
Defines functions plotHive

Documented in plotHive

#' Create (Plot) a 2D or 3D Hive Plot
#' These functions plot a \code{HivePlotData} object in either 2D or 3D,
#' depending upon which function is called.
#' \strong{General}.  \code{plotHive} uses \code{grid} graphics to produce a 2D hive
#' plot in a style similar to the original concept.  For a 2D plot, axis number
#' 1 is vertical except in the case of 2 axes in which case it is to the right.
#' \code{plot3dHive} produces a 3D hive plot using \code{rgl} graphics.
#' Functions from either package can be used to make additional modifications
#' after the hive plot is drawn, either via the \ldots{} argument or by
#' subsequent function calls.  See the examples.
#' \strong{Units and Annotations}. If you add node labels, arrows or graphic decorations,
#' the units that you
#' must specify are those intrinsic to the data itself, modified by your
#' setting of \code{ch} and \code{method}.  These generally cannot be known
#' precisely ahead of time, so some experimentation will be necessary to polish
#' the plots.  For instance, if you have data with node radii that run from
#' 4-23 then you have an idea of how to position your annotations if using
#' \code{method = "abs"}.  But the same data plotted with \code{method =
#' "norm"} or \code{method = "rank"} will require that you move your annotation
#' positions accordingly.  In the first case no radius is larger than 23, but
#' the maximum radius is 1 when the data is normed and when it is ranked, the
#' maximum value will depend upon which axis has the most nodes on it, and the
#' number of unique radii values.
#' \strong{Positioning Node Labels and Graphics}.
#' In addition to the nuances just above, there are two ways to specify the
#' location of node labels and graphic decorations.  Polar coordinates are used
#' in both cases.  If \code{annCoord = "local"} then the angle, radius and
#' offset arguments are relative to the node to be annotated.  An angle of 0
#' positions the label horizontally to the right of the node. Thus the label
#' can be placed within a circular area around the node.  If \code{annCoord =
#' "global"} then the specifications are relative to dead center on the plot.
#' These two methods give one lots of flexibility in lining up labels in
#' different ways.  See the examples.
#' \strong{Size of Graphics}.  The size of
#' graphic decorations is controlled by the column 'width' in \code{grInfo}.
#' The ultimate call to display the graphic is done with \code{as.raster}.
#' Specifying only the width preserves the aspect ratio of the graphic.  See
#' \code{?as.raster} for further discussion.
#' \strong{Colors}.  For any of the
#' \code{gpar} arguments, watch out: In grid graphics the default color for
#' text and arrows is black, so if are using the default \code{bkgnd = "black"}
#' in the hive plot be sure to specify \code{col = "white"} (or some other
#' non-black color) for the labels and arrows or you won't see them.
#' \strong{Speed and 3D Hive Plots}.  For most work with \code{plot3dHive}, use \code{LA
#' = FALSE} for speed of drawing.  \code{LA = TRUE} is over 20 times slower,
#' and is more appropriate for high quality hive plots.  These are probably
#' better made with \code{R CMD BATCH script.R} rather than interactive use.
#' @aliases plotHive plot3dHive
#' @param HPD An object of S3 class \code{\link{HivePlotData}}.
#' @param ch Numeric; the size of the central hole in the hive plot.
#' @param method Character.  Passed to \code{\link{manipAxis}} (see there for
#' allowed values - the default given above plots using the native or absolute
#' coordinates of the data).
#' @param dr.nodes Logical; if \code{TRUE} nodes will be drawn.
#' @param bkgnd Any valid color specification.  Used for the background color
#' for \code{plotHive}.
#' @param axLabs A vector of character strings for the axis labels.
#' @param axLab.pos Numeric; An offset from the end of the axis for label
#' placement.  Either a single value or a vector of values.  If a single value,
#' all labels are offset the same amount.  If a vector of values, there should
#' be a value for each axis.  This allows flexibility with long axis names.
#' The units depend upon the \code{method} employed (see Details).
#' @param axLab.gpar (Applies to \code{plotHive} only) A list of name - value
#' pairs acceptable to \code{\link{gpar}}.  These control the label and arrow
#' displays.  See the examples.
#' @param anNodes (Applies to \code{plotHive} only) The path to a csv file
#' containing information for labeling nodes.  If present, a line segment will
#' be drawn from the node to the specified text.  The text is positioned near
#' the end of the line segment.  The columns in the csv file must be named as
#' follows (description and use in parentheses): node.lab (node label from
#' HPD$nodes$lab), node.text (the text to be drawn on the plot), angle (polar
#' coordinates: angle at which to draw the segment), radius (polar coordinates:
#' radius at which to draw the text), offset (additional distance along the
#' radius vector to offset text), hjust, vjust (horizontal and vertical
#' justification; nominally in [0\ldots{}1] but fractional and negative values
#' also work).  The first two values will be treated as type \code{character},
#' the others as \code{numeric}.
#' @param anNode.gpar (Applies to \code{plotHive} only) A list of name - value
#' pairs acceptable to \code{\link{gpar}}.  These control both the text used to
#' annotate the nodes and the line segments connecting that text to the node.
#' See the examples.
#' @param grInfo (Applies to \code{plotHive} only) The path to a csv file
#' containing information for adding graphic decorations to the plot.  If
#' present, a line segment will be drawn from the node to the specified
#' location and the graphic is positioned near the end the line segment.  The
#' columns in the csv file must be named as follows (description and use in
#' parentheses): node.lab (node label from HPD$nodes$lab), angle (polar
#' coordinates: angle at which to position the graphic), radius (polar
#' coordinates: radius at which to position the graphic), offset (additional
#' distance along radius vector to offset the graphic), width (the width of the
#' graphic), path (a valid path to the graphics in jpg or png format).  The
#' path should include the extension is it is autodetected.  Valid extensions
#' are jpg, JPG, jpeg, JPEG, png, or PNG.  All image files must be of the same
#' type (all jpg, or all png).
#' @param arrow (Applies to \code{plotHive} only) A vector of 5 or 6 values: a
#' character string to label the arrow, and 4 numeric values giving the angle
#' of the arrow, the radius at which to start the arrow, the radius at which to
#' end the arrow, and a value to offset the arrow label from the end of the
#' arrow.  A 5th numeric value (the 6th argument overall) can specify an offset
#' in the y direction for the arrow useful when \code{nx = 2}.  See the
#' examples.
#' @param np (Applies to \code{plotHive} only) Logical; should a new device
#' (page) be opened when drawing the hive plot?  If you are making multiple
#' plots within some sort of \code{grid} scheme then this should be set to
#' \code{FALSE}.
#' @param anCoord (Applies to \code{plotHive} only) One of \code{c("local",
#' "global")}.  Controls how the position of node labels and graphic
#' decorations are specified.  See Details.
#' @param LA (Applies to \code{plot3dHive} only) Logical: should splines be
#' drawn with \code{line_antialias = TRUE}? See Details.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to be passed downstream.
#' @return None.  Side effect is a plot.
#' @describeIn plotHive Create a 2D Hive Plot
#' @author Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University. \email{hanson@@depauw.edu}
#' @keywords plot interactive
#' @importFrom grid grid.lines grid.text grid.segments grid.raster grid.newpage
#' @importFrom grid grid.rect grid.curve grid.points gpar unit viewport
#' @importFrom grid pushViewport
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom png readPNG
#' @importFrom jpeg readJPEG
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @examples
#' ### 2D Hive Plots
#' require("grid")
#' # Generate some random data
#' test2 <- ranHiveData(nx = 2)
#' test3 <- ranHiveData(nx = 3)
#' # First the nx = 2 case.
#' # Note that gpar contains parameters that apply to both the
#' # axis labels and arrow. A 6th value in arrow offsets the arrow vertically:
#' plotHive(test2,
#'   ch = 5, axLabs = c("axis 1", "axis 2"), rot = c(-90, 90),
#'   axLab.pos = c(20, 20), axLab.gpar = gpar(col = "pink", fontsize = 14, lwd = 2),
#'   arrow = c("radius units", 0, 20, 60, 25, 40)
#' )
#' # Now nx = 3:
#' plotHive(test3) # default plot
#' # Add axis labels & options to nx = 3 example.  Note that rot is not part of gpar
#' plotHive(test3,
#'   ch = 5, axLabs = c("axis 1", "axis 2", "axis 3"),
#'   axLab.pos = c(10, 15, 15), rot = c(0, 30, -30),
#'   axLab.gpar = gpar(col = "orange", fontsize = 14)
#' )
#' # Call up a built-in data set to illustrate some plotting tricks
#' data(HEC)
#' require("grid") # for text additions outside of HiveR (grid.text)
#' plotHive(HEC,
#'   ch = 0.1, bkgnd = "white",
#'   axLabs = c("hair\ncolor", "eye\ncolor"),
#'   axLab.pos = c(1, 1),
#'   axLab.gpar = gpar(fontsize = 14)
#' )
#' grid.text("males", x = 0, y = 2.3, default.units = "native")
#' grid.text("females", x = 0, y = -2.3, default.units = "native")
#' grid.text("Pairing of Eye Color with Hair Color",
#'   x = 0, y = 4,
#'   default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fontsize = 18)
#' )
#' # Add node labels and graphic decorations
#' # The working directory has to include
#' # not only the grInfo and anNodes files but also the jpgs.
#' # So, we are going to move to such a directory and return you home afterwards.
#' currDir <- getwd()
#' setwd(system.file("extdata", "Misc", package = "HiveR"))
#' plotHive(HEC,
#'   ch = 0.1, bkgnd = "white",
#'   axLabs = c("hair\ncolor", "eye\ncolor"),
#'   axLab.pos = c(1, 1),
#'   axLab.gpar = gpar(fontsize = 14),
#'   anNodes = "HECnodes.txt",
#'   anNode.gpar = gpar(col = "black"),
#'   grInfo = "HECgraphics.txt",
#'   arrow = c("more\ncommon", 0.0, 2, 4, 1, -2)
#' )
#' grid.text("males", x = 0, y = 2.3, default.units = "native")
#' grid.text("females", x = 0, y = -2.3, default.units = "native")
#' grid.text("Pairing of Eye Color with Hair Color",
#'   x = 0, y = 3.75,
#'   default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fontsize = 18)
#' )
#' grid.text("A test of plotHive annotation options",
#'   x = 0, y = 3.25,
#'   default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fontsize = 12)
#' )
#' grid.text("Images from Wikipedia Commons",
#'   x = 0, y = -3.5,
#'   default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fontsize = 9)
#' )
#' setwd(currDir)
#' # Use the node label concept to create tick marks
#' currDir <- getwd()
#' setwd(system.file("extdata", "Misc", package = "HiveR"))
#' plotHive(HEC,
#'   ch = 0.1, bkgnd = "white",
#'   axLabs = c("hair\ncolor", "eye\ncolor"),
#'   axLab.pos = c(1, 1),
#'   axLab.gpar = gpar(fontsize = 14),
#'   anNodes = "HECticks.txt",
#'   anNode.gpar = gpar(col = "black"),
#'   arrow = c("more\ncommon", 0.0, 2, 4, 1, -2),
#'   dr.nodes = FALSE
#' )
#' grid.text("males", x = 0, y = 2.3, default.units = "native")
#' grid.text("females", x = 0, y = -2.3, default.units = "native")
#' grid.text("Pairing of Eye Color with Hair Color",
#'   x = 0, y = 3.75,
#'   default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fontsize = 18)
#' )
#' grid.text("Adding tick marks to the nodes",
#'   x = 0, y = 3.25,
#'   default.units = "native", gp = gpar(fontsize = 12)
#' )
#' setwd(currDir)
#' ### 3D Hive Plots. The following must be run interactively.
#' \dontrun{
#' require("rgl")
#' test4 <- ranHiveData(nx = 4, type = "3D")
#' plot3dHive(test4)
#' }
#' @export plotHive
plotHive <- function(HPD, ch = 1, method = "abs",
                     dr.nodes = TRUE, bkgnd = "black",
                     axLabs = NULL, axLab.pos = NULL, axLab.gpar = NULL,
                     anNodes = NULL, anNode.gpar = NULL, grInfo = NULL,
                     arrow = NULL, np = TRUE, anCoord = "local", ...) {

  # Function to plot hive plots using grid graphics
  # Inspired by the work of Martin Kryzwinski
  # Bryan Hanson, DePauw Univ, Feb 2011 onward

  # This function is intended to draw in 2D for nx from 2 to 6
  # The results will be similar to the original hive plot concept

  ##### Set up some common parameters

  if (!HPD$type == "2D") stop("This is not a 2D hive data set: use plot3dHive instead")
  nx <- length(unique(HPD$nodes$axis))

  if (nx == 1) stop("Something is wrong: only one axis seems to be present")

  # Send out for ranking/norming/pruning/inverting if requested

  if (!method == "abs") HPD <- manipAxis(HPD, method, ...)

  nodes <- HPD$nodes
  edges <- HPD$edges
  axis.cols <- HPD$axis.cols

  # Fix up center hole

  nodes$radius <- nodes$radius + ch
  HPD$nodes$radius <- nodes$radius

  ##### Some convenience functions, only defined in this function environ.
  ##### The two long functions need to stay here for simplicity, since
  ##### all of the radius checking etc is here and if moved elsewhere,
  ##### these calculations would have to be redone or results passed.

  p2cX <- function(r, theta) {
    x <- r * cos(theta * 2 * pi / 360)
  p2cY <- function(r, theta) {
    y <- r * sin(theta * 2 * pi / 360)

  addArrow <- function(arrow, nx) {
    if (!length(arrow) >= 5) stop("Too few arrow components")
    if (is.null(axLab.gpar)) {
      if (bkgnd == "black") axLab.gpar <- gpar(fontsize = 12, col = "white", lwd = 2)
      if (!bkgnd == "black") axLab.gpar <- gpar(fontsize = 12, col = "black", lwd = 2)
    a <- as.numeric(arrow[2])
    rs <- as.numeric(arrow[3])
    re <- as.numeric(arrow[4])
    b <- as.numeric(arrow[5]) # label offset from end of arrow

    x.st <- p2cX(rs, a)
    y.st <- p2cY(rs, a)
    x.end <- p2cX(re, a)
    y.end <- p2cY(re, a)

    x.lab <- p2cX(re + b, a) # figure arrow label position
    y.lab <- p2cY(re + b, a)
    al <- 0.2 * (re - rs) # arrow head length

    # for nx = 2 only, offset the arrow
    # in the y direction to save space overall

    if (nx == 2) {
      if (is.na(arrow[6])) {
        arrow[6] <- 0
        cat("\tThe arrow can be offset vertically; see ?plotHive\n")
      y.st <- y.st + as.numeric(arrow[6])
      y.end <- y.end + as.numeric(arrow[6])
      y.lab <- y.lab + as.numeric(arrow[6])

      x = c(x.st, x.end), y = c(y.st, y.end),
      arrow = arrow(length = unit(al, "native")),
      default.units = "native", gp = axLab.gpar
    grid.text(arrow[1], x.lab, y.lab, default.units = "native", gp = axLab.gpar)

  annotateNodes <- function(anNodes, nodes, nx, anCoord) {
    if (is.null(anNode.gpar)) {
      if (bkgnd == "black") anNode.gpar <- gpar(fontsize = 10, col = "white", lwd = 0.5)
      if (!bkgnd == "black") anNode.gpar <- gpar(fontsize = 10, col = "black", lwd = 0.5)

    ann <- utils::read.csv(anNodes, header = TRUE, colClasses = c(rep("character", 2), rep("numeric", 5)))
    cds <- getCoords(anNodes, anCoord, nodes)

      x0 = cds$x.st, x1 = cds$x.end, y0 = cds$y.st, y1 = cds$y.end,
      default.units = "native", gp = anNode.gpar
    grid.text(ann$node.text, cds$x.lab, cds$y.lab,
      hjust = ann$hjust, vjust = ann$vjust,
      default.units = "native", gp = anNode.gpar, ...

  addGraphic <- function(grInfo, nodes, nx, anCoord) {
    gr <- utils::read.csv(grInfo, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    cds <- getCoords(grInfo, anCoord, nodes)

      x0 = cds$x.st, x1 = cds$x.end, y0 = cds$y.st, y1 = cds$y.end,
      default.units = "native", gp = anNode.gpar

    # readJPEG and readPNG are not vectorized, grab each graphic in turn
    # Figure out if we are using jpg or png files

    ext <- substr(gr$path[1], nchar(gr$path[1]) - 2, nchar(gr$path[1]))
    if ((ext == "png") | (ext == "PNG")) ext <- "png"
    if ((ext == "jpg") | (ext == "JPG") | (ext == "peg") | (ext == "PEG")) ext <- "jpg"

    # Now draw the images

    if (ext == "jpg") {
      for (n in 1:nrow(gr)) {
          x = cds$x.lab[n], y = cds$y.lab[n], default.units = "native", width = gr$width[n]

    if (ext == "png") {
      for (n in 1:nrow(gr)) {
          x = cds$x.lab[n], y = cds$y.lab[n], default.units = "native", width = gr$width[n]

  getCoords <- function(file, anCoord, nodes) {

    # Figure out the coordinates of the line segments and labels/graphics
    # anNodes and grInfo both contains certain columns which are used here

    df <- utils::read.csv(file, header = TRUE)

    id <- rep(NA, nrow(df))
    for (n in 1:nrow(df)) {
      pat <- paste("\\b", df$node.lab[n], "\\b", sep = "")
      id[n] <- grep(pat, nodes$lab)

    N <- matrix(
      data = c(
        0, 180, NA, NA, NA, NA,
        90, 210, 330, NA, NA, NA,
        90, 180, 270, 0, NA, NA,
        90, 162, 234, 306, 18, NA,
        90, 150, 210, 270, 330, 390
      byrow = TRUE, nrow = 5

    ax <- nodes$axis[id] # axis number
    for (n in 1:length(ax)) {
      ax[n] <- N[nx - 1, ax[n]]

    # Figure coords in requested reference frame

    x.st <- p2cX(nodes$radius[id], ax)
    y.st <- p2cY(nodes$radius[id], ax)

    if (anCoord == "local") {
      x.end <- x.st + p2cX(df$radius, df$angle)
      y.end <- y.st + p2cY(df$radius, df$angle)

      x.lab <- x.st + p2cX(df$radius + df$offset, df$angle)
      y.lab <- y.st + p2cY(df$radius + df$offset, df$angle)

    if (anCoord == "global") {
      x.end <- p2cX(df$radius, df$angle)
      y.end <- p2cY(df$radius, df$angle)

      x.lab <- p2cX(df$radius + df$offset, df$angle)
      y.lab <- p2cY(df$radius + df$offset, df$angle)

    retval <- data.frame(x.st, y.st, x.end, y.end, x.lab, y.lab)


  # Figure out which nodes to draw for each edge
  # Since they are in random order
  # Do this once/early to save time

  id1 <- id2 <- c()

  for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
    pat1 <- paste("\\b", edges$id1[n], "\\b", sep = "")
    pat2 <- paste("\\b", edges$id2[n], "\\b", sep = "")
    id1 <- c(id1, grep(pat1, nodes$id))
    id2 <- c(id2, grep(pat2, nodes$id))

  ##### Two dimensional case  (using grid graphics)

  # Prep axes first

  if (nx == 2) {

    # n1 <- subset(nodes, axis == 1)
    # n2 <- subset(nodes, axis == 2)

    n1 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 1, ]
    n2 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 2, ]

    max1 <- max(n1$radius)
    max2 <- max(n2$radius)
    min1 <- min(n1$radius)
    min2 <- min(n2$radius)

    r.st <- c(min1, min2) # in polar coordinates
    axst <- c(0, 180)
    x0a <- p2cX(r.st, axst)
    y0a <- p2cY(r.st, axst)

    r.end <- c(max1, max2)
    axend <- c(0, 180)
    x1a <- p2cX(r.end, axend)
    y1a <- p2cY(r.end, axend)

    # Set up grid graphics viewport

    md <- max(abs(c(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a))) * 1.5 # max dimension
    # 1.5 is used in case of labels

    if (np) grid.newpage()
    grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = bkgnd))
    vp <- viewport(
      x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
      xscale = c(-md, md), yscale = c(-md, md),
      name = "3DHivePlot"


    # Now draw edges

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if (nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) { # set up edge start params 1st
        th.st <- c(th.st, 0)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
      if (nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 180)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])

      if (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1) { # now edge end params
        th.end <- c(th.end, 0)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
      if (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2) {
        th.end <- c(th.end, 180)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])

      ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
      ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Draw axes

    grid.segments(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a,
      gp = gpar(col = HPD$axis.cols, lwd = 8),
      default.units = "native"

    # Now add nodes

    if (dr.nodes) {
      r <- c(n1$radius, n2$radius)
      theta <- c(
        rep(0, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(180, length(n2$radius))
      x <- p2cX(r, theta)
      y <- p2cY(r, theta)
      grid.points(x, y, pch = 20, gp = gpar(cex = c(n1$size, n2$size), col = c(n1$color, n2$color)))

    # Now label axes

    if (!is.null(axLabs)) {
      if (!length(axLabs) == nx) stop("Incorrect number of axis labels")
      if (is.null(axLab.gpar)) axLab.gpar <- gpar(fontsize = 12, col = "white")
      r <- c(max1, max2)
      if (is.null(axLab.pos)) axLab.pos <- r * 0.1
      r <- r + axLab.pos
      th <- c(0, 180)
      x <- p2cX(r, th)
      y <- p2cY(r, th)
      grid.text(axLabs, x, y, gp = axLab.gpar, default.units = "native", ...)

    # Add a legend arrow & any annotations

    if (!is.null(arrow)) addArrow(arrow, nx)
    if (!is.null(anNodes)) annotateNodes(anNodes, nodes, nx, anCoord)
    if (!is.null(grInfo)) addGraphic(grInfo, nodes, nx, anCoord)
  } # end of 2D

  ##### Three dimensional case (using grid graphics)

  # Prep axes first

  if (nx == 3) {

    # n1 <- subset(nodes, axis == 1)
    # n2 <- subset(nodes, axis == 2)
    # n3 <- subset(nodes, axis == 3)

    n1 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 1, ]
    n2 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 2, ]
    n3 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 3, ]

    max1 <- max(n1$radius)
    max2 <- max(n2$radius)
    max3 <- max(n3$radius)
    min1 <- min(n1$radius)
    min2 <- min(n2$radius)
    min3 <- min(n3$radius)

    r.st <- c(min1, min2, min3) # in polar coordinates
    axst <- c(90, 210, 330)
    x0a <- p2cX(r.st, axst)
    y0a <- p2cY(r.st, axst)

    r.end <- c(max1, max2, max3)
    axend <- c(90, 210, 330)
    x1a <- p2cX(r.end, axend)
    y1a <- p2cY(r.end, axend)

    # Set up grid graphics viewport

    md <- max(abs(c(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a))) * 1.3 # max dimension
    if (np) grid.newpage()
    grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = bkgnd))
    vp <- viewport(
      x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
      xscale = c(-md, md), yscale = c(-md, md), name = "3DHivePlot"

    # Now draw edges (must do in sets as curvature is not vectorized)

    # Axis 1 -> 2

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 210)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 2 -> 3

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 210)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 330)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 3 -> 1

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 330)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 1 -> 3

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 330)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 3 -> 2

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 330)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 210)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 2 -> 1

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 210)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2 etc (can be done as a group since curvature can be fixed)

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 210)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 210)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 330)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 330)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Draw axes

    grid.segments(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a,
      gp = gpar(col = HPD$axis.cols, lwd = 3),
      default.units = "native"

    # Now add nodes

    if (dr.nodes) {
      r <- c(n1$radius, n2$radius, n3$radius)
      theta <- c(
        rep(90, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(210, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(330, length(n3$radius))
      x <- p2cX(r, theta)
      y <- p2cY(r, theta)
      grid.points(x, y, pch = 20, gp = gpar(
        cex = c(n1$size, n2$size, n3$size),
        col = c(n1$color, n2$color, n3$color)

    # Now label axes

    if (!is.null(axLabs)) {
      if (!length(axLabs) == nx) stop("Incorrect number of axis labels")
      if (is.null(axLab.gpar)) axLab.gpar <- gpar(fontsize = 12, col = "white")
      r <- c(max1, max2, max3)
      if (is.null(axLab.pos)) axLab.pos <- r * 0.1
      r <- r + axLab.pos
      th <- c(90, 210, 330)
      x <- p2cX(r, th)
      y <- p2cY(r, th)
      grid.text(axLabs, x, y, gp = axLab.gpar, default.units = "native", ...)

    # Add a legend arrow & any annotations

    if (!is.null(arrow)) addArrow(arrow, nx)
    if (!is.null(anNodes)) annotateNodes(anNodes, nodes, nx, anCoord)
    if (!is.null(grInfo)) addGraphic(grInfo, nodes, nx, anCoord)
  } # end of 3D

  ##### Four dimensional case (using grid graphics)

  # Prep axes first

  if (nx == 4) {

    # n1 <- subset(nodes, axis == 1)
    # n2 <- subset(nodes, axis == 2)
    # n3 <- subset(nodes, axis == 3)
    # n4 <- subset(nodes, axis == 4)

    n1 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 1, ]
    n2 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 2, ]
    n3 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 3, ]
    n4 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 4, ]

    max1 <- max(n1$radius)
    max2 <- max(n2$radius)
    max3 <- max(n3$radius)
    max4 <- max(n4$radius)
    min1 <- min(n1$radius)
    min2 <- min(n2$radius)
    min3 <- min(n3$radius)
    min4 <- min(n4$radius)

    r.st <- c(min1, min2, min3, min4) # in polar coordinates
    axst <- c(90, 180, 270, 0)
    x0a <- p2cX(r.st, axst)
    y0a <- p2cY(r.st, axst)

    r.end <- c(max1, max2, max3, max4)
    axend <- c(90, 180, 270, 0)
    x1a <- p2cX(r.end, axend)
    y1a <- p2cY(r.end, axend)

    # Set up grid graphics viewport

    md <- max(abs(c(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a))) * 1.5 # max dimension
    if (np) grid.newpage()
    grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = bkgnd))
    vp <- viewport(
      x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
      xscale = c(-md, md), yscale = c(-md, md), name = "3DHivePlot"

    # Now draw edges (must do in sets as curvature is not vectorized)

    # Axis 1 -> 2

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 180)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 2 -> 3

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 180)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 270)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 3 -> 4

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 4)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 270)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 0)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 4 -> 1

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 4) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 0)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 1 -> 4

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 4)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 0)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 4 -> 3

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 4) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 0)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 270)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 3 -> 2

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 270)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 180)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 2 -> 1

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 180)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2 etc (can be done as a group since curvature can be fixed)

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 180)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 180)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 270)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 270)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 4) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 4)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 0)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 0)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Draw axes

    grid.segments(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a,
      gp = gpar(col = HPD$axis.cols, lwd = 3),
      default.units = "native"

    # Now add nodes

    if (dr.nodes) {
      r <- c(n1$radius, n2$radius, n3$radius, n4$radius)
      theta <- c(
        rep(90, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(180, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(270, length(n3$radius)),
        rep(0, length(n4$radius))
      x <- p2cX(r, theta)
      y <- p2cY(r, theta)
      grid.points(x, y, pch = 20, gp = gpar(
        cex = c(n1$size, n2$size, n3$size, n4$size),
        col = c(n1$color, n2$color, n3$color, n4$color)

    # Now label axes

    if (!is.null(axLabs)) {
      if (!length(axLabs) == nx) stop("Incorrect number of axis labels")
      if (is.null(axLab.gpar)) axLab.gpar <- gpar(fontsize = 12, col = "white")
      r <- c(max1, max2, max3, max4)
      if (is.null(axLab.pos)) axLab.pos <- r * 0.1
      r <- r + axLab.pos
      th <- c(90, 180, 270, 0)
      x <- p2cX(r, th)
      y <- p2cY(r, th)
      grid.text(axLabs, x, y, gp = axLab.gpar, default.units = "native", ...)

    # Add a legend arrow & any annotations

    if (!is.null(arrow)) addArrow(arrow, nx)
    if (!is.null(anNodes)) annotateNodes(anNodes, nodes, nx, anCoord)
    if (!is.null(grInfo)) addGraphic(grInfo, nodes, nx, anCoord)
  } # end of 4D

  ##### Five dimensional case (using grid graphics)

  # Prep axes first

  if (nx == 5) {

    # n1 <- subset(nodes, axis == 1)
    # n2 <- subset(nodes, axis == 2)
    # n3 <- subset(nodes, axis == 3)
    # n4 <- subset(nodes, axis == 4)
    # n5 <- subset(nodes, axis == 5)

    n1 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 1, ]
    n2 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 2, ]
    n3 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 3, ]
    n4 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 4, ]
    n5 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 5, ]

    max1 <- max(n1$radius)
    max2 <- max(n2$radius)
    max3 <- max(n3$radius)
    max4 <- max(n4$radius)
    max5 <- max(n5$radius)
    min1 <- min(n1$radius)
    min2 <- min(n2$radius)
    min3 <- min(n3$radius)
    min4 <- min(n4$radius)
    min5 <- min(n5$radius)

    r.st <- c(min1, min2, min3, min4, min5) # in polar coordinates
    axst <- c(90, 162, 234, 306, 18)
    x0a <- p2cX(r.st, axst)
    y0a <- p2cY(r.st, axst)

    r.end <- c(max1, max2, max3, max4, max5)
    axend <- c(90, 162, 234, 306, 18)
    x1a <- p2cX(r.end, axend)
    y1a <- p2cY(r.end, axend)

    # Set up grid graphics viewport

    md <- max(abs(c(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a))) * 1.3 # max dimension
    if (np) grid.newpage()
    grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = bkgnd))
    vp <- viewport(
      x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
      xscale = c(-md, md), yscale = c(-md, md), name = "3DHivePlot"

    # Now draw edges (must do in sets as curvature is not vectorized)

    # Axis 1 -> 2

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 162)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 2 -> 3

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 162)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 234)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 3 -> 4

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 4)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 234)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 306)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 4 -> 5

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 4) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 5)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 306)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 18)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 5 -> 1

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 5) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 18)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 1 -> 5

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 5)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 18)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 5 -> 4

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 5) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 4)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 18)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 306)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 4 -> 3

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 4) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 306)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 234)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 3 -> 2

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 234)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 162)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 2 -> 1

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 162)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2 etc (can be done as a group since curvature can be fixed)

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 162)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 162)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 234)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 234)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 4) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 4)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 306)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 306)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 5) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 5)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 18)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 18)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Draw axes

    grid.segments(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a,
      gp = gpar(col = HPD$axis.cols, lwd = 3),
      default.units = "native"

    # Now add nodes

    if (dr.nodes) {
      r <- c(n1$radius, n2$radius, n3$radius, n4$radius, n5$radius)
      theta <- c(
        rep(90, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(162, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(234, length(n3$radius)),
        rep(306, length(n4$radius)),
        rep(18, length(n5$radius))
      x <- p2cX(r, theta)
      y <- p2cY(r, theta)
      grid.points(x, y, pch = 20, gp = gpar(
        cex = c(n1$size, n2$size, n3$size, n4$size, n5$size),
        col = c(n1$color, n2$color, n3$color, n4$color, n5$color)

    # Now label axes

    if (!is.null(axLabs)) {
      if (!length(axLabs) == nx) stop("Incorrect number of axis labels")
      if (is.null(axLab.gpar)) axLab.gpar <- gpar(fontsize = 12, col = "white")
      r <- c(max1, max2, max3, max4, max5)
      if (is.null(axLab.pos)) axLab.pos <- r * 0.1
      r <- r + axLab.pos
      th <- c(90, 162, 234, 306, 18)
      x <- p2cX(r, th)
      y <- p2cY(r, th)
      grid.text(axLabs, x, y, gp = axLab.gpar, default.units = "native", ...)

    # Add a legend arrow & any annotations

    if (!is.null(arrow)) addArrow(arrow, nx)
    if (!is.null(anNodes)) annotateNodes(anNodes, nodes, nx, anCoord)
    if (!is.null(grInfo)) addGraphic(grInfo, nodes, nx, anCoord)
  } # end of 5D

  ##### Six dimensional case (using grid graphics)

  # Prep axes first

  if (nx == 6) {

    # n1 <- subset(nodes, axis == 1)
    # n2 <- subset(nodes, axis == 2)
    # n3 <- subset(nodes, axis == 3)
    # n4 <- subset(nodes, axis == 4)
    # n5 <- subset(nodes, axis == 5)
    # n6 <- subset(nodes, axis == 6)

    n1 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 1, ]
    n2 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 2, ]
    n3 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 3, ]
    n4 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 4, ]
    n5 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 5, ]
    n6 <- nodes[nodes[, "axis"] == 6, ]

    max1 <- max(n1$radius)
    max2 <- max(n2$radius)
    max3 <- max(n3$radius)
    max4 <- max(n4$radius)
    max5 <- max(n5$radius)
    max6 <- max(n6$radius)
    min1 <- min(n1$radius)
    min2 <- min(n2$radius)
    min3 <- min(n3$radius)
    min4 <- min(n4$radius)
    min5 <- min(n5$radius)
    min6 <- min(n6$radius)

    r.st <- c(min1, min2, min3, min4, min5, min6) # in polar coordinates
    axst <- c(90, 150, 210, 270, 330, 390)
    x0a <- p2cX(r.st, axst)
    y0a <- p2cY(r.st, axst)

    r.end <- c(max1, max2, max3, max4, max5, max6)
    axend <- c(90, 150, 210, 270, 330, 390)
    x1a <- p2cX(r.end, axend)
    y1a <- p2cY(r.end, axend)

    # Set up grid graphics viewport

    md <- max(abs(c(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a))) * 1.3 # max dimension
    if (np) grid.newpage()
    grid.rect(gp = gpar(col = NA, fill = bkgnd))
    vp <- viewport(
      x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
      xscale = c(-md, md), yscale = c(-md, md), name = "3DHivePlot"

    # Now draw edges (must do in sets as curvature is not vectorized)

    # Axis 1 -> 2

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 150)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 2 -> 3

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 150)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 210)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 3 -> 4

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 4)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 210)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 270)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 4 -> 5

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 4) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 5)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 270)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 330)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 5 -> 6

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 5) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 6)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 330)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 390)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 6 -> 1

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 6) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 390)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Axis 1 -> 6

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 6)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 390)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 6 -> 5

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 6) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 5)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 390)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 330)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 5 -> 4

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 5) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 4)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 330)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 270)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 4 -> 3

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 4) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 270)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 210)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 3 -> 2

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 210)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 150)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 2 -> 1

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 150)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = -0.5

    # Axis 1 -> 1, 2 -> 2 etc (can be done as a group since curvature can be fixed)

    r.st <- r.end <- th.st <- th.end <- ecol <- ewt <- c()

    for (n in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 1) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 1)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 90)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 90)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 2) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 2)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 150)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 150)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 3) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 3)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 210)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 210)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 4) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 4)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 270)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 270)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 5) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 5)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 330)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 330)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

      if ((nodes$axis[id1[n]] == 6) & (nodes$axis[id2[n]] == 6)) {
        th.st <- c(th.st, 390)
        r.st <- c(r.st, nodes$radius[id1[n]])
        th.end <- c(th.end, 390)
        r.end <- c(r.end, nodes$radius[id2[n]])
        ecol <- c(ecol, edges$color[n])
        ewt <- c(ewt, edges$weight[n])

    x0 <- p2cX(r.st, th.st)
    y0 <- p2cY(r.st, th.st)
    x1 <- p2cX(r.end, th.end)
    y1 <- p2cY(r.end, th.end)

    if (!length(x0) == 0) {
      grid.curve(x0, y0, x1, y1,
        default.units = "native", ncp = 5, square = FALSE,
        gp = gpar(col = ecol, lwd = ewt), curvature = 0.5

    # Draw axes

    # grid.segments(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a,
    # gp = gpar(col = "black", lwd = 7),
    # default.units = "native") # more like linnet

    grid.segments(x0a, y0a, x1a, y1a,
      gp = gpar(col = HPD$axis.cols, lwd = 3),
      default.units = "native"

    # Now add nodes

    if (dr.nodes) {
      r <- c(n1$radius, n2$radius, n3$radius, n4$radius, n5$radius, n6$radius)
      theta <- c(
        rep(90, length(n1$radius)),
        rep(150, length(n2$radius)),
        rep(210, length(n3$radius)),
        rep(270, length(n4$radius)),
        rep(330, length(n5$radius)),
        rep(390, length(n6$radius))
      x <- p2cX(r, theta)
      y <- p2cY(r, theta)
      grid.points(x, y, pch = 20, gp = gpar(
        cex = c(n1$size, n2$size, n3$size, n4$size, n5$size, n6$size),
        col = c(n1$color, n2$color, n3$color, n4$color, n5$color, n6$color)

    # Now label axes

    if (!is.null(axLabs)) {
      if (!length(axLabs) == nx) stop("Incorrect number of axis labels")
      if (is.null(axLab.gpar)) axLab.gpar <- gpar(fontsize = 12, col = "white")
      r <- c(max1, max2, max3, max4, max5, max6)
      if (is.null(axLab.pos)) axLab.pos <- r * 0.1
      r <- r + axLab.pos
      th <- c(90, 150, 210, 270, 330, 390)
      x <- p2cX(r, th)
      y <- p2cY(r, th)
      grid.text(axLabs, x, y, gp = axLab.gpar, default.units = "native", ...)

    # Add a legend arrow & any annotations

    if (!is.null(arrow)) addArrow(arrow, nx)
    if (!is.null(anNodes)) annotateNodes(anNodes, nodes, nx, anCoord)
    if (!is.null(grInfo)) addGraphic(grInfo, nodes, nx, anCoord)
  } # end of 6D
} # closing brace, this is the end!
bryanhanson/HiveR documentation built on July 23, 2024, 9:22 p.m.