
# Versions ----------------------------------------------------------------


test_that("Versions work", {
  options(boxr.verbose = FALSE)
  # Uploading
  tf <- fs::path_temp("test_dir", "versiontest.txt")
  td <- fs::path_temp("test_dir")
  n_versions <- 5
  contents   <- paste("This is version", 1:n_versions)
  # Upload the first version
  writeLines(contents[1], tf)
  ul <- box_ul(0, tf)
  expect_is(ul, "boxr_file_reference")
  v_file_id <- ul$id
  expect_message(box_version_history(v_file_id), "No previous versions")
  expect_message(box_version_number(v_file_id), "version 1")
  # Upload subsequent versions
  for (v in 2:n_versions) {
    writeLines(contents[v], tf)
    # Is the user notified of the upadte operation and version number?
      ul <- box_ul(0, tf),
      paste0("Attempting to upload new version \\(V", v, "\\)")
    # Do they have the right class?
    expect_s3_class(ul, "boxr_file_reference")
    # Has the file_id remained constant?
    expect_equal(ul$id, v_file_id)
    # Is the version being incremented?
    expect_equal(box_version_number(v_file_id), v)
  # Downloading
  # Are there n_versions-1 previous versions of the file?
  v_df <- box_version_history(v_file_id)
  expect_equal(nrow(v_df), n_versions - 1)
  # Test that the id parameter works (note: there's no id for the fifth version)
  for (v in 1:(n_versions - 1)) {
    dl <- box_dl(v_file_id, version_id = v_df$version_id[v], 
                 overwrite = TRUE, local_dir = td)
    # Did box_dl do the right thing?
    # Does the remote file have the right contents?
    expect_equal(readLines(dl), contents[v])
  # Test that the numeric version parameter works
  for (v in 1:n_versions) {
    dl <- box_dl(v_file_id, version_no = v, overwrite = TRUE, 
                 local_dir = td)
    # Did box_dl do the right thing?
    # Does the remote file have the right contents?
    expect_equal(readLines(dl), contents[v])
brendan-r/boxr documentation built on April 12, 2024, 11:16 p.m.