
Defines functions box_search_pagination box_search_trash box_search_folders box_search_files box_search

Documented in box_search box_search_files box_search_folders box_search_trash

#' Search Box files
#' @details
#'  The Box API supports a maximum of 200 results per request. If
#'  `max > 200`, then multiple requests will be sent to retrieve and
#'  combine 'paginated' results for you, behind the scenes.
#'  See the [box.com search description](https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043696314-Search-for-Files-Folders-and-Content)
#'  for details of the features of the service.
#'  Some notable details:
#'  * Full-text searching is the default
#'    - available for many source code file types, but not R scripts.
#'    - by default Box seaches by word/token and uses the `OR` operation e.g.
#'    `box_search("this that")` is equivilant to `box_search("this OR that")` 
#'  * Reserved words for boolean operations
#'    - `AND`, `OR`, and `NOT` (uppercase only) are interpreted as special context e.g.
#'    `box_search("NOT this")`, `box_search("this AND that")`
#'  * Exact phrases can be matched
#'    - by surrounding them with double quotation marks e.g.
#'    `box_search('"this exact phrase"')` or `box_search("\"this exact phrase\"")` 
#'  * Searchability is not instantaneous
#'    - it can take >10 minutes for a newly uploaded file to become findable
#' @param query `character`, search term. 
#' @param content_types `character`, content to search; more than one 
#'   can be supplied with a vector.
#' @param type `character`, type of object to return; the default, 
#'   `NULL`, returns all possible types (`"file"`, `"folder"`, or `"weblink"`).
#' @param file_extensions `character`, vector of strings containing the file
#'    extensions (without dots) by which to narrow your search.
#' @param ancestor_folder_ids `numeric` or `character`, if supplied, 
#'   results are limited to one or more parent (ancestor) folders.
#' @param created_at_range `POSIXct` (vector, length 2), 
#'   range of created-at times.
#' @param updated_at_range `POSIXct` (vector, length 2), 
#'   range of updated-at times.
#' @param size_range `numeric` (vector, length 2), 
#'   range of file sizes (bytes).
#' @param trash `logical`, indicates to search only the trash folder.
#' @param owner_user_ids `numeric` or `character`, limits search to files owned 
#'   by users with these IDs.
#' @param max `numeric`, upper limit on the number of search results.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to `box_search()`.
#' @inherit box_ls return
#' @export
box_search <- function(
  query = "", 
  content_types = c("name", "description", "file_content", "comments", "tags"),
  type = NULL,
  file_extensions = NULL, 
  ancestor_folder_ids = NULL,
  created_at_range = NULL, updated_at_range = NULL,
  size_range = NULL, trash = FALSE, owner_user_ids = NULL, max = 200
) {
  # Validation & Coercion ---------------------------------------------------  
  ancestor_folder_ids <- as_box_id(ancestor_folder_ids)
  owner_user_ids <- as_box_id(owner_user_ids)
  # For converting dates to box's preferred format
  to_rfc3339 <- function(x) {
    as.character(x, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
  # To validate and coorce dates for created_at_range / updated_at_range
  coerce_dates <- function(x) {
    # NULL is meaningful, and should be preserved. If NULL, exit.
    if (all(is.null(x)))
    x <- try(as.POSIXct(x), silent = TRUE)
    if ("try-error" %in% class(x) | length(x) != 2)
      stop("'created_at_range' and/or 'updated_at_range' must be a vector of ",
           "length 2, containing data coercible via as.POSIXct().")
  # To validate and coerce bytes for size_range
  coerce_bytes <- function(x) {
    # NULL is meaningful, and should be preserved. If NULL, exit.
    if (all(is.null(x)))
    # Note, you validate with as.numeric to check that they're numbers, but you
    # encode as character, to prevent scientific notation ending up in the URL.
    # as.integer freaks out with large numbers, so avoiding here.
    x <- try(round(as.numeric(x)), silent = TRUE)
    if ("try-error" %in% class(x) | length(x) != 2)
      stop("'size_range' must be a vector of length 2, containing data",
           "coercible to whole numbers via round(as.numeric(size_range)).")
    return(format(x, scientific = FALSE))
  # Validate 'type'. Slightly more specific for the user than using
  # match.args(), which is desirable given all these confusing options
  valid_types <- c("file", "folder", "weblink")
  if (!is.null(type) && !type %in% valid_types)
    stop("'type' must be one of : ", paste(valid_types, collapse = ", "))
  # Validate 'content_types'
  valid_content_types <- 
    c("name", "description", "file_content", "comments", "tags")
  if (!is.null(content_types) && !all(content_types %in% valid_content_types))
    stop("'content_types' may contain the following values only: ",
         paste(valid_content_types, collapse = ", "))
  # Validate ids 
  ancestor_folder_ids <- as_box_id(ancestor_folder_ids)
  owner_user_ids      <- as_box_id(owner_user_ids)
  # Validate trash
  if (!trash %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))
    stop("'trash' must be either TRUE or FALSE.")
  # Validate date and size ranges
  created_at_range <- coerce_dates(created_at_range)
  updated_at_range <- coerce_dates(updated_at_range)
  size_range       <- coerce_bytes(size_range)
  # Encode the search query
  query <- utils::URLencode(query)
  # Assemble the URL --------------------------------------------------------
  extra_params <- c(
  # Pluck a param from the function environment, and turn it's values (if it has
  # any) into an appropriate string
  encode_params <- function(x) {
    if (!is.null(get(x)))
      return(paste0(x, "=", paste(get(x), collapse = ","), "&"))
  params <- unlist(lapply(extra_params, encode_params))

  url <- paste0(c(
    if (trash)
    # Note: The box.com API will handle a maximum of 200 responses per request
    "query=", query
  ), collapse = "")
  # Make the request --------------------------------------------------------
  out <- box_search_pagination(url, max = max)
  # In the case of a 404 (nothing found), out == NULL
  if (is.null(out))

  class(out) <- "boxr_object_list"

#' @name box_search
#' @export
box_search_files <- function(query, ...) {
  box_search(query, type = "file", ...)

#' @name box_search
#' @export
box_search_folders <- function(query, ...) {
  box_search(query, type = "folder", ...)

#' @name box_search
#' @export
box_search_trash <- function(query, ...) {
  box_search(query, trash = TRUE, ...)

#' @keywords internal
box_search_pagination <- function(url, max = 200) {
  out       <- list()
  next_page <- TRUE
  page      <- 1
  n_so_far  <- 0
  while (next_page) {
    page_url <- paste0(url, "&offset=", (page - 1) * 200)
    req      <- httr::RETRY(
      terminate_on = box_terminal_http_codes()
    if (req$status_code == 404) {
      message("box.com indicates that no search results were found")
    resp     <- httr::content(req)
    n_req    <- length(resp$entries)
    n_so_far <- n_so_far + n_req
    total    <- resp$total_count
    page     <- page + 1
    if (!n_so_far < total | n_so_far >= max)
      next_page <- FALSE
    out <- c(out, resp$entries)
brendan-R/boxr documentation built on April 12, 2024, 11:14 p.m.