
Defines functions print.logPower.htest logPower_ttest

Documented in logPower_ttest

### logPower_ttest.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: dec  3 2020 (18:30) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: sep  7 2021 (11:44) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 295
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * logPower_ttest
##' @title Power Calculation For t-tests on Log-Transformed Data
##' @description Power calculation for t-tests on log-transformed data.
##' @name logPower_ttest
##' @param type [character] type of study (parameter of interest):
##' \code{type="paired one.sample"} (mean change within the group), or
##' \code{type="two.sample"} (difference in mean between two independent groups), or
##' \code{type="paired two.sample"} (difference in mean change between two independent groups)
##' @param equivalence If TRUE, the alternative hypothesis is no change/difference. If FALSE, the null hypothesis is no change/difference.
##' @param gamma [numeric] When considering two groups: relative difference in expected values between the two groups on the original scale.
##' When considering a single group: expected value of the individual relative differences on the original scale.
##' @param sigma2 [numeric] When the argument \code{mu} is unspecified: coefficient of variation (i.e. standard error divided by expectation) of the outcome on the original scale.
##' When the argument \code{mu} is specified: variance of the outcome on the original scale.
##' @param mu [numeric] expected value of the outcome on the original scale for the control group or at baseline.
##' @param rho [numeric 0-1] correlation coefficient between the paired values on the original scale. 
##' @param n [integer >1] Sample size.
##' @param ratio.n [numeric >1] ratio between the sample size in larger and the smaller group. By default 1.
##' Note that the larger group is the reference group (with expectation \code{mu}) and the smaller group the active group (with expectation \code{gamma*mu}).
##' @param sig.level [numeric 0-1] type 1 error
##' @param power [numeric 0-1] statistical power (i.e. complement to 1 of the type 2 error)
##' @param method.meanvar [character] method used to identify the expected mean and variance on the log scale.
##' Either assumes that the outcome is log-normally distributed on the original scale (\code{method.meanvar = "lognorm"}),
##' or that it is normally distributed on the log-scale (\code{method.meanvar = "lognorm2"}).
##' @param method.cor [character] method used to identify the correlation on the log scale: one of \code{"uniroot"}, \code{"optim"}, or \code{"taylor"}.
##' @param n.large [integer, >0] sample size used to indentify the correlation coefficient or assess the error made when identifying the parameters. Should be large.
##' @param trace [logical] Should a progress bar be displayed when estimating the power for various combinaisons of parameters?
##' @param ncpus [integer, >0] Number of cores to be used, i.e., how many processes can be run simultaneously.
##' @details The power calculation is performed under the assumption that on the log-scale, the variance of the outcome is the same between the two groups or over time.
##' @references
##' Shein-Chung Chow , Jun Shao & Hansheng Wang (2002). A note on sample size calculation for mean comparisons based on noncentral t-statistics, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 12:4, 441-456, DOI: 10.1081/BIP-120016229
##' Gerald Van Belle and Donald C. Martin. Sample size as a function of coefficient of variation and ratio of means (1993). The American Statistician 47(3) 165-167.

## * logPower_ttest - examples
##' @examples
##' if(require(MESS) && require(mvtnorm)){
##' rho <- 0.6
##' mu <- c(0,0.275)
##' Sigma <- matrix(c(0.5^2,0.5^2*rho,0.5^2*rho,0.5^2),2,2)
##' #### 1- one sample with paired data ####
##' X <- exp(rmvnorm(1e5, mean = mu, sigma = Sigma))
##' ## 1a) H0: no difference
##' # proposed solution
##' logPower_ttest(mu = mean(X[,1]),
##'                sigma2 = var(X[,1]),
##'                gamma = 0.3, rho = cor(X[,1],X[,2]),
##'                type = "paired one.sample")
##' logPower_ttest(sigma2 = sd(X[,1]) / mean(X[,1]),
##'                gamma = 0.3, rho = cor(X[,1],X[,2]),
##'                type = "paired one.sample")
##' # no log-transform
##' beta <- mean(X[,1])*0.3
##' sigma <- sd(X[,2]-X[,1])
##' power_t_test(delta = beta/sigma, power = 0.80, type = "one.sample")
##' # using log-transform
##' beta <- mean(log(X[,2])-log(X[,1]))
##' sigma <- sd(log(X[,2])-log(X[,1]))
##' power_t_test(delta = beta/sigma, power = 0.80, type = "one.sample")
##' # using simulation
##' warper <- function(i, n){
##' X <- rmvnorm(n, mean = mu, sigma = Sigma)
##' t.test(X[,2]-X[,1])$p.value
##' }
##' mean(unlist(lapply(1:1e3,warper, n = 39))<=0.05)
##' ## 1b) H0: >10% difference
##' # proposed solution
##' logPower_ttest(mu = mean(X[,1]),
##'                sigma2 = var(X[,1]),
##'                gamma = 0.1, rho = cor(X[,1],X[,2]),
##'                type = "paired one.sample", equivalence = TRUE)
##' ## using log-transform
##' power_t_test(delta = log(1 + 0.1)/sd(log(X[,2]/X[,1])), power = 1 - (1-0.80)/2,
##'              type = "one.sample", alternative = "one.sided")
##' power_t_test(delta = -log(1 - 0.1)/sd(log(X[,2]/X[,1])), power = 1 - (1-0.80)/2,
##'              type = "one.sample", alternative = "one.sided")
##' ## using simulation
##' warper <- function(i, n){
##' X <- exp(rmvnorm(n, mean = c(0,0), sigma = Sigma))
##' Z <- log(X[,2]/X[,1])
##' tt1 <- t.test(Z, mu = log(0.9), alternative = "greater")$p.value
##' tt2 <- t.test(Z, mu = log(1.1), alternative = "less")$p.value
##' return(c(colMeans(X),mean(Z),max(tt1,tt2)))
##' }
##' ls.res <- do.call(rbind,lapply(1:1e3,warper, n = 305))
##' mean(ls.res[,4]<=0.05)
##' #### 2- two independent samples ####
##' X <- rlnorm(1e5, meanlog = mu[1], sdlog = 0.5)
##' Y <- rlnorm(1e5, meanlog = mu[2], sdlog = 0.5)
##' ## 2a) H0: no difference
##' # proposed solution
##' logPower_ttest(mu = mean(X),
##'                sigma2 = var(X),
##'                gamma = 0.3, type = "two.sample")
##' logPower_ttest(sigma2 = sd(X)/mean(X),
##'                gamma = 0.3, type = "two.sample")
##' ## no log-transform
##' beta <- mean(X)*0.3
##' sigma <- sd(X)
##' power_t_test(delta = beta/sigma, power = 0.80, type = "two.sample")
##' ## using log-transform
##' beta <- mean(log(Y))-mean(log(X))
##' sigma <- sqrt(var(log(Y))/2+var(log(X))/2)
##' power_t_test(delta = beta/sigma, power = 0.80, type = "two.sample")
##' ## using simulation
##' warper <- function(i, n){
##' X <- rlnorm(n, meanlog = mu[1], sdlog = 0.5)
##' Y <- rlnorm(n, meanlog = mu[2], sdlog = 0.5)
##' t.test(log(X),log(Y))$p.value
##' }
##' mean(unlist(lapply(1:1e3,warper, n = 53))<=0.05)
##' ## graphical display
##' df.power <- logPower_ttest(mu = mean(X),
##'                sigma2 = var(X),
##'                gamma = seq(0.1,0.4, length.out = 30),
##'                n = seq(20, 75, length.out = 30),
##'                type = "two.sample")
##' if(require(ggplot2) && require(metR)){
##' gg <- ggplot(df.power, aes(x = n1, y = gamma))
##' gg <- gg + geom_tile(aes(fill = power))
##' gg <- gg + geom_contour(aes(z = power))
##' gg <- gg + scale_fill_gradientn(colours = terrain.colors(10), limits = c(0,1))
##' gg <- gg + geom_label_contour(aes(z = power), skip = 0)
##' gg <- gg +  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)
##' gg <- gg + xlab("sample size in each group") + ylab("mean difference between the groups")
##' gg
##' }
##' #### 3- two independent samples with paired data ####
##' X <- exp(rmvnorm(1e5, mean = rep(mu[1],2), sigma = Sigma))
##' Y <- exp(rmvnorm(1e5, mean = mu, sigma = Sigma))
##' ## 3a) H0: no difference
##' # proposed solution
##' logPower_ttest(mu = mean(X[,1]),
##'                sigma2 = var(X[,1]),
##'                gamma = 0.3, rho = cor(X[,1],X[,2]),
##'                type = "paired two.sample")
##' logPower_ttest(sigma2 = sd(X[,1])/mean(X[,1]),
##'                gamma = 0.3, rho = cor(X[,1],X[,2]),
##'                type = "paired two.sample")
##' logPower_ttest(sigma2 = sd(X[,1])/mean(X[,1]),
##'                gamma = 0.3, rho = cor(X[,1],X[,2]),
##'                type = "paired two.sample", ratio.n = 2)
##' ## no log-transform
##' beta <- mean(X[,1])*0.3
##' sigma <- sd(X[,1])
##' power_t_test(delta = beta/sigma, power = 0.80, type = "two.sample")
##' ## using log-transform
##' beta <- mean(log(Y[,2])-log(Y[,1]))-mean(log(X[,2])-log(X[,1]))
##' sigma <- sqrt(var(log(Y[,2])-log(Y[,1]))/2+var(log(X[,2])-log(X[,1]))/2)
##' power_t_test(delta = beta/sigma, power = 0.80, type = "two.sample")
##' ## using simulation
##' warper <- function(i, n){
##' X <- exp(rmvnorm(n, mean = rep(mu[1],2), sigma = Sigma))
##' Y <- exp(rmvnorm(n, mean = mu, sigma = Sigma))
##' t.test(log(X[,2])-log(X[,1]),log(Y[,2])-log(Y[,1]))$p.value
##' }
##' mean(unlist(lapply(1:1e3,warper, n = 73))<=0.05)
##' }

## * logPower_ttest - code
##' @export
logPower_ttest <- function(type, equivalence = FALSE,
                           gamma, sigma2, mu = NULL, rho = NULL, n = NULL, ratio.n = 1,
                           sig.level = 0.05, power = 0.8,
                           method.meanvar = "lognorm", method.cor = "uniroot",
                           n.large = 1e5, trace = TRUE, ncpus = NULL){

    ## ** deal with vector case
    ll <- list(mu = mu,
               sigma2 = sigma2,
               gamma = gamma,
               rho = rho,
               n = n,
               ratio.n = ratio.n)
    grid <- do.call("expand.grid",ll[sapply(ll,length)>0])
    n.grid <- NROW(grid)
        name.grid <- names(grid)
        attr(n.large,"diagnostic") <- FALSE
        warper <- function(iG){
            iOut <- logPower_ttest(sigma2 = sqrt(grid[iG,"sigma2"])/grid[iG,"mu"],
                                   gamma = grid[iG,"gamma"], 
                                   rho = if("rho" %in% name.grid){grid[iG,"rho"]}else{NULL},
                                   n = if("n" %in% name.grid){grid[iG,"n"]}else{NULL},
                                   ratio.n = grid[iG,"ratio.n"],
                                   method.meanvar = "lognorm",
                                   sig.level = sig.level,
                                   power = if("power" %in% name.grid){grid[iG,"power"]}else{NULL},
                                   type = type,
                                   method.cor = method.cor,
                                   n.large = n.large)
                         power = iOut$power,
                         n1 = iOut$n[1],
                         n2 = iOut$n[2]))

            ls.power <- pbapply::pblapply(1:n.grid, warper, cl = ncpus)
        }else if(!is.null(ncpus)){
            ls.power <- parallel::mclapply(1:n.grid, warper, mc.cores = ncpus)
            ls.power <- lapply(1:n.grid, warper)
        df.out <- do.call(rbind,ls.power)
    ## ** check and normalize arguments
    method.meanvar <- match.arg(method.meanvar, c("lognorm","lognorm2"))
    if(is.null(mu) && method.meanvar=="lognorm2"){
        stop("Argument \'method.meanvar\' must be \"lognorm\" when argument \'mu\' is NULL. \n")
    type <- match.arg(type, c("paired one.sample", "two.sample", "paired two.sample"))
    paired <- grepl("paired",type, fixed = TRUE)
    type2 <- trimws(gsub("paired","",type, fixed = TRUE), which = "both")

    method.cor <- match.arg(method.cor, c("taylor","uniroot","optim"))
    if(type == "paired one.sample" && ratio.n!=1){
        stop("Argument \'ratio.n\' must be 1 when considering one sample paired observations. \n")
    if(equivalence && ratio.n!=1){
        stop("Argument \'ratio.n\' must be 1 when argument \'equivalence\' is TRUE. \n")
    if(paired && is.null(rho)){
        stop("Argument \'rho\' must be specified when considering paired observations. \n")
            stop("Argument \'power\' must be specified when argument \'equivalence\' is TRUE. \n")
            stop("Argument \'sig.level\' must be specified when argument \'equivalence\' is TRUE. \n")
            n <- NULL

    ## ** identify mean and variance on the log-scale
            s0 <- log(1+sigma2/mu^2)
            m0 <- log(mu) - s0/2
        }else if(method.meanvar=="lognorm2"){
            s0 <- uniroot(function(x){
                mu^2/sigma2 - (1+x/2+x^2/8+x^3/48)^2/(x+(3/2)*x^2+(7/6)*x^3+(11/24)*x^4+(21/320)*x^5)},
                interval = c(1e-12,sigma2))$root
            m0 <- log(mu) - log(1+s0/2+s0^2/8+s0^3/48)
            ## mu = exp(m0+s0/2)
            ## sigma2 = exp(2*m0+s0)(exp(s0-1))
            ## sigma2/mu^2 = exp(s0-1)
            s0 = log(1 + sigma2^2)
        m0 <- 0 ## should not matter
        m1 <- m0
        m1 <- m0 + log(1+gamma)

    ## ** identify correlation and pooled variance
            rho.log <- uniroot(function(x){
                rho - (x+1.5*x^2*s0+(1/12)*s0^2*(2*x^3+3*x))/(1+(3/2)*s0+(7/6)*s0^2+(11/24)*s0^3+(21/320)*s0^4)
            },interval = c(0,0.9999))$root
        }else if(method.cor=="uniroot"){

            rho.log <- uniroot(f = function(x){
                Sigma.log <- matrix(c(s0,x*s0,x*s0,s0),2,2)
                return(cor(exp(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.large,mean = c(m0,m1), sigma = Sigma.log)))[1,2]-rho)
            }, lower = 0, upper = 0.999)$root ## make sure that Sigma.log is positive definite
        }else if(method.cor=="optim"){

            rho.log <- optim(fn = function(x){
                Sigma.log <- matrix(c(s0,x*s0,x*s0,s0),2,2)
                diff <- cor(exp(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.large,mean = c(m0,m1), sigma = Sigma.log)))[1,2]-rho
            }, par = rho, lower = 0, upper = 0.999, method = "L-BFGS-B")$par ## make sure that Sigma.log is positive definite
        s.pool <- 2*s0*(1-rho.log)
        s.pool <- s0
        rho.log <- 0
        rho <- 0

    ## ** diagnostic
    if(!identical(attr(n.large,"diagnostic"), FALSE)){

        Sigma.log <- matrix(c(s0,rho.log*s0,rho.log*s0,s0),2,2)
        Z <- exp(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.large,mean = c(m0,m1), sigma = Sigma.log))

            df.diagnostic <- rbind(requested = data.frame(mu=mu,sigma2=sigma2,gamma=gamma,rho=rho),
                                   error = data.frame(mu=mu-mean(Z[,1]),sigma2=sigma2-var(Z[,1]),gamma=gamma-(mean(Z[,2])/mean(Z[,1])-1),rho=rho-cor(Z[,1],Z[,2]))
            df.diagnostic <- rbind(requested = data.frame(sigma2=sigma2,gamma=gamma,rho=rho),
                                   error = data.frame(sigma2=sigma2-sd(Z[,1])/mean(Z[,1]),gamma=gamma-(mean(Z[,2])/mean(Z[,1])-1),rho=rho-cor(Z[,1],Z[,2]))
        df.diagnostic <- NULL
    ## ** statistical test

        power2 <- 1-(1-power)/2
        if(type2 == "two.sample"){
            ## two sample equivalence test as in Shein-Chung Chow (2002)
            ## formula: n = 2 * (z_\alpha+z_(\beta/2))^2 / \delta^2
            tt <- list(pwr::pwr.t.test(d = log(1+gamma)/sqrt(s.pool),
                                       power = power2,
                                       sig.level = sig.level,
                                       type = "two.sample", alternative = "greater"),
                       pwr::pwr.t.test(d = log(1-gamma)/sqrt(s.pool),
                                       power = power2,
                                       sig.level = sig.level,
                                       type = "two.sample", alternative = "less"))
        }else if(type2 == "one.sample"){
            ## one sample equivalence test
            ## formula: n = (z_\alpha+z_(\beta/2))^2 / \delta^2
            tt <- list(pwr::pwr.t.test(d = log(1+gamma)/sqrt(s.pool),
                                       power = power2,
                                       sig.level = sig.level,
                                       type = "one.sample", alternative = "greater"),
                       pwr::pwr.t.test(d = log(1-gamma)/sqrt(s.pool),
                                       power = power2,
                                       sig.level = sig.level,
                                       type = "one.sample", alternative = "less"))
        tt <- tt[[which.max(sapply(tt,"[[","n"))]]
        tt$power <- power
        tt$d <- log(1+gamma)/sqrt(s.pool)
        tt$method <- "Equivalence t test power calculation"
        tt$alternative <- "two.sided"
        tt <- MESS::power_t_test(n = n,
                                 delta = log(1+gamma), ## same for all parametrisations
                                 sd = sqrt(s.pool),
                                 power = power,
                                 sig.level = sig.level,
                                 type = type2,
                                 ratio = ratio.n)

        if(type2 == "two.sample"){
            tt$note <- "n is the number of observation per group"
        }else if(paired){
            tt$note <- "n is the number of pairs"

    ## ** export
    attr(tt,"param.log.normal") <- c("m0"=m0,
    attr(tt,"diagnostic") <- df.diagnostic
    class(tt) <- append("logPower.htest",class(tt))

## * print.logPower.htest
print.logPower.htest <- function(x,...){

    param.log.normal <- attr(x,"param.log.normal")
    diagnostic <- attr(x,"diagnostic")

    class(x) <- setdiff(class(x), "logPower.htest")

        cat("      quality of the approximation:\n")
    cat("      parametrisation of the log-normal distribution:\n")

### logPower_ttest.R ends here
bozenne/butils documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:34 p.m.