
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%

# Check if the YAML front-matter in a document contains valid fields (only)
validateYaml <- function(file) {


dir_create <- function(path, ...) {
  dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE, ...)

file_path <- function(..., fsep = .Platform$file.sep) {
  # Do the file.path thing
  p <- file.path(..., fsep = fsep)

  # Remove any double separators
  gsub(paste0(fsep, "+"), fsep, p)

normalize_path <- function(path) {
  normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE)

doc_update_warning <- function() {

  # If the user has expressed that they don't want to see all this, proceed
  if (!check_doc_update_warning()) {

    "WARNING: Updating a document blows away any changes not expressed in \n",
    "  your Rmarkdown. This means losing any:\n\n",
    "    - Open comments\n",
    "    - Pending suggestions\n",
    "    - Formatting changes via UI (e.g. colour of text)\n\n",
    "Please make a selection:"

  response <- utils::menu(c(
    "I understand, proceed with document update",
    "Do not proceed",
    "I understand, proceed, and stop showing me this message"

  # Prevent the warning if they don't want to see it anymore
  if (response == 3L) prevent_doc_update_warning()

  # Return TRUE if they made a positive selection, FALSE otherwise
  c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)[response]

prevent_doc_update_warning <- function() {

# Should the user be warned about the document update behaviour?
check_doc_update_warning <- function() {
  warn <- as.logical(Sys.getenv("GOOGDOWN_UPDATE_WARN"))

  if (is.na(warn))   return(TRUE)
  if (warn)          return(TRUE)
  if (!warn)         return(FALSE)

#' Add a variable to a user's ~/.Renviron file
#' @param x The text that you'd like to add, e.g. \code{VARIABLE=value}
#' @return \code{TRUE} (in)
add_to_renviron <- function(x) {
  add_line(file_path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Renviron"), x)

# Version from boxr. Note: This updates the same line of text. Probably good in
# a final version, but for now, get each statement on it's own line for clarity
## catif <- function(...) {
##   if (
##     TRUE
##     #getOption("googdown.verbose")
##   ) {
##     txt <- paste(..., collapse = " ")
##     width <- max(getOption("width"), nchar(txt))

##     cat(paste0(
##       "\r", txt,
##       paste(rep(" ", max(0, width - nchar(txt) - 1)), collapse = "")
##     ))
##   }
## }

catif <- function(...) {
  cat(paste(..., "\n", collapse = " "))

read_txt <- function (file, print = FALSE) {

  cat_if <- if (print)
        function(x) {

    else function(x) x
    cat_if(paste0(readLines(file), collapse = "\n"))
brendan-r/googdown documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:09 a.m.