
### ate.R --- 
## author: Thomas Alexander Gerds
## created: Oct 23 2016 (08:53) 
## Version: 
## last-updated: Mar  3 2019 (20:02) 
##           By: Thomas Alexander Gerds
##     Update #: 853
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * ate (documentation)
#' @title Compute the Average Treatment Effects Via the G-formula
#' @description Use the g-formula to estimate the average treatment
#'     effect based on Cox regression with or without competing risks.
#' @name ate
#' @param object Outcome model which describes how event risk depends
#'     on treatment and covariates.  The object carry its own call and
#'     have a \code{predictRisk} method. See examples.
#' @param data [data.frame or data.table] Data set in which to evaluate risk predictions
#' based on the outcome model
#' @param formula For analyses with time-dependent covariates, the response formula. See examples.
#' @param treatment [character] Name of the treatment variable.
#' @param contrasts [character] The levels of the treatment variable to be compared.
#' @param strata [character] Strata variable on which to compute the average risk.
#' Incompatible with treatment. Experimental.
#' @param times [numeric vector] Time points at which to evaluate average treatment effects.
#' @param cause [integer/character] the cause of interest.
#' @param landmark for models with time-dependent covariates the landmark time(s) of evaluation.
#'        In this case, argument \code{time} may only be one value and for the prediction of risks
#'        it is assumed that that the covariates do not change between landmark and landmark+time.
#' @param se [logical] If \code{TRUE} compute and add the standard errors to the output.
#' @param band [logical] If \code{TRUE} compute and add the quantiles for the confidence bands to the output.
#' @param iid [logical] If \code{TRUE} compute and add the influence function to the output.
#' @param confint [logical] If \code{TRUE} compute and add the confidence intervals/bands to the output.
#' They are computed applying the \code{confint} function to the output.
#' @param B [integer, >0] the number of bootstrap replications used to compute the confidence intervals.
#' If it equals 0, then the influence function is used to compute Wald-type confidence intervals/bands.
#' @param seed [integer, >0] sed number used to generate seeds for bootstrap
#' and to achieve reproducible results.
#' @param handler [character] Parallel handler for bootstrap.
#' either \code{"mclapply"} or \code{"foreach"}.
#' if "foreach" use \code{doparallel} to create a cluster.
#' @param mc.cores [integer, >0] The number of cores to use,
#' i.e., the upper limit for the number of child processes that run simultaneously.
#' Passed to \code{parallel::mclapply} or \code{doparallel::registerdoparallel}.
#' The option is initialized from environment variable mc_cores if set.
#' @param cl A parallel socket cluster used to perform cluster calculation in parallel.
#' Output by \code{parallel::makeCluster}.
#' The packages necessary to run the computations (e.g. riskRegression) must already be loaded on each worker.
#' @param verbose [logical] If \code{TRUE} inform about estimated run time.
#' @param store.iid [character] Implementation used to estimate the standard error.
#' Can be \code{"full"} or \code{"minimal"}.
#' \code{"minimal"} requires less memory but can only estimate the standard for the difference between treatment effects (and not for the ratio).
#' @param ... passed to predictRisk
#' @author Brice Ozenne \email{broz@@sund.ku.dk}
#' and Thomas Alexander Gerds \email{tag@@biostat.ku.dk}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{confint.ate}} to compute confidence intervals/bands.
#' \code{\link{autoplot.ate}} to display the average risk.
#' \code{\link{ateRobust}} to make the estimator doubly robust 
## * ate (examples)
#' @rdname ate
#' @examples 
#' library(survival)
#' library(rms)
##' library(prodlim)
#' set.seed(10)
#' #### Survival settings  ####
#' #### ATE with Cox model ####
#' ## generate data
#' n <- 100
#' dtS <- sampleData(n, outcome="survival")
#' dtS$time <- round(dtS$time,1)
#' dtS$X1 <- factor(rbinom(n, prob = c(0.3,0.4) , size = 2), labels = paste0("T",0:2))
#' ## estimate the Cox model
#' fit <- cph(formula = Surv(time,event)~ X1+X2,data=dtS,y=TRUE,x=TRUE)
#' ## compute the ATE at times 5, 6, 7, and 8 using X1 as the treatment variable
#' \dontrun{
#' ## only punctual estimate (argument se = FALSE)
#' ateFit1a <- ate(fit, data = dtS, treatment = "X1", times = 5:8,
#'                se = TRUE)
#' ## standard error / confidence intervals computed using the influence function
#' ## (argument se = TRUE and B = 0)
#' ateFit1b <- ate(fit, data = dtS, treatment = "X1", times = 5:8,
#'                se = TRUE, B = 0)
#' ## same as before with in addition the confidence bands for the ATE
#' ## (argument band = TRUE)
#' ateFit1c <- ate(fit, data = dtS, treatment = "X1", times = 5:8,
#'                se = TRUE, band = TRUE, B = 0)
#' ## bootstrap confidence intervals
#' ateFit1c <- ate(fit, data = dtS, treatment = "X1", times = 5,
#'                seed = 3, se = TRUE, B = 100)
#' ## standard error / confidence intervals computed using 100 boostrap samples
#' ## (argument se = TRUE and B = 100) 
#' ateFit1d <- ate(fit, data = dtS, treatment = "X1",
#'                 times = 5:8, se = TRUE, B = 100)
#' ## NOTE: for real applications 100 bootstrap samples is not enougth 
#' ## same but using 2 cpus for generating and analyzing the boostrap samples
#' ## (parallel computation, argument mc.cores = 2) 
#' ateFit1e <- ate(fit, data = dtS, treatment = "X1",
#'                 times = 5:8, se = TRUE, B = 100, mc.cores = 2)
#' }
#' #### Survival settings without censoring ####
#' #### ATE with glm                        ####
#' ## generate data
#' n <- 100
#' dtB <- sampleData(n, outcome="binary")
#' dtB[, X2 := as.numeric(X2)]
#' ## estimate a logistic regression model
#' fit <- glm(formula = Y ~ X1+X2, data=dtB, family = "binomial")
#' ## compute the ATE using X1 as the treatment variable
#' ## only point estimate (argument se = FALSE)
#' ateFit1a <- ate(fit, data = dtB, treatment = "X1", se = FALSE)
#' ateFit1a
#' \dontrun{
#' ## standard error / confidence intervals computed using the influence function
#' ateFit1b <- ate(fit, data = dtB, treatment = "X1",
#'                times = 5, ## just for having a nice output not used in computations
#'                se = TRUE, B = 0)
#' ateFit1b
#' ## standard error / confidence intervals computed using 100 boostrap samples
#' ateFit1d <- ate(fit, data = dtB, treatment = "X1",
#'                 times = 5, se = TRUE, B = 100)
#' ateFit1d
#' ## using lava
#' ateLava <- estimate(fit, function(p, data){
#' a <- p["(Intercept)"] ; b <- p["X11"] ; c <- p["X2"] ;
#' R.X11 <- expit(a + b + c * data[["X2"]])
#' R.X10 <- expit(a + c * data[["X2"]])
#' list(risk0=R.X10,risk1=R.X11,riskdiff=R.X10-R.X11)},
#' average=TRUE)
#' ateLava
#' }
#' #### Competing risks settings               ####
#' #### ATE with cause specific Cox regression ####
#' \dontrun{
#' ## generate data
#' n <- 500
#' dt <- sampleData(n, outcome="competing.risks")
#' dt$time <- round(dt$time,1)
#' dt$X1 <- factor(rbinom(n, prob = c(0.2,0.3,0.2) , size = 3), labels = paste0("T",0:3))
#' ## estimate cause specific Cox model
#' fitCR <-  CSC(Hist(time,event)~ X1+X8,data=dt,cause=1)
#' ## compute the ATE at times 5, 6, 7, and 8 using X1 as the treatment variable
#' ateFit2a <- ate(fitCR, data = dt, treatment = "X1", times = 5:8, cause = 1,
#'                se = FALSE)
#' ## standard error / confidence intervals computed using the influence function
#' ## (argument se = TRUE and B = 0)
#' ateFit2b <- ate(fitCR, data = dt, treatment = "X1", times = 5:8, cause = 1,
#'                se = TRUE, B = 0)
#' ## same as before with in addition the confidence bands for the ATE
#' ## (argument band = TRUE)
#' ateFit2c <- ate(fitCR, data = dt, treatment = "X1", times = 5:8, cause = 1,
#'                se = TRUE, band = TRUE, B = 0)
#' ## standard error / confidence intervals computed using 100 boostrap samples
#' ## (argument se = TRUE and B = 100) 
#' ateFit2d <- ate(fitCR, data = dt, treatment = "X1", times = 5:8, cause = 1,
#'                 se = TRUE, B = 100)
#' ## NOTE: for real applications 100 bootstrap samples is not enougth 
#' ## same but using 2 cpus for generating and analyzing the boostrap samples
#' ## (parallel computation, argument mc.cores = 2) 
#' ateFit2e <- ate(fitCR, data = dt, treatment = "X1", times = 5:8, cause = 1,
#'                 se = TRUE, B = 100, mc.cores = 2)
#' }
#' #### time-dependent covariates ###
#' \dontrun{
#' library(survival)
#' fit <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ celltype+karno + age + trt, veteran)
#' vet2 <- survSplit(Surv(time, status) ~., veteran,
#'                        cut=c(60, 120), episode ="timegroup")
#' fitTD <- coxph(Surv(tstart, time, status) ~ celltype+karno + age + trt,
#'                data= vet2,x=1)
#' set.seed(16)
#' resVet <- ate(fitTD,formula=Hist(entry=tstart,time=time,event=status)~1,
#'           data = vet2, treatment = "celltype", contrasts = NULL,
#'         times=5,verbose=1,
#'         landmark = c(0,30,60,90), cause = 1, B = 4, se = 1,
#'         band = FALSE, mc.cores=1)
#' resVet
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(137)
#' d=sampleDataTD(127)
#' library(survival)
#' d[,status:=1*(event==1)]
#' ## ignore competing risks
#' cox1TD <- coxph(Surv(start,time, status,type="counting") ~ X3+X5+X6+X8, data=d)
#' resTD1 <- ate(cox1TD,formula=Hist(entry=start,time=time,event=status)~1,
#'         data = d, treatment = "X3", contrasts = NULL,
#'         times=.5,verbose=1,
#'         landmark = c(0,0.5,1), B = 20, se = 1,
#'         band = FALSE, mc.cores=1)
#' resTD1
#' ## adjust for competing risks
#' cscTD <- CSC(Hist(time=time, event=event,entry=start) ~ X3+X5+X6+X8, data=d)
#' set.seed(16)
#' resTD <- ate(cscTD,formula=Hist(entry=start,time=time,event=event)~1,
#'         data = d, treatment = "X3", contrasts = NULL,
#'         times=.5,verbose=1,
#'         landmark = c(0,0.5,1), cause = 1, B = 20, se = 1,
#'         band = FALSE, mc.cores=1)
#' resTD
#' }

## * ate (code)
#' @rdname ate
#' @export
ate <- function(object,
                strata = NULL,
                contrasts = NULL,
                se = TRUE,
                iid = FALSE,
                band = FALSE,
                B = 0,
                confint = (se+band)>0,
                handler = "foreach",
                mc.cores = 1,
                cl = NULL,
                verbose = TRUE,
                store.iid = "full",
  meanRisk=Treatment=ratio=Treatment.A=Treatment.B=b <- NULL
  .=.I <- NULL
  diff.se=ratio.se=.GRP=lower=upper=diff.lower=diff.upper=diff.p.value=ratio.lower=ratio.upper=ratio.p.value <- NULL
    handler <- match.arg(handler, c("foreach","mclapply","snow","parallel"))
            times <- NA
        }else if(length(times)!=1){
            warning("Argument \'times\' has no effect when using a glm object \n",
                    "It should be set to NA \n")
                                        # {{{ checking for time-dependent covariates (left-truncation)
    TD <- switch(class(object)[[1]],"coxph"=(attr(object$y,"type")=="counting"),
    if (TD){
        if (missing(formula))
            stop("Need formula to do landmark analysis.")
        if (missing(landmark))
            stop("Need landmark time(s) to do landmark analysis.")
            stop("In settings with time-dependent covariates argument 'time' must be a single value, argument 'landmark' may be a vector of time points.")
        Gformula <- Gformula_TD
        landmark <- NULL
        Gformula <- Gformula_TI
        if (missing(formula)) formula=NULL
                                        # }}}
                                        # {{{ Prepare
    dots <- list(...)
    if(se[[1]]==0 && B[[1]]>0){
        warning("Argument 'se=0' means 'no standard errors' so number of bootstrap repetitions is forced to B=0.")
    if(iid[[1]] && B[[1]]>0){
        stop("Influence function cannot be computed when using the bootstrap approach \n",
             "Either set argument \'iid\' to FALSE to not compute the influence function \n",
             "or set argument \'B\' to 0 \n")
    if(band[[1]] && B[[1]]>0){
        stop("Confidence bands cannot be computed when using the bootstrap approach \n",
             "Either set argument \'band\' to FALSE to not compute the confidence bands \n",
             "or set argument \'B\' to 0 to use the estimate of the asymptotic distribution instead of the bootstrap\n")
        if(length(treatment) != 1){
            stop("Argument treatment should have length 1. \n")
        if(treatment %in% names(data) == FALSE){
            stop("The data set does not seem to have a variable ",treatment," (argument: treatment). \n")
        if(!is.null(strata) ){
            stop("Argument strata must be NULL when argument treatment is specified. \n")
        if(is.numeric(data[[treatment]])){ ## for now character variables are tolerated
            stop("The treatment variable must be a factor variable. \n",
                 "Convert treatment to factor, re-fit the object using this new variable and then call ate. \n")
        strata <- treatment
        if(is.null(strata) ){
            stop("Argument strata must refer to a variable in the data when argument treatment is NULL. \n")

        if(length(strata) != 1){
            stop("Argument strata should have length 1. \n")
        if(strata %in% names(data) == FALSE){
            stop("The data set does not seem to have a variable ",strata," (argument: strata). \n")
        if(B > 0){
            stop("Boostrap resampling is not available when argument strata is specified. \n")
            stop("Landmark analysis is not available when argument strata is specified. \n")
    test.CR <- !missing(cause) # test whether the argument cause has been specified, i.e. it is a competing risk model
    if(test.CR==FALSE){cause <- NA}
    if(B[[1]]==0 && (se[[1]] || band[[1]] || iid[[1]])){
        validClass <- c("CauseSpecificCox","coxph","cph","phreg","glm")
        if(all(validClass %in% class(object) == FALSE)){
            stop("Standard error based on the influence function only implemented for \n",
                 paste(validClass, collapse = " ")," objects \n",
                 "set argument \'B\' to a positive integer to use a boostrap instead \n")
        if("CauseSpecificCox" %in% class(object)){
            n.train <- coxN(object$models[[1]])
        }else if("glm" %in% class(object)){
            n.train <- stats::nobs(object)
            n.train <- coxN(object)
            stop("Argument \'data\' must contain the dataset used to fit the object (when \'se\', \'band\', or \'iid\' is TRUE)\n")
        data[[treatment]] <- factor(data[[treatment]])
            levels <- levels(data[[treatment]])
            contrasts <- levels(data[[treatment]])
            ## if (length(contrasts)>50) warning("Treatment variable has more than 50 levels.\nIf this is not a mistake,
            ## you should use the argument `contrasts'.")
        }else{levels <- contrasts}
        data[[strata]] <- factor(data[[strata]])        
        levels <- levels(data[[strata]])
        contrasts <- levels(data[[strata]])
    n.contrasts <- length(contrasts)
    n.times <- length(times)
    n.obs <- NROW(data)
  # }}}
    # {{{ Checking the model
    ## for predictRisk S3-method
    allmethods <- utils::methods(predictRisk)
    candidateMethods <- paste("predictRisk",class(object),sep=".")
    if (all(match(candidateMethods,allmethods,nomatch=0)==0))
        stop(paste("Could not find predictRisk S3-method for ",class(object),collapse=" ,"),sep="")
    ## for compatibility with resampling
        stop(paste("The object does not contain its own call, which is needed to refit the model in the bootstrap loop."))
    # }}}

    # {{{ Point estimate
    Gargs <- list(object=object,
                  n.contrasts = n.contrasts,
                  levels = levels,
    if (TD) Gargs <- c(Gargs,list(formula=formula))
    estimateTime <- system.time(pointEstimate <- do.call(Gformula, Gargs))
    # }}}

    # {{{ Confidence interval    
    if(se[[1]] || band[[1]] || iid[[1]]){
        if (TD){
            key1 <- c("Treatment","landmark")
            key2 <- c("Treatment.A","Treatment.B","landmark")
            key1 <- c("Treatment","time")
            key2 <- c("Treatment.A","Treatment.B","time")
                                        # {{{ Bootstrap
            if (verbose==TRUE){ ## display
                message(paste0("Approximated bootstrap netto run time (without time for copying data to cores):\n",
                               " seconds times ",
                               " bootstraps / ",
                               " cores = ",
                               round(estimateTime["user.self"]*B/mc.cores,2)," seconds.\n"))

            vec.pointEstimate <- c(pointEstimate$meanRisk$meanRisk,
            names(vec.pointEstimate) <- c(pointEstimate$meanRisk[,paste0("meanRisk:",Treatment,":",time)],

            resBoot <- calcBootATE(object,
                                   pointEstimate = vec.pointEstimate,
                                   Gformula = Gformula,
                                   data = data,
                                   treatment = treatment,
                                   contrasts = contrasts,
                                   times = times,
                                   cause = cause,
                                   landmark = landmark,
                                   n.contrasts = n.contrasts,
                                   levels = levels,
                                   dots = dots,
                                   n.obs = n.obs,
                                   handler = handler,
                                   B = B,
                                   seed = seed,
                                   mc.cores = mc.cores,
                                   cl = cl,
                                   verbose = verbose)

            bootseeds <- resBoot$bootseeds
            resBoot <- resBoot$boot
            outSE <- NULL   
                                        # }}}
        } else {
                                        # {{{ compute standard error and quantiles via the influence function

                stop("Calculation of the standard errors via the influence function not implemented for time dependent covariates \n")
            outSE <- calcSeATE(object,
                               data = data,
                               times = times,
                               cause = cause,
                               treatment = treatment,
                               contrasts = contrasts,
                               strata = strata,
                               n.contrasts = n.contrasts,
                               levels = levels,
                               n.times = n.times,
                               n.obs = n.obs,
                               pointEstimate = pointEstimate,
                               export = c("iid"[(iid+band)>0],"se"[(se+band)>0]),
                               store.iid = store.iid)

            pointEstimate$meanRisk[["meanRisk.se"]] <- outSE$meanRisk.se[,1]
            pointEstimate$riskComparison[["diff.se"]] <- outSE$diffRisk.se[,1]
            pointEstimate$riskComparison[["ratio.se"]] <- outSE$ratioRisk.se[,1]            
            data.table::setcolorder(pointEstimate$riskComparison, neworder = c(names(pointEstimate$riskComparison)[1:3],
            bootseeds <- NULL
            resBoot <- NULL          
                                        # }}}
    } else{
        bootseeds <- NULL
        resBoot <- NULL
        outSE <- NULL

                                        # }}}
                                        # {{{ output object
                 old = "Treatment",
                 new = strata)
                 old = c("Treatment.A","Treatment.B"),
                 new = paste0(strata,c(".A",".B")))
    out <- list(meanRisk = pointEstimate$meanRisk,
                riskComparison = pointEstimate$riskComparison,
                meanRisk.iid = outSE$meanRisk.iid,
                diffRisk.iid = outSE$diffRisk.iid,
                ratioRisk.iid = outSE$ratioRisk.iid,
                treatment = treatment,
                contrasts = contrasts,
                times = times,
                se = se,
                TD = TD,
                B = B,
                band = band,
                boot = resBoot,
                seeds = bootseeds)

    class(out) <- c("ate",class(object))
        out <- stats::confint(out)
    if(band[[1]] && se[[1]]==FALSE){
        out$meanRisk[["meanRisk.se"]] <- NULL
        out$riskComparison[["diff.se"]] <- NULL
        out$riskComparison[["ratio.se"]] <- NULL
    if(band[[1]] && iid[[1]]==FALSE){
        out[paste0(c("mean","diff","ratio"),"Risk.iid")] <- NULL

                                        # }}}


# {{{ Gformula: time dependent covariates
## * Gformula_TD
Gformula_TD <- function(object,

    Treatment <- Treatment.B <- meanRisk <- ratio <- NULL ## [:forCRANcheck:]
    response <- eval(formula[[2]],envir=data)
    time <- response[,"time"]
    entry <- response[,"entry"]
        riskhandler <- "predictRisk.coxphTD"
        riskhandler <- "predictRisk.CSCTD"
    ## prediction for the hypothetical worlds in which every subject is treated with the same treatment
    dt.meanRisk <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(1:n.contrasts,function(i){
        data.i <- data
        data.i[[treatment]] <- factor(contrasts[i], levels = levels)
            atrisk <- (entry <= lm & time >= lm)
            risk.i <- colMeans(do.call(riskhandler,
                                       args = list(object,
                                                   newdata = data.i[atrisk,],
                                                   times = times,
                                                   cause = cause,
    riskComparison <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(1:(n.contrasts-1),function(i){
            ## compute differences between all pairs of treatments
            RC <- dt.meanRisk[Treatment==contrasts[[i]]]
    out <- list(meanRisk = dt.meanRisk,
                riskComparison = riskComparison,
                treatment = treatment,
                strata = strata)

# }}}

                                        # {{{ Gformula: time independent covariates
## * Gformula_TI
Gformula_TI <- function(object,
    meanRisk <- lapply(1:n.contrasts,function(i){ ## i <- 1
        ## prediction for the hypothetical worlds in which every subject is treated with the same treatment
            data.i <- data
            data.i[[treatment]] <- factor(contrasts[i], levels = levels)
            data.i <- data[data[[strata]]==contrasts[i]]
        allrisks <- do.call("predictRisk",
                            args = list(object, newdata = data.i, times = times, cause = cause,...))
        if(!is.matrix(allrisks)){allrisks <- cbind(allrisks)} 
        risk.i <- colMeans(allrisks)

        riskComparison <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(1:(n.contrasts-1),function(i){ ## i <- 1
            data.table::rbindlist(lapply(((i+1):n.contrasts),function(j){ ## j <- 2
                ## compute differences between all pairs of treatments
                           time = times,

    ## reshape for export
    name.strata <- unlist(lapply(1:n.contrasts, function(c){rep(contrasts[c],length(meanRisk[[c]]))}))

    out <- list(meanRisk = data.table(Treatment=name.strata,
                                      time = times,
                riskComparison = riskComparison)
# }}}


### ate.R ends here
bozenne/riskRegressionLight documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:52 a.m.