Defines functions smoothDirect

Documented in smoothDirect

#' Smoothed direct estimates for mortality rates 
#' The function \code{smoothDirect} replaces the previous function name \code{fitINLA} (before version 1.0.0).
#' @param data Combined dataset
#' @param Amat Adjacency matrix for the regions
#' @param formula INLA formula. See vignette for example of using customized formula.
#' @param time.model Model for the main temporal trend, can be rw1, rw2, or ar1. ar1 is not implemented for yearly model with period data input. Default to be rw2. For ar1 main effect, a linear slope is also added with time scaled to be between -0.5 to 0.5, i.e., the slope coefficient represents the total change between the first year and the last year in the projection period on the logit scale. 
#' @param st.time.model Temporal component model for the interaction term, can be rw1, rw2, or ar1. ar1 is not implemented for yearly model with period data input. Default to be the same as time.model unless specified otherwise. For ar1 interaction model, region-specific random slopes are currently not implemented.
#' @param year_label string vector of year names
#' @param year_range Entire range of the years (inclusive) defined in year_label.
#' @param is.yearly Logical indicator for fitting yearly or period model.
#' @param m Number of years in each period.
#' @param type.st type for space-time interaction
#' @param survey.effect logical indicator whether to include a survey iid random effect. If this is set to TRUE, there needs to be a column named 'survey' in the input data frame. In prediction, this random effect term will be set to 0. Notice this survey effect is implemented according to the Merter et al. (2015) model, and differently compared to the smoothCluster() function.
#' @param hyper which hyperpriors to use. Default to be using the PC prior ("pc"). 
#' @param pc.u hyperparameter U for the PC prior on precisions.
#' @param pc.alpha hyperparameter alpha for the PC prior on precisions.
#' @param pc.u.phi hyperparameter U for the PC prior on the mixture probability phi in BYM2 model.
#' @param pc.alpha.phi hyperparameter alpha for the PC prior on the mixture probability phi in BYM2 model.
#' @param pc.u.cor hyperparameter U for the PC prior on the autocorrelation parameter in the AR prior, i.e. Prob(cor > pc.u.cor) = pc.alpha.cor.
#' @param pc.alpha.cor hyperparameter alpha for the PC prior on the autocorrelation parameter in the AR prior.
#' @param pc.st.u hyperparameter U for the PC prior on precisions for the interaction term.
#' @param pc.st.alpha hyperparameter alpha for the PC prior on precisions for the interaction term.
#' @param control.compute list of options to be passed to control.compute() in the inla() function. The default argument saves the internal objects created by INLA for posterior sampling later. If the fitted object is too large in size and there is no need to perform joint posterior sampling from the model (only used in benchmarking), this argument can be set to \code{control.compute = list(config = FALSE)} to reduce the size of the fitted object.
#' @param control.inla list of options to be passed to control.inla() in the inla() function. Default to the "adaptive" integration strategy.
#' @param control.fixed list of options to be passed to control.fixed() in the inla() function.  
#' @param verbose logical indicator to print out detailed inla() intermediate steps.
#' @param geo Deprecated.
#' @param rw Deprecated.
#' @param ar Deprecated.
#' @param options Deprecated.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getDirect}}
#' @import Matrix
#' @importFrom stats dgamma
#' @importFrom Matrix Diagonal 
#' @return List of fitted object
#' @author Zehang Richard Li 
#' @references Li, Z., Hsiao, Y., Godwin, J., Martin, B. D., Wakefield, J., Clark, S. J., & with support from the United Nations Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation and its technical advisory group. (2019). \emph{Changes in the spatial distribution of the under-five mortality rate: Small-area analysis of 122 DHS surveys in 262 subregions of 35 countries in Africa.} PloS one, 14(1), e0210645.
#' @references Mercer, L. D., Wakefield, J., Pantazis, A., Lutambi, A. M., Masanja, H., & Clark, S. (2015). \emph{Space-time smoothing of complex survey data: small area estimation for child mortality.} The annals of applied statistics, 9(4), 1889.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   years <- levels(DemoData[[1]]$time)
#'   # obtain direct estimates
#'   data_multi <- getDirectList(births = DemoData, years = years,
#'   regionVar = "region",  timeVar = "time", clusterVar = "~clustid+id",
#'   ageVar = "age", weightsVar = "weights", geo.recode = NULL)
#'   data <- aggregateSurvey(data_multi)
#'   #  national model
#'   years.all <- c(years, "15-19")
#'   fit1 <- smoothDirect(data = data, Amat = NULL, 
#'   year_label = years.all, year_range = c(1985, 2019), 
#'   time.model = 'rw2', m = 5, control.compute = list(config =TRUE))
#'   out1 <- getSmoothed(fit1)
#'   plot(out1)
#'   #  subnational model
#'   fit2 <- smoothDirect(data = data, Amat = DemoMap$Amat, 
#'   year_label = years.all, year_range = c(1985, 2019), 
#'   time.model = 'rw2', m = 5, type.st = 4)
#'   out2 <- getSmoothed(fit2)
#'   plot(out2)
#'   #  subnational space-only model for one period
#'   fit3 <- smoothDirect(data = subset(data, years == "10-14"), 
#'            time.model = NULL, Amat = DemoMap$Amat)
#'   out3 <- getSmoothed(fit3)
#'   plot(out3, plot.CI = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
smoothDirect <- function(data, Amat, formula = NULL, time.model = c("rw1", "rw2", "ar1")[2], st.time.model = NULL, year_label, year_range = c(1980, 2014), is.yearly=TRUE, m = 5, type.st = 1, survey.effect = FALSE, hyper = c("pc", "gamma")[1], pc.u = 1, pc.alpha = 0.01, pc.u.phi = 0.5, pc.alpha.phi = 2/3, pc.u.cor = 0.7, pc.alpha.cor = 0.9, pc.st.u = NA, pc.st.alpha = NA, control.compute = list(dic = TRUE, mlik = TRUE, cpo = TRUE, openmp.strategy = 'default', config = TRUE), control.inla = list(strategy = "adaptive", int.strategy = "auto"), control.fixed = list(), verbose = FALSE, geo = NULL, rw = NULL, ar = NULL, options = NULL){

    message("Argument geo is deprecated in the smoothDirect function. Only Amat is needed.")
  X <- NULL
  #   message("Covariates in smooth direct estimation is not supported.")

    control.compute = options
    message("The options argument in previous versions is replaced with control.compute argument.")
  msg <- NULL
  # define whether there is the temporal component
  is.temporal <- TRUE
  # Backward compatibility
  if(!is.null(rw) || !is.null(ar)){
    if(is.null(ar)) ar <- 0
    if(is.null(rw)) rw <- 2
    st.rw <- rw
    st.ar <- ar    
    is.ar <- ar > 0 
    is.main.ar <- rw == 0
    # if(is.ar) message("ar > 0: using the AR(p) process for the space-time interaction component.")
    if(rw %in% c(0, 1, 2) == FALSE) stop("Random walk only support rw = 1 or 2.")
    # if(rw == 0) message("rw = 0: using the AR(p) process for the main temporal trend component.")
    time.model <- paste0("rw", rw)
    if(is.main.ar) time.model <- paste0("ar", ar)
    st.time.model <- paste0("rw", st.rw)
    if(is.ar) st.time.model <- paste0("ar", ar)  
    message(paste0("Argument 'rw' and 'ar' have been deprecated in version 1.0.0. They still work as intended for now. In the future, use time.model and st.time.model to specify temporal components\n e.g., time.model = '", time.model, "', st.time.model = '", st.time.model, "'"))

  # New time mode definition...    

    if(any(is.null(st.time.model)) || any(is.na(st.time.model))){
      st.time.model <- time.model

    if(any(is.na(time.model)) || any(is.null(time.model))){
      time.model <- NULL
      time.model <- tolower(time.model)
      is.temporal <- FALSE
      strata.time.effect <- FALSE
      year_label <- NULL
      is.yearly <- FALSE
    st.time.model <- tolower(st.time.model)

    is.main.ar = FALSE
    is.ar  = FALSE
    ar = 0
    st.ar = 0

    # main effect
      if(time.model == "rw1"){
        rw = 1
      }else if(time.model == "rw2"){
        rw = 2
      }else if(time.model == "ar1"){ # for future: allow AR(p) here
        rw = 1 # replaced later
        ar = 1
        is.main.ar = TRUE
        stop("Temporal main effect only support rw1, rw2, and ar1.")
      rw = 0
      ar = 0

    # interaction effect
      st.rw = 0
      if(st.time.model == "rw1"){
        st.rw = 1
      }else if(st.time.model == "rw2"){
        st.rw = 2
      }else if(st.time.model == "ar1"){ # for future: allow AR(p) here
        st.rw = NULL
        st.ar = 1
        is.ar = TRUE
        stop("Temporal interaction effect only support rw1, rw2, and ar1.")

          "\nSmoothed Direct Model",
            "\n  No temporal components", appendLF = FALSE)
    msg <- paste0(msg,  "\nSmoothed Direct Model",
            "\n  No temporal components")

    T <- year_range[2] - year_range[1] + 1
      T <- length(year_label)
          "\nSmoothed Direct Model",
            "\n  Main temporal model:        ", time.model, 
            "\n  Number of time periods:     ", T, 
            appendLF = FALSE)
    msg <- paste0(msg, "\nSmoothed Direct Model", 
            "\n  Main temporal model:        ", time.model, 
            "\n  Number of time periods:     ", T)
    if(m == 1){
        message("\n  Temporal resolution:        period model (m = 1)", appendLF=FALSE)
        msg <- paste0(msg, "\n  Temporal resolution:        period model (m = 1)")
      is.yearly = FALSE
    }else if(is.yearly){
      message(paste0("\n  Temporal resolution:        yearly model (m = ", m, ")"), appendLF=FALSE)
      msg <- paste0(msg, "\n  Temporal resolution:        yearly model (m = ", m, ")")
      message("\n  Temporal resolution:        period model (m = 1)", appendLF=FALSE)
      msg <- paste0(msg, "\n  Temporal resolution:        period model (m = 1)")
  if(is.ar && hyper=="gamma"){
    stop("ar1 model only implemented with PC priors for now.")

  if(is.yearly && is.main.ar){
    stop("ar1 effects are not implemented with is.yearly = TRUE. Consider using rw1 or rw2")

  # check region names in Amat is consistent
        stop("Row names of Amat needs to be specified to region names.")
        stop("Column names of Amat needs to be specified to region names.")
    if(sum(rownames(Amat) != colnames(Amat)) > 0){
        stop("Row and column names of Amat needs to be the same.")
    is.spatial <- TRUE
    if(sum(!data$region %in% c("All", colnames(Amat))) > 0){
        stop("Exist regions in the data frame but not in Amat.")
    is.spatial <- FALSE
    is.ar <- FALSE

    message("\n  Spatial effect:             bym2",
            "\n  Number of regions:          ", dim(Amat)[1], 
    msg <- paste0(msg, "\n  Spatial effect:             bym2",
            "\n  Number of regions:          ", dim(Amat)[1])
  if(is.spatial && is.temporal){
    message("\n  Interaction temporal model: ", st.time.model, 
            "\n  Interaction type:           ", type.st, appendLF=FALSE)
    msg <- paste0(msg, "\n  Interaction temporal model: ", st.time.model, 
            "\n  Interaction type:           ", type.st)
  msg <- paste0(msg, "\n")

  # get around CRAN check of using un-exported INLA functions
  rate0 <- shape0 <- my.cache <- inla.as.sparse <- type <- NULL

  if (!isTRUE(requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE))) {
    stop("You need to install the packages 'INLA'. Please run in your R terminal:\n  install.packages('INLA', repos=c(getOption('repos'), INLA='https://inla.r-inla-download.org/R/stable'), dep=TRUE)")
  if (!is.element("Matrix", (.packages()))) {
  # If INLA is installed, then attach the Namespace (so that all the relevant functions are available)
  if (isTRUE(requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE))) {
    if (!is.element("INLA", (.packages()))) {

    tau = exp(10)

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------
    ## Common Setup
    ## --------------------------------------------------------- 
      data <- data[which(data$region == "All"), ]
      if(length(data) == 0){
        stop("Spatial adjacency matrix is not provided and no observation labeled 'All' either.")
    } else{
      data <- data[which(data$region != "All"), ]

    ####  Re-calculate hyper-priors (for gamma only)     
    priors <- simhyper(R = 2, nsamp = 1e+05, nsamp.check = 5000, only.iid = TRUE)
    a.iid <- priors$a.iid
    b.iid <- priors$b.iid
    a.rw <- priors$a.iid
    b.rw <- priors$b.iid
    a.icar <- priors$a.iid
    b.icar <- priors$b.iid
    #################################################################### # remove NA rows? e.g. if no 10-14 available
      na.count <- apply(data, 1, function(x) {
      to_remove <- which(na.count == 6)
      if (length(to_remove) > 0)    data <- data[-to_remove, ]
    #################################################################### get the list of region and numeric index in one data frame
      region_names <- regions <- "All"
      region_count <- S <- 1
      dat <- cbind(data, region_number = 0)
      region_names <- colnames(Amat) 
      region_count <- S <- length(region_names)
      regions <- data.frame(region = region_names, region_number = seq(1, region_count))      
      # -- merging in the alphabetical region number -- #
      dat <- merge(data, regions, by = "region")
    # -- creating IDs for the spatial REs -- #
    dat$region.struct <- dat$region.unstruct <- dat$region.int <- dat$region_number
    ## get the list of region and numeric index in one data frame
      n <- year_range[2] - year_range[1] + 1
      if(n %% m  != 0) stop("The year_range specification is not a multiple of m. Please check that  year_range contains the first and last  year of the periods used. For example, if the last period is 2015-2019, the second element in year_range should be 2019.")
      nn <- n %/% m
      N <- n + nn
      rw.model <- INLA::inla.rgeneric.define(model = rw.new,
                                       n = n, 
                                       m = m,
                                       order = rw,
                                       tau = exp(10),
                                       shape0 = a.rw,
                                       rate0 = b.rw) 
      iid.model <- INLA::inla.rgeneric.define(model = iid.new,
                                             n = n, 
                                             m = m,
                                             tau = exp(10),
                                             shape0 = a.iid,
                                             rate0 = b.iid)

      rw.model.pc <- INLA::inla.rgeneric.define(model = rw.new.pc,
                                       n = n, 
                                       m = m,
                                       order = rw,
                                       tau = exp(10),
                                       u0 = pc.u,
                                       alpha0 = pc.alpha) 
      iid.model.pc <- INLA::inla.rgeneric.define(model = iid.new.pc,
                                             n = n, 
                                             m = m,
                                             tau = exp(10),
                                             u0 = pc.u,
                                             alpha0 = pc.alpha) 
         st.model <- INLA::inla.rgeneric.define(model = st.new,
                                       n = n, 
                                       m = m,
                                       order = st.rw,
                                       S = region_count,
                                       Amat = Amat,
                                       type = type.st,
                                       tau = exp(10),
                                       shape0 = a.iid,
                                       rate0 = b.iid)
         st.model.pc <- INLA::inla.rgeneric.define(model = st.new.pc,
                                       n = n, 
                                       m = m,
                                       order = st.rw,
                                       S = region_count,
                                       Amat = Amat,
                                       type = type.st,
                                       tau = exp(10),
                                       u0 = pc.u,
                                       alpha0 = pc.alpha) 
      year_label_new <- c(as.character(c(year_range[1]:year_range[2])), year_label)
      time.index <- cbind.data.frame(idx = 1:N, Year = year_label_new)
      constr = list(A = matrix(c(rep(1, n), rep(0, nn)), 1, N), e = 0)
      # sum to zero in time for each region
      tmp <- matrix(0, S, N*S)
      for(i in 1:S){
        tmp[i, ((i-1)*n + 1) : (i*n)] <- 1
      # sum to zero in space for each time
        inla.bym.constr.internal = utils::getFromNamespace("inla.bym.constr.internal", "INLA")
        R4 = Amat
        if(sum(R4 > 0 & R4 < 1) != 0){
          for(row in 1:nrow(R4)){
            idx <- which(R4[row,] > 0 & R4[row,] < 1)
            R4[row,idx] <- 1
        diag(R4) <- 0
        diag <- apply(R4, 1, sum)
        R4[R4 != 0] <- -1
        diag(R4) <- diag
        Q1 <- inla.bym.constr.internal(R4, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE)
        tmp2 <- matrix(0, n*Q1$rankdef, N*S)

        for(j in 1:Q1$rankdef){
           for(i in 1:n){
              this_t_i <- which((1:(n*S)) %% n == i-1)
              this_t_i <- this_t_i[Q1$constr$A[j, ] == 1]
              tmp2[i + (j-1)*n , this_t_i] <- 1
        tmp2 = NULL

      tmp <- rbind(tmp, tmp2)[-1, ]
        constr.st <- NULL
        constr.st <- list(A = tmp, e = rep(0, dim(tmp)[1]))
      years <- data.frame(year = year_label_new[1:N], year_number = seq(1, N))
    }else if(is.temporal){
      n <- 0
      N <- nn <- length(year_label)
      years <- data.frame(year = year_label, year_number = seq(1, N))      
      n <- 0
      N <- nn <- 1
      years <- data.frame(year = NA, year_number = 1)
    # -- creating IDs for the temporal REs -- #
      dat$time.unstruct <- dat$time.struct <- dat$time.int <- years[match(dat$years, years[, 1]), 2]
      dat$time.unstruct <- dat$time.struct <- dat$time.int <- years[match(dat$years, years[, 1]), 2]

    # -- these are the area X time options -- #
    # The new structure takes the following order
    # (x_11, ..., x_1T, ..., x_S1, ..., x_ST, xx_11, ..., xx_1t, ..., xx_S1, ..., xx_St)
    #  x_ij : random effect of region i, year j 
    # xx_ik : random effect of region i, period k
      x <- rbind(expand.grid(1:n, 1:region_count), 
                 expand.grid((n+1):N, 1:region_count))
      x <- expand.grid(1:N, 1:region_count)
    time.area <- data.frame(region_number = x[, 2], time.unstruct = x[, 1], time.area = c(1:nrow(x)))
    # fix for 0 instead of 1 when no geo file provided
      time.area$region_number <- 0
    ################################################################## get the number of surveys
          if("survey" %in% colnames(data) == FALSE) stop("survey.effect is set to TRUE, but no survey column in the input data")
          survey_count <- length(table(data$survey))
          if(survey_count <= 1){
            warning("survey.effect is set to TRUE, but only one survey index is provided, the survey effect has been removed.")
            survey.effect <- FALSE
    # -- merge these all into the data sets -- #
    newdata <- dat
    if (survey.effect) {
      newdata$survey.id <- match(newdata$survey, unique(newdata$survey))
      survey.table <- data.frame(survey = unique(newdata$survey), survey.id = 1:survey_count)
      newdata$survey.id <- NA
      survey.table <- NULL
    if(is.spatial && is.temporal){
      newdata <- merge(newdata, time.area, by = c("region_number", "time.unstruct"))
      newdata$time.area <- NA

      by <- NULL
      if("region" %in% colnames(X)){
        by <- c(by, "region")
      if("years" %in% colnames(X)){
        by <- c(by, "years")
      covariate.names <- colnames(X)[colnames(X) %in% by == FALSE]
      if(length(covariate.names) == 0){
        warning("The X argument is specified but no covariate identified.")
        X <- NULL
      if("region" %in% by && (!"years" %in% by)){
        for(ii in unique(newdata$region)){
          which <- which(X$region == ii)
          if(length(which) == 0){
            stop(paste("Missing region in the covariate matrix:", ii))
          if(length(which) > 1) stop(paste("Duplicated covariates for region", ii))
          if(sum(is.na(X[which, ])) > 0) stop("NA in covariate matrix.")
      }else if((!"region" %in% by) && "years" %in% by){
        for(tt in unique(newdata$years)){
          which <- which(X$years == tt)
          if(length(which) == 0){
            stop(paste("Missing years in the covariate matrix:", tt))
          if(length(which) > 1) stop(paste("Duplicated covariates for period", tt))
          if(sum(is.na(X[which, ])) > 0) stop("NA in covariate matrix.")
      }else if("region" %in% by && "years" %in% by){
        for(tt in unique(newdata$years)){
          for(ii in unique(newdata$region)){
            which <- intersect(which(X$years == tt), which(X$region == ii))
            if(length(which) == 0){
              stop(paste("Missing region-years in the covariate matrix:", ii, tt))
           if(length(which) > 1) stop(paste("Duplicated covariates for region-years", ii, tt))
           if(sum(is.na(X[which, ])) > 0) stop("NA in covariate matrix.")
        stop("Covariate need to contain column 'region' or 'years'.")

    ########################## Model Selection ######
    ## -- subset of not missing and not direct estimate of 0 -- #
    exdat <- newdata
    # exdat <- exdat[!is.na(exdat$logit.est) && exdat$logit.est > (-20), ]
    for(i in 1:N){
      tmp<-exdat[match(unique(exdat$region), exdat$region), ]
      tmp$time.unstruct<-tmp$time.struct<- tmp$time.int <- i
      tmp$logit.est<-tmp$logit.prec<-tmp$survey<-tmp$survey.id <- NA
      tmp <- tmp[, colnames(tmp) != "time.area"]
      tmp <- merge(tmp, time.area, by = c("region_number", "time.unstruct"))
      tmp$years<-years[i, 1]
      tmp$mean <- tmp$lower <- tmp$upper <- tmp$var.est <- NA
      if("mean.nohiv" %in% colnames(data)){
        tmp$mean.nohiv <- tmp$lower.nohiv <- tmp$upper.nohiv <- tmp$var.est.nohiv<- tmp$logit.prec.nohiv<- tmp$logit.est.nohiv <- NA          
    exdat <- exdat[, colnames(exdat) %in% covariate.names == FALSE]
    Xnew <- expand.grid(time.struct = 1:N, region.struct = 1:S)
    if(!is.spatial) Xnew$region.struct <- 0
    Xnew[, covariate.names] <- NA
    for(i in 1:dim(Xnew)[1]){
      tt <- ifelse(Xnew$time.struct[i] > n, Xnew$time.struct[i] - n, (Xnew$time.struct[i]-1) %/% m + 1)
      ii <- ifelse(!is.spatial, 1, Xnew$region.struct[i])
      if("region" %in% by && (!"years" %in% by)){
        which <- which(X$region == region_names[ii])
      }else if((!"region" %in% by) && "years" %in% by){
        which <- which(X$years == year_label[tt]) 
        which <- intersect(which(X$years == year_label[tt]), which(X$region == region_names[ii]))
      Xnew[i, covariate.names] <- X[which, covariate.names]
    exdat <- merge(exdat, Xnew, by = c("time.struct", "region.struct"))
    exdat$time.slope <- exdat$time.struct 
    center <- (N+1)/2 + 1e-5 # avoid exact zero in the lincomb creation
    exdat$time.slope <- (exdat$time.slope  - center) / (N-1)
    exdat$region.slope <- exdat$region.struct

        period.constr <- NULL
        # Tmax <- length(year_label)            
        # if(rw == 2) period.constr <- list(A = matrix(c(rep(1, Tmax)), 1, Tmax), e = 0)

     ## ---------------------------------------------------------
    ## Setup PC prior model
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------
    if(tolower(hyper) == "pc"){
        hyperpc1 <- list(prec = list(prior = "pc.prec", param = c(pc.u , pc.alpha)))
        pc.st.u <- ifelse(is.na(pc.st.u), pc.u, pc.st.u)
        pc.st.alpha <- ifelse(is.na(pc.st.alpha), pc.alpha, pc.st.alpha)
        hyperpc1.interact <- list(prec = list(prior = "pc.prec", param = c(pc.st.u , pc.st.alpha)))
        hyperpc2 <- list(prec = list(prior = "pc.prec", param = c(pc.u , pc.alpha)), 
                         phi = list(prior = 'pc', param = c(pc.u.phi , pc.alpha.phi)))
        hyperar1 = list(prec = list(prior = "pc.prec", param = c(pc.u , pc.alpha)), 
                        theta2 = list(prior = "pc.cor1", param = c(pc.u.cor, pc.alpha.cor)))
        hyperar2 = list(theta2 = list(prior = "pc.cor1", param = c(pc.u.cor, pc.alpha.cor)))
        ## -----------------------
        ## Period + National + PC
        ## ----------------------- 
            if(!is.yearly && !is.spatial){

                  formula <- logit.est ~ 
                                f(time.struct,model=paste0("rw", rw), constr = TRUE,  extraconstr = period.constr, hyper = hyperpc1) + 
                                f(time.unstruct,model="iid", hyper = hyperpc1) 

            ## -----------------------
            ## Yearly + National + PC
            ## -----------------------
            }else if(is.yearly && !is.spatial){

              formula <- logit.est ~ 
                  f(time.struct, model = rw.model.pc, diagonal = 1e-6, extraconstr = constr, values = 1:N) + 

            ## -------------------------
            ## Period + Subnational + PC
            ## ------------------------- 
            }else if(!is.yearly && (is.spatial)){

                formula <- logit.est ~ 
                     f(time.struct,model=paste0("rw", rw), constr = TRUE,  extraconstr = period.constr, hyper = hyperpc1)   + 
                    f(time.unstruct,model="iid", hyper = hyperpc1) + 
                    f(region.struct, graph=Amat,model="bym2", hyper = hyperpc2, scale.model = TRUE, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE)  

                if(type.st == 1){
                    formula <- update(formula, ~. + 
                        f(time.area,model="iid", hyper = hyperpc1.interact))
                }else if(type.st == 2){
                      formula <- update(formula, ~. + 
                        f(region.int,model="iid", group=time.int,control.group=list(model=paste0("rw", st.rw), scale.model = TRUE), hyper = hyperpc1.interact))
                        formula <- update(formula, ~. + 
                        f(region.int,model="iid", hyper = hyperpc1.interact, group=time.int,control.group=list(model="ar", order = st.ar, hyper = hyperar2)))

                }else if(type.st == 3){
                    formula <- update(formula, ~. + 
                        f(region.int, model="besag", graph = Amat, group=time.int,control.group=list(model="iid"), hyper = hyperpc1.interact, scale.model = TRUE, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE))
                    formula <- update(formula, ~. + 
                         f(region.int, model="besag", graph = Amat, group=time.int, control.group=list(model="ar", order = st.ar, hyper = hyperar2), hyper = hyperpc1.interact, scale.model = TRUE, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE)) 
                        # defines type IV explicitly with constraints
                        # Use time.area as index
                        # S blocks each with time 1:T (in this code, 1:N)
                        # UPDATE for connected components:
                        # nc2 sum-to-zero constraints for each of the connected components of size >= 2. Scaled so that the geometric mean of the marginal variances in each connected component of size >= 2 is 1, and modified so that singletons have a standard Normal distribution.
                       inla.rw = utils::getFromNamespace("inla.rw", "INLA")
                       inla.scale.model.bym = utils::getFromNamespace("inla.scale.model.bym", "INLA")
                       inla.bym.constr.internal = utils::getFromNamespace("inla.bym.constr.internal", "INLA")
                       R2 <- inla.rw(N, order = st.rw, scale.model=TRUE, sparse=TRUE)
                       R4 = Amat
                      if(sum(R4 > 0 & R4 < 1) != 0){
                        for(row in 1:nrow(R4)){
                          idx <- which(R4[row,] > 0 & R4[row,] < 1)
                          R4[row,idx] <- 1
                       diag(R4) <- 0
                       diag <- apply(R4, 1, sum)
                       R4[R4 != 0] <- -1
                       diag(R4) <- diag
                       Q1 <- inla.bym.constr.internal(R4, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE)
                       R4 <- inla.scale.model.bym(R4, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE)
                       R <- R4 %x% R2
                       tmp <- matrix(0, S, N * S)
                       for(i in 1:S){
                         tmp[i, ((i-1)*N + 1) : (i*N)] <- 1
                       # tmp2 <- matrix(0, N, N * S)
                       # for(i in 1:N){
                       #    tmp2[i , which((1:(N*S)) %% N == i-1)] <- 1
                       # }
                       ## Sum-to-zero over connected components
                       tmp2 <- matrix(0, N * Q1$rankdef, N * S)
                       for(j in  1:Q1$rankdef){
                         for(i in 1:N){
                            this_t_i <- which((1:(N*S)) %% N == i-1)
                            this_t_i <- this_t_i[Q1$constr$A[j, ] == 1]
                            tmp2[i + (j-1)*N , this_t_i] <- 1
                       tmp <- rbind(tmp[-1,], tmp2)
                       constr.st <- list(A = tmp, e = rep(0, dim(tmp)[1]))
                      formula <- update(formula, ~. + 
                          f(time.area,model="generic0", Cmatrix = R, extraconstr = constr.st, rankdef = N*S -(N - st.rw)*(S - Q1$rankdef), hyper = hyperpc1.interact))              
            ## ------------------------- 
            ## Yearly + Subnational + PC
            ## ------------------------- 
                  formula <- logit.est ~ 
                      f(time.struct, model = rw.model.pc, diagonal = 1e-6, extraconstr = constr, values = 1:N) +
                      f(time.unstruct,model=iid.model.pc) + 
                      f(region.struct, graph=Amat,model="bym2", hyper = hyperpc2, scale.model = TRUE, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE) + 
                      f(time.area,model=st.model.pc, diagonal = 1e-6, extraconstr = constr.st, values = 1:(N*S))
          formula <- logit.est ~ f(region.struct, graph=Amat,model="bym2", hyper = hyperpc2, scale.model = TRUE, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE)
          formula <- update(formula, ~. + f(survey.id, model = "iid", hyper = hyperpc1))
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------
    ## Setup Gamma prior model
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------
    }else if(tolower(hyper) == "gamma"){
            ## ------------------- 
            ## Period + National
            ## ------------------- 
            if(!is.yearly && !is.spatial){
                formula <- logit.est ~ 
                  f(time.struct,model=paste0("rw", rw),param=c(a.rw,b.rw), constr = TRUE)  + 
            ## ------------------- 
            ## Yearly + National
            ## -------------------   
            }else if(is.yearly && !is.spatial){
               formula <- logit.est ~ 
                      f(time.struct, model = rw.model, diagonal = 1e-6, extraconstr = constr, values = 1:N) + 
            ## ------------------- 
            ## Period + Subnational
            ## ------------------- 
            }else if(!is.yearly && (is.spatial)){
                formula <- logit.est ~ 
                      f(time.struct,model=paste0("rw", rw), param=c(a.rw,b.rw), scale.model = TRUE, extraconstr = period.constr)  + 
                      f(time.unstruct,model="iid",param=c(a.iid,b.iid)) + 
                      f(region.struct, graph=Amat,model="besag",param=c(a.icar,b.icar), scale.model = TRUE, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE) + 
                if(type.st == 1){
                    formula <- update(formula, ~. + f(time.area,model="iid", param=c(a.iid,b.iid)))
                }else if(type.st == 2){
                    formula <- update(formula, ~. + f(region.int,model="iid", group=time.int,control.group=list(model=paste0("rw", st.rw), scale.model = TRUE), param=c(a.iid,b.iid)))
                }else if(type.st == 3){
                    formula <- update(formula, ~. + f(region.int,model="besag", graph = Amat, group=time.int,control.group=list(model="iid"),param=c(a.iid,b.iid), scale.model = TRUE, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE))
                  # defines type IV explicitly with constraints
                  # Use time.area as index
                  # S blocks each with time 1:T (in this code, 1:N)
                  # UPDATE!

                 inla.rw = utils::getFromNamespace("inla.rw", "INLA")
                 inla.scale.model.bym = utils::getFromNamespace("inla.scale.model.bym", "INLA")
                 inla.bym.constr.internal = utils::getFromNamespace("inla.bym.constr.internal", "INLA")
                 R2 <- inla.rw(N, order = st.rw, scale.model=TRUE, sparse=TRUE)
                 R4 = Amat
                if(sum(R4 > 0 & R4 < 1) != 0){
                  for(row in 1:nrow(R4)){
                    idx <- which(R4[row,] > 0 & R4[row,] < 1)
                    R4[row,idx] <- 1
                 diag(R4) <- 0
                 diag <- apply(R4, 1, sum)
                 R4[R4 != 0] <- -1
                 diag(R4) <- diag
                 Q1 <- inla.bym.constr.internal(R4, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE)
                 R4 <- inla.scale.model.bym(R4, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE)
                 R <- R4 %x% R2
                 tmp <- matrix(0, S, N * S)
                 for(i in 1:S){
                   tmp[i, ((i-1)*N + 1) : (i*N)] <- 1
                 # tmp2 <- matrix(0, N, N * S)
                 # for(i in 1:N){
                 #    tmp2[i , which((1:(N*S)) %% N == i-1)] <- 1
                 # }
                 ## Sum-to-zero over connected components
                 tmp2 <- matrix(0, N * Q1$rankdef, N * S)
                 for(j in  1:Q1$rankdef){
                   for(i in 1:N){
                      this_t_i <- which((1:(N*S)) %% N == i-1)
                      this_t_i <- this_t_i[Q1$constr$A[j, ] == 1]
                      tmp2[i + (j-1)*N , this_t_i] <- 1
                 tmp <- rbind(tmp, tmp2)
                 constr.st <- list(A = tmp, e = rep(0, dim(tmp)[1]))

                 formula <- update(formula, ~. + 
                        f(time.area,model="generic0", Cmatrix = R, extraconstr = constr.st, rankdef = N*S -(N - st.rw)*(S - Q1$rankdef), param=c(a.iid,b.iid)))
            ## ------------------- 
            ## Yearly + Subnational
            ## ------------------- 
                formula <- logit.est ~ 
                  f(time.struct, model = rw.model, diagonal = 1e-6, extraconstr = constr, values = 1:N) + 
                  f(time.unstruct,model=iid.model) + 
                  f(region.struct, graph=Amat,model="besag",param=c(a.icar,b.icar), scale.model = TRUE, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE) + 
                  f(region.unstruct,model="iid",param=c(a.iid,b.iid)) + 
                  f(time.area,model=st.model, diagonal = 1e-6, extraconstr = constr.st, values = 1:(N*S)) 
           formula <- logit.est ~ f(region.struct, graph=Amat,model="besag",param=c(a.icar,b.icar), scale.model = TRUE, adjust.for.con.comp = TRUE) + 

          formula <- update(formula, ~. + f(survey.id, model = "iid", param=c(a.iid,b.iid)))

      stop("hyper needs to be either pc or gamma.")

      formula <- as.formula(paste("logit.est~", as.character(formula)[3], "+", paste(covariate.names, collapse = " + ")))

     formula <- update(formula, ~. -  
          f(time.struct, model = paste0("rw", rw), constr = TRUE,  extraconstr = period.constr, hyper = hyperpc1) + 
          f(time.struct, model="ar", order = ar, hyper = hyperar1, extraconstr = period.constr, constr = TRUE) + time.slope)

    mod <- formula

    # borrow the old function from INLA
    inla.uncbind0 <- function (A, name.prefix = "col"){
        if (!is.matrix(A)) 
        result = list()
        rownames(A) = NULL
        tmp.result = apply(A, 2, function(x) list(x))
        result = sapply(tmp.result, function(x) c(x))

    ## ---------------------------------------------------------
    ## Subnational lincomb for projection
    ## ---------------------------------------------------------
      lincombs.info <- data.frame(Index = 1:(region_count*N), District = NA, Year = NA)
      index <- 0
      for(j in 1:region_count){
        for(i in 1:N){
          index <- index + 1    
          time <- rep(NA, N)
          # time.old <- rep(NA, m)
          area <- rep(NA, region_count)
          spacetime <- rep(NA, N*region_count) 
          space.time.id <- unique(time.area$time.area[time.area$time.unstruct == i & time.area$region_number == j])
          spacetime[space.time.id] <- 1
          time[i] <- 1
          area[j] <- 1

          time.unstruct <- time
             if("region" %in% by && (!"years" %in% by)){
                which <- which(exdat$region.struct == j)
              }else if((!"region" %in% by) && "years" %in% by){
                which <- which(exdat$time.struct == i) 
                which <- intersect(which(exdat$time.struct == i), which(exdat$region.struct == j))
            sub <- matrix(exdat[which[1], covariate.names], nrow = 1)
            colnames(sub) <- covariate.names
            XX <- inla.uncbind0(sub)
            XX <- NULL
          object.name <- paste("lc", index, sep = "")
          lincombs.info[index, c("District", "Year")] <- c(j,i)
              tmplin <- list("(Intercept)" = 1,
                            region.struct = area)
             assign(object.name, INLA::inla.make.lincomb(c(tmplin, XX)))
            }else if(is.ar && type.st == 1){
                tmplin <- list("(Intercept)" = 1,
                                time.area = spacetime,
                                time.struct= time ,
                                time.unstruct= time, 
                                # time.slope = (i - center)/(N - 1),
                                region.struct = area)
                 if(is.main.ar) tmplin <- c(tmplin, time.slope = (i - center)/(N - 1))
                 assign(object.name, INLA::inla.make.lincomb(c(tmplin, XX)))
            }else if(is.ar){
                tmplin <- list("(Intercept)" = 1,
                                region.int = area,
                                time.struct= time ,
                                time.unstruct= time,
                                # time.slope = (i - center)/(N - 1),
                                region.struct = area)
                 if(is.main.ar) tmplin <- c(tmplin, time.slope = (i - center)/(N - 1))
                assign(object.name, INLA::inla.make.lincomb(c(tmplin, XX)))
            }else if(is.yearly || type.st %in% c(1, 4)){
                 assign(object.name, INLA::inla.make.lincomb(c(list("(Intercept)" = 1,
                                      time.area = spacetime,
                                      time.struct= time ,
                                      time.unstruct= time,
                                      region.struct = area), 
              newidx <- rep(0, j + (i - 1) * region_count)
              newidx[j + (i - 1) * region_count] <- 1
              assign(object.name, INLA::inla.make.lincomb(c(list("(Intercept)" = 1,
                                                    time.struct= time ,
                                                    time.unstruct= time,
                                                    region.struct = area,
                                                    region.int = newidx), 
          # }
          if(index == 1){
            lincombs.fit <- get(object.name)
            names(lincombs.fit)[index] <- object.name
            tmp <- get(object.name)
            lincombs.fit <- c(lincombs.fit, tmp)
            names(lincombs.fit)[index] <- object.name
      ## National model lincomb for projection
      lincombs.info <- data.frame(Index = 1:N, District = NA, Year = NA)
      index <- 0
      for(i in 1:N){
        index <- index + 1    
        time <- rep(NA, N)
        time[i] <- 1
        time.unstruct <- time
            if("region" %in% by && (!"years" %in% by)){
              which <- which(exdat$region.struct == 0)
            }else if((!"region" %in% by) && "years" %in% by){
              which <- which(exdat$time.struct == i) 
              which <- intersect(which(exdat$time.struct == i), which(exdat$region.struct == 0))
          sub <- matrix(exdat[which[1], covariate.names], nrow = 1)
          colnames(sub) <- covariate.names
          XX <- inla.uncbind0(sub)
          XX <- NULL
        object.name <- paste("lc", index, sep = "")
        lincombs.info[index, c("District", "Year")] <- c(0,i)
           tmplin <- list("(Intercept)" = 1,
                            time.struct= time ,
                            time.unstruct= time)   
          tmplin <- c(tmplin, time.slope = (i - center)/(N - 1))
          assign(object.name, INLA::inla.make.lincomb(c(tmplin, XX)))     
          assign(object.name, INLA::inla.make.lincomb(c(list("(Intercept)" = 1,
                                                time.struct= time ,
                                                time.unstruct= time), 
        if(index == 1){
          lincombs.fit <- get(object.name)
          names(lincombs.fit)[index] <- object.name
          lincombs.fit <- c(lincombs.fit, get(object.name))
          names(lincombs.fit)[index] <- object.name

    fit <- INLA::inla(mod, family = "gaussian", control.compute = control.compute, data = exdat, control.predictor = list(compute = TRUE), control.family = list(hyper= list(prec = list(initial= log(1), fixed= TRUE ))), scale = exdat$logit.prec, lincomb = lincombs.fit, control.inla = control.inla, control.fixed = control.fixed, verbose = verbose)
    out <- list(model = mod, fit = fit, Amat = Amat, newdata = exdat, time = seq(0, N - 1), area = seq(0, region_count - 1), time.area = time.area, survey.table = survey.table, a.iid = a.iid, b.iid = b.iid, a.rw = a.rw, b.rw = b.rw, a.rw = a.rw, b.rw = b.rw, a.icar = a.icar, b.icar = b.icar, lincombs.info = lincombs.info, control.fixed = control.fixed, is.yearly = is.yearly, type.st = type.st, year_range = year_range, year_label = year_label, Amat = Amat, has.Amat = TRUE, is.temporal = is.temporal, msg = msg)
    class(out) <- "SUMMERmodel"

#' @export
#' @rdname smoothDirect
fitINLA <- smoothDirect
bryandmartin/SUMMER documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 1:16 p.m.