
# {{{ doc
#' @title Extract the specific coefficient names or positions in a LVM
#' @description Extract the specific coefficient names or positions in a LVM
#' @name extractCoef
#' @param x a lvm model or a fitted lvm model 
#' @param value should the name of the coefficient be returned? Else return the coefficients
#' @param keep.var should the variance parameters be output?
#' @param level level argument of \code{lava::coef}
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to \code{lava::coef}
#' @examples 
#' #### regression ####
#' m <- lvm(Y~X1+X2)
#' e <- estimate(m, sim(m, 1e2))
#' coefType(m)
#' coefType(e)
#' coefType(e, level = -1)
#' coefCov(m)
#' coefCov(m, value = TRUE)
#' coefCov(m, keep.var = TRUE)
#' coefCov(m, value = TRUE, keep.var = TRUE)
#' coefIndexModel(m)
#' coefIndexModel(e)
#' coefIntercept(m)
#' coefIntercept(m, value = TRUE)
#' coefReg(m)
#' coefReg(m, value = TRUE)
#' #### LVM ####
#' m <- lvm()
#' regression(m) <- c(y1,y2,y3)~u
#' regression(m) <- u~x
#' latent(m) <- ~u
#' covariance(m) <- y1~y2
#' e <- estimate(m, sim(m, 1e2))
#' coefType(m)
#' coefType(e)
#' coefType(e, level = -1)
#' coefCov(m)
#' coefCov(m, value = TRUE)#' 
#' coefCov(m, keep.var = TRUE)
#' coefCov(m, value = TRUE, keep.var = TRUE)
#' coefExtra(m)
#' coefIndexModel(m)
#' coefIndexModel(e)
#' categorical(m, K = 3) <- "X1"
#' coefExtra(m)
#' coefExtra(m, value = TRUE)
#' coefIntercept(m)
#' coefIntercept(m, value = TRUE)
#' coefIntercept(e)
#' coefReg(e, value = TRUE)
#' coefReg(e, level = -1, value = TRUE)
#' #### multigroup #####' 
#' eG <- estimate(list(m,m), list(sim(m, 1e2),sim(m, 1e2)))
#' coefType(eG)
# }}}

# {{{ coefType
#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
`coefType` <-
  function(x,...) UseMethod("coefType")

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefType.lvm <- function(x, ...){ 
    names.coef <- coef(x, ...)
    index.coef <- lava::index(x)
    type <- setNames(character(length = length(names.coef)), names.coef)
    type[index.coef$parBelongsTo$mean] <- "intercept"
    type[index.coef$parBelongsTo$reg] <- "regression"
    type[index.coef$parBelongsTo$cov] <- "covariance"
    type[index.coef$parBelongsTo$epar] <- "extra"
    #### variance
    type[names(names.coef) %in% diag(APmatrix(x)$P)] <- "variance"

    #### export

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefType.lvmfit <- function(x, level = 9, index.model = FALSE, ...){ 
    #### all Coef
    extractCoef <- coef(x, level = level, ...)
        names.allCoef <- rownames(extractCoef)
        names.allCoef <- names(extractCoef)

    res <- setNames(rep(NA, length = length(names.allCoef)), names.allCoef)
    attribute <- setNames(rep(TRUE, length = length(names.allCoef)), names.allCoef)

    #### with coef ref
    type <- coefType(x$model0, ...)        
    res[names(type)] <- type
    attribute[names(type)] <- FALSE

    ## try to recover coef ref type
    originalX <- try(eval(x$call$x))
    if("lvm" %in% class(originalX)){
        reftype <- coefType(originalX, ...)
        res[attribute==TRUE] <- reftype[names(attribute)[attribute==TRUE]]

    attr(res,"reference") <- attribute
        attr(type, "index.model") <- rep(1, length(type))
    #### export
# }}}

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefType.multigroup <- function(x, ...){ 
  n.model <- length(x$lvm)
  ## new coef names
  allCoef <- x$name
  n.allCoef <- length(allCoef)
  index.AllCoef <- x$coef
  type_tempo <- NULL
  type <- setNames(rep("", n.allCoef), allCoef)
  ## old coef names
  indexCoef.old <- x$coef.idx
  for(iModel in 1:n.model){ # iModel <- 1
          indexCoef.old[[iModel]] <- c(1,indexCoef.old[[iModel]]+1)

      type_tempo <- coefType(x$lvm[[iModel]],...)      
      type[index.AllCoef[[iModel]]] <- type_tempo[indexCoef.old[[iModel]]]
  #### export

# {{{ coefCov
#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
`coefCov` <-
  function(x,...) UseMethod("coefCov")

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefCov.lvm <- function(x, value = FALSE, keep.var = FALSE, ...){

    res <- retainType(type = coefType(x, ...),
                      validType = c("covariance", if(keep.var){"variance"}else{NULL}),
                      value = value)


#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefCov.lvmfit <- coefCov.lvm

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefCov.multigroup <- coefCov.lvm

# }}}

# {{{ coefExtra
#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
`coefExtra` <-
  function(x,...) UseMethod("coefExtra")

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefExtra.lvm <- function(x, value = FALSE, ...){ 

    res <- retainType(type = coefType(x, ...),
                      validType = "extra",
                      value = value) 

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefExtra.lvmfit <- coefExtra.lvm

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefExtra.multigroup <- coefExtra.lvm

# }}}
# {{{ coefIndexModel
#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
`coefIndexModel` <-
  function(x,...) UseMethod("coefIndexModel")

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefIndexModel.lvm <- function(x, ...){
    name.coef <- coef(x)
    index <- rep(1, length(name.coef))
    names(index) <- name.coef

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefIndexModel.lvmfit <- function(x, ...){
    name.coef <- names(coef(x))
    index <- rep(1, length(name.coef))
    names(index) <- name.coef

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefIndexModel.multigroup <- function(x, ...){
    n.model <- length(x$lvm)

    ## new coef names
    allCoef <- x$name
    n.allCoef <- length(allCoef)
    index.AllCoef <- x$coef
    index <- setNames(rep(NA, n.allCoef), allCoef)
    for(iModel in 1:n.model){ # iModel <- 1
        index[index.AllCoef[[iModel]]] <- iModel
    #### export
# }}}

# {{{ coefIntercept
#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
`coefIntercept` <-
  function(x,...) UseMethod("coefIntercept")

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefIntercept.lvm <- function(x, value = FALSE, ...){ 

    res <- retainType(type = coefType(x, ...),
                      validType = "intercept",
                      value = value)


#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefIntercept.lvmfit <- coefIntercept.lvm

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefIntercept.multigroup <- coefIntercept.lvm
# }}}
# {{{ coefRef
#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
`coefRef` <-
  function(x,...) UseMethod("coefRef")

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefRef.lvmfit <- function(x, value = FALSE, ...){
    res <- retainType(type = attr(coefType(x, ...), "reference"),
                      validType = TRUE,
                      value = value)


# }}}

# {{{ coefReg
#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
`coefReg` <-
  function(x,...) UseMethod("coefReg")

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefReg.lvm <- function(x, value = FALSE, ...){
     res <- retainType(type = coefType(x, ...),
                      validType = "regression",
                      value = value)


#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefReg.lvmfit <- coefReg.lvm

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefReg.multigroup <- coefReg.lvm
# }}}

# {{{ coefVar
#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
`coefVar` <-
  function(x,...) UseMethod("coefVar")

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefVar.lvm <- function(x, value = FALSE, ...){ 

    res <- retainType(type = coefType(x, ...),
                      validType = "variance",
                      value = value)


#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefVar.lvmfit <- coefVar.lvm

#' @rdname extractCoef
#' @export
coefVar.multigroup <- coefVar.lvm
# }}}

# {{{ getIvar
#' @title Extract the variables related to each parameter
#' @description Extract the variables related to each parameter
#' @param x a lvm model
#' @param link the links to be analysed. If NULL, all the coefficients from the lvm model are used instead.
#' @param data the dataset that will be used to fit the model. If NULL, a simulated data will be generated from the model.
#' @param format the type of object to output. Can be \code{"data.frame"}, \code{"data.table"}, or \code{"matrix"}.
#' @param rm.factice should links corresponding to factor variables be removed since they will be transformed in external parameters?
#' @examples  
#' m <- lvm(Y~X1+X2)
#' categorical(m, K = 3) <- "X1"
#' try(getIvar.lvm(m)) # error
#' categorical(m, K = 3, labels = 1:3) <- "X1"
#' getIvar.lvm(m)
#' getIvar.lvm(m, "Y~X1")
#' getIvar.lvm(m, "X1:0|1")
#' getIvar.lvm(m, "X1:1|2")
#' getIvar.lvm(m, c("X1:0|1", "X1:1|2"))
#' getIvar.lvm(m, c("Y~X1","Y~X2"))
#' getIvar.lvm(m, c("Y~X2","Y~X1"))
getIvar.lvm <- function(x, link = NULL,
                        data = NULL, format = "data.table", rm.factice = TRUE){

    if(format %in% c("data.frame","data.table","matrix") == FALSE){
        stop(paste0(format," is an invalid format. Can only be \"data.frame\" or \"matrix\" \n"))

    #### valid links
        if(any(link %in% coef(x) == FALSE)){
            warning("unknown link(s): ", paste(link[link %in% coef(x) == FALSE], collpase = " "), "\n",
                    "possible link(s): ", paste(coef(x)[coef(x) %in% link == FALSE], collpase = " "), "\n")
        link <- coef(x)

    index.cat <- which(link %in% unlist(x$attributes$ordinalparname))
    index.Ncat <- setdiff(1:length(link), index.cat)
    #### deal with continuous variables
        link.Ncat <- link[index.Ncat]

        name.link <- names(coef(x))[match(link.Ncat,coef(x))]
        A <- APmatrix(x)$A
        colnames.A <- colnames(A)
        rownames.A <- rownames(A)

        M.Ncat <- sapply(name.link, function(l){
            position <- which(A == l, arr.ind = TRUE)
        dt.Ncat <- data.table::data.table(link.Ncat,t(M.Ncat), "continuous","",NA, NA)
        setnames(dt.Ncat, old = names(dt.Ncat),
                 new = c("link", "endogenous","exogenous","type", "level", "originalLink", "externalLink")
        dt.Ncat <- NULL

    #### remove links in continuous that corresponds to categorical variables (i.e. X1 when only X1B and X1C exists)
    # and add the external parameters in the categorical links
    index.factice <- which(dt.Ncat[["exogenous"]] %in% names(x$attributes$ordinalparname))
    if(rm.factice && length(index.factice)>0){
        extraLink.factor <- unlist(x$attributes$ordinalparname[dt.Ncat[index.factice,exogenous]])
        link <- union(setdiff(link, dt.Ncat[index.factice,link]),
        return(getIvar.lvm(x, link = link, data =data, format = format, rm.factice = FALSE))

    #### deal with categorical variables
    dt.cat <- NULL
        link.cat <- link[index.cat]
        if(is.null(data)){data <- sim(x, 1)}
        xCAT <- lava_categorical2dummy(x, data)$x

        # find exogenous variable
        exo.link <- sapply(link.cat, function(l){
            test <- unlist(lapply(x$attributes$ordinalparname, function(vec.coef){l %in% vec.coef}))
        # find the level of the exogenous variable
        exo.level <- unlist(tapply(exo.link, exo.link, function(l){ # l <- exo.link
            if(l[1] %in% names(xCAT$attributes$labels)){
                labels <- xCAT$attributes$labels[[l[1]]]
                index.label <- which(x$attributes$ordinalparname[[l[1]]] %in% link.cat)                
            }else {
                stop("Categorical variables must have labels. Specify argument \'labels\' when calling categorical. \n")

        # find endogenous variable
        M.link <- xCAT$M[paste0(exo.link,exo.level),,drop = FALSE]
        indexLink <- which(M.link==1, arr.ind = TRUE)
        endo.link <- colnames(M.link)[indexLink[,"col"]]
        exo.link.cat <- rownames(M.link)[indexLink[,"row"]]
        exo.level <- as.character(exo.level[indexLink[,"row"]])
        original.link <- paste0(endo.link, lava.options()$symbol[1], exo.link)
        external.link <- link[index.cat[indexLink[,"row"]]]
        exo.link <- as.character(exo.link[external.link])
        # treat numeric as factor
        ## if(!is.list(xCAT$attributes$labels)){xCAT$attributes$labels <- list()}
        ## if(any(unique(exo.link) %in% names(xCAT$attributes$labels) == FALSE)){
        ##     var2num <- unique(exo.link)[unique(exo.link) %in% names(xCAT$attributes$labels) == FALSE]
        ##     for(v in var2num){
        ##          xCAT$attributes$labels[[v]] <- 1:xCAT$attributes$nordinal[[v]]
        ##     }
        ## }
        ## exo.level2 <- unlist(tapply(exo.link, exo.link, function(l){
        ##     return(xCAT$attributes$labels[[l[1]]][-1])
        ## }))
        ## link[index.cat] <- paste0(endo.link, lava.options()$symbol[1], exo.link, exo.level2)
        link.cat <- paste0(endo.link, lava.options()$symbol[1], exo.link.cat)
        # find matching parameter-external parameter
        dt.cat <- data.table::data.table(link = link.cat,
                                         endogenous = endo.link,
                                         exogenous = exo.link,
                                         type = "categorical",
                                         level = exo.level,
                                         originalLink = original.link,
                                         externalLink = external.link)       

    ## export
    res <- rbind(dt.Ncat, dt.cat)
    if(format == "data.frame"){
        res <- as.data.frame(res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    }else if(format == "matrix"){
        res <- as.matrix(res)
# }}}

# {{{ loadings
#' @title Extract the summary table for the loadings
#' @description Extract the summary table for the loadings
#' @name loadings
#' @aliases loadings loadings.lvmfit loadings.lvm.missing
#' @param x a lvm model
#' @param value should the name of the coefficient be returned? Else return the coefficients
#' @examples 
#' m <- lvm()
#' regression(m) <- c(y1,y2,y3)~u
#' regression(m) <- u~x
#' latent(m) <- ~u
#' df <- sim(m,1e2)
#' fit <- estimate(m, df)
#' loadings(fit) 
#' loadings(fit, col = "P-value") 
#' @export
`loadings` <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("loadings")

#' @rdname loadings
#' @export
loadings.lvmfit <- function(x, level = 9, col = c("Estimate","Std. Error", "Z-value","P-value"), ...){

    possibleCoef <- coefReg(x, level = level, value = TRUE)
    # check that the first variable is endogeneous and the second a latent variable
    test <- sapply(possibleCoef, function(var){
        vars <- initVar_link(var)
        test <- (vars[[1]] %in% endogenous(x))*(vars[[2]] %in% latent(x))

    tempo <- test[,test[1,] == "1"]
    names.loadings <- colnames(tempo)[order(tempo[3,])]
    # extraction 
        loadings <- summary(x)$coef[names.loadings,]
        match.arg(col, choices = c("Estimate","Std. Error", "Z-value","P-value"))

#' @rdname loadings
#' @export
loadings.lvm.missing <- loadings.lvmfit
# }}}

# {{{ Associated functions

# {{{ AP matrix (need for coefType)
APmatrix <- function(x){ # borrowed from coef.lvmfit
  names2.coef <- names(coef(x))
  if (is.null(x$control$meanstructure)){
    meanstructure <- TRUE
  } else {
    meanstructure <- x$control$meanstructure
  npar <- lava::index(x)$npar
  npar.mean <- lava::index(x)$npar.mean*meanstructure
  npar.ex <- lava::index(x)$npar.ex
  if (inherits(x,"lvm.missing")) {
    if (length(x$cc)==0) {## No complete cases
      coefs <- coef(x$estimate)
      c1 <- coef(Model(x),mean=TRUE,fix=FALSE)
      c1. <- coef(Model(x),mean=FALSE,fix=FALSE)
      myorder <- match(c1,names(coefs))
      myorder.reg <- order(na.omit(match(names(coefs),c1.)))
      myorder.extra <- c()
      ##mp <-effect modelPar(x,seq_len(npar+npar.mean+npar.ex))
      ## mp <- modelPar(x,seq_len(npar+npar.mean+npar.ex))
      ## myorder <- c(mp$meanpar,mp$p)
      ## myorder.reg <- seq_len(length(mp$p))
      ## myorder.extra <- mp$p2
    } else {
      myorder <- na.omit(modelPar(x$multigroup,seq_len(npar+npar.mean))$p[[x$cc]])
      myorder.reg <- na.omit(modelPar(x$multigroup,seq_len(npar))$p[[x$cc]])
      myorder.extra <- seq_len(lava::index(x)$npar.ex)+length(myorder)
      myorder <- c(myorder,myorder.extra)
  } else {
    myorder <- seq_len(npar+npar.mean)
    myorder.reg <- seq_len(npar)
    myorder.extra <- seq_len(lava::index(x)$npar.ex)+length(myorder)
    myorder <- c(myorder,myorder.extra)
  ## myorder <- seq_len(npar+npar.mean)
  ## myorder.reg <- seq_len(npar)
  ## myorder.extra <- seq_len(lava::index(x)$npar.ex)+length(myorder)
  ## myorder <- c(myorder,myorder.extra)
  myparnames <- paste0("p",seq_len(npar+npar.ex))[myorder.reg]
  return(lava_matrices.lvm(Model(x), myparnames))
# }}}

# {{{ retainType (need for coefCov/Latent/Ref/Ref)
retainType <- function(type, validType, value){
  index.var <- which(type %in% validType)

# }}}

# }}}

# {{{ checkData
#' @title Check that validity of the dataset
#' @description Check the validity of the dataset used to estimate a lvm.
#' @name checkData
#' @param x a lvm model
#' @param data the dataset containing the variables used to estimate the lvm.
#' @param ... not used
#' @examples 
#' m <- lvm()
#' regression(m) <- c(y1,y2,y3)~u
#' regression(m) <- u~x
#' latent(m) <- ~u
#' d <- sim(m,1e2)
#' try(checkData(m, d)) # return an error
#' checkData(m, d[,-4])
#' @export
`checkData` <-
  function(x, data, ...) UseMethod("checkData")

#' @rdname checkData
#' @export
checkData.lvm <- function(x, data, ...){ 
    vars <- vars(x)
    latent <- latent(x)
    missingVars <- vars[vars %in% names(data) == FALSE]

        stop("Wrong specification of the latent variables \n",
             "latent variables according to the LVM: ",paste(latent, collapse = " "),"\n",
             "missing variables in data: ",paste(missingVars, collapse = " "),"\n")
# }}}
bozenne/lava.penalty documentation built on May 13, 2019, 1:41 a.m.