
Defines functions plot.rdd_reg_lm print.rdd_reg_lm rdd_reg_lm

Documented in rdd_reg_lm

#' Parametric polynomial estimator of the regression discontinuity
#' Compute a parametric polynomial regression of the ATE, 
#' possibly on the range specified by bandwidth
#' @param rdd_object Object of class rdd_data created by \code{\link{rdd_data}}
#' @param covariates Formula to include covariates
#' @param order Order of the polynomial regression. 
#' @param bw A bandwidth to specify the subset on which the parametric regression is estimated
#' @param covar.strat DEPRECATED, use covar.opt instead. 
#' @param covar.opt Options for the inclusion of covariates. Way to include covariates, either in the main regression (\code{include}) or as regressors of y in a first step (\code{residual}). 
#' @param weights Optional weights to pass to the lm function. Note this cannot be entered together with \code{bw}
#' @param slope Whether slopes should be different on left or right (separate), or the same.
#' @return An object of class rdd_reg_lm and class lm, with specific print and plot methods
#' @details This function estimates the standard \emph{discontinuity regression}:
#' \deqn{Y=\alpha+\tau D+\beta_{1}(X-c)+\beta_{2}D(X-c)+\epsilon}
#' with \eqn{\tau} the main parameter of interest. Several versions of the regression can be estimated, either restricting the slopes to be the same, 
#' i.e \eqn{\beta_{1}=\beta_{2}} (argument \code{slope}). The order of the polynomial in \eqn{X-c} can also be adjusted with argument \code{order}. 
#' Note that a value of zero can be used, which corresponds to the simple \emph{difference in means}, that one would use if the samples were random. 
#' Covariates can also be added in the regression, according to the two strategies discussed in Lee and Lemieux (2010, sec 4.5), through argument \code{covar.strat}:
#' \describe{
#' \item{include}{Covariates are simply added as supplementary regressors in the RD equation}
#' \item{residual}{The dependent variable is first regressed on the covariates only, then the RDD equation is applied on the residuals from this first step}}
#' The regression can also be estimated in a neighborhood of the cutpoint with the argument \code{bw}. This make the parametric regression resemble 
#' the non-parametric local kernel \code{\link{rdd_reg_np}}. Similarly, weights can also be provided (but not simultaneously to \code{bw}). 
#' The returned object is a classical \code{lm} object, augmented with a \code{RDDslot}, so usual methods can be applied. As is done in general in R, 
#' heteroskeadsticity-robust inference can be done later on with the usual function from package \pkg{sandwich}. For the case of clustered observations
#' a specific function \code{\link{clusterInf}} is provided.
#' @import Formula
#' @importFrom AER ivreg
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Step 0: prepare data
#' data(house)
#' house_rdd <- rdd_data(y=house$y, x=house$x, cutpoint=0)
#' ## Step 2: regression
#' # Simple polynomial of order 1:
#' reg_para <- rdd_reg_lm(rdd_object=house_rdd)
#' print(reg_para)
#' plot(reg_para)
#' # Simple polynomial of order 4:
#' reg_para4 <- rdd_reg_lm(rdd_object=house_rdd, order=4)
#' reg_para4
#' plot(reg_para4)
#' # Restrict sample to bandwidth area:
#' bw_ik <- rdd_bw_ik(house_rdd)
#' reg_para_ik <- rdd_reg_lm(rdd_object=house_rdd, bw=bw_ik, order=4)
#' reg_para_ik
#' plot(reg_para_ik)

rdd_reg_lm <- function(rdd_object, covariates = NULL, order = 1, bw = NULL,
                       slope = c("separate", "same"),
                       covar.opt = list(strategy = c("include", "residual"),
                                        slope = c("same", "separate"),
                                        bw = NULL),
                       covar.strat = c("include", "residual"), weights) {
    cutpoint <- getCutpoint(rdd_object)
    type <- getType(rdd_object)
    slope <- match.arg(slope)
    if (!missing(covar.strat)) 
      stop("covar.strat is deprecated, use covar.opt = list(strategy=...) instead")
    if (!missing(weights) & !is.null(bw)) 
        stop("Cannot give both 'bw' and 'weights'")
    ## Subsetting
    dat <- as.data.frame(rdd_object)
    if (!is.null(bw)) {
        weights <- ifelse(dat$x >= cutpoint - bw & dat$x <= cutpoint + bw, 1, 0)
    } else if (!missing(weights)) {
        weights <- weights
    } else {
        weights <- NULL
    ## Construct data
    if (missing(weights)) 
        weights <- NULL
    dat_step1 <- model.matrix(rdd_object, covariates = covariates, order = order, bw = bw, slope = slope, covar.opt = covar.opt)
    ## Regression
    if (type == "Sharp") {
        reg <- lm(y ~ ., data = dat_step1, weights = weights)
        class_reg <- "lm"
    } else {
        if (!is.null(covariates)) 
            stop("Covariates currently not implemented for Fuzzy case")
        reg <- ivreg(y ~ . - ins | . - D, data = dat_step1, weights = weights)
        class_reg <- "ivreg"
    ## Return
    RDDslot <- list()
    RDDslot$rdd_data <- rdd_object
    reg$RDDslot <- RDDslot
    class(reg) <- c("rdd_reg_lm", "rdd_reg", class_reg)
    attr(reg, "PolyOrder") <- order
    attr(reg, "cutpoint") <- cutpoint
    attr(reg, "slope") <- slope
    attr(reg, "RDDcall") <- match.call()
    attr(reg, "bw") <- bw

#' @export 
print.rdd_reg_lm <- function(x, ...) {
    order <- getOrder(x)
    cutpoint <- getCutpoint(x)
    slope <- getSlope(x)
    bw <- getBW(x)
    hasBw <- !is.null(bw)
    bw2 <- if (hasBw) 
        bw else Inf
    x_var <- getOriginalX(x)
    n_left <- sum(x_var >= cutpoint - bw2 & x_var < cutpoint)
    n_right <- sum(x_var >= cutpoint & x_var <= cutpoint + bw2)
    cat("### RDD regression: parametric ###\n")
    cat("\tPolynomial order: ", order, "\n")
    cat("\tSlopes: ", slope, "\n")
    if (hasBw) 
        cat("\tBandwidth: ", bw, "\n")
    cat("\tNumber of obs: ", sum(n_left + n_right), " (left: ", n_left, ", right: ", n_right, ")\n", sep = "")
    printCoefmat(coef(summary(x))[2, , drop = FALSE])

#' @export
plot.rdd_reg_lm <- function(x, binwidth=NULL, ...) {
  ## set default binwitdh
  if(is.null(binwidth)) {
    bw_plot <- rdd_bw_cct_plot(x)
    # binwidth <- bw_plot$results["Bin Length",, drop=TRUE] old version
    binwidth <- bw_plot$h[1]
    ## data
    dat <- getOriginalData(x)
    subw <- if (!is.null(x$weights)) 
        x$weights > 0 else rep(TRUE, nrow(dat))
    pred <- data.frame(x = dat$x, y = fitted(x))[subw, ]
    ## plot
    plotBin(dat$x, dat$y, h=binwidth, cutpoint=getCutpoint(x), ...)
    lines(pred[order(pred$x), ])
bquast/RDDtools documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 3:28 a.m.