
Defines functions parsehl7

Documented in parsehl7

#' A Versatile Parser for HL7 Version 2.x Feeds
#' @usage parsehl7(feed, file)
#' @param feed A vector representing an HL7 feed, the equivalent output of \code{readLines(file.hl7)}
#' @param file A file containing a valid HL7 feed
#' @return A List of Parsed HL7 Messages
#' @description This function accepts either a character vector containing separate HL7 segments or a valid HL7 file as input, and returns a parsed R data structure.
#' @export
parsehl7 <- function(feed, file){

  # Check for the Specification of Arguments
  if(sum(missing(feed), missing(file)) != 1){
    stop('Only one of `feed` or `file` must be specified')

  # Load the Data (If Necessary)
    feed <- readLines(file)

  # Validate that Data is Valid HL7
  if(!grepl('^MSH', feed[1])){
    stop('The data specified does not appear to be valid HL7. The first line of the feed should begin with "MSH"')

  if(length(feed) < 2){
    stop('HL7 Feed is too short. Make sure that segments are delimited by a new line.')

  # Allocate A List for Length of Messages
  n_msg <- sum(grepl('^MSH', feed))
  messages <- vector('list', n_msg)

  # Identify the Field Delimiter
  field_sep <- substr(feed[1], 4, 4)
  if(field_sep != '|'){
    warning('This HL7 data uses a different field seperator than is recommended. `|` is recommended. `', field_sep, '` is used.')

  # Identify and Validate Other Delimiters
  MSH.2 <- strsplit(feed[1], field_sep, fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2]
  if(nchar(MSH.2) != 4){
    stop('Non-Standard Number of Encoding Characters Found in MSH.2. Expected 4, got ', nchar(MSH.2))
  if(grepl('[A-Z a-z 0-9]', MSH.2)){
    warning('Alphanumeric Encoding Characters Found in MSH.2. This is likely an error!', MSH.2)
  component_sep <- substr(MSH.2, 1, 1)
  repetition_sep <- substr(MSH.2, 2, 2)
  escape_char <- substr(MSH.2, 3, 3)
  subcomponent_sep <- substr(MSH.2, 4, 4)

  # Iterate Through Segments, Incrementing at MSH Segments
  index = 0
  for (line_n in seq_along(feed)){
    # Get String
    line <- feed[line_n]

    # Increment on New Message
    if(grepl('^MSH', line)){
      index = index + 1
      messages[[index]] <- list()
    # Split on Field Delimiter
    fields <- as.list(unlist(strsplit(line, field_sep, fixed = TRUE)))

    # Get the Segment Key
    segment <- fields[[1]]

    # Validate
    if(!grepl('[A-Z 0-9]{3}', segment) | !nchar(segment) == 3){
      stop('Non-Standard Segment Key Detected, Expected 3 capital characters/numbers, got ', segment, ' at line ', line_n)

    # Prefix First Repetition with 1
    segment <- paste0(segment, '.1')

    # While Key Exists, Add 1 to Name
    while(segment %in% names(messages[[index]])){
      segment_key <- regmatches(segment, regexec('\\d*$', text = segment), invert = TRUE)[[1]][1]
      n <- regmatches(segment, regexec('\\d*$', text = segment))[[1]][1]
      if(n == ''){n <- '.2'}
      else{n <- as.numeric(n) + 1}
      segment <- paste0(segment_key, n)

    for(field in seq_along(fields)){
      # Split Fields on the Repetition Delimiter
      # Special Case for MSH
      if(segment == 'MSH' && field == 2){
        fields[[field]] <- as.list(unlist(strsplit(fields[[field]], repetition_sep, fixed = TRUE)))

        for(rep in seq_along(fields[[field]])){
          # For Any Repetitions Containing the Component Delimiter, Generate Lists
          if(grepl(component_sep, fields[[field]][[rep]], fixed = TRUE)){
            # Ignore MSH.2
            if(segment == 'MSH' && field == 2){
              sub_split <- as.list(unlist(strsplit(fields[[field]][[rep]], component_sep, fixed = TRUE)))

              # For Any Component Containing the Sub Component Delimiter, Generate Lists
              for (sub in seq_along(sub_split)) {
                if(grepl(subcomponent_sep, sub_split[[sub]], fixed = TRUE)){
                  sub_split[[sub]] <- as.list(unlist(strsplit(sub_split[[sub]], subcomponent_sep, fixed = TRUE)))

              # Assign The Hierarchy to the Field
              fields[[field]][[rep]] <- sub_split

    # Traverse and Escape Characters in the Tree
    # Special Case for MSH
    if(segment == 'MSH'){line <- substr(line, 9, nchar(line))}

    # Define Escaping
    escape <- function(string){
      string <- gsub(paste0(escape_char, 'F', escape_char), field_sep, string, fixed = TRUE)
      string <- gsub(paste0(escape_char, 'R', escape_char), repetition_sep, string, fixed = TRUE)
      string <- gsub(paste0(escape_char, 'S', escape_char), component_sep, string, fixed = TRUE)
      string <- gsub(paste0(escape_char, 'T', escape_char), subcomponent_sep, string, fixed = TRUE)
      string <- gsub(paste0(escape_char, 'E', escape_char), escape_char, string, fixed = TRUE)
      string <- gsub(paste0(escape_char, '.br', escape_char), '\n', string, fixed = TRUE)

    if(grepl(escape_char, line, fixed = TRUE)){
      for(field in seq_along(fields)){
        for(rep in seq_along(fields[[field]])){
          if(length(fields[[field]][[rep]]) > 1){
            for(sub in seq_along(fields[[field]][[rep]])){
              if(length(fields[[field]][[rep]][[sub]]) > 1){
                for(sub2 in seq_along(fields[[field]][[rep]][[sub]])){
                  fields[[field]][[rep]][[sub]][[sub2]] <- escape(fields[[field]][[rep]][[sub]][[sub2]])
                fields[[field]][[rep]][[sub]] <- escape(fields[[field]][[rep]][[sub]])
            fields[[field]][[rep]] <- escape(fields[[field]][[rep]])

    # Assign The Fields to the Key (Skipping the Segment Key)
    # Special Case for MSH
    if(segment == 'MSH'){
      messages[[index]][[segment]] <- append(fields[2:length(fields)], field_sep, 0)
      messages[[index]][[segment]] <- fields[2:length(fields)]


bransonf/hl7r documentation built on March 6, 2021, 8:10 p.m.