regime + offset), tip = c(current.terminal.pos[to.index,
                          ], regime + offset), rad = migrationParameters[local.migrationMatrix[from.index,
                          to.index]] * base.radius/3, col = (brewer.pal(8,
        current.terminal.pos <- next.terminal.pos

SaveMovie<-function(total.revolutions=1, duration=10, save.dir=NULL) {
	if(!is.null(save.dir)) {
		try(system(paste("mkdir", save.dir)), silent=TRUE)
	result<-movie3d(spin3d(rpm=total.revolutions/(duration/60)), duration=duration, dir=dir)

# PlotModel(migrationArray[[500]], taxonNames=c("","",""))
# saveMovie(save.dir="~/Desktop/movies")

#try(system("mkdir ~/Desktop/models"))
#for (i in sequence(length(migrationArray))) {
#	PlotModel(migrationArray[[i]], taxonNames=c("","",""), new.window=FALSE)
#	rgl.snapshot(paste("model",i,".png", sep=""))
#	saveMovie(save.dir="~/Desktop/models")
#	system(paste("mv movie.gif movie", i, ".gif", sep=""))
#	rgl.clear()

PlotModel2D <- function(migrationIndividual, parameterVector=NULL, taxonNames=NULL, pad.for.input=FALSE, tree.lwd=30, tree.col="black", arrow.lwd=1, arrow.col="red", arrow.lty="solid", tip.cex=1, tip.col="black") {
	if (is.null(parameterVector)) {
        parameterVector.names <- MsIndividualParameters(migrationIndividual)
        parameterVector <- sequence(length(parameterVector.names))
        names(parameterVector) <- parameterVector.names
    n0multiplierParameters <- parameterVector[grep("n0multiplier",
    migrationParameters <- parameterVector[grep("migration",
    collapseParameters <- parameterVector[grep("collapse", names(parameterVector))]
    try(n0multiplierParameters <- n0multiplierParameters/max(n0multiplierParameters), silent=TRUE)
    try(migrationParameters <- migrationParameters/max(migrationParameters), silent=TRUE)
    try(collapseParameters <- collapseParameters/max(collapseParameters), silent=TRUE)
    collapseMatrix <- migrationIndividual$collapseMatrix
    complete <- migrationIndividual$complete
    n0multiplierMap <- migrationIndividual$n0multiplierMap
    nPop <- sum(!is.na(collapseMatrix[, 1]))
    graphics::plot(x=c(.5,nPop+.5), y=c(0.3,-1*(dim(collapseMatrix)[2]+.5)), type="n", xlab="", ylab="", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n")
    current.terminal.pos <- cbind(x = 1, y = 0)
    if (is.null(taxonNames)) {
        taxonNames <- sequence(nPop)
    for (i in sequence(nPop - 1)) {
        current.terminal.pos <- rbind(current.terminal.pos, cbind(x = i+1, y = 0))
    graphics::text(x = current.terminal.pos[, 1], y = current.terminal.pos[,
        2]+.2,  labels = taxonNames, col = tip.col, cex=tip.cex, pos=3)

    for (regime in sequence(dim(collapseMatrix)[2])) {
        next.terminal.pos <- current.terminal.pos * NA
        for (i in sequence(dim(collapseMatrix)[1])) {
            if (!is.na(collapseMatrix[i, regime])) {
                if (collapseMatrix[i, regime] == 0) {
                  next.terminal.pos[i, ] <- current.terminal.pos[i,
                if (collapseMatrix[i, regime] == 1) {
                  next.terminal.pos[i, ] <- colMeans(current.terminal.pos[which(collapseMatrix[,
                    regime] == 1), ])
                    graphics::lines(x=c(current.terminal.pos[i,1], next.terminal.pos[i,1]), y=-rep(regime, 2), col=tree.col, lwd=tree.lwd, lend=2)
                graphics::lines(x=rep(current.terminal.pos[i, 1],2), y=-c(regime-1, regime), col=tree.col, lwd=tree.lwd, lend=2)
         local.migrationMatrix <- migrationIndividual$migrationArray[,
            , regime]
        if (max(local.migrationMatrix, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
            for (from.index in sequence(dim(local.migrationMatrix)[1])) {
                for (to.index in sequence(dim(local.migrationMatrix)[2])) {
                  if (from.index != to.index) {
                    if (!is.na(local.migrationMatrix[from.index,
                      to.index])) {
                      if (local.migrationMatrix[from.index, to.index] >
                        0) {
                        offset = .5
                        curvedarrow(from=c(current.terminal.pos[from.index,1], -regime+offset), to=c(current.terminal.pos[to.index,1], -regime+offset), curve=0.02, arr.pos=1-segment.limits, endhead=TRUE, segment=c(segment.limits, 1-segment.limits), lcol=arrow.col, lwd=arrow.lwd, lty=arrow.lty, arr.col=arrow.col)
        if(regime == dim(collapseMatrix)[2]) { #let's add a gradient at the root
        	n.alpha.step = 50

        	final.ramp <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors=c(tree.col, "white"))(n.alpha.step)
	        for (i in sequence(dim(collapseMatrix)[1])) {
	            if (!is.na(collapseMatrix[i, regime])) {
	            	if(collapseMatrix[i, regime]==0) {
		            		for (alpha.step in sequence(n.alpha.step)) {
		                		graphics::lines(x=rep(current.terminal.pos[i, 1],2), y=-c(regime+0.6*(alpha.step-1)/n.alpha.step, regime+0.6*alpha.step/n.alpha.step), col=final.ramp[alpha.step], lwd=tree.lwd, lend=2)

        current.terminal.pos <- next.terminal.pos

bomeara/phrapl documentation built on Feb. 8, 2021, 6:45 p.m.