# match query with dictionary
# @param entry Character. String to split.
# @return vector of keywords
extract_keywords <- function(entry) {
clauses <- entry[[1]]
sapply(clauses, function(x){strsplit(x, split = " ")})
# returns the number of matches of tokens in the set
get_num_matches <- function(token, tokenized_query_set) {
sum(tokenized_query_set %in% sets::as.set(token))
# dictionary
dictionary <- list(
list( c("rotation x-axis label", "vertical x-axis labels"),
"theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))"),
list( c("rotate x-axis labels #number# degree","rotated x-axis label #number# degrees"),
"theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = #number#))"),
list( c("rotation y-axis label", "vertical y-axis labels"),
"theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle = 90))"),
list( c("rotate y-axis labels #number# degree","rotated y-axis label #number# degrees"),
"theme(axis.text.y = element_text(angle = #number#))"),
list(c("x-axis bold","x-axis boldface") , "theme(axis.text.x = element_text(face = \"bold\"))"),
list(c("y-axis bold","y-axis boldface") , "theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = \"bold\"))"),
list(c("switch axes","switch x-axis y-axis","flip axes","flip x-axis y-axis","flip coordinates"), "coord_flip()"),
list(c("remove hide rid lose legend"),"theme(legend.position = \"none\")"),
list(c("x-axis log logarithmic scale"),"scale_x_log10()"),
list(c("y-axis log logarithmic scale"),"scale_y_log10()"),
list(c("center title"),"theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))"),
list(c("move change set legend bottom","theme(legend.position=\"bottom\")")),
list(c("move change set legend position right","theme(legend.position=\"right\")")),
list(c("move change set legend position left","theme(legend.position=\"left\")")),
list(c("move change set legend position top","theme(legend.position=\"top\")")),
list(c("increase larger double twice font size x-axis"),"theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=rel(2)))"),
list(c("reduce half smaller font size x-axis"),"theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=rel(.5)))"),
list(c("increase larger double twice font size y-axis"),"theme(axis.title.y=element_text(size=rel(2)))"),
list(c("reduce half smaller font size y-axis"),"theme(axis.title.y=element_text(size=rel(.5)))"),
list(c("remove shape legend", "scale_shape(guide=FALSE)")),
list(c("remove size legend", "scale_shape(guide=FALSE)")),
list(c("set legend font size #number#"),"theme(legend.text=element_text(size=#number#))"),
list(c("set title font size #number#"),"theme(title=element_text(size=#number#))"),
list(c("set legend title font size #number#"),"theme(legend.title=element_text(size=#number#))"),
list(c("set paint font color title #color#"), "theme(plot.title=element_text(color='#color#'))"),
list(c("set paint font color label x-axis #color#"), "theme(axis.title.x=element_text(color='#color#'))"),
list(c("set paint font color label y-axis #color#"), "theme(axis.title.y=element_text(color='#color#'))"),
list(c("remove plot margin"),"theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0, 0, 0), \"npc\"))"),
list(c("set title #quote#"),"ggtitle(#quote#)"),
list(c("set x-axis label #quote#"),"xlab(#quote#)"),
list(c("set y-axis label #quote#"),"ylab(#quote#)"),
list(c("wrap tidy x-axis label"),"scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x) stringr::str_wrap(x, width = 10))"),
list(c("wrap tidy x-axis label #number#"),"scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x) stringr::str_wrap(x, width = #number#))"),
list(c("wrap tidy y-axis label"),"scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) stringr::str_wrap(x, width = 10))"),
list(c("wrap tidy y-axis label #number#"),"scale_y_discrete(labels = function(x) stringr::str_wrap(x, width = #number#))"),
list(c("remove grid lines"),"theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank()))"),
list(c("remove background"), "theme(panel.background=element_blank())"),
list(c("set background color #color#"),"theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = \"#color#\",
colour = \"#color#\"))"),
list(c("set grid color #color#"),"theme(panel.grid.major = element_rect(fill = \"#color#\",
colour = \"#color#\"),panel.grid.minor = element_rect(fill = \"#color#\",
colour = \"#color#\") ) "),
list(c("facet wrap by with using #var#"), "facet_wrap(~#var#)"),
list(c("facet wrap by with using #var# vertical vertically column portrait"), "facet_wrap(~#var#, dir = \"v\")"),
list(c("facet wrap by with using #var# column columns cols col #number#"), "facet_wrap(~#var#, ncol = #number#)"),
list(c("facet wrap by with using #var# row rows #number#"), "facet_wrap(~#var#, nrow = #number#)"),
list(c("facet grid by with using #var#"), "facet_grid(. ~ #var#)"),
list(c("facet grid by with using #var# vertical column portrait"), "facet_grid(#var# ~ .)"),
list(c("facet grid by with using #var# by across with and #var#"), "facet_grid(#var# ~ #var#)"),
list(c("meaning of the universe life"),"geom_label(label=\"42\")")
#' Converts a natural language query into a 'ggplot2' command.
#' @description Converts a natural language query into a 'ggplot2' command string. Queries should be related to the styling of the plot, such as, axis label font size, axis label title, legend, and similar.
#' @param query Character. A natural language command related to the styling of a ggplot.
#' @param data Character, optional. Name of the dataset being used or vector of variable names.
#' @param print Boolean. Print out the command or just return it.
#' @return Returns a string if there is a matching ggplot command in the database. Otherwise returns NULL.
#' @examples
#' gghelp("rotate x-axis labels by 90 degrees")
#' gghelp("increase font size on x-axis label")
#' gghelp("set x-axis label to 'Length of Sepal'")
#' gghelp("facet by Petal.Length", data = iris)
#' @details 'gghelp' maintains a database of keywords that match typical queries related to styling
#' 'ggplot2' graphs. Based on the users natural language query, the function tries to find the best match
#' and then returns the ggplot2 command as string. The optional 'data' parameter interprets column names.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gg_}}
#' @export
gghelp <- function(query="", data=NULL, print=TRUE) {
# validate input - admit only character input
if (!is.character(query)) { stop("Only character input is valid") }
if(is.null(query)) {stop("You need to ask me to do something!")}
if (!is.null(data)) {
cols_regexp <- data
if (is.data.frame(data)) {
cols_regexp <- paste0("\\b(",
paste0(names(data), "", collapse = "|"), ")\\b")
# parse colnames (optional)
col_matches <- unlist(
regmatches(query, gregexpr(cols_regexp, query))
} else {
cols_regexp <- NULL
col_matches <- NULL
# parse quote (do not yet transform to lower case to preserve upper/lowercase
# inside the quotes)
quote_matches <- unlist(
regmatches(query, gregexpr("[\"|'](.*?)[\"|']", query))
query <- gsub("[\"|'](.*?)[\"|']", "#quote#", query )
# now transform to lower case
# make the query lower-case (must come after quote extraction to
# preserve upper/lower cases in quotes) but should come before
# extraction of color values
# replace variable names by generic token (experimental)
if (!is.null(data))
query <- gsub(cols_regexp, "#var#", query)
## Assume unique column names in order to be forgiving of capitalization
query <- tolower(query)
# parse numbers
number_matches <- as.numeric(unlist(
regmatches(query, gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+", query))
# replace numbers by generic token
query <- gsub("[[:digit:]]+", "#number#", query)
# parse color
color_regexp <- paste0("(",paste0(grDevices::colors(),"",collapse="|"),")")
color_matches <- unlist(
regmatches(query, gregexpr(color_regexp, query))
# replace color by generic token
query <- gsub(color_regexp, "#color#", query )
# match target (not yet used)
targets <- c()
if (length(grep("x.axis", query, ignore.case = TRUE)) > 0) targets <- c(targets, "x-axis")
if (length(grep("y.axis", query, ignore.case = TRUE)) > 0) targets <- c(targets, "y-axis")
if (length(grep("legend", query, ignore.case = TRUE)) > 0) targets <- c(targets, "legend")
# some replacements before tokenizing
query<-gsub("x.axis","x-axis", query)
query<-gsub("y.axis","y-axis", query)
query<-gsub("\u0176"," degrees", query)
query<-gsub("!|\\.|\\?|;|,", "", query)
query<-gsub("colour","color", query)
query<-gsub("labels","label", query)
# tokenize query
tokenized_query <- strsplit(query, " ")[[1]]
tokenized_query_set <- sets::as.set(tokenized_query)
# tokenize keywords (list of list of vector of character)
# depth 1 (list) corresponds to the topic
# depth 2 (list) corresponds to the question that matches the topic
# depth 3 (vector) corresponds to the keywords of the question
tokenized_keywords <- lapply(dictionary, extract_keywords)
# matches
vector_of_matches <- sapply(tokenized_keywords, function(topic) {
x <- lapply(topic, get_num_matches, tokenized_query_set=tokenized_query_set)
total_matches <- sum(vector_of_matches)
if ((total_matches) == 0) {
warning("There were no matches!")
return( invisible(NULL) )
best_match_index <- which.max(vector_of_matches)
if (vector_of_matches[best_match_index]==1) {
warning("No clear match found!")
return( invisible(NULL))
result <- dictionary[[best_match_index]][[2]]
# replace generic token by actual numbers
if (length(number_matches)>0) {
result <- gsub("#number#", number_matches[1], result)
# replace generic token by actual color
if (length(color_matches)>0) {
result <- gsub("#color#", color_matches[1], result)
# replace generic token by actual quote
if (length(quote_matches)>0) {
result <- gsub("#quote#", quote_matches[1], result)
if (!is.null(col_matches)) {
for (i in seq_along(col_matches)) {
result <- sub("#var#", col_matches[i], result)
# add some default for unknown tokens. TODO: think of something smarter
if (result=="theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = #number#))") {
result <- "theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)"
# if there are still tokens left
if ( gregexpr("#number#", result)[[1]][1] > -1 ) {
warning("There seems to be a number missing in your request.")
return( invisible(NULL))
# if there are still tokens left
if ( gregexpr("#color#", result)[[1]][1] > -1 ) {
warning("There seems to be a color missing in your request!")
return( invisible(NULL))
# if there are still tokens left
if ( gregexpr("#quote#", result)[[1]][1] > -1 ) {
warning("There seems to be a quoted string missing in your request!")
return( invisible(NULL))
if (print) {
cat(result, "\n")
return( invisible(result) )
#' @title Transforms a natural language query into a gg object
#' @description Converts a natural language query into a 'gg' object, which can be directly chained to a 'ggplot'-call. Queries should be related to the styling of the plot, such as, axis label font size, axis label title, legend, and similar.
#' @param query Character. A natural language command related to the styling of a ggplot.
#' @param data Character, optional. Name of the dataset being used or vector of variable names.
#' @return An object of class 'gg' from the internal class system of 'ggplot2'
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(data=iris,
#' mapping=aes(x=Sepal.Length,
#' y=Petal.Length, color=Species))+
#' geom_point()+
#' gg_("rotate x-axis labels by 90°")+
#' gg_("set x-axis label to 'Length of Sepal'")
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gghelp}}
#' @details 'gg_' calls the function 'gghelp', which maintains a database of keywords that match typical queries related to styling
#' 'ggplot2' graphs. Based on the users natural language query, the function tries to find the best match
#' and then returns the ggplot2 command, such that the result of a call to 'gg_' can be chained directly to a 'ggplot()' call.
#' @export
gg_ <- function(query=NULL, data=NULL) {
ggresult <- gghelp(query=query, data=data, print=FALSE)
if (is.null(ggresult)) {
} else {
x <- eval(parse(text=ggresult))
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