
                                        # {{{ header
## * predictCox (documentation)
#' @title Fast computation of survival probabilities, hazards and cumulative hazards from Cox regression models 
#' @name predictCox
#' @description Fast routine to get baseline hazards and subject specific hazards
#' as well as survival probabilities from a \code{survival::coxph} or \code{rms::cph} object
#' @param object The fitted Cox regression model object either
#'     obtained with \code{coxph} (survival package) or \code{cph}
#'     (rms package).
#' @param newdata [data.frame or data.table]  Contain the values of the predictor variables
#' defining subject specific predictions.
#' Should have the same structure as the data set used to fit the \code{object}.
#' @param times [numeric vector] Time points at which to return
#' the estimated hazard/cumulative hazard/survival.
#' @param centered [logical] If \code{TRUE} return prediction at the
#'     mean values of the covariates \code{fit$mean}, if \code{FALSE}
#'     return a prediction for all covariates equal to zero.  in the
#'     linear predictor. Will be ignored if argument \code{newdata} is
#'     used. For internal use.
#' @param type [character vector] the type of predicted value. Choices are \itemize{
#'     \item \code{"hazard"} the baseline hazard function when
#'     argument \code{newdata} is not used and the hazard function
#'     when argument \code{newdata} is used.  \item \code{"cumhazard"}
#'     the cumulative baseline hazard function when argument
#'     \code{newdata} is not used and the cumulative hazard function
#'     when argument \code{newdata} is used.  \item \code{"survival"}
#'     the survival baseline hazard function when argument
#'     \code{newdata} is not used and the cumulative hazard function
#'     when argument \code{newdata} is used.  } Several choices can be
#'     combined in a vector of strings that match (no matter the case)
#'     strings \code{"hazard"},\code{"cumhazard"}, \code{"survival"}.
#' @param keep.strata [logical] If \code{TRUE} add the (newdata) strata
#'     to the output. Only if there any.
#' @param keep.times [logical] If \code{TRUE} add the evaluation times
#'     to the output.
#' @param keep.newdata [logical] If \code{TRUE} add the value of the
#'     covariates used to make the prediction in the output list.
#' @param keep.infoVar [logical] For internal use.
#' @param se [logical] If \code{TRUE} compute and add the standard errors to the output.
#' @param band [logical] If \code{TRUE} compute and add the quantiles for the confidence bands to the output.
#' @param iid [logical] If \code{TRUE} compute and add the influence function to the output.
#' @param confint [logical] If \code{TRUE} compute and add the confidence intervals/bands to the output.
#' They are computed applying the \code{confint} function to the output.
#' @param diag [logical] If \code{TRUE} only compute the hazard/cumlative hazard/survival for the i-th row in dataset at the i-th time.
#' @param average.iid [logical] If \code{TRUE} add the average of the influence function over \code{newdata} to the output.
#' @param store.iid [character] Implementation used to estimate the influence function and the standard error.
#' Can be \code{"full"} or \code{"minimal"}.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @details
#' When the argument \code{newdata} is not specified, the function computes the baseline hazard estimate.
#' See (Ozenne et al., 2017) section "Handling of tied event times".
#' Otherwise the function computes survival probabilities with confidence intervals/bands.
#' See (Ozenne et al., 2017) section "Confidence intervals and confidence bands for survival probabilities".
#' The survival is computed using the exponential approximation (equation 3).
#' A detailed explanation about the meaning of the argument \code{store.iid} can be found
#' in (Ozenne et al., 2017) Appendix B "Saving the influence functions".
#' The function is not compatible with time varying predictor variables.
#' The centered argument enables us to reproduce the results obtained with the \code{basehaz}
#' function from the survival package but should not be modified by the user.
#' The iid decomposition is output using an array containing the value of the influence
#' of each subject used to fit the object (dim 3),
#' for each subject in newdata (dim 1),
#' and each time (dim 2).
#' @author Brice Ozenne broz@@sund.ku.dk, Thomas A. Gerds tag@@biostat.ku.dk
#' @references
#' Brice Ozenne, Anne Lyngholm Sorensen, Thomas Scheike, Christian Torp-Pedersen and Thomas Alexander Gerds.
#' riskRegression: Predicting the Risk of an Event using Cox Regression Models.
#' The R Journal (2017) 9:2, pages 440-460.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{confint.predictCox}} to compute confidence intervals/bands.
#' \code{\link{autoplot.predictCox}} to display the predictions.

## * predictCox (examples)
#' @rdname predictCox
#' @examples
#' library(survival)
#' library(data.table)
#' #### generate data ####
#' set.seed(10)
#' d <- sampleData(40,outcome="survival") ## training dataset
#' nd <- sampleData(4,outcome="survival") ## validation dataset
#' d$time <- round(d$time,1) ## create tied events
#' # table(duplicated(d$time))
#' #### stratified Cox model ####
#' fit <- coxph(Surv(time,event)~X1 + strata(X2) + X6,
#'              data=d, ties="breslow", x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
#' ## compute the baseline cumulative hazard
#' fit.haz <- predictCox(fit)
#' cbind(survival::basehaz(fit), fit.haz$cumhazard)
#' ## compute individual specific cumulative hazard and survival probabilities 
#' fit.pred <- predictCox(fit, newdata=nd, times=c(3,8), se = TRUE, band = TRUE)
#' fit.pred
#' ####  other examples ####
#' # one strata variable
#' fitS <- coxph(Surv(time,event)~strata(X1)+X2,
#'               data=d, ties="breslow", x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
#' predictCox(fitS)
#' predictCox(fitS, newdata=nd, times = 1)
#' # two strata variables
#' set.seed(1)
#' d$U=sample(letters[1:5],replace=TRUE,size=NROW(d))
#' d$V=sample(letters[4:10],replace=TRUE,size=NROW(d))
#' nd$U=sample(letters[1:5],replace=TRUE,size=NROW(nd))
#' nd$V=sample(letters[4:10],replace=TRUE,size=NROW(nd))
#' fit2S <- coxph(Surv(time,event)~X1+strata(U)+strata(V)+X2,
#'               data=d, ties="breslow", x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
#' cbind(survival::basehaz(fit2S),predictCox(fit2S,type="cumhazard")$cumhazard)
#' predictCox(fit2S)
#' predictCox(fitS, newdata=nd, times = 3)
#' # left truncation
#' test2 <- list(start=c(1,2,5,2,1,7,3,4,8,8), 
#'               stop=c(2,3,6,7,8,9,9,9,14,17), 
#'               event=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0), 
#'               x=c(1,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0)) 
#' m.cph <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ 1, test2, x = TRUE)
#' as.data.table(predictCox(m.cph))
#' basehaz(m.cph)
# }}}

## * predictCox (code)
#' @rdname predictCox
#' @export
predictCox <- function(object,
                       centered = TRUE,
                       keep.strata = TRUE,
                       keep.times = TRUE,
                       keep.newdata = FALSE,
                       keep.infoVar = FALSE,
                       se = FALSE,
                       band = FALSE,
                       iid = FALSE,
                       confint = (se+band)>0,
                       diag = FALSE,
                       average.iid = FALSE,
                       store.iid = "full"){
  # {{{ treatment of times and stopping rules
  ## ** Extract elements from object
  if (missing(times)) {
      nTimes <- 0
      times <- numeric(0)
      nTimes <- length(times)
  needOrder <- (nTimes[1]>0 && is.unsorted(times))
  if (needOrder) {
      oorder.times <- order(order(times))
      times.sorted <- sort(times)
      if (nTimes==0)
          times.sorted <- numeric(0)
          times.sorted <- times

  object.n <- coxN(object)  
  object.modelFrame <- coxModelFrame(object)
  infoVar <- coxVariableName(object, model.frame = object.modelFrame)
  object.baseEstimator <- coxBaseEstimator(object)

  ## ease access
  is.strata <- infoVar$is.strata
  object.levelStrata <- levels(object.modelFrame$strata) ## levels of the strata variable
  nStrata <- length(object.levelStrata) ## number of strata
  nVar <- length(infoVar$lpvars) ## number of variables in the linear predictor
  ## convert strata to numeric
  object.modelFrame[,c("strata.num") := as.numeric(.SD$strata) - 1]

  ## linear predictor
  ## if we predict the hazard for newdata then there is no need to center the covariates
  object.modelFrame[,c("eXb") := exp(coxLP(object, data = NULL, center = if(is.null(newdata)){centered}else{FALSE}))]

  ## ** checks 
  if(object.baseEstimator == "exact"){
      stop("Prediction with exact handling of ties is not implemented.\n")
  if(nTimes[1]>0 && any(is.na(times))){
      stop("Missing (NA) values in argument \'times\' are not allowed.\n")
  type <- tolower(type)
  if(!is.null(object$weights) && !all(object$weights==1)){
      stop("predictCox does not know how to handle Cox models fitted with weights \n")
  if(any(type %in% c("hazard","cumhazard","survival") == FALSE)){
      stop("type can only be \"hazard\", \"cumhazard\" or/and \"survival\" \n") 
      warning("The current version of predictCox was not designed to handle left censoring \n",
              "The function may be used on own risks \n") 
      stop("predictCox does not know how to handle fraitly \n") 
  if(!is.null(coef(object)) && any(is.na(coef(object)))){
      stop("Incorrect object",
           "One or several model parameters have been estimated to be NA \n")

    if (se[[1]]==1L || iid[[1]]==1L){
        if (missing(newdata)) stop("Argument 'newdata' is missing. Cannot compute standard errors in this case.")
    if("XXXindexXXX" %in% names(object.modelFrame)){
        stop("XXXindexXXX is a reserved name. No variable should have this name. \n")
        stop("Argument \'diag\' must be logical \n")
    if(diag[[1]]==TRUE && NROW(newdata)!=length(times)){
        stop("When argument \'diag\' is TRUE, the number of rows in \'newdata\' must equal the length of \'times\' \n")
    if(diag[[1]]==TRUE && (se[[1]]||band[[1]]||average.iid[[1]])){
        stop("Arguments \'se\', \'band\', and \'average.iid\' must be FALSE when \'diag\' is TRUE \n")
    if(diag[[1]]==TRUE && iid[[1]]==TRUE && store.iid[[1]] == "minimal"){
        stop("Arguments \'store.iid\' must equal \"full\" when \'diag\' is TRUE \n")
      if(missing(times) || nTimes[[1]]==0){
          stop("Time points at which to evaluate the predictions are missing \n")

      name.regressor <- c(infoVar$lpvars.original, infoVar$stratavars.original)
      if(length(name.regressor) > 0 && any(name.regressor %in% names(newdata) == FALSE)){
          stop("Missing variables in argument \'newdata\': \"",
               paste0(setdiff(name.regressor,names(newdata)), collapse = "\" \""),
      if(se[1] && ("hazard" %in% type)){
          stop("confidence intervals cannot be computed for the hazard \n")
      if(band[1] && ("hazard" %in% type)){
          stop("confidence bands cannot be computed for the hazard \n")


                                        # }}}  
                                        # {{{ computation of the baseline hazard
  ## ** baseline hazard
  ## add linear predictor and remove useless columns
  rm.name <- setdiff(names(object.modelFrame),c("start","stop","status","eXb","strata","strata.num"))
      object.modelFrame[,c(rm.name) := NULL]
  ## sort the data
  object.modelFrame[, c("statusM1") := 1-.SD$status] ## sort by statusM1 such that deaths appear first and then censored events
  object.modelFrame[, c("XXXindexXXX") := 1:.N] ## keep track of the initial positions (useful when calling calcSeCox)
  data.table::setkeyv(object.modelFrame, c("strata.num","stop","start","statusM1"))

  ## last event time in each strata
      etimes.max <- object.modelFrame[, max(.SD$stop), by = "strata.num"][[2]]
      etimes.max <- max(object.modelFrame[["stop"]])

    ## compute the baseline hazard
    Lambda0 <- baseHaz_cpp(starttimes = object.modelFrame$start,
                           stoptimes = object.modelFrame$stop,
                           status = object.modelFrame$status,
                           eXb = object.modelFrame$eXb,
                           strata = object.modelFrame$strata.num,
                           nPatients = object.n,
                           nStrata = nStrata,
                           emaxtimes = etimes.max,
                           predtimes = times.sorted,
                           cause = 1,
                           Efron = (object.baseEstimator == "efron"))

  ## restaure strata levels
  if (is.strata == TRUE){
      Lambda0$strata <- factor(Lambda0$strata, levels = 0:(nStrata-1), labels = object.levelStrata)
                                        # }}}

  ## ** compute cumlative hazard and survival
  if (is.null(newdata)){  
                                        # {{{ results from the training dataset
      if (!("hazard" %in% type)){
          Lambda0$hazard <- NULL
      if ("survival" %in% type){  ## must be before cumhazard
          Lambda0$survival = exp(-Lambda0$cumhazard)
      if (!("cumhazard" %in% type)){
          Lambda0$cumhazard <- NULL
      if (keep.times==FALSE){
          Lambda0$times <- NULL
      if (keep.strata[[1]]==FALSE || is.strata[[1]] == FALSE){
          Lambda0$strata <- NULL

      add.list <- list(lastEventTime = etimes.max,
                       se = FALSE,
                       band = FALSE,
                       type = type)
          add.list$infoVar <- infoVar
      Lambda0[names(add.list)] <- add.list
      class(Lambda0) <- "predictCox"
                                        # }}}
  } else {
                                        # {{{ predictions in new dataset
      out <- list()
      ## *** reformat newdata (compute linear predictor and strata)
      new.n <- NROW(newdata)
          newdata <- data.table::copy(newdata)
          newdata <- data.table::as.data.table(newdata)

      new.eXb <- exp(coxLP(object, data = newdata, center = FALSE))

      new.strata <- coxStrata(object, data = newdata, 
                              sterms = infoVar$strata.sterms, 
                              strata.vars = infoVar$stratavars, 
                              strata.levels = infoVar$strata.levels)
      new.levelStrata <- levels(new.strata)
      ## *** subject specific hazard
      if (is.strata==FALSE){
                  iTimes <- prodlim::sindex(jump.times = Lambda0$times, eval.times = times.sorted[oorder.times])
                  iTimes <- prodlim::sindex(jump.times = Lambda0$times, eval.times = times.sorted)
          if ("hazard" %in% type){
                  out$hazard <- cbind(new.eXb * Lambda0$hazard[iTimes])
                  out$hazard <- (new.eXb %o% Lambda0$hazard)
                  if (needOrder) out$hazard <- out$hazard[,oorder.times,drop=0L]
          if ("cumhazard" %in% type || "survival" %in% type){
                  cumhazard <- cbind(new.eXb * Lambda0$cumhazard[iTimes])
                  cumhazard <- new.eXb %o% Lambda0$cumhazard
                  if (needOrder){cumhazard <- cumhazard[,oorder.times,drop=0L]}
              if ("cumhazard" %in% type){
                  out$cumhazard <- cumhazard
              if ("survival" %in% type){
                  out$survival <- exp(-cumhazard)
          ## initialization
          if ("hazard" %in% type){
              out$hazard <- matrix(0, nrow = new.n, ncol = nTimes*(1-diag)+diag)
          if ("cumhazard" %in% type){
              out$cumhazard <- matrix(NA, nrow = new.n, ncol = nTimes*(1-diag)+diag)                
          if ("survival" %in% type){
              out$survival <- matrix(NA, nrow = new.n, ncol = nTimes*(1-diag)+diag)                   }

          ## loop across strata
          for(S in new.levelStrata){ ## S <- 1
              id.S <- which(Lambda0$strata==S)
              newid.S <- which(new.strata==S)
                      iSTimes <- prodlim::sindex(jump.times = Lambda0$times[id.S], eval.times = times.sorted[oorder.times[newid.S]])
                      iSTimes <- prodlim::sindex(jump.times = Lambda0$times[id.S], eval.times = times.sorted[newid.S])
        if ("hazard" %in% type){
                out$hazard[newid.S] <- new.eXb[newid.S] * Lambda0$hazard[id.S][iSTimes]
                out$hazard[newid.S,] <- new.eXb[newid.S] %o% Lambda0$hazard[id.S]
                if (needOrder){
                    out$hazard[newid.S,] <- out$hazard[newid.S,oorder.times,drop=0L]
        if ("cumhazard" %in% type || "survival" %in% type){
                cumhazard.S <-  cbind(new.eXb[newid.S] * Lambda0$cumhazard[id.S][iSTimes])
                cumhazard.S <-  new.eXb[newid.S] %o% Lambda0$cumhazard[id.S]
                if (needOrder){
                    cumhazard.S <- cumhazard.S[,oorder.times,drop=0L]

            if ("cumhazard" %in% type){
                out$cumhazard[newid.S,] <- cumhazard.S
            if ("survival" %in% type){
                out$survival[newid.S,] <- exp(-cumhazard.S)
                                        # }}}
                                        # {{{ standard error
    if(se[[1]] || band[[1]] || iid[[1]] || average.iid[[1]]){
        if(nVar > 0){
            ## use prodlim to get the design matrix
            new.LPdata <- prodlim::model.design(infoVar$lp.sterms,
                                                data = newdata,
                                                specialsFactor = TRUE,
                                                dropIntercept = TRUE)$design
                stop("NROW of the design matrix and newdata differ \n",
                     "maybe because newdata contains NA values \n")
            new.LPdata <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = new.n)

        ## restaure original ordering

        ## Computation of the influence function and/or the standard error
        export <- c("iid"[(iid+band)>0],"se"[(se+band)>0],"average.iid"[average.iid==TRUE])
        attributes(export) <- attributes(average.iid)
        outSE <- calcSeCox(object,
                           times = times.sorted,
                           nTimes = nTimes,
                           type = type,
                           diag = diag,
                           Lambda0 = Lambda0,
                           object.n = object.n,
                           object.time = object.modelFrame$stop,
                           object.eXb = object.modelFrame$eXb,
                           object.strata =  object.modelFrame$strata, 
                           nStrata = nStrata,
                           new.n = new.n,
                           new.eXb = new.eXb,
                           new.LPdata = new.LPdata,
                           new.strata = new.strata,
                           new.survival = out$survival,
                           nVar = nVar, 
                           export = export,
                           store.iid = store.iid)
        ## restaure orginal time ordering
            if ("hazard" %in% type){
                if (needOrder[1] && diag[1] == FALSE)
                    out$hazard.iid <- outSE$hazard.iid[,oorder.times,,drop=0L]
                    out$hazard.iid <- outSE$hazard.iid
            if ("cumhazard" %in% type){
                if (needOrder[1] && diag[1] == FALSE)
                    out$cumhazard.iid <- outSE$cumhazard.iid[,oorder.times,,drop=0L]
                    out$cumhazard.iid <- outSE$cumhazard.iid
            if ("survival" %in% type){
                if (needOrder[1] && diag[1] == FALSE)
                    out$survival.iid <- outSE$survival.iid[,oorder.times,,drop=0L]
                    out$survival.iid <- outSE$survival.iid
        if(average.iid == TRUE){
            if ("cumhazard" %in% type){
                if (needOrder)
                    out$cumhazard.average.iid <- outSE$cumhazard.average.iid[,oorder.times,drop=0L]
                    out$cumhazard.average.iid <- outSE$cumhazard.average.iid
            if ("survival" %in% type){
                if (needOrder)
                    out$survival.average.iid <- outSE$survival.average.iid[,oorder.times,drop=0L]
                    out$survival.average.iid <- outSE$survival.average.iid
            if ("cumhazard" %in% type){
                if (needOrder){
                    out$cumhazard.se <- outSE$cumhazard.se[,oorder.times,drop=0L]
                    out$cumhazard.se <- outSE$cumhazard.se
            if ("survival" %in% type){
                if (needOrder){
                    out$survival.se <- outSE$survival.se[,oorder.times,drop=0L]
                } else{
                    out$survival.se <- outSE$survival.se
                                        # }}}
                                        # {{{ export 

      ## ** add information to the predictions
      add.list <- list(lastEventTime = etimes.max,
                       se = se,
                       band = band,
                       type = type,
                       diag = diag)
      if (keep.times==TRUE){
          add.list$times <- times
      if (is.strata[1] && keep.strata[1]==TRUE){
          add.list$strata <- new.strata
      if( keep.infoVar){
          add.list$infoVar <- infoVar
      all.covars <- c(infoVar$stratavars.original,infoVar$lpvars.original)
      if( keep.newdata[1]==TRUE && length(all.covars)>0){
          add.list$newdata <- newdata[, all.covars, with = FALSE]
      out[names(add.list)] <- add.list
      class(out) <- "predictCox"

      ## ** confidence intervals/bands
          out <- stats::confint(out)
      if(band[1] && se[1]==FALSE){
          out[paste0(type,".se")] <- NULL
      if(band[1] && iid[1]==FALSE){
          out[paste0(type,".iid")] <- NULL
                                        # }}}

## * predictSurv (documentation)
#' @title Compute Event-Free Survival From a CSC Object
#' @name predictSurv
#' @description Compute event-free survival from a CSC object.
#' @param object The fitted CSC object.
#' @param newdata [data.frame or data.table]  Contain the values of the predictor variables
#' defining subject specific predictions.
#' Should have the same structure as the data set used to fit the \code{object}.
#' @param times [numeric vector] Time points at which to return
#' the estimated survival.
#' @param product.limit [logical] If \code{TRUE} the survival is computed using the product limit estimator.
#' @param ... not used.

## * predictSurv (code)
#' @name predictSurv
#' @export
predictSurv <- function(object, newdata, times, product.limit){

    ## ** check args
        stop("predictSurv only compatible with CauseSpecificCox objects \n")

    ## ** compute survival
        ## names(object$models)
        predictor.cox <- if(product.limit){"predictCoxPL"}else{"predictCox"}
        out <- do.call(predictor.cox,
                       args = list(object$models[["OverallSurvival"]], newdata = newdata, times = times, type = "survival")
    }else if(object$surv.type=="hazard"){
        n.obs <- NROW(newdata)
        n.times <- length(times)
        n.cause <- length(object$cause)

            jump.time <- object$eventTime[object$eventTime <= max(times)]
            if(0 %in% jump.time){
                jumpA.time <- c(jump.time,max(object$eventTime)+1e-10)
                jumpA.time <- c(0,jump.time,max(object$eventTime)+1e-10)
            n.jumpA <- length(jumpA.time)

            predAll.hazard <- matrix(0, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.jumpA)
            for(iC in 1:n.cause){
                outHazard <- predictCox(object$models[[iC]],
                                        newdata = newdata,
                                        times = jump.time,
                                        type = "hazard")
                if(0 %in% jump.time){
                    predAll.hazard <- predAll.hazard + cbind(outHazard$hazard,NA)
                    predAll.hazard <- predAll.hazard + cbind(0,outHazard$hazard,NA)
            index.jump <- prodlim::sindex(eval.times = times,
                                          jump.times = jumpA.time)
            predAll.survival <- t(apply(1-predAll.hazard,1,cumprod))
            out <- predAll.survival[,index.jump,drop=FALSE]
            pred.cumhazard <- matrix(0, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.times)
            for(iC in 1:n.cause){
                pred.cumhazard <- pred.cumhazard + predictCox(object$models[[iC]], newdata = newdata, times = times, type = "cumhazard")$cumhazard
            out <- exp(-pred.cumhazard)

    ## ** export
bozenne/riskRegressionLight documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:52 a.m.