
## pv_dptModules <- c("sgol", "snv", "msc", "emsc", "osc", "deTr", "gsd")

#' @title Data pre-treatment modules
#' @description Apply one or more data pre-treatment modules to the dataset.
#' The data pre-treatment (\code{dpt.pre}) can happen right \strong{after} a 
#' (possible) wavelength-split and \strong{before} a (possible) splitting of the 
#' dataset according to the provided split-variables below \code{dpt.pre}, being 
#' csAvg, noise and exOut, and / or \strong{after} the splitting of the dataset 
#' (\code{}), in other words as a final treatment to a dataset in each 
#' 'row' of the 'cube', i.e. in each 'cube-element'.
#' @details Via the ... argument in the function \code{\link{getap}}, the values
#' of both \code{dpt.pre} and \code{} can be overridden. Via the 
#' separator '@@', additional values can be appended to some of the single modules. 
#' Possible values for dpt-modules are <%=r_listize(pv_dptModules)%>. Single 
#' modules can be combined and repeated in any arbitrary order, i.e. there is no 
#' upper limit on the modules that can be applied in the 'dpt.pre' and '' 
#' process -- see examples.
#' @param <%=pv_dptModules[1]%> Transform the dataset using the Savitzy-Golay 
#' filter by calling \code{\link{do_sgolay}} (what in turn is relying on 
#' \code{\link[signal]{sgolay}}). Provide only the character 
#' "<%=pv_dptModules[1]%>" to use the standard values for p, n and m, what are 
#' 2, 21 and 0, respectively. Use a string in the format 
#' "<%=pv_dptModules[1]%>@@p-n-m", with p,n,m being integers to modify the 
#' behaviour of \code{\link{do_sgolay}} by supplying your own values. Please note 
#' that 'n' has to be odd. The single integers have to be separated by a 'minus' 
#' ('-').
#' \describe{
#' \item{p}{The filter order. Defaults to 2.}
#' \item{n}{The filter length, must be odd. Defaults to 21.}
#' \item{m}{Return the m-th derivative of the filter coefficients. Defaults to 0.}
#' }
#' @param <%=pv_dptModules[2]%> Transform the dataset using standard normal 
#' variation 'snv' by calling internally the function \code{\link{do_snv}}. No 
#' additional arguments can be provided here.
#' @param <%=pv_dptModules[3]%> Transform the datset using multiplicative scatter 
#' correction 'msc' \code{\link{do_msc}}. If no reference is provided, the average 
#' of all spectra of a dataset is used as a reference for the baseline correction. 
#' Provide a dataset with a single spectrum in the format 
#' "<%=pv_dptModules[3]%>@@yourObj" with "yourObj" naming an existing object in 
#' your workspace containing an oject of class \code{aquap_data} containing only 
#' one row, (as e.g. produced by \code{\link{do_avg}}) to use this as a reference 
#' for baseline correction.
#' \describe{
#' \item{@@yourObj}{Format: "<%=pv_dptModules[3]%>@@yourObj", with 'yourObj' 
#' naming an existing object in your workspace containing an oject of class 
#' \code{aquap_data} with only one row. See also \code{\link{getcd}} for 
#' extracting a singel dataset from the 'cube' object, and \code{\link{do_avg}} 
#' for averaging a single dataset into a single spectrum.}
#' }
#' @param <%=pv_dptModules[4]%>  Transform the datset using 'emsc'; internally the 
#' function \code{\link{do_emsc}} is called. You have to provide the name of an 
#' object containing a data frame or matrix with one or two loadings or with one 
#' regression vector in the format 
#' \describe{
#' \item{@@yourObj}{Format: "<%=pv_dptModules[4]%>@@yourObj", with 'yourObj' 
#' naming an existing object in your workspace containing  a data frame or matrix 
#' with one or two loadings or with one regression vector. See also 
#' \code{\link{getcm}} for extracting single models from the 'cube' object.}
#' }
#' @param <%=pv_dptModules[5]%> Not yet implemented.
#' @param <%=pv_dptModules[6]%> Transform the dataset by calling the de-Trend 
#' function \code{\link{do_detrend}}. Provide only the character 
#' "<%=pv_dptModules[6]%>" to use the standard values for \code{src} and \code{trg} 
#' which are 'NULL' and 'src', meaning that the whole wavelength range of 
#' the current dataset is used for calculating the de-trend values, which in turn 
#' also get applied to the whole range of wavelengths. Use a string in one of the 
#' following formats to modify the values for source and target in the de-trend 
#' function:
#' \describe{
#' \item{@@S1-S2}{Format: 
#' "<%=pv_dptModules[6]%>@@S1-S2", set the source wavelength-range 
#' for calculating the de-trend values from S1 to S2, with S1 and S2 being 
#' existing wavelengths in the current dataset, and leave the 
#' target at its default, i.e. use the same target as the source.}
#' \item{@@S1-S2-all}{Format: 
#' "<%=pv_dptModules[6]%>@@S1-S2-all", set the source wavelength 
#' from S1 to S2, with S1 and S2 being existing wavelengths in the current dataset,
#' and apply the resulting de-trend to \strong{all} of the wavelengths present in 
#' the current dataset.}
#' \item{@@S1-S2-T1-T2}{Format: 
#' "<%=pv_dptModules[6]%>@@S1-S2-T1-T2", set the source wavelengths 
#' from S1 to S2 and the target wavelengths from T1 to T2, with S1, S2, T1, and 
#' T2 being existing wavelengths in the current dataset.}
#' }
#' Note that the single values have to be separated by a 'minus' ('-'). Please 
#' see examples and \code{\link{do_detrend}} for additional information.
#' @param <%=pv_dptModules[7]%> Transform the dataset using gap-segment 
#' derivatives by calling internally the function \code{\link{do_gapDer}} (what 
#' in turn is relying on \code{\link[prospectr]{gapDer}}). Provide only the 
#' character "<%=pv_dptModules[7]%>" to use the standard values for m, w, s and 
#' deltaW, what are all 1. Use a string in the format 
#' "<%=pv_dptModules[7]%>@@m-w-s-d", with m, w, s and d being integers to modify 
#' the behaviour of \code{\link{do_gapDer}} by supplying your own values; 'w' has 
#' to be odd. The single integers have to be separated by a 'minus' ('-'). Please 
#' not that the gap-derivative function will truncate your data at the first and 
#' last wavelengths, depending on the provided values.
#' @section Note:
#' Please see the description and \code{\link{split_dataset}} to understand 
#' \strong{when} in the data-processing procedure the respective data treatment 
#' modules are applied!
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' fd <- gfd() # load a dataset
#' cube <- gdmm(fd) # you should split in at least 2 or 3 groups
#' cube # look at the structure - each row of the cube is treated separately using 
#' # the modules specified in 'dpt.pre' and '' -- see description
#' ####
#' ## the argument 'dpt.pre' resp. '' in the analysis procedure could look 
#' ## like this:
#' dpt.pre <- c("sgol@2-51-0")
#' <- c("sgol@2-51-0", "snv")
#' dpt.pre <- c("msc", "snv", "msc") # (of course not useful, but it shows that 
#' ## modules can be combined and repeated in any arbitrary order.)
#' <- "msc@myDS" # with 'myDS' being the name of a standard dataset 
#' <- c("sgol@2-51-0", "emsc@myDF") # with 'myDF' being the name of a 
#' ## data frame containing one or two loading vectors or one regression vector
#' <- "gsd@1-11-13-1"
#' <- "deTr" # use whole wavelength range as source and target
#' <- "deTr@1300-1600" # same target as source
#' dpt.pre <- c("sgol", "deTr@1300-1600-all") # apply de-trend calculated from 
#' # 1300nm to 1600nm to all wavelengths
#' ####
#' cube <- gdmm(fd, getap(dpt.pre=c("sgol", "snv"))) # modify via gdmm function
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{split_dataset}}, \code{\link{anproc_file}}, 
#' \code{\link{getcd}} for extracting a dataset from a 'cube' object, 
#' \code{\link{do_avg}} for averaging datasets into a single spectrum, 
#' \code{\link{getcm}} for extracting a specific model from a 'cube' object.
bpollner/aquap2 documentation built on March 29, 2024, 7:33 a.m.