
The goal of the CommunityAMARETTO algorithm is to identify cell circuits and their drivers that are shared and distinct across biological systems. Specifically, Community-AMARETTO takes as input multiple regulatory networks inferred using the AMARETTO algorithm that are based on multi-omics data fusion. Next, Community-AMARETTO learns communities or subnetworks, in particular, regulatory modules comprising of cell circuits and their drivers, that are shared and distinct across multiple regulatory networks derived from multiple cohorts, diseases, or biological systems more generally, using the Girvan-Newman "edge betweenness community detection" algorithm (Girvan and Newman, Physical Review E. 2004).

Table of Contents


Many researchers have long sought to uncover gene regulatory mechanisms underlying diseases and cancer. This interest has led to the development of many novel computational algorithms for regulatory network inference using multiomics such as genetics, epigenetics and transcriptomics.

We developed Community-AMARETTO to integrate multiple regulatory networks inferred by the AMARETTO algorithm [1] across multiple systems to highlight key information about cross-systems shared and distinct mechanisms. More specifically, Community-AMARETTO algorithm consists of 1) constructing a master network composed of multiple regulatory networks followed by 2) detecting groups (communities) of circuits that are shared across systems as well as highliting circuits that are system-specific and distinct.


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Running Community-AMARETTO


  1. Gevaert, O., Villalobos, V., Sikic, B. I. & Plevritis, S. K. Identification of ovarian cancer driver genes by using module network integration of multi-omics data. Interface Focus 3, 20130013–20130013 (2013).
  2. Gevaert, O. MethylMix: an R package for identifying DNA methylation-driven genes. Bioinformatics 31, 1839–1841 (2015).
  3. AMARETTO package in Bioconductor.

Useful Links


GenePattern: AMARETTO: Community-AMARETTO:

broadinstitute/CommunityAMARETTO documentation built on April 6, 2020, 10:44 p.m.