
#' Fit Smooth Splines to Growth Data
#' \code{fit_growth_spline} fits a smooth spline to a tidy growth data set
#' @inheritParams fit_growth
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{\link[stats]{smooth.spline}}
#' @return A \code{growthcurve} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fit_growth_spline(mydata, Time, OD600)}
fit_growth_spline <- function(df, time, data, ...) {
        df = df,
        time_col = lazyeval::lazy(time),
        data_col = lazyeval::lazy(data),

#' @rdname fit_growth_spline
#' @inheritParams fit_growth_
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fit_growth_spline_(mydata, "Time", "OD600")}
fit_growth_spline_ <- function(df, time_col, data_col, ...) {
    growth_data <- lazyeval::lazy_eval(data_col, df)
    time_data <- lazyeval::lazy_eval(time_col, df)

    if (any(is.na(time_data))) stop("NAs in time data")
    if (any(is.na(growth_data))) stop("NAs in growth data")

    smodel <- stats::smooth.spline(x = time_data, y = growth_data, ...)
    psmodel <- stats::predict(smodel)

    smodel_dydt <- stats::predict(smodel, deriv = 1)
    i_max_rate <- which.max(smodel_dydt$y)

        type = "spline",
        model = smodel,
        fit = list(
            x = psmodel$x,
            y = psmodel$y,
            residuals = stats::residuals(smodel)
        f = function(x = time_data) stats::predict(smodel, x)$y,
        # Note: parameters max_rate_time and augc will differ from grofit,
        #       which uses a lowess fit for the former and integrate() for the
        #       latter
        parameters = list(
            asymptote = max(smodel$y),
            asymptote_lower = min(smodel$y),
            max_rate = list(
                time = smodel_dydt$x[i_max_rate],
                value = smodel$y[i_max_rate],
                rate = smodel_dydt$y[i_max_rate]
            augc = calculate_augc(x = psmodel$x, y = psmodel$y)
        df = df,
        time_col = as.character(time_col)[1],
        data_col = as.character(data_col)[1]
briandconnelly/growthcurve documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:13 a.m.